Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 504 First Arrival in Nanxiang

On Shuangnan Avenue, the Zhang family's convoy left Nanzheng and was heading towards Nanxiang.

"My lady, this road is so smooth."

In a four-wheeled carriage in the middle of the motorcade, Zhang Xingyi's personal servant looked excited, sitting in the carriage, looking around, and looking out from time to time.

This car is much better than Jincheng's car. It is not only spacious, but also very stable when driving on such a flat road.

Zhang Xingyi was holding a book and was fascinated by it. He didn't lift his head when he heard the words, but just said "um".

"This car is comfortable to sit in. I heard it was made by Feng Langjun, but I don't know if it's true..."

This sentence finally stimulated Zhang Xingyi, only to hear a "beep", Zhang Xingyi knocked the maid on the head with the book, and scolded, "You are also from the Hou's house after all, can you stop being so unsophisticated?" look?"

The maid flinched, said "Oh", and obediently crawled into the corner to stay.

Zhang Xingyi irritatedly threw the book in his hand away, feeling a tightness in his chest, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

The maid carefully picked up the book, "My lady, why don't you read it?"

"It's so good, I've read it twice, and the book doesn't have an end, it's heart-wrenching to read."

Zhang Xingyi said angrily, she lifted the curtain of the car and called out, "Zhang Sanlang!"

A member of the Zhang family hurried over, "What do you want my lady to tell you?"

Zhang Xingyi took the book and raised it, "Let me ask you, do you know the ending of this book?"

"Lady, the villain is illiterate."

"The Tale of Purple Lightning and Green Frost."

When Zhang Sanlang heard it, his spirits lifted, and he said quickly, "I know! I just heard the rapper from Nanxiang say it a few days ago."

"Has Zhang Wuji married Zhou Zhiruo? What happened to Zhao Min?"

The little lady of the Hou's mansion is going to Nanxiang to inspect the property, and the servants of the Zhang family who manage the property in Nanxiang naturally have to take care of the little lady.

All the food, utensils, clothes, etc. unique to Nanxiang are all prepared.

In view of the reputation of the little lady in Jincheng, she is a fairy-like figure sung in poems and prose, and she reads books on weekdays, so those who are interested will also send some books unique to Nanxiang, so as to relieve the boredom of the little lady on the road. .

This "Purple Electric Green Frost Tale" is the latest biographical novel. Not only is the paper unique to Nanxiang, but even the book is printed by Nanxiang using a special method, instead of being copied from other places.

What is recorded in it is currently the most popular biography of a ranger in the mouths of rappers in Nanxiang.

Zhang San was in Nanxiang, and his biggest hobby on weekdays was going to listen to singers tell biographical novels.

Thinking about Zhang Wuji's entanglement with Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao's spider son and four daughters, both loving and resenting, it really makes people feel itchy.

"That Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhou were about to get married, but Mrs. Zhao barged in. In the end, they didn't get married."

"What about the end of the book?"

"There are so many versions of endings," Zhang Sanyi said with excitement on his face. "In Nanxiang, different rappers have different endings, but I don't know which one the lady wants to hear?"

"Of course I want the ending written in the book, why do I want what the rapper said!"

Zhang Xingyi scolded.

"Little lady, the villain is illiterate, so I really don't know which one is the ending written in the book."

Zhang San was ashamed.

"Then tell the ending all you know.

"Oh, good. This is the first ending. It is said that Zhang Langjun and Mrs. Zhao went back to the mountains and forests hand in hand, and no longer care about the affairs of the world..."

"Returning to the mountain forest?" Zhang Xingyi was taken aback, and for some reason, suddenly thought of someone thousands of miles away: He was born in the mountain gate, will he return to the teacher's gate in the future?

"Yes, returning to the mountain forest. As for Mrs. Zhou, she also went to find them later, but it's a pity that Mrs. Xiaozhao and Mrs. Zhu'er..."

Zhang San was still chattering, but Zhang Xingyi was not in the mood to listen any longer.

She put down the car curtain, remembered that Feng Lang is now Sister Guan's husband-in-law, and then remembered that Zhao Min in the book had such courage to look for Zhang Wuji when her lover got married, and finally remembered herself...

At the moment, there was a pain in my heart, and then a sigh. If I were myself, I could only escape. I really couldn't compare to that Zhao Min.

When Zhang San heard the little lady ask about this matter, he suddenly felt that he was a confidant, and was about to talk about what he knew with the little lady, but unexpectedly, the little lady was not interested in listening, and felt a little regretful at the moment .

He was about to leave when the car curtain suddenly opened again.

For some reason, the little lady suddenly turned pale, "Who is this Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng?"

"I don't know about the villain, I only heard that this person wrote these kinds of unofficial history and market biographies, and the rappers in Nanxiang all told the stories written by this person."

"Did he write a lot?"

"I have only written three volumes so far, and this "Purple Dian Qingshuang" is the latest one. There are also "Legend of the White Snake" and "Fengshen Bang" before it."

"When you arrive in Nanxiang, quickly find me the two books he wrote before."


"Also, find the second half of this "The Tale of Purple Lightning and Green Frost" quickly!"

"The villain understands."

After Zhang Xingyi finished speaking, he put down the car curtain again, hesitated for a while, then opened the book again, and began to read it a third time.

Although I just said that reading it scratched my heart, but for some reason, my heart is always thinking about what is the ending recorded in this book.

If Zhou Zhiruo followed Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min to go back to the mountains and forests in the end, who would be the elder of the two maids and one husband? who is small

Besides, the two women are like fire and water, how can they get along peacefully?

Zhang Xingyi was in a trance, turning the book in his hand, his eyes fell on the book, but he only felt that the words on the book were marked with small black dots, but he couldn't understand the meaning of the book.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped suddenly, and someone outside said, "Lady, Nanxiang is here."

Only then did Zhang Xingyi come back to his senses, and smiled to himself, he was really possessed, and he even worried about the fictional person in this book.

She raised the car curtain again, and when she saw the outside, her face immediately changed, and she exclaimed in a low voice, "What is that?"

As far as the eye can see, black smoke is rising. Even in broad daylight, you can't see what it looks like under the black smoke. You can only vaguely see that there should be some buildings there.

Under the shroud of black smoke, the looming buildings are like ghost towns.

Thinking of the legend of Nanxiang's demons dancing wildly, anyone who sees this scene for the first time will have a thought: Is it possible that there are evil spirits in the world?

"The villain doesn't know, because outsiders are never allowed to approach there. I only know that there should be a kiln inside, and the fire is burning day and night."

Zhang San, as the most familiar servant of the Zhang family in Nanxiang, didn't even know what was under the black smoke.

"How much firewood does that cost?"

"I heard that what was burned was not firewood, but coal."

Zhang Sanlang said, stomping his feet, "The material of this artificial stone is produced there."

Then he pointed to the mountains behind the black smoke and said, "That coal was transported from the mountains."

"From here, it really looks like a group of demons dancing..."

Zhang Xingyi looked at it for a long time before muttering something.

Then when she looked at the road ahead, she realized that something was wrong.

"Didn't you say that? Why is there no city wall?"

I saw people coming and going at the front, among which were many convoys. The cars were covered with sackcloth or tarpaulin, which completely covered the things on the cars.

There are many houses on both sides of the avenue, including thatched houses, mud houses, and even tall brick houses, but there are no city gates and walls.

"Back to my lady, the city wall is still ahead, but this is already Nanxiang City." Zhang San explained, "The original Nanxiang City was too small, and now it has become an inner city, most of which are workshops and ranches. There are families living in the mines in the mountains."

"The outside of the city wall is more lively. People who moved to Nanxiang later lived there, so there is no need to set up another city wall."

Zhang Xingyi asked in amazement, "Why not?"

"Because the number of people coming and going to Nanxiang is increasing every day, no one knows how many people will be in Nanxiang at the end." Zhang San pointed to the thatched huts in front, "Miss, please look, these are nearly three Yue just went to Nanxiang to discuss life."

"In the past, it was a wasteland that no one wanted. Now houses are built, so the city wall in Nanxiang County has never been built."

Going straight along the avenue, the number of thatched houses gradually decreased. In the end, even the mud houses disappeared, leaving only tall brick houses.

The passers-by on the side of the road did not have the shabby air outside, and they all had rosy faces and were full of energy.

There were also more shouts.

Nanxiang is already considered a place of wealth that is rare for a big man, so the street is naturally very lively.

But Zhang Xingyi was used to seeing the streets of Jincheng, but he felt that this place was even better than Nanzheng, the seat of Hanzhong, but he was not surprised.

She simply hung up the car curtain, and just looked out like this, only to feel a very familiar feeling, and it took a long time before she realized, "How can the street here be so clean?"

Even on the streets of Jincheng, there will always be cows, horses and livestock defecating.

The reason why Zhang Xingyi felt familiar was because Feng Zhuang's path was also so special.

It is neat and clean, and there is nothing that makes people feel uncomfortable. Walking on it makes people feel very comfortable.

"My lady, you can't litter things on the streets of Nanxiang. Even if you drive into the city, you must be prepared."

Zhang San pointed to his own carriage, only to see that all the cows and horses had a cloth pocket behind their buttocks.

"How can there be such a weird rule?"

"I heard that Feng Langjun made the rules. Anyone who litters will be fined. If there is no money, he will be arrested for three days of hard labor and clean the streets."

Zhang San pointed not far away, "Look, lady, that's the inspector."

Zhang Xingyi looked intently and saw a person at the corner of the street, dressed in black and wearing a strange hat, his eyes were fixed on everyone on the street.

