The child flopped around twice without breaking free, so he shouted, "Put me down first if you have the ability."

When Zhang Xingyi heard the words, he let go of his hand, and only heard a "thud". The child fell to the ground, jumped up immediately, patted the dust on his body, then put his hands on his hips, looked Zhang Xingyi up and down, and sneered, "The new kid Bar?"

New... New here?

Zhang Xingyi was furious when she heard that, this entire Nanxiang is her Zhang family's food town, although her family has no decision-making power over Nanxiang, all the taxes collected here belong to her family.

This little baby looks at people with such contemptuous eyes, it is really intolerable!

Immediately prepared to capture him again.

This kid was clever, seeing that Zhang Xingyi's eyes were wrong, he quickly took a step back, "Don't mess around, do you know where Nanxiang is? If you dare to make trouble again, let's see if the street patrols don't arrest you!"

Only then did Zhang Xingyi remember that this is the gate of the bookstore, and she was terrified, imitating the child and sneering, "Whose child are you from?"

"Lady, this is the young gentleman of Luo County Cheng's family."

The conflict between Zhang Xingyi and the child took only a short while, and Zhang San finally found a chance to intervene. As soon as he saw Luo Xian, he quickly stepped forward and whispered to Zhang Xingyi.

Luo Xian obviously heard Zhang San's words, and immediately raised his head high, the meaning was obvious: Do you know who I am?

He thought he could frighten Zhang Xingyi, but unfortunately, he saw this very good-looking little sister who was not afraid, grabbed his arm like lightning, picked him up again, walked to the door of the bookstore, In order not to stand at the door and block the way of others, "Then do you know who I am?"

Luo Xian struggled to get away, "I don't care who you are, I'm not afraid of you anyway."

Anyway, there were a lot of people coming in and out here, but he wasn't afraid that the other party would dare to do anything to him.

"Xixianghou is my elder brother. The entire Nanxiang County is my family's food town. Not to mention you, even if your family's adults come over, see if I'm afraid of him?"

Hearing this, Luo Xian's eyes showed suspicion at first, then he looked Zhang Xingyi up and down, and finally his face changed as if he remembered something.

He suddenly turned around and wanted to run away.

But how could Zhang Xingyi let him get what he wanted? At that moment, he grabbed his collar again and pulled him back, "Where are you going!"

Luo Xian kicked his short legs on the ground twice, and found that he couldn't run away, so he hurriedly begged for mercy, "Miss Zhang, Xian knows that I made a mistake, so I beg you to forgive me for Feng Langjun's sake." .”

"What did you say?"

"I said I was wrong."

"The next sentence."

"I beg my wife to look at Feng Langjun's face..."

Zhang Xingyi finally heard clearly this time, and quickly turned Luo Xian's small body, "Do you know Feng Langjun?"

"I know you. Before coming to Hanzhong, I had dinner at Feng Langjun's mansion. Here, look, he even gave me this."

Luo Xian pulled out a thin rope from his neck, on which hung an object, which was the little jade horse that Feng Yong gave him.

Zhang Xingyi picked up the little jade horse and thought about it carefully, with love in his eyes.

Luo Xian saw that it was going to be bad, this was his treasure, and he couldn't bear to let it leave his neck at night.

"Why did Feng Langjun give you this?"

Zhang Xingyi reluctantly put down the jade horse, and asked again.

"Because I had a fight with Feng Langjun's disciple."

Seeing Zhang Xingyi let go of the little jade horse, Luo Xian felt relieved, so he replied confidently.

Zhang Xingyi laughed all of a sudden, and didn't care about what his child said, thinking that sometimes that person's actions are really unpredictable, how could this little man know?

She didn't get too entangled in this issue, thinking of Luo Xian's expression and movements just now, she felt a little strange, "You know me?"

Luo Xian nodded, and said as a matter of course, "Who in Nanxiang has never heard of Mrs. Zhang? Feng Langjun is a character who specializes in writing!"

The reason why Nanxiang is today is all because of Feng Langjun. Anything related to Feng Langjun will be circulated in Nanxiang.

Luo Xian looked at Zhang Xingyi again as he spoke, and nodded even more vigorously, "It's really the most appropriate to use a beautiful appearance on a lady!"

Zhang Xing recalled her fourteen-year-old life, and felt that the most proud and sweetest thing in her life was Feng Yong's special essay about her beauty.

At this time, when I heard someone say it, my heart felt a little sweet, and the corners of my mouth twitched slightly.

Although Luo Xian was young, he was clever. Seeing Zhang Xingyi's expression, he knew that he had escaped this level. He was thinking about the bookstore, so he quickly said, "Ms. Zhang is going to enter this bookstore? Let's go in together."

Hearing Luo Xian's words, Zhang Xingyi gave him a strange look, "So you really want to go in? Can you understand the books here?"

Hearing this, Luo Xian felt that he was underestimated. He blushed immediately and straightened his body, "I have been learning to read since I was three years old, so the writing of "Purple Dian Qingshuang" is as plain as words..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong, quickly covered his mouth, and looked around, as if he was afraid that people would hear this.

Luo Xian started to read at the age of three. If Feng Yong hadn't been involved, he would have been able to write commendable articles by the time he was thirteen, and he could be regarded as a child prodigy.

In addition, the novel written by a certain soil turtle, in the eyes of people at this time, is a small white essay that can't be more white - after all, it is something that rappers are asked to tell the general public, so naturally they should try to be as white as possible.

So even if Luo Xian couldn't understand what was implied here, at least he could barely understand the superficial meaning of the article.

Zhang Xingyi was surprised when he heard it, "You also know "The Tale of Purple Lightning and Green Frost"?"

"No one in Nanxiang doesn't know "The Tale of Purple Lightning and Green Frost"!" Luo Xian said, waving his hands, pretending to have a long sword in his hand, "The Supreme Master of the Martial Arts, the treasured sword Zidian, commands the world, and no one dares not to obey, If Qingshuang doesn't come out, who will fight for the front!"

At the same time, a look of fanaticism appeared on his face, "When I grow up, I will definitely find these two broken knives and swords!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Xingyi laughed and said, "This is just a fiction, how did you find it?"

When Luo Xian heard this, his eyes widened again, "How could it be a fiction? It is said in the book that Emperor Gaozu sent troops from Hanzhong to Guanzhong, and that's how he won the world."

"There is also the Marquis of Huaiyin, the soldier immortal, who used his soldiers like a god all his life. It turns out that he got the military book left by Li Mu, Wu'an Lord in Zidian Qingshuang. Zidian's order to the world refers to this."

"Also, back then, Qu Nihou (Chen Ping) also admitted that he had a good conspiracy and was not tolerated by Taoism. This "Purple Dian Qingshuang" also said that it was because of his design that Zhang Wuji was born. The heart of returning to the mountains and forests. Isn't this a matter of mutual confirmation?"

The era written in "Purple Dian Qingshuang Ji" is the time when the princes from all walks of life were fighting at the end of Qin Dynasty.

It is written in the troubled times, the knights all over the world fight with each other, grievances and hatreds, and it also involves the emperor Gaozu Emperor Liu Bang and Huaiyin Marquis Han Xin and other people.

The original version involved the part of Emperor Gaozu, which has been slightly modified by a certain soil turtle, and has become the image of Wei Guangzheng.

Emperor Gaozu didn't know about Zhang Wuji's retreat to the mountains and forests, and was finally persuaded by everyone to make changes such as enthronement.

Zhang Xingyi only read the first half, but didn't read the second half. When he heard this, he was startled on the spot, "Is there such a thing?"

Luo Xian was triumphant, "So Mrs. Zhang hasn't read this book?"

"I only read the first half, but I don't know the second half."

Zhang Xingyi replied honestly, she saw that the beginning of the book said: This book is purely fictional, but unofficial rumors.

I thought it was really fabricated by Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng.

But I didn't expect these things in the second half.

"No wonder, let me tell you, Mrs. Zhang, it turned out that Emperor Gaozu was able to win the world back then with the help of knight-errants all over the world. General Fan Kuai was also born as a knight-errant..."

Emperor Gaozu was originally a knight-errant, so General Fan Fu was naturally not much better.

Zhang Xingyi naturally knew this. Hearing what Luo Xian said, she was a little shaken. Could it be that what this book said was a secret back then, so it wasn't recorded in the official history?

Zhang Wuji, wouldn't it be true that there is such a person?

Thinking like this, I thought about the second half of "Purple Dian Qingshuang" in my heart, "So that's the case, then let's go in."

With Luo Xian leading the way, plus the fact that he was a well-known figure in Nanxiang, Zhang Xingyi gained confidence in his heart.

After all, Zhang San and other servants did not dare to follow in, they obediently imitated the other servants and stood outside the door waiting.

Zhang Xingyi walked into the bookstore and was slightly shocked.

In the extremely spacious bookstore, rows of cabinets stood neatly, accounting for half of the entire bookstore.

Inside the cupboard, there are all books.

It's not that Zhang Xingyi has never seen the royal family's collection of books, but she has never seen so many books that are all made of paper.

With so many paper books, if they were replaced with letter slips, how much space would they take up?

The other half of the bookstore is full of tables and chairs. Some people are shaking their heads with books, while others are writing with their heads down.

There were quite a few people walking around in the bookstore, but everyone tried to keep their footsteps as light as possible. Even when talking to each other, they spoke softly, trying not to affect others.

Seeing this, Zhang Xingyi felt in a trance, it was inevitable that Nanxiang would become a place where Wenjiao flourished in the future.

That person... well, Feng Lang's feat, how many people will he benefit from in the future?

The ancients have said: the supreme one establishes virtue, the next one makes meritorious service, and the second one makes meritorious deeds.

If this matter really becomes a climate, Feng Lang has established immortal virtue for scholars.

Luo Xian took Zhang Xingyi to a row of cabinets with ease, "Miss Zhang, just look, here are all the biographies written by Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng."

