But if the sister of the Guan family is Yi, then... what is that heartless one?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingyi finally couldn't help asking: "What about Feng Langjun? How much is Feng Langjun?"

"Feng Langjun is zero."

"What is zero?"

There is no clear concept of zero in mathematics in this era, and nothing is generally used, or a box is used to represent nothing.

The number zero is popular only in Nanxiang, where Feng Yong vigorously promotes arithmetic.

"After one, there is zero, meaning nothing, empty, meaning nothing."

Manