Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 493 Habayashi Orphan

Zhao Yun, who had led the army in battle all his life, understood one thing very well: how terrible it is for a soldier who can walk 80 miles a day for half a month without complaining.

What's even more frightening is that these soldiers are not old soldiers who survived the battle, but a group of new soldiers, most of whom have never been in battle.

Moreover, after they arrived at the place, they could quickly regroup and form a neat formation when the general gave an order.

This kind of soldier is not just a random adult man enlisted in the army.

When the Han Dynasty was strong, it emphasized that "non-clergymen are not allowed to be recruited."

At that time, the big Han not only paid attention to the usual training according to local conditions and different arms, but also insisted on regular review and assessment of soldiers.

Only those who pass the daily training can go to the battlefield.

If you fail the assessment on weekdays, you will be punished.

Then after going through a few battles, as long as they can survive, they can directly become elite soldiers, real elite soldiers.

Follow orders and move forward despite all difficulties and dangers.

If there is a ban, stop it, and you will not be afraid of the sword.

Leaders like this kind of soldiers the most, because they have terrible execution ability and amazing perseverance, which can make the general's intentions get the best use of them.

Whether it was the champion Hou of the former Han who led 800 riders into the desert, or the thirteen heroes of Geng Gong who returned to Yumen in the later Han, in addition to the commander who won the hearts of the soldiers, the soldiers were well-trained on weekdays.

This is one of the important reasons why the big man can sweep the surrounding area.

However, since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, in order to expand their power, the princes of all walks of life wantonly recruited civilians and common people into the army and drove them to fight.

After countless fights, if one out of a hundred people can survive, it is considered a fine soldier, and the rest either died on the spot, or were discarded and starved to death after being disabled.

In other words, this is simply the most cruel way to pile up elite soldiers with human lives.

And in Zhao Yun's view, this kind of elite soldiers is nothing more than a killing tool in the hands of people from all walks of life, and it is not at the same level as the elite soldiers used by big men to swallow the world, expel Hu Yi, and protect the peace of the people.

However, at this time, a different kind appeared in the big man.

This alien recruited a thousand soldiers in Nanxiang.

Among the thousands of soldiers, there are Hu people, Liao people, and Han people.

With one order, this group of soldiers will travel eighty miles a day for half a month.

However, not only did these thousands of soldiers have no complaints, but they were proud of going forward bravely and ashamed of falling behind.

Although I don't know if it is like a fire, but it is as fast as the wind, as quiet as a forest, and as immovable as a mountain. Even if it is a bit over-the-top, it is not far behind.

Didn't expect this outlier to be disgusted?

It's really unreasonable!

Mr. Zhao almost blurted out immediately: You don't want to give it to me! I want it!

Mr. Zhao was thinking of this, but he didn't know that Junhou Feng, who was lecturing, pointed at him and said, "Do you know who this is? He is the hero of the Han Dynasty, General Zhendong General Zhao!"

There was a slight commotion among the soldiers below.

Feng Tubie said sadly, "You are not only ashamed in front of me, but also in front of General Zhendong! It really disappoints me!"

Zhao Yun: ...

After squinting at Feng Yong, a word popped up in his heart inexplicably: clever words!

"These days in Jincheng, we have to strengthen our training, do you understand?"


The soldiers responded with a bang, their expressions high.

"Okay, dismiss."

Orders were passed down layer by layer, and the soldiers left the field gradually under the leadership of each team.

Even leaving is as smooth as entering, and it is a kind of enjoyment to watch.

Zhao Yun sighed, stood behind Feng Yong and asked quietly, "What do you want to do with the other four hundred people?"

"What four hundred people?"

Feng Yong was a little confused, so he turned around.

"I heard very clearly just now that there are 671 people who can reach Jincheng on time, and about 400 people are left on the road. What are you going to do with them?"

"Naturally let them return to Nanxiang."

"Don't take them to Yuejun?"

"What are these unqualified soldiers doing with them?"

