Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 496 Launching Special Skills (Two In One Chapter)

Feng Yong sent Mr. Zhao away, and then brought everyone back to Zhuangzi.

Seeing Zhao Guang whose face was blue and purple, and grinning while helping his waist from time to time, Feng Yong sighed helplessly.

A guy who obviously has super good looks and can rely on his face to make a living must always develop in the direction of death.

"What's going on here?"

Feng Yong pointed to Zhao Guang's face and asked.

Zhao Guang's eyes flickered, and he covered his face, "It's nothing, it's just that the lord pointed out the younger brother's martial arts..."

Well, it really is a family of military generals, and they can do this by pointing out martial arts.

Seeing that Zhao Guang didn't want to talk about it, Feng Yong didn't intend to delve into it, since he was used to it anyway.

At this time, only a servant came to report, "My lord, Lady Hua is asking to see you."

flower girl? Garland?

Feng Yong was a little surprised.

Hualan was tricked by herself in Wei County... Well, no, after winning the curly-haired red rabbit horse, she ran over several times and tried her best to win the horse back.

But beside Feng Yong, there is Ji Ji in martial arts, Zhao Guang in archery, and Yang Wan in horseback riding, so how can you be afraid of her?

In the end, the curly-haired red rabbit horse didn't win back. Instead, he was angry and cried several times, and posted a lot of Nanzhong treasures.

The only gain is getting to know Amei, so that when she arrives in Jincheng, someone can talk to her, so she doesn't have to be too lonely.

Later, Hualan learned that there were still a group of bureaucrats on Feng Yong Zhuangzi, so these days they ran to Feng Zhuang very diligently.

Fengzhuang is a place that corrupts people. Everyone who comes here will be addicted to delicious food.

Garlands are no exception.

One day after Amei asked her to have a meal, Hualan became Feng Zhuang's frequent visitor.

According to Feng Yong's private inquiries with Amei, Huayuan hides in Amei's small courtyard every day after eating and then leaves. Before leaving, she packs snacks.

This girl Amei has a simple interpersonal relationship, and she hardly has any friends on weekdays. Seeing that Hualan is willing to associate with her, Feng Yong is also happy to see the success, so he welcomes this straightforward girl from Nanzhong—as long as he doesn’t bother him. good.

It is estimated that Hualan also knows Feng Yong's thoughts, so even when she comes to Fengzhuang, she always runs to find Amei quietly, and rarely hangs around in front of Feng Yong.

So at this time, Feng Yong was a little surprised to hear that Hualan wanted to see him.

Hualan is a female guest, so naturally it is not easy to bring everyone to meet her, Feng Yong asked to arrange her to a side hall first.

After Feng Yong passed by, Hualan was sitting on a chair, her legs dangling constantly, her eyes kept looking at the door, with an impatient look.

When she saw Feng Yong's figure, her eyes lit up, she quickly stood up, greeted him, put on a smile, and called out sweetly: "Brother Feng."

When Feng Yong heard this, he immediately stopped in shock, picked out his ears, looked suspiciously at Hualan, and asked, "Who?"

"My concubine and Amei are as close as sisters. Isn't it reasonable to call Feng Langjun and Feng's brother?"

When Hualan saw Feng Yong's action, the smile on her face froze at first, and then immediately put on a sweeter smile again, "Brother Feng, do you think so?"

Remembering that this girl kept crying to herself "I want a big baptism" when she was in Nanzhong, but now she would call herself brother?

Feng Yong looked Huahuan up and down, he didn't believe that Amei had such a great ability.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at the opponent's leg, but he didn't see the white calf, bad review!

So Feng Yong sat down on the main seat, and said slowly, "Hua Niangzi..."

"Brother Feng, what are your orders?"

"Do you know that there is a saying in our Chinese dialect, which says that when one is courteous, one must ask for something?"

Huawan's smile froze immediately.

"What's more," Feng Yong pointed at the other party and said, "When you smile, can your eyes be more sincere? You should be like this..."

As he said that, Feng Yong showed Hualan a flattering and sincere smile.

Are you afraid that you have found the wrong person in front of "Feng Langjun" with clever words?

Hualan hit a nail, gritted her silver teeth, the smile on her face disappeared suddenly, she sat back in her seat angrily, and drank a big mouthful of water.

See, that's how she really feels about herself.

After Hualan filled a bowl of water, he remembered the purpose of his visit this time, so he had to lower his posture again, and softly called out, "Brother Feng..."


Crunchy, very crunchy!

Feng Yong quickly waved his hands and said, "Stop, stop! If you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, what do you want to eat, go to the kitchen and tell the cook by yourself."


Hualan's eyes lit up immediately.

"You came here just for this?"

Feng Yong squinted.

"Oh, oh, of course not." Only then did Hualan remember the business, with a sweet smile on her face again, "Brother Feng, I heard that you plan to open a racecourse in Yuejun?"

"Everyone in Jincheng knows about this, so why ask more?"

"Brother Feng, it's not a concubine who said that your Han people's farming skills are naturally unparalleled in the world, and no one can compare. But when it comes to raising Yunnan horses, I'm afraid they can't compare with us."

Hualan came over and said softly, "The Dian foal was born in Nanzhong, and we Liao people are very familiar with it. Therefore, I also want to contribute to this matter, I wonder if I can? "

Hearing this, Feng Yong was quite surprised, and immediately put his body upright and looked at the flower ring, thinking that this chick is really not simple, she is so courageous!

"There is a big pasture in Yuejun, which is a good place to open a horse farm. Do you want to participate in the one I am going to open, or open another one yourself?"

Because Hanzhong is becoming more and more prosperous, the connection with Jincheng is also getting closer, and the flow of materials between the two places is not a small amount every day.

It is precisely because of this that Dongfeng Express has gradually entered people's eyes.

And there is Nanzhong.

As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, due to the opening of the Wuchi Road in Shu, the Yunnan slaves, rhinoceros leather, gold and silver, etc. in Nanzhong continued to flow in and became richer and more luxurious.

Others don't know about this, so don't the local aristocratic families in central Sichuan know about this?

I don't know how many of them became rich because of this.

Now that the prime minister has pacified Nanzhong, the connection between Nanzhong and Shu has been restored, and the local products of Nanzhong must also resume circulation.

In addition, Zhuti County will also mine copper mines, and the reclamation manor in Nanzhong...

There are so many things, which one does not require a Yunnan horse?

Anyone with a little brain will realize that in the next few years, the demand for the best means of transportation in mountainous areas such as Dianma will explode.

In the past, no one knew how to open a racecourse to raise horses, and they could transport things from Nanzhong to make a fortune. If they really opened a racecourse and got Yunnan horses as livestock, how many times would it cost? !

Therefore, opening a racecourse is not only an urgent matter, but also a matter of ensuring profits without losing money.

The problem is that the most critical technology for opening a racecourse is only in the hands of Feng Yong.

No silage technology, no alfalfa, you open an egg pasture?

Do you want to follow those barbarians and run after cows and horses every day? Sleeping in the open air?

And even if this is the case, how many cows and horses can you raise?

Ranch is king!

Moreover, only Feng Yong is most familiar with how the ranch should be run.

Without Feng Yong's technical support, who knows when the ranch will be able to start?

If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the workshop built by the imperial court in Nanzheng? Now Ma Di is still battered!

This is also why the rich and powerful in Jincheng wanted to protect Feng Yong to death, and did not give the Mi family and Liu family any face. One of the reasons for the concession.

Now the racecourse in Yuejun, on the surface, is full of children of the rich and powerful, but in fact, none of them have the support of the family behind them. To put it bluntly, this is a game in the circle of the rich and powerful.

As a surrendered general, it would be fine for Meng Huo to stay in Jincheng peacefully, but if he overreached and wanted to get his hands on the rich and powerful's cake, then it would not be a matter of stretching out his hands and feet.

It is a matter of direct human destruction.

At that time, maybe there will be some people from the clan reporting that he misses the land of Nanzhong, reads some irony, or some barbarian in Nanzhong is holding the banner of King Meng to make troubles. Basic operation.

As for Hualan and Mrs. Zhurong, maybe because the barbarian girls don't understand etiquette, they will be accused of being too dissolute and shameless, and they will die suddenly in the end.

In the face of huge benefits, Feng Yong believed that the rich and powerful would definitely be able to do such a thing, and they would not be relentless at all.

It is true that the Zhuge old demon will not be fair and strict for the mere Meng Huo family, but will take the opportunity to ask Li Hui to plow Nanzhong again.

Regarding the matter of the Yuejun Racecourse, Feng Yong really wanted to get the Meng family involved, because he wanted to borrow the Meng family's reputation in Nanzhong.

But it wasn't Meng Huo, but the current governor of Yuejun, Meng Yan. After all, Meng Yan's political stance should at least be much more secure.

Although Meng Huo was said to be Yushi Zhongcheng, everyone knew that it was a title used to appease people's hearts and show off to the people who eat melons.

Otherwise, why could Meng Yan stay in Nanzhong and recruit the prefect to play, but Meng Huo could only move to Jincheng?

In addition to the rich and powerful in Jincheng, there are also aristocratic families in the middle of Sichuan, and some people are red-eyed and try their best to get on line with Feng Yong.

Du Qiong and Qin Mi a few days ago, although it was accidental, it was inevitable.

Even without the two of them, some Li Qiong and He Mi would come out and try their best to flirt with Feng Tubie shamelessly.

I'm so anxious, maybe I will throw out a few daughters from aristocratic families who were engaged, and then their fiancés died suddenly...