"Is there no one who violates such weird rules? And I think he is only one person. If someone gangs up and violates it, what can he do?"

Zhang Xingyi felt that it was absurd for one person to want to control the entire street.

"My lady doesn't know that there are soldiers patrolling Nanxiang Street from time to time. If someone makes trouble, as long as there is a whistle, all the nearby soldiers will gather. Moreover, these soldiers are also specially equipped with iron hooks and fishing nets. You Xia'er is still green skin, he can't escape."

The degree of that person's liking for cleanliness has really reached a rare level in the world.

Zhang Xingyi thought secretly.

"My lady, do you want to go back to the house to rest?"

Zhang San pointed to a fork in the road ahead, "Go ahead and turn left, and you will enter the inner city. The other courtyard where the lady rests is in the inner city, and it is quiet."

"There is a bookstore on the edge of the inner city. It is on the right side of the intersection. There are all kinds of books in it. The lady is looking for the latest "Purple Lightning and Green Frost". If you can't find it inside, you can't find it outside."

"Bookstore? What kind of place is this? From the name, could it be someone's collection of books?"

Zhang Xingyi asked curiously.

"My lady misunderstood. It's not someone's book collection, but the place where Nanxiang County sells books."

"Sell books?"

Zhang Xingyi became even more curious, and she felt more and more strange about Nanxiang.

This book is a precious thing in the world. If others are lucky enough to get a book, they will only treasure it. If they are small-minded, even if their relatives and friends come to borrow it, they will refuse to give it to them. How can they sell it?

If you sell the books at home, it is the same virtue as selling your ancestral property, and you are the prodigal of a prodigal family.

"Yes. My lady doesn't know that people in the woolen workshops, ranches and mines in Nanxiang are all required to be literate. Especially children under the age of twelve must go to school. Therefore, this bookstore, originally It was built in the inner city to make it easier for them to read books."

"Later, more and more foreigners came to Nanxiang, and even some outsiders heard that there were books here for free reading, so they came here specially. The county magistrate of Nanxiang made people expand the bookstore outside the inner city."

"If you have settled down in Nanxiang, you can apply for a borrowing card. You only need to ask the doctor in the library to register, and you can take the book away directly, as long as you return it on the stipulated time."

"If you come from other places, you can only take it away by buying a book. However, the price of this book is not cheap, and most people really can't afford it, so most people buy pens and inks at the pen and ink shop next to the bookstore, and then Go to the bookstore to copy books."

"Copy directly?"

"Yes, there is also a special place for reading and copying books inside."

While talking, the convoy arrived at the intersection. Zhang Xingyi looked in the direction Zhang Sanlang pointed, and saw a huge museum not far away. Even standing at the intersection, he could still see the large characters on the signboard of the museum: Xinhua bookstore.

The facade of the courtyard is huge, and the area is even more dominant, making it look majestic and solemn.

"You take me to have a look first, and the others go back to the other courtyard first."

Along the way, Zhang Xingyi thought about the relationship between Zhang Wuji and the four daughters countless times. She really scratched her head and scratched her lungs. Now that the bookstore was right in front of her, she naturally wanted to go there first.

After saying that, she straightened her appearance, opened the car door and got out of the car, and walked towards the extremely solemn courtyard.

The door of the bookstore was open, and people would come in and out with books, pens, ink, paper and inkstones from time to time, and there were many servants dressed as servants waiting outside.

When many people saw Zhang Xingyi, they couldn't help showing amazement in their eyes, and they were all wondering which family's young lady this was? Has such a rare appearance?

Zhang Xingyi stood at the door of this bookstore, which was bigger than her house, and felt that there was a dignified air inside, and she felt a little cringe in her heart. She asked Zhang San in a low voice: "What are the rules in this bookstore?" ?”

Although Zhang San saw this bookstore more than once from a distance, he had never entered it. Hearing the lady's question at this time, he was a little hesitant: "Go back to my lady, I don't even know..."

Zhang Xingyi gave him a dissatisfied look.

At this moment, a child looked furtively to the left and right, then slipped past Zhang Xingyi like a mouse, ready to run into the bookstore.

Zhang Xingyi had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed the child by the collar.

The child was caught off guard for a moment, his scalp tightened, and he thought he was being caught by his own adults, so he yelled, "My lord, I was wrong!"

Then I turned my head to look, but I didn't expect it to be a good-looking sister. My heart was relieved, and then I thumped twice, and said angrily, "Who are you? How dare you sneak up on me from behind!"

Although Zhang Xingyi doesn't have the martial arts skills like Guan Yinping, she has practiced martial arts anyway, and she is older than the other party, taking advantage of her height. I saw her lift her hand, turn it over again, and lift the child in her hand , shaking twice.

"Which family are you from? You don't know where to look when you're playing. Is this a place where you come from?"

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