I saw that there were five floors in this cabinet, and each floor was filled with books.

On the middlemost floor, all the books read "The Tale of Purple Lightning and Green Frost", which almost dazzled Zhang Xingyi's eyes.

Surprised and delighted, she couldn't wait to take out one and asked, "Are these books all for sale?"

"That's right, look at the price tag on the back of this book, it's 300 coins per book."

Luo Xian pointed out.

Sure enough, it's not cheap, no wonder there are so many people copying books over there.

But this price is nothing to Zhang Xingyi.

She took out all the books she wanted, held them to her chest, and asked, "Where should I pay the bill?"

"It's at the counter at the door."

Zhang Xingyi held a pile of books with some difficulty, and walked to the counter, "Calculate how much it is for me?"

The doctor in charge of collecting money in the bookstore saw this little lady with a rare appearance come in, and he had already looked twice, but now he was really surprised to see her coming with a lot of books.

He had never seen anyone buy so many books at once.

Ordinary people would already be considered wealthy if they bought a book. This little lady definitely doesn’t have a workshop or ranch at home. The only possibility is that there is a mine at home?

"Back to my lady, these books are a total of two thousand and one hundred strings. May I ask the young lady whether they use banknotes, cloth, grain, or gold, silver, or copper coins?"

"Of course it's a ticket."

Zhang Xingyi touched his sleeve, took out a stack of tickets, counted them, took out a small stack and handed it to the bookstore doctor, "Here."

The doctor from the bookstore took it over, touched it first, and confirmed that it was true. Before he could start counting, he saw a person walking in a hurry, followed by a little child. It was Luo who had just run away. constitution.

The bookstore doctor hurriedly yelled at the man, "Manager Li..."

But Li Guanshi ignored him, and only saluted Zhang Xingyi, "Li Si, the villain, is the manager of the bookstore, and I have met Miss Zhang."

Zhang Xingyi looked at him in confusion, not knowing what this man was looking for.

"Little lady, do you want these books?"

Manager Li asked respectfully.


"Little lady is on this floor, you can choose books to take away without having to pay for them."

Upon hearing this, the bookstore doctor quickly handed over the ticket in his hand.

Manager Li took it and handed it to Zhang Xingyi.


Zhang Xingyi didn't reach out to pick it up, but asked.

"Whether it's Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Guan, Zhao Langjun, Li Langjun, etc., it's all the same. Because this bookstore was originally built by Feng Langjun from the dividends of the ranch workshop and mine. Therefore, this Miss Zhang also has a share in the bookstore."

It turns out that there is such an inside story.

Zhang Xingyi looked around in surprise, so he still has his share in such a place?

Standing there, Zhang Xingyi was originally the focus, but now even the manager of the bookstore was shocked, and everyone in the bookstore couldn't help but look over.

At this moment, when they heard the manager's words, everyone realized that the bookstore had a contribution from this little lady. For a moment, everyone's eyes showed gratitude.

At this moment, a young man who had just picked out a book from the cupboard and was about to take it to the desk and chair and sit down to read it passed by, silently bowing to Zhang Xingyi.

With this young man taking the lead, everyone, regardless of age, was stunned, and immediately began to salute.

Even the person who was sitting far away on the desk and chair and only kept his head down copying the book was startled. He deliberately got up and walked over, saluted silently, and then went back to sit down again.

Everyone did the same action in no particular order, making Zhang Xingyi feel at a loss for what to do, and she nervously blessed her as a way of returning the favor.

Then turned in one direction, and blessed again...

"You don't need to be like this, little lady. The little lady contributed to build this bookstore. Everyone's actions are out of gratitude to my lady."

Li Si explained.

When everyone heard the words, they all smiled and nodded to this side.

Although the bookstore was still quiet and no one spoke to her, Zhang Xingyi only felt that her eyes were hot and her chest was warm.

"Little lady, this is your ticket, please take it back."

Li Si reminded softly again.

Zhang Xingyi blinked hard, trying to hold back the tears that were about to flow, then nodded, and stretched out his hand to take the ticket back.

She was wrong just now, Feng Lang's move, it doesn't need to be in the future, it is already a minor achievement now.

Thinking in this way, Zhang Xingyi's girlish heart was filled with admiration for a certain soil turtle.

"Little lady, this is specially prepared for you in the store, please keep it. If there is any book that the little lady wants to read in the future, please let someone bring this card to tell you, and someone will deliver it to your house."

Zhang Xingyi took it over and took a look, and saw that this small card looked like it was made of paper, but it was very hard. The bottom layer was black, with the words "Xinhua Bookstore" engraved on it, and a slightly smaller "Number: Two" is engraved in the font.

I don't know what kind of ink is used to dye the font, it is golden.

Although it was only a small piece of paper with only seven characters engraved on it, the person who rushed towards him was solemn and generous.

Zhang Xingyi held the piece of paper tightly and asked, "Who is this number one?"

"It's Mrs. Guan."

When Zhang Xingyi heard this, he was annoyed, he has no conscience!

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