Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 495: The Thoughts of Flower Garland

"Uncle Zhao, is Feng Langjun at the residence?"

In Feng Zhuang, Hualan asked Butler Zhao.

"Ms. Hua, the lord has gone out with General Zhao."

Now that the gentlemen who communicate with Feng Zhuang are all nobles of the great man, Steward Zhao is used to seeing nobles, and his demeanor has also increased. Facing the daughter of the court censor Zhongcheng, he said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Old General Zhao? But General Zhendong?"

Huahuan was slightly taken aback.


After receiving an affirmative answer, Hualan's face became even more astonished, thinking to herself that that guy was really good, and even General Zhendong came to look for him in person.

During the days when she came to Jincheng, Hualan felt that she had finally seen the world.

Jincheng is so prosperous, it really is prosperous like brocade, and it is worthy of the name Jincheng.

Exquisite food, exquisite clothing, exquisite utensils...

Everything is beautiful here.

Compared to places like Nanzhong, Hualan found that she still liked it better - except that she couldn't give orders to those tribesmen in Nanzhong, everything else was much better than Nanzhong.

A few days ago, the empress even invited him into the palace, and rewarded him with a lot of fine woolen cloth, which was something he had never seen before.

I was thinking of bringing some woolen cloth to Feng Zhuang to give to my good sister Amei who I met in Nanzhong, but I didn't expect to hear that the woolen cloth was made by that surnamed Feng.

Later, Huahuan found out that there is Nanxiang County in Hanzhong County to the north of Jincheng. It is a place where demons dance wildly. It is dark during the day and brightly lit at night. There are all kinds of weird things. It is Feng Yong. It was made by hand, and this woolen cloth was produced there.

I heard that there is even an avenue built by magic there.

Hualan was taken aback on the spot: That person surnamed Feng was really born as a ghost king? !

After inquiring again, this Guiwang Feng had failed the queen's sister, and nothing happened in the end, Huahuan was a little scared - it sounds like this guy is really powerful, I found him in Nanzhong Trouble, how can this be done?

Also, when I heard that this man is cruel and merciless, the young masters of the two royal families offended him, and he was forced to run to places like Nanzhong to avoid disaster, Huahuan was even more flustered.

Not to mention that many sons and lords in Jincheng now recognize him as their elder brother. As long as he gives an order, those sons and lords are willing to serve him.

This is not a lie, some people have seen it with their own eyes. Once, many sons and lords of many families were standing on the street waiting for him to give orders.

Fortunately, Amei is Feng Langjun's favorite concubine, and she was born as a female official in Nanzhong, so Hualan got this kind of relationship, and these days she runs a little frequently to Fengzhuang.

On Zhuangzi, she often saw people pointing at this person and saying that this is the son of a certain family, which family's lord is this...

"Then Uncle Zhao, is Amei there?"

Huayuan showed a sweet smile and asked Butler Zhao very politely.

"Miss Amei is in the backyard."

"I want to see Amei."

"Hua Niangzi, please do your own thing, come and take Hua Niangzi to see Amei."

Butler Zhao called over a maid from the house and asked her to lead the garland to the backyard.

I heard that Mrs. Hua is the daughter of the barbarian king of Nanzhong, and Mrs. Amei is also from Nanzhong. It is normal for the two of them to be close.

Moreover, there are quite a few Liao people on the Zhuangzi. When the lady Hua met Amei's clansmen on the Zhuangzi for the first time, she was so happy that she ran to chat with them for a long time.

So in Zhao's view, it is normal for this lady Hua to like to come to Zhuangzi because she is far away from her hometown and happens to have her own clan in Zhuangzi.

"Amei, what are you doing again?"

In the backyard, Hualan saw Amei lying on the table and counting something, so she asked.

"Calculate the quantity of some medicinal materials."

Amei was originally the daughter of a witch in the clan, and her status was not low.

Although she is now a concubine, she was trained by Feng Yong as a senior secretary from the very beginning.

Up to now, her achievements have even exceeded Feng Yong's expectations. She can be regarded as a senior technical talent, and she is a cross-disciplinary talent, involving mathematics, medicine and other disciplines.

