Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 502 Before the Expedition

Hearing Ju Fu's words, Feng Yong couldn't help laughing and said, "Why are you exaggerating so much? It's just a rough strategy and a deduction of the battle situation. As for the final confrontation with the enemy, the victory or defeat depends on the leader of the army."

"It is enough to set a general policy and deduce the battle situation!"

Zhang Ni agreed with Gou Fu's statement, and looked at this huge map with reluctance. Has he ever seen such an incomparably finely crafted map in his life?

"Fighters and fighters are nothing more than the right time, place and people. The weather is unpredictable. As far as harmony is concerned, the barbarian soldiers are not trained enough, and the weapons are not enough to fear. They only rely on the dangerous land. With this map and sand table, the only thing the barbarians can do Those who can rely on it are not to worry about."

The maps of this era are extremely rough. A random line is a river, and a thicker line is a mountain.

Not to mention scale bars, contour lines, and contour lines.

Fortunately, when the old demon Zhuge came to Yuejun, he had visited Yuejun on the spot, and had someone make a sand table map of Yuejun.

As the long history of Yue Jun, Feng Yong is going to lead the army to quell the chaos, so he is naturally qualified to obtain various materials of Yue Jun.

In addition, Eshun and Gaoyuan are Yue Junyi people, and they are familiar with the local geography.

That's why Feng Yong was able to make such a map.

As the leading elder brother of the second generation of the rich and powerful, Feng Yong was given titles such as far-sightedness and cruelty. Even Zhao Guang sometimes felt that his elder brother was unfathomable.

But Feng Yong is well aware of his own details, at most he has the advantage of knowing the future and having vision.

When it comes to playing tricks, Old Demon Zhuge can beat a bunch of scum like him with one hand.

But it doesn't matter, he knows that there is a department in later generations called the General Staff Department.

Members of the staff come from all branches, at all levels, and its members need to ensure that the commander understands all aspects of the army, and at the same time can help the commander formulate how to respond to various situations.

Feng Yong also knows that there is a system called joint meeting.

A joint meeting can gather the wisdom of all the people as much as possible.

In the later period of Ji Han, the talents withered, both in quantity and quality, were far inferior to Cao Wei.

To make up for his own shortcomings and lack of talents, the only way Feng Yong can think of is to set up a joint staff department and gather the wisdom of everyone.

In order to establish the Joint Staff, in addition to gathering talented people with outstanding talents, it also needs a large number of grassroots literate personnel.

The soldiers of Nanxiang just met this condition.

The day when the literate Nanxiang soldiers gradually matured after the war was the day when the Joint Staff Headquarters was formally established.

Taking out the map and the sand table, calling Wang Xun, Huang Chong, and Zhang Yiju to discuss it together was only Feng Yong's first attempt at the joint staff system.

At the same time, these few people are also the most important assistants for Feng Yongping to stabilize Yuejun, so Feng Yong wants to let them know his strategic intentions in Yuejun and his policy for Yuejun in the future.

Although Zhang Yi and Ju Fu may not have reached the level of ability in the history books of later generations, their talents are there.

The half-mature two worked together, and with the assistance of Wang Xun and Huang Chong, this lineup was already considered a luxurious package for Yue Jun's Yi Luan.

What Feng Yong has to do is to put forward his own strategic intentions, and then let them implement it. At the same time, within the scope of his power, he can provide them with the best logistical support and prevent external factors from interfering with them. up.

I believe that the Yue Junyi people who are in the stage of slave and semi-slave society will not have much resistance to the Han army led by excellent generals.

The key lies in how to govern after pacification.

This is why Zhuge Liang chose Feng Yong to govern Yuejun.

After all, there is Nanxiang's example first.

A large number of Han, Hu and barbarians were mixed. From the very beginning, it was worried that there would be conflicts between Han and Hu, which would cause civil unrest. It took only three years for Nanxiang to become the most prosperous place in Hanzhong, and even train an elite soldier from it.

Not to mention Zhao Guang, Li Yi, Wang Xun, Li Qiu and many other young talents.

Feng Yong's ability, not to mention other people in the big man, even Zhuge Liang was amazed.

Feng Langjun was young and talented, he led the army on his horse, and caressed the people when he got off his horse. He knew people well and knew how to employ them. This has become a consensus among the officials of the Han court.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Feng Yong is a Marquis at such an age, and at the same time he guards one side, and even takes it for granted.

However, people who are reused often have heavy burdens and are very tiring. Although there is no need to go to battle to kill the enemy in person, managing logistics is also a very cumbersome thing.

The food and grass needed, the servants to be conscripted, weapons, armor, etc., although the numbers are reported at the bottom, all kinds of documents and account books must be checked by Feng Yong himself.

Fortunately, with the help of Amei, a senior secretary and close friend in life, and Wei Rong's assistance, it was a lot easier.

Just as everyone in Feng's residence was busy preparing for the lord to take up the post in Yuejun, they saw a team of horses and horses coming down the official road, heading straight for Zhuangzi.

"The lady has returned home."

The news was spread to the mansion very quickly.

It was only at the front foot that someone delivered the news to Feng Yong. Before he got up, the light at the door dimmed, and a tall figure walked in.


A quiet and slightly hurried voice sounded.

"Hey, Sanniang, why did you come back so soon?"

Feng Yong stood up in surprise and asked.

Gui Ning at least said it would take three days, but he didn't expect Guan Ji to appear in the mansion on the second day, which really surprised Feng Yong.

"The military information about Yuejun Beishui came to the prime minister's mansion. Brother told my concubine after he learned about it. It is estimated that Alang will have to go to Yuejun in the next few days, so this concubine hurried back to the mansion."

Hearing this, Feng Yong thought that based on this one, Guan Xing could make the old monster Zhuge value him, and it really made sense.

Looking at Guan Ji again, I saw that she was dressed as a little woman, she was no longer a woman disguised as a man, and she did not have the attitude of a daughter.

Feng Yong's heart beat a little faster, he stepped forward to help her sit down, poured her another bowl of tea, and said with a smile, "Isn't it a matter of going to Yuejun? What's the matter a few days ago or a few days later?" respectively?"

"When does Ah Lang plan to leave?"

Guan Ji pulled Feng Yong to sit beside her, and asked with concern.

"I'll leave in a few days. There are still some things to finish. I'll leave after I finish."

Feng Yong had a slight regret on his face, and said apologetically, "Time is a little tight, I'm afraid I won't be able to spend more time with Xijun."

Thinking back to the past, Guan Ji was always by his side, playing the role of bodyguard and head of the bodyguards, but he didn't expect to be married to her now, but it would lose the convenience of the past.

This time Feng Yongzheng led the army to go out, and he could no longer bring his family and women with him as nondescriptly as before.

Guan Ji shook her head and said comfortingly, "Ah Lang is going to fight for the country. Since the concubine is a general, how can she hold Ah Lang back?"

After speaking, Guan Ji took Feng Yong's hand and said softly, "Although I can't go to Yuejun with Alang, I still have a younger brother under my concubine, whose martial arts are not bad, but I admire Alang very much."

"The old concubine wants him to stay with A Lang, so that he can learn more, but I don't know what A Lang thinks?"

"Xijun still has a younger brother?"

Feng Yong was surprised.

Guan Ji nodded, and said solemnly, "Ah Lang has seen this person before. His name is Weizhi, and his name is Weizhi. Alang can call him Shiro."

Feng Yong: ...

"I don't know if Xijun wants him to have any job?"

If it is placed in later generations, Feng Yong, a corrupt official who uses his position to let his relatives choose him, is a big tiger and must be shuanggui.

But now, sprinkle water!

"Shiro's martial arts skills are good, he can be a postal supervisor."

The postal supervisor conveys teaching orders, inspectors belong to officials, inspects cases and prisons, verifies illegality, arrests thieves, records and sends prisoners, etc., they don't care about anything, the typical position is light but heavy.

"Xijun really... chose a good position."

Feng Yongqian laughed,

"A Lang only said yes or no."


Seeing Guan Ji's expression, Feng Yong said hastily.

Anyway, it's a position that you can appoint yourself, what's wrong with it?

With that said, Feng Yong looked outside, um, no one was there.

So he touched the back of Guan Ji's hand, with a wretched look on his face, and asked quietly, "Your Majesty let me be so selfish, but you don't know what benefits you want from me?"

Guan Ji rolled her eyes at Feng Yong, "What benefits does A Lang want?"

"This, this..., um, a man's life is nothing more than money, power and sex. I don't care about money. Anyway, no one else has money like me."

"As for this right, I haven't lost the crown yet, and I have already guarded one side for the emperor, so I don't have any extravagant hopes."

"It's this color, hehe..."

As Feng Yong talked, his saliva was about to flow down, "Little lady, you understand!"

"Pfft! If you say this in broad daylight, you're going to die!"

Guan Ji's face turned red all of a sudden, she pushed Feng Yong desperately, and ran away as if fleeing.

Looking at the back of Guan Ji running away, Feng Yong smiled obsessively, and walked out with his hands behind his back contentedly, and he married Guan Ji just now, Feng Yong naturally didn't want to part with such a magnificent woman.

Now she took the initiative to go to Yuejun with her, which was exactly what Feng Yong wanted.

Guan Suo and Guan Weizhi are wonderful!

Feng Yong recalled Guan Ji's amorous feelings, and then called out, "Amei!"

Amei's figure appeared soon.

"Go, go and inform Doctor Fan, and I will go to the Qin Mansion with me later."

What Qin Mi suffered from was a gas disease. Although Feng Yong didn't know what a gas disease was, according to Fan Ah's explanation, it should be a respiratory disease, such as asthma.

This disease is more serious in winter.

After treatment by Fan A and Li Dangzhi, and the weather getting warmer, it is said that he has improved a lot.