After all, Feng Langjun likes this one!

So no matter whether it is a powerful or aristocratic family, how can it be compared with Meng Huo, who has a sensitive status like Meng Huo?

It's almost the same for Meng Yan to come over. After all, Meng Yan has the final say in Nanzhong Meng's family now.

"How dare my little sister participate in it? I just want to open a small horse farm in the big pasture to earn some coolie money."

Huahuan waved her hands again and again.

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yong asked.

"I just want to use Brother Feng's method to open a small horse farm in Yuejun. The horses raised can be sold to earn some coolie money."

"Brother Feng, my little sister once heard that you said that a woman can hold up half the sky, but you are a strange man who truly treats men and women equally."

Hualan flattered Feng Yong first, and then continued to explain, "So my little sister runs this small racecourse, and Amei's share is actually in it. It can be regarded as our sisters setting an example for girls."

"Also, since the younger sister's family left Nanzhong to live in Jincheng, most of the tribes in Nanzhong have no one to take care of them. It's not a solution. The younger sister thought that putting Zhu Rong's tribe in the Yuejun horse farm to raise horses would be considered as a gift for the tribe. found a way."

"Brother Feng, the Zhu Rong Department is dominated by women, and my younger sister thinks it is the most appropriate title to be an example. I don't know what you think?"

"Huh? You actually have such an idea?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong was really surprised, thinking that this girl really gave him a lot of surprises today.

He looked at the flower garland seriously, and after a while he said, "If you really do this, I will do my best to help!"

The old demon Zhuge moved nearly 20,000 barbarian households to Shu, in order to weaken the strength of the southern and central barbarians.

Officially speaking, now that Hualan is willing to take the initiative to move the Zhurong Department to Yuejun, and place it under the direct management of the court, this is an act of understanding enlightenment and etiquette, and she is a great loyal minister.

This move also inadvertently flattered the old monster Zhuge. If there was a chance, Meng Huo might really have a comeback one day.

Selfishly speaking, Amei is his concubine, her heart, liver and lungs are all her own, and she has a share in Hualan's racecourse, which is no different from having her own share.

More importantly, Feng Yong was greatly moved by what Hualan said about being a role model.

Nanxiang is said to be a place where demons dance wildly. One of the reasons is that women are the masters of the house-the rooster rules the morning, but the thread of the house. If this is not the way of disaster, what is it?

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie couldn't help having an evil thought: Damn, I will use the horses I raised in Yuejun's own racecourse, and then support the racecourse in Hualan, and sell them to people from aristocratic families. I will see if you can buy them or not. !

You can even let Hualan cooperate with people from aristocratic families to open a horse farm. Let me see if you really treat money like dung!

Disgusting things, do you think you are the only ones who can do them?

When the time comes, let's see who dares to say "Men Ji Si Chen" again?

Huahuan naturally didn't know Feng Tubie's dirty mind. When she heard that Feng Yong had agreed to the matter, she immediately jumped up and asked in disbelief, "Feng...Brother Feng, what do you think?" Is it true?"

Feng Langjun heard the words, with a sincere smile on his face, he said to the garland, "You and Amei are as close as sisters, how could I lie to you?"

As he said that, the smile on his face grew wider, and he began to use Feng Langjun's special skill: clever words.

"Ms. Hua, if you run this racecourse by yourself, it is too small. If you do this, I can find some contacts for you and ask them if they are willing to pay for the money. When the racecourse grows bigger, the income will be higher." more."

"I've heard that your tribe is considered a big family in Nanzhong! If you open a small horse farm, how can you afford to support your tribe? At that time, someone will subsidize money and food for you, and I will help you provide fodder. Afraid that the racecourse will not be open?"

When Huahuan heard this, her eyes widened immediately, and she said in a stuttering manner, "Brother Feng... why is he so nice to me all of a sudden?"

Saying that, I don't know what I thought of, and there was a look of panic on my face: This ghost king... Could it be that he has taken a fancy to me?

"Hey, you little lady, look at what you said, when did I treat you badly? Every time you come to this house, you take away less of the snacks in this house? These days I even have someone make you My favorite snacks."

In fact, it was Amei who asked her for her sister, but Feng Tubie took the credit for herself without blushing.

I saw a look of blame on Feng Langjun's face with clever words, "I will take office in Yuejun soon, and I am a colleague of the prefect Meng, and you are the niece of the prefect Meng. It is convenient for me to do this horse farm, isn't it right?" Reasonable thing?"

After hearing this, Hualan rolled her eyes and thought to herself, so he didn't know about the quarrel between my lord and my uncle, it seems that I can take advantage of it.

As soon as she thought of this, a pure smile appeared on Huayuan's face, "I see, Brother Feng, you are so kind!"

"It should be!"

Feng Junhou smiled in relief.

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