Although people in this era don't understand what it means to be self-sufficient in reading, Ah Mei has a considerable tolerance in front of outsiders, apart from her low self-esteem in front of Feng Yong.

Therefore, facing the garland, it is plain and natural.

"What medicine?"

"My lord will soon go to Yuejun to take office, so I need to collect some medicinal materials to prevent the epidemic. I am now in charge of accounting for this matter."

Amei explained and calculated the quantity of medicinal materials registered on the paper.

Daily calculations are very simple for her.

Hualan leaned over and saw a bunch of incomprehensible symbols drawn on the paper, and she didn't understand it immediately.

Immediately, he said enviously, "You are amazing!"

"What's there?"

Amei said modestly, "It's just learning a little bit from the master."

As he spoke, his eyes showed fascination, "My lord has several big boxes, all of which are knowledge written by him, and there are so many things in them that I can't understand..."

Huahuan sat down next to her and said, "I heard that many Han women in rich families just learn from female celebrities. Things like this that manage the family's property are all done by men. I didn't expect this It's different in Feng's residence."

Ah Mei laughed when she heard that, "What's the matter? You don't know that in Nanxiang, there are many families where women are the heads of the household. The master said that women hold up half the sky, and he wished that women would come out and do things."

"Also, like Mrs. Guan and Mrs. Huang, the property in their hands is in their own hands. I don't know how many times more powerful than ordinary men."

Huahuan clapped her hands, and sincerely admired, "This Feng Langjun, as expected of a ghost king, has a different heart."

In her clan, women were the ones who had the final say, but now that she came to Jincheng, she saw that men were the main ones everywhere, so she felt a little unhappy.

The only exception was the guy surnamed Feng who bullied her in Nanzhong. Not only did Zhuangzi take in Liaoren, but even let a woman be the master of the house, which really fit her heart.

Although Feng Yong doesn't like the title of Ghost King very much, Amei likes it very much.

As a witch in the clan, her mother was in charge of communicating with ghosts and gods. Isn't it reasonable for her to serve the king of ghosts after becoming a witch?

This is also one of the reasons why she took care to climb onto Feng Yong's couch when she was in the old place of the clan.

The Lord bears the name of the ghost king, and after she became a witch, she returned to the old place of the clan at that time. The two of them worshiped the adults and the mother. Isn't all this just God's will?

Of course, she has long been interested in a certain soil turtle, that is the most basic.

At this time, when Hualan mentioned the name of the ghost king, Amei smiled slightly, "My lord's heart is naturally different from others."

When the topic of Feng Yong agreeing to let women come out to do things was mentioned, Huahuan's heart skipped a beat, her eyes rolled a few times, and she didn't know what she thought of.

"By the way, Amei, this Feng Langjun is about to marry the wife of the Guan family. Have you ever seen other members of the Guan family come to Zhuangzi these days?"

Huahuan didn't feel much about Feng Yong's marriage to the wife of the Guan family and taking Ah Mei as his concubine. Her Ah Da had many other women besides his mother.

She asked this question, but it had no meaning.

Amei glanced at Huahuan with a strange look, and held back her smile, "Although I am very familiar with Mrs. Guan, I don't know Mrs. Guan's family."

When Hualan comes over, she always mentions the Guan family intentionally or unintentionally, especially in the end, she always mentions Mr. Guan Suolang. As a person who has been here, how can Amei not know her thoughts?

It's just that Mr. Guan Suolang...he is also the mistress of the Feng family in the future, how dare Amei talk nonsense?

The moment has to be vague.

After hearing this, Hualan was disappointed and said, "A few days ago, I went to Guan's mansion to post a message to find Guan Suo, but I didn't expect the people in Guan's mansion to tell me that he is not in the mansion."

Liao women dare to love and hate, not as shy as Han women.

The Zhurong tribe is also headed by a woman, and Hualan is the young patriarch, how can she be as coy as the Han woman?

It's just that Hualan doesn't know how she feels about Guan Suo at this time, whether she hates it or likes it, she always wants to ask him out again in her heart, and it would be best to beat him up .

At this time, a servant came to report: "Lady Amei, the lord has returned to the residence."

Before Amei could speak, Huahuan stood up suddenly.

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