Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 492 Entering the Camp

"Go, call Zhang Yi and Ju Fu over."

Feng Yong gave an order.

Ju Fu was originally the Sima of the Zhu Ti County Army, but now Feng Yong wanted him to come here, and together with Zhang Yi, he was recommended by Feng Yong as the captain of Yuejun County and led the soldiers of Yuejun County.

After reporting in Jincheng a few days ago, they belonged to Feng Yong's name, and now they stay in Fengzhuang like Zhang Yi, and they will go to Yuejun to take office together after Feng Yong's wedding.

The two had long been standing in the crowd behind to watch the fun, but now when they saw Feng Yong calling them, they hurried out and saluted together, "Chang Shi, what do you want me to tell you?"

Feng Yong said with a smile, "Let's go and meet the sergeants you will command in the future."

The two said excitedly, "No!"

Feng Yongyile thought that the two of them were only happy when they heard that their soldiers had arrived.

Unexpectedly, after a closer look, they saw that the eyes of the two were looking at Zhao Yun, and their eyes were full of admiration.

Immediately, I felt a little upset. The soldiers I prepared for you not far away are not as attractive as an old man?

However, Feng Yong also knew that, as one of the only remaining five tigers, Mr. Zhao was indeed the idol of many generals in the big man.

At the moment, he had to sell a favor, "This is General Zhao, why don't you hurry up and greet him?"

When the two heard this, they looked at each other, trembling slightly with excitement, they hurriedly stepped forward and bowed deeply, "Yue Jundu Wei Jufu (Zhang Yi) has seen General Zhao!"

Zhao Yun didn't pay much attention to the two of them at first, but after sweeping his eyes over Zhao Guang, Li Yi, Wang Xun and others, he seemed to think of something, and then his eyes fell on Ju Fu and Zhang Yi, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

"They are all members of the army, so there is no need to be so polite."

As he said that, he actually nodded to the two of them as a gesture. This move made them feel wildly excited again.

The temporary camp of Nanxiang soldiers was arranged in a camp outside Jincheng. Before Feng Yong and his party approached, they saw guards standing at the gate of the camp from a distance.

Feng Yong gestured to Zhao Guang, Zhao Guang understood, walked forward and said to the guards, "Feng Changshi came to visit the camp."

After receiving the order, the guard saluted, but did not open the gate of the camp, only one person turned around and went inside.

"What does this mean?"

Zhao Yun, who thought the guards would directly open the gate of the camp, asked a little strangely.

"Oh, the rules of the Nanxiang soldiers. The guards on duty in the camp are related to the safety of the entire camp. No one is allowed to give orders to the guards in the camp at will. The guards on duty in the camp can only accept orders from their chief and team leader. The guard should be inside. Report it."

"You can't either?"

Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"No." Feng Yong shook his head, "Unless it is an emergency, if I want to give orders to the guards on duty at the gate of the camp, I have to go through their long team."


"Because if I give orders by leapfrogging at will, the people below will follow suit, resulting in the phenomenon of multiple orders in the army. This is not a good thing for the army."

"What if their long team is not there?"

Zhao Yun looked like he would not give up without asking the end.

"It's impossible not to be there. As I said, the camp guards are related to the safety of the entire camp. During the guards' duty, there must be someone from the commander in chief, otherwise it will be dereliction of duty."

"If it's dereliction of duty, what should I do?"

"When dealt with according to the military law, it should be executed according to the law."

Feng Yong said lightly.

Zhao Yun nodded, thinking that the military order was strict, and then asked another question.

"But if you say that, doesn't it mean that the Shichang team has a chance to kill the soldiers underneath?"

I always feel that Mr. Zhao's question is a bit vicious.

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Yun, and had to answer, "No, just teach them good and evil, honor and disgrace."

He pointed to the camp again, sighed, and said, "Among them, most of them were born in misery, and it was hard for them to have a stable life. If they had no choice, who would want to go back to the past?"

"In Nanxiang, there are their parents and wives. As long as they understand that they are fighting bravely to make their parents and wives behind them live a good life, how can they make trouble?"

Literacy and reading can help you understand things better.

Literacy and reading can better cultivate excellent workers, soldiers and so on.

This is one of the reasons why Feng Yong is desperate to promote literacy and reading in Nanxiang.