"The old man will discuss with you."

Zhao Yun waved the crowd away, approached Feng Yong, and said something.


Seeing Zhao Yun's mysterious appearance, Feng Yong asked inexplicably.

"The four hundred people, since you don't want them, how about giving them to the old man?"

"What does the old general want them to do? They are all unworthy..."

"This old man likes things that are not popular. For example, dog meat, this old man likes to eat it very much."

Zhao Yun looked straight at Feng Yong and said sincerely.

Feng Yongqian laughed, "Old General Zhao was joking."

Zhao Yun snorted, "That's because you were joking first."

As he spoke, he pointed to the departing soldiers and said, "Do you know what surprised me the most about these soldiers just now?"

Feng Yong scratched his head, "Could it be a queue?"

"As for the queue, as long as you practice hard day after day, you can always achieve it."

"That means they can live eighty miles a day?"

"You also know that traveling eighty miles a day is a big deal?" Zhao Yun gave Feng Yong an angry look, "Then you just scolded them for being useless?"

"I don't think that if you don't beat or scold, you're useless."

Feng Yong chuckled.

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong, ignored his confusion, and sighed again, "It's not impossible to travel eighty miles a day, as long as you carefully select the best soldiers. The Wei soldiers trained by Wu Qi back then were far more powerful than others. You soldiers are much better."

"Then why did Old General Zhao surprise them?"

Feng Yong asked strangely.

"Although I don't know how many people you transferred from Nanxiang. But I know that there are 671 people in Jincheng now."

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Yong seriously, and said, "This is the number gathered by the soldiers below one by one just now, and you didn't send someone to do the statistics."

"This means that each of those soldiers knows how to do arithmetic? Right?"

"Well, that's right." Feng Yong admitted with a nod, and explained by the way, "Nanxiang soldiers, every soldier must at least learn addition and subtraction within a hundred and ninety-nine formulas, and be able to recognize some commonly used characters. "

That is the level of half a primary school student. With Nanxiang's current conditions, it is not difficult as long as he is willing to implement it.

"As for the team leader and above, the requirements are even higher." Speaking of this, Feng Yong spread his hands, "So, now Nanxiang can at most draw a thousand soldiers."

"Thousands of names are already scary."

Zhao Yun looked at the backs of the soldiers leaving the field, and said slowly, "The former Han Dynasty took the descendants of the dead who joined the army, raised the Yulin officials, and taught them five soldiers. This is how we got the Habayashi Army. The number of Yubayashi soldiers is no more than two. Thousands of people."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "You soldiers, are you following the example of Orphan Habayashi?"

Feng Yong trembled, "Old General Zhao, you can't talk nonsense about such things!"

"What are you afraid of!" Zhao Yun glanced at Feng Yong contemptuously, "I only said that you soldiers are similar to Habayashi orphans, and I didn't say anything else."

"The soldiers of the Habayashi Army, everyone can read and write, and learn the five soldiers. Although the number is small, their combat power is very strong. I dare not say that one is equal to a hundred, but it is more than enough if one is equal to ten."

There was an inexplicable gleam in Zhao Yun's eyes, and he looked at Feng Yong, "You asked everyone in Nanxiang to be able to read and write. What is the purpose?"

"Before, the old soldiers who retired from the battlefield were recruited to go to Nanxiang. Don't tell me that they really went there to enjoy their blessings?"

Zhao Yunyue said that his eyes became brighter, and he couldn't help pointing at Feng Yong, "How dare you say that this is not an example of Orphan Habayashi?!"

Feng Yong: ...

"You made such preparations three years ago, what is the purpose?"

Zhao Yun seemed to have come to a conclusion, he stared at Feng Yong seriously and asked without waiting for Feng Yong's excuse.

Feng Yong smiled bitterly, "General Zhao, if I say that I just wanted to educate Hu Yi as soon as possible, would you believe it or not?"

"Yes, of course. But just for this?"

Zhao Yun nodded and asked.

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