"Ji Han Shu Yi Jiang Biography" contains:

At that time, Feng Langjun was the governor of Yuejun County, and he was about to take up his post. He called Gao Dingziyuan and asked, "Do you miss Nanzhong?"

As far as trembling is concerned, "Your Majesty, I am happy here, but I don't think about Nanzhong."

It meant that Mr. Feng Lang had other plans, and he didn't dare to be disrespectful.

Yi Shigong sighed and said: "Yuan is the son of Gao Ding. After the king of Yi, he is still frightened like this. What's more, ordinary Yi people?" It can be seen from this that the name of Feng Langjun, the ghost king, has a great deterrent power in Nanzhong!

It's just that Gao Yuan wants to learn from the later generations of Adou, Feng Yong is not Sima Yan.

Hearing what Gao Yuan said, Feng Yong was a little unhappy, "People are not grass, how can they be ruthless? Mr. Gao Lang is at ease in Jincheng, don't you think about the scattered clansmen in Yuejun?"

Gao Yuan muttered, but he didn't know how to answer.

Of course he had thought about it, but he could only think about it secretly at night.

From Gao Yuan's point of view, he wanted to be sad when the clansmen were displaced, but as long as Grandpa Zhuge didn't say anything, then the clansmen would be to blame if they fell to this level, so they couldn't be sad for them, but they deserved it.

If Grandpa Zhuge had spoken and allowed him to be sad, then even if he wasn't sad, he had to be sad.

Now the King of Ghosts asked if he wanted Yue Jun's clansman, so should he want to, or should he not?

Eshun watched from the side, wanting to speak, but he was hesitant to intervene easily - if he defended the former Shaojun too much, he would be harmed instead.

Fortunately, Feng Langjun did not intentionally embarrass Gao Yuan, just listened to him continue, "Last year, the Prime Minister pacified Yue Jun. I didn't expect that when the army left, the barbarians of Yue Jun would surrender and turn back. Qu Department is the worst."

"His ruler Chang Dongfeng not only raised the flag to appeal to the barbarian tribes in Yuejun to rebel, but also indulged his commander Li Qiucheng to kill Gong Lu, the prefect of Yuejun County. This is an unforgivable crime!"

Feng Yong said with a look of resentment on his face, "Now Yuejun Taishou Meng Yan has led his army into Yuejun and flattened Beishui area. Kill all the thieves."

Gao Yuan trembled when he heard the words "kill all and kill all".

Feng Yong looked at Gao Yuan, and said meaningfully, "In the past, King Gao had a great reputation among the barbarians in Yuejun, and Mr. Gao Lang is the son of King Gao. What do you think about this?"

Gao Yuan said hastily, "It is an unforgivable crime for the rebels not to know Tianwei."

Feng Yong nodded, "Mr. Gao Lang has general knowledge, that's the best. The prime minister once swore an alliance with the barbarians in Wei County, and treated the Han and barbarians as the same. I didn't expect that there would be people so ignorant of flattery."

"Even for the Han people, if they want to be traitors, it is also a crime to kill the clan."

Gao Yuan was startled when he heard this, and he immediately remembered what the ghost king asked just now: Do you want to live in Yuejun's tribe?

If the tribe is also involved in the rebellion, or if someone borrows the name of the late lord, then this is the crime of killing the tribe...

Thinking of this, even though it was still cool in early spring, cold sweat was already breaking out on Gao Yuan's forehead, and he only felt a slight dampness on his back.

Eshun finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said loudly, "Feng Langjun, those rebellious barbarians in Yuejun are indeed to be punished. The villain is willing to be the first to behead the heads of those rebellious thieves."

When Gao Yuan heard it, he was blessed to the heart, and quickly followed suit, "Feng Langjun, the villain is also willing to go to Yuejun to gather the old clansmen, firstly to prevent them from being confused by the rebellious thieves, to gain momentum for the thieves, and secondly to help Feng Langjun calm the chaos Add a little bit of help. I also ask Feng Langjun for permission!"

As long as you gather the people of the old days and hold high the banner of anti-insurgency, then your own people will be the righteous teachers to suppress the chaos, not the rebellious thieves—rather than waiting for yourself to be punished, it is better to punish other people's clans yourself.

Gao Yuan gritted his teeth, God damn it!

Feng Yong laughed loudly, got up and got off his seat, took Gao Yuan's hand, and said with relief, "I didn't expect Mr. Gao Lang to be so loyal. Yong made a mistake before, no wonder!"

Then, he personally pulled him into his seat, "Since Mr. Gao Lang has such intentions, how can I not allow it? In this way, I promise you three hundred treasured swords and one hundred pieces of leather armor. How much food should I give you, how about it?"