A few days ago, Huahuan had agreed to invest in her racecourse, so Feng Yong planned to take a look at this high-ranking figure of an official in Central Shu before leaving for Yuejun to take office.

Hearing that Feng Yong came with the medical staff in person, Qin Yuan, the eldest son of the Qin family, rushed out to greet him: "I don't know if you are coming, but I am far away from welcoming you, and I hope you will forgive me."

"Young Master Qin, you are serious. I am the one who is rude."

Feng Yong laughed, "I'm going to Yuejun soon to take up the post. Before I leave, I want to take a look at Da Sinong. First, I want to see how Da Sinong's health is. Second, I want to hear from his old man. Instructing, disturbing, and looking at Haihan."

"Your Majesty is your savior. The door of the Qin Mansion is always open for you. How can you disturb the talk of impoliteness?" Qin Yuan said quickly, "My lord is already waiting inside, please, Your Majesty."

When he walked through the front hall and was about to enter the backyard, Feng Yong suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eyes. He turned his head and saw a person covering his face with his sleeves, walking in a hurry, and was about to turn around the corner.

"Huh? Isn't that man the Du family's young master?"

Feng Yong asked.

As soon as the figure not far away heard Feng Yong's voice, he immediately accelerated his pace and disappeared all of a sudden, as if someone was chasing him.

"It's indeed Du Wenran. He came a step earlier than Feng Langjun, and just now had a pleasant conversation with me in the vestibule. Why did he suddenly leave without saying goodbye? Could it be that something urgent happened in the house?"

Qin Yuan also saw that figure, and glanced at Feng Yong with doubts on his face.

What are you watching me do? This is at your house, and I didn't drive him away.

Feng Yong glanced at Qin Yuan, and thought to himself, I don't care about the fact that you two have partnered with me to cheat me, so why do you still want to slander me?

With distinguished guests in front, Qin Yuan naturally couldn't pursue Du Zhen, so he continued to lead Feng Yong to Qin Mi's ward.

This time, Qin Mi's room was much brighter, knowing that Feng Yong was coming, he sat up early.

"I've seen Da Sinong ever, is Da Sinong in better health?"

Feng Yong hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Qin Mi's complexion was much better than last time, and she just smiled when she heard the words, "A few days ago, the old man was overjoyed by Jun Hou, and his health has mostly recovered."

"Young Marquis will soon take up the post of Yue Jun, which is another joy. This is another rush, even if you don't think about it, it's hard to think about it. It seems that the old man really deserves his life."

"This is the blessing of Dasinong, how can it be eternal credit?"

Feng Yong said modestly.

"No, no. I don't know my body yet? It's all because of the lord that I can live in this world." Qin Mi patted the front of the couch and said affectionately, "Sit down and come here .”

Feng Yong was about to move the chair, but Qin Mi glared at Qin Yuan and cursed, "Nizi who doesn't wink!"

Qin Yuan hurriedly moved the chair over.

Only then did Qin Mi smile warmly at Feng Yong, "Your Majesty, sit down."

Feng Yong sat down with some embarrassment.

"Get out!"

Qin Mi cursed at Qin Yuan again.

Qin Yuan glanced at Feng Yong somewhat sadly, and rolled away in despair.

"Junhou is laughing," Qin Mi sighed, "I don't know why, when I see such a young and promising person like Junhou, and think about the mediocre appearance of that Nizi, I get angry."

Other people's children...

"Eldest Prince Qin is filial by nature, which is also commendable."

Feng Yong comforted.

Bow down and let it go, isn't that what filial piety is?

"It's the same as filial piety." Qin Mi's face was a little disappointed, "After the old man left, the decline of the Qin family has become inevitable. I only hope that he can keep the foundation of farming and education, and don't let the Qin family be completed. Bai Ding's house will be done."

Hearing this, Feng Yong was overjoyed, and quickly said, "Where there is a sunrise, there must be a sunset. Is there any reason for longevity in this world? The wind is always blown away by the rain, and children and grandchildren have their own blessings."

"The wind is always blown away by the rain?" Qin Mi glanced at Feng Yong appreciatively, "That's a good sentence. I didn't expect the old man to be buried soon, but no young man can see it clearly."

Feng Yong put on a silly smile, refused to answer the question, and continued, "If Da Si Nong really wants to plan for his children and grandchildren, the younger generation happens to have an estate in his hands."

Qin Mi's eyes flashed, she looked at Feng Yong, and said with a smile, "You really deserve to be bold and generous Feng Langjun, who can pass on the family property as soon as you open your mouth, but it seems that Feng Langjun's request this time is also very big. Ah! I don’t know if the old man can afford the price?”

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", "Why did Da Sinong say that?"

"It's not what I said, but what the prime minister said."

Qin Mi immediately betrayed the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, "The Prime Minister once said that if Feng Junhou gave something to others, he would demand several times in return."

As he said that, the sick old man still looked at Feng Yong jokingly, "What about the family heirloom, how can this old man afford to repay the repayment several times?"

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