Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 497 Shadow

"It's just Brother Feng, if someone else pays for the money, wouldn't this horse farm have the final say?"

After all, Hualan is the young patriarch of the clan, and he still has basic political common sense.

It would be the best if the whole clan can be moved here to live a good life, but if one's horse farm is controlled by someone, wouldn't it be putting the clan under the control of others?

"How could someone else have the final say?"

Feng Yongqi said, "There are many people in the world who want to pay money and food to build a racecourse, but who can build it except me? If it is said that whoever pays more money and food, whoever has the final say, then why do they come to me? ?”

"That's why we have the final say on who has the share of the racecourse. If anyone dares to refuse to accept it, let him go. I don't believe anyone dares to criticize such a thing that can't be asked for."

When Huahuan heard it, her eyes widened immediately: Why is this person so brazen?

But... the more brazen this person is in this matter, the more beneficial he is?

Thinking of this, Huahuan became happy again.

Feng Yong leaned over and tried to seduce a straightforward girl from Nanzhong, "Besides, you are Amei's good sister, and Amei has a share here. Would I still hurt you?" You?"

Feng Yong's voice was deep and magnetic, full of allure.

"Since you know about the horse farm, you should have inquired about the ranch in Nanxiang, right? You must have heard about the life of the herdsmen in the ranch in Nanxiang. The most basic thing is to have a good life."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that there are many people who want to settle down in Nanxiang County, but they can't get it. After two or three years, this racecourse will be established. Do you dare to say that it is not the second Nanxiang County?"

"At that time, your clansman also established a foothold there. I can directly register them with household registration. They will be authentic locals. It's not much better than staying in the poor mountains and rivers of Yizhou County? What do you want to do then? How much is this?" It’s a good thing that people can’t ask for!”

After hearing this, Hualan's heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Feng, is everything you said true?"

There was heat in Huawan's eyes, and she felt a little hot all over her body.

She is not a fool, if the Zhurong family can really gain a foothold in Yuejun again, and they have property at hand, after ten or twenty years, although they dare not become the second Meng family in Yizhou County - of course, Grandpa Zhuge will not allow it Someone became the second Meng family in Yizhou County.

But it is enough to be your true reliance.

It's better than my family looking like rootless duckweed in Jincheng.

"of course it's true."

Feng Yong patted his chest and said, "Don't say it's Zhu Rong's tribe. If a tribe with a close relationship finds your sect, you can also agree to them."

It is Zhuge's old demon's established policy to try his best to control the barbarians in Nanzhong to reduce the rebellion in Nanzhong. If they are not afraid of their numbers, they are afraid that they will not come.

In addition, Feng Yong has another calculation.

That is, the Yi people from Yizhou County moved to Yuejun County. They must be unfamiliar with the place at first, and they don't have so many local connections. As long as the dates are added to the stick, they can only be obedient.

As for the barbarians in Yuejun, it's best if they are obedient, and it doesn't matter if they don't. Nanxiang County has a model project for such things as using barbarians to control barbarians!

Even though Hualan knew that Feng Yong had her own purpose, how could she have thought of this, when she heard his assurance at this moment, she was almost overjoyed.

She really didn't expect that the harvest this time was beyond her expectation.

Before she came over, she thought she was going to cry from anger again!

I didn't expect Feng Yong to be so talkative this time.

Thinking of this, Huahuan thought to herself, it seems that Amei is really favored by him, otherwise why is he so talkative when I say that I want her to have a share in this racecourse? In this way, in the future, I still have to make friends with her a lot.

The two of them felt quite satisfied after finishing some kind of transaction. They looked at each other and smiled, and the relationship seemed to be much closer.

So Feng Yong finally asked the question that he had been wondering for a long time, "Hua Niangzi, I have something to ask you."

"Brother Feng, please tell me."

Hualan was in a good mood, and the Feng family elder brother called out willingly.

"I remember that in your clan, there is a kind of strong woman with infinite strength. I wonder if they were trained?"

After the contest between Nanzhongwei County and Hualan, Guan Ji once told Feng Yong that the yellow scarf fighters under Zhang Jiao had many similarities with the strong women of the Zhurong tribe.