With the successful development of the blower, Nanxiang's iron smelting output and quality have risen to a great level. The ordinary weapons in the past can no longer be seen by Nanxiang soldiers, and they just replaced them as favors.

Leather armor is of course not cowhide, but sheepskin. Although the quality is not very good, it is better than nothing.

Gao Yuan got Feng Yong's promise, and his heart that had been hanging for a long time was finally relieved, and he said quickly, "Dare Gao Yuan not to swear to die for service?"

"Okay!" Feng Yong said happily, "Mr. Gao Lang has been in Yuejun for a long time, presumably he is familiar with the geography of Yuejun's human relations. I don't know how to teach me?"

Hearing this, Gao Yuan glanced at Eshun, and then said, "Return to Junhou, if Feng Langjun doesn't think the villain is stupid, the villain will know everything."

"Oh?" Feng Yong expressed surprise, "Please come quickly, Mr. Gao Lang."

"Yes, let the villains come together one by one." Gao Yuan stabilized his mind, and then continued, "Yuejun is governed by Qiongdu, and if Feng Langjun wants to calm Yuejun, Qiongdu is the inevitable place. "

"From Jincheng to Qiongdu, there are two roads. One is from Jincheng to Beishui, and then into Qiongdu. This road has water and mountains, and it is quite difficult."

"The other one is the Jiunian Avenue. It is not only flat, but also close. It can go directly from Jincheng to Qiongdu, but it needs to pass through places where many tribes gather, such as the Yanniu tribe. It has been abandoned for more than a hundred years."

"Now the head of the Yanniu tribe is called Langlu, and his daughter is married to Dongfeng of the Dongqu tribe in Suqi County. She is related to the traitor Dongfeng by marriage."

"As for Suqi County, where the Dongqu tribe lives together, it is only a hundred miles northwest of Qiongdu, so if Feng Lang-jun wants to establish Qiongdu, he must destroy the Dongqu tribe."

Gao Yuan gritted his teeth and said this at the end.

Although he also called Dongfeng, the head of the Dongqu tribe, an uncle, but since the death of his lord, many people from his old clan must have taken refuge in Dongfeng and got involved in this rebellion.

In this case, the best way to prove your innocence is to kill Dongqubu—who told you to dance the happiest now?

Still the same sentence, it is definitely better to punish other people's clan by yourself than to wait for others to punish your own clan.

Most of what Gao Yuan said was already investigated by Feng Yong, but there is a flat road from Jincheng to Qiong, but he has never heard of it.

This news surprised him, "Since there is a flat road, why is it abandoned?"

As soon as the question came out of his mouth, he knew it was wrong.

Nanzhong has been rebelling continuously since the middle of the later Han Dynasty. Because Yuejun is close to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the west and has a special terrain, it is the hardest hit area of ​​the rebellion.

Ji Han's two consecutive Yuejun prefects were killed by barbarians, from which we can see the seriousness of barbarian chaos.

Therefore, it is quite normal for the official path to be blocked.

The official road that has been isolated by the barbarians for more than a hundred years, does not matter if anyone knows the way, even if someone knows the way, I am afraid that the road will not be able to go long ago, so the old monster Zhuge led his army into Yuejun, so he will go humble Water line.

Feng Yong asked Gao Yuan some more about Yue Jun, and then he looked at Eshun.

"Since Mr. Gao Lang and General E are both willing to help me put down the chaos in Yuejun, I will give you a warrant and send you some men. You can choose a day to go to Yuejun to gather the old troops, and I will bring the army to follow. ,how?"

"Follow your orders."

Gao Yuan and E Shunqi said in unison.

Feng Yong was overjoyed and encouraged Gao Yuan again, and then he was sent out of the door.

After going out, seeing no one around, Eshun praised Gao Yuan, "At first I was worried that Shao Jun would make a slip of the tongue, but I didn't expect that the response just now was decent. It seems that I was worrying too much."

Gao Yuan looked back with lingering fear, and then smiled wryly, "General E, don't want to praise me."

He pointed to his back, "I'm still wet here."

Thinking of the situation in the hall just now, Gao Yuan was a little scared, but also a little lucky.

"General E, tell me, can we recall our former clansmen?"

If this trip really comes to fruition, I might have a turning point, and most importantly, Jincheng's family can live a more comfortable life.

If it doesn't work, it's not only me, but also the whole family behind me, and it will be like this for the rest of my life, trapped in the small courtyard of Jincheng and living in fear.

Maybe one day he will die.

With a firm expression on Eshun's face, he nodded and said, "When King Gao was still there, who in Yuejun would dare not obey King Gao's orders? Other tribes are fine, and none of our own clansmen has received the favor of King Gao ?”