Coupled with the vigorous promotion of pan-Han doctrine, the distinction between Han and Hu can be eliminated to the greatest extent, and they can be twisted into one rope and exert their strength in one direction.

So why do material construction and spiritual construction have to be grasped with both hands?

When there are material guarantees, institutional guarantees, and efforts to create an atmosphere of joy after hearing the war, and when the soldiers below know why they are fighting, even if there is a few long teams who lead garrison leaders and Qu Chiefs who want to If you want to make trouble, who will listen to him?

I'm afraid that as soon as he gave out his orders, he would be killed by the soldiers below, and then he would take his head to receive the reward.

It's just that the things here involve too much scope, Feng Yong can't talk about it, and Zhao Yun has no chance to ask more.

Because the camp was finally opened at this time, Huang Chong led a group of Qu Chang ministers to welcome him out with excitement.

"Chong, I have seen Changshi."

Minister Qu Chang and the others shouted together, "The villain has seen Feng Junhou!"

Feng Yong was also polite, nodded, and took the lead to walk into the camp.

Standing on the counting platform of the camp, Feng Yong ordered, "Gather soldiers."

Huang Chong replied immediately, "No!"

All the song chiefs and ministers immediately ran away.

First there was a whistle, and then there were whistles from several places near and far. Except for the guards on duty in the camp who were standing still, the camp suddenly became noisy like boiling water.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of slogans and footsteps, passing by and approaching, and gradually gathered towards the soldiers counting platform.

"Team A is here, Team B is here, fuck you! Who told Team C to stand here, move this way..."

The voices were chaotic and high-pitched, and the formation seemed to be chaotic, but it also implied the formation, but as long as the leader stood still, the soldiers behind would move like a snake.

After a while, after the orders of the teams below were heard for a short time, the entire army gathering ground began to fall silent, and in the end even the coughing sound disappeared.

The neat team stood below, and everyone stood still.

It only took a very short time for the camp to become solidified from boiling at the beginning.

In the suddenly quiet camp, only Huang Chong gave an order: "Stand up!"


All the soldiers stood upright.

Huang Chong turned around, saluted, and said loudly, "Chairman Changshi, please!"

Feng Yong returned the gift.

Huang Chong turned around again and shouted to the soldiers, "Stop!"

When the soldiers moved their feet, there was another bang.

Zhao Yun's expression gradually became serious: Don't look at this small movement, but it reflects the smoothness of this army like arms and fingers.

This is just a camp temporarily arranged for this army, not a place for them to practice on weekdays. Even the gathering drums haven't been hung up yet, just with a few whistles, they can gather together very quickly.

Not only that, but it can also list the neatest formations.

More importantly, if he hadn't seen the mud on their bodies, Zhao Yun wouldn't have thought of it at all. This is a team that has traveled eighty miles a day for half a month and just took a breath.

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong, and was finally shocked: How did this kid train such a rare soldier in the world?

Unexpectedly, Feng Yong was standing in front of the team, took two steps back and forth, and then suddenly yelled two words: "Trash!"


As soon as Feng Yong opened his mouth, the soldiers immediately tensed up.

"More than a thousand people, starting from Nanxiang, there are only 600 people left here! Do you think you are trash!"

Feng Yong cursed, "Look at you!"

As he spoke, Feng Yong walked up to the soldiers, pointed at their feet, and asked, "Where's the leggings?"

The soldiers who were called out immediately blushed, but they didn't dare to lower their heads. They could only stand there with their heads held high, their eye circles turning red quickly.

"Reporting to Changshi... Leggings, lost..."

The soldier shouted the first three words loudly, but the last few words were as low as mosquitoes.

Feng Yong bent down and lifted the soldier's trouser legs, and saw that the soldier's legs were trembling slightly. Feng Yong knew that it was because his legs were sore and painful that they trembled unconsciously.

"Look how many of you have lost your leggings!"

Feng Yong pointed at the feet of the crowd again, "When traveling a long distance, you must wear leggings. This is a military order! You can even lose the leggings, so what can you expect? You are completely humiliated!"

Feng Tubie's curse words surged out, and he pointed at the soldiers frothing.

However, the soldiers still followed him, and many people showed shame on their faces.

General Zhao Yun of Dahan Zhendong was stunned for a while.

What a rare soldier, you still call them a bunch of useless guys?

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