Originally, this matter just added some talking points to everyone.

But for Feng Yong, it is something worth paying attention to.

Unexpectedly, when Hualan heard his question, she had a look of vigilance on her face, "This is the secret method of our clan."

Feng Yong had thought of this idea a long time ago, and he didn't intend to ask for this secret technique, "What I want to know is, is this secret technique only available in your clan?"

"That's natural."

Hualan raised her head contentedly, "Our Zhurong tribe, it is because of this kind of secret method that we are not bullied by other tribes."

"Is it possible to accidentally spread it?"

Feng Yong asked again.

Huahuan shook her head and said firmly, "It's absolutely impossible. Even I don't know how to do this secret technique, only my mother can. If I want to learn it, I can only become the head of the clan."

Feng Yong looked at her, thought for a while, and then said, "But about forty years ago, there was a group of people in the Central Plains, both men and women, who were equally powerful, and they were almost the same as the strong women in your clan." Exactly the same."

When Feng Yong said this, he paused on purpose, and looked at the flower ring carefully.

When Huahuan heard this, she didn't have any abnormal reaction. Instead, she widened her eyes and retorted, "Impossible! Only women in our clan can do that..."

Seeing the appearance of the flower ring, Feng Yong believed that she really didn't know about it, and was a little disappointed at the moment, nodded and said, "That's right. It seems that I was wrong."

After talking about things, Huayuan left quickly.

Feng Yong was still sitting in his seat with a dignified expression.

Traveling to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, no one can get around a historical shadow, that is, the Five Hu Rebellion.

When he met Tufa Tianli in Ju County, Feng Yong had heard the other party mention the legend of the Tiannv in the Tuoba tribe of Xianbei: the descendants of the heavenly daughters are the leaders for generations.

In the eyes of many people, this legend may be a joke.

Because today's Xianbei Tuoba tribe is not too powerful, not to mention often attacked by other tribes, and even split off a bald tribe a few years ago.

Now they are still migrating in order to find a fixed pasture.

In this troubled world, the Tuoba tribe could disappear into the vast grassland overnight, be wiped out, or be merged into other tribes like those countless small tribes at any time.

But Feng Yong knew that according to normal history, it was this inconspicuous Tuoba Xianbei tribe in the northern grassland who finally unified the north and established the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The saying that the sons and daughters of heaven are the leaders from generation to generation is not a legend, nor is it a fantasy, but a real prophecy, and it is a prophecy that will be fulfilled in the future.

But for Feng Yong, if a celestial woman were to descend from the sky in front of him in a celestial chariot, his first reaction would not be to kneel down, and he would not believe in her belly after sleeping with someone like Tuoba Jiefen. have their own offspring.

Instead, he tied her tightly, and then tortured her to ask her where the time tunnel was.

So instead of making Feng Yong believe that there really are goddesses in this world, it is better to believe that someone used some unknown means to use the northern tribes to achieve their goals.

No matter what their ultimate goal is, it is worth them to support a northern grassland tribe for a hundred years, but there is an external environment that is necessary, that is, the world is in chaos, so that they will have a chance to achieve their goals.

And what caused the chaos in the world today, we have to mention the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

If you want to mention the Yellow Turban Rebellion, you have to mention Zhang Jiao.

As for Zhang Jiao, he once studied under a worldly expert.

The yellow turban wrestlers under Zhang Jiao were the vanguard who stirred up the situation in the world at the beginning.

As for the Yellow Turban Warriors... only Zhang Jiao knows how to train and drive them.

Whether it is the legend of the celestial girl or the yellow scarf warrior, Feng Yong has a very similar feeling to his operation methods.

Whenever he thinks of these two things, Feng Yong always has a creepy feeling. He always feels that there is a huge shadow looming.

This shadow is called the World Beyond Mountain Gate.

Of course he prefers to believe that this is his whimsy, but Feng Yong has never forgotten that when he first met the old monster Zhuge, even such a talented person had some scruples about the mountain gate.

Originally, I thought that I could get some clues about the Yellow Turban Warrior from Hualan, but I didn't expect it to be empty.

After a long time, he sighed quietly, "I hope I think too much..."

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