"As long as the commander-in-chief raises the banner, I believe that those clansmen who have been favored by King Gao in the past will flock to return to the banner of the commander-in-chief."

Gao Yuan nodded and forced a smile, "I hope so."

Although in the past year, Gao Yuan's character has become cautious, but he is Gao Ding's son after all, and he was also a person who has seen various scenes back then, so he will not be as straightforward as Eshun.

It was impossible for the clansmen of the past to come back in droves, but as long as three to five thousand people could gather, it would be considered a big surprise.

How can a person like the ghost king pin his hope of calming down the more subdued on himself? He must be just treating himself as a pawn.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the clansmen of the past really came back in droves like Eshun, so what? Can I still learn from adults?

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan couldn't help asking, "General E, you have been with that Feng Langjun for a long time, what kind of person do you think he is?"

"I don't know what kind of person he is. But I heard people say that this person is far-sighted and ruthless, and he is a person who should not be easily offended. A few days ago, I heard that the relatives of the Han Emperor offended him, and he was sent to the I went to Nanzhong."

Thinking of all kinds of rumors about Feng Yong, and remembering that he usually looks harmless to humans and animals, Eshun can't really tell.

Gao Yuan nodded, thinking that if someone else came in, the situation of Yue Jun might not be certain, but Grandpa Zhuge directly asked the Ghost King to take up the post in Yue Jun, it seemed that he was determined to rectify there.

The whole Nanzhong was taken care of by the King of Ghosts, how could Yue Jun escape his schemes?

"General E, tell me, if I really can gather the clansmen together again, and then express my obedience to Feng Langjun, move the clansmen out of the mountains and forests, build houses on the flat land, and learn farming and mulberry from the Han people, is it feasible?"

Gao Ding glanced at the Feng Mansion behind him again, and finally said with determination.

Eshun asked in astonishment, "Why does Shaojun have such thoughts?"

Gao Ding smiled wryly and shook his head, "Where is there any young gentleman? It's just a lost dog."

As he said that, he sighed and looked at Eshun, "If we still have the same idea as before, I'm afraid it won't work. Grandpa Zhuge asked the ghost king to govern Yuejun, obviously to make Yuejun a real Han. counties."

"Instead of waiting for them to do something, we should take the initiative to submit ourselves. If we say this, we can still get credit for being the first."

Eshun remembered that when he was recuperating in Wei County, he saw those prisoners of war tied up in a row and escorted to the north. He also subconsciously glanced at Feng's mansion behind him, and then fell silent.

In Feng's mansion, after Gao Yuan and E Shun left, Feng Yong saw Wang Xun's hesitant expression, and asked, "What doubts do you have, Zishi?"

Wang Xun nodded, "Brother just said that Gao Yuan and Eshun went to Yuejun to gather the old troops first, and also provided them with weapons and supplies. I always feel that something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, Gao Yuan is the son of Gao Ding, and Eshun is a rare and fierce general who is also loyal to Gao Ding. If they convene the old troops and have a different heart, wouldn't it be that the tiger returns to the mountain and raises a tiger?"

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Yong smiled lightly, "Anyway, we are going to Yuejun to quell the chaos. Even if they have a different heart, it is just to let us quell one more rebel army."

"Besides, if Gao Yuan really has the courage, I have to thank him. He gathered the remnants of Gao Ding and saved us from looking for them one by one."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong's eyes showed a deep look, "The manpower of the Yuejun Racecourse has not yet been found. If there is one more rebel army, then the racecourse will have more manpower. Isn't that good?"

Wang Xun was taken aback, "It turns out that elder brother had planned for a long time ago, and it's my younger brother who was worrying too much."

Feng Yong shook his head and said with a smile, "Zi Shi, you are cautious by nature, and you are the most careful. It is rare to be able to consider this. Why do you say so much?"

Remembering that Huang Chong and the others were still waiting for news in the barracks, he said to Wang Xun, "Yizhi and the others are still waiting for news, Zishi go over and call them back, let's discuss the matter of Yuejun."


When Huang Chong and the others returned to Feng's residence, Feng Yong had already put up a huge map of Yue Jun in the hall, and at the same time there was a sand table beside it.

Zhang Ni and Ju Fu were already surprised when they saw such a detailed map, but they were even more shocked when they saw the sand table that showed the topography in detail.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

The two leaned forward, their eyes sunk in and unable to be pulled out.

"The topographic map of Yue Jun's mountains and rivers." Feng Yong clicked on the map, then pointed to the sand table, "With the mutual verification of the two, a lot of trouble can be saved."

"This is more than a matter of saving trouble. According to the law of war, if the husband has not fought and the temple is the winner, it is nothing more than that if you think about it?"

Ju Fu touched the sand table for a while, and looked at the map for a while, and he couldn't help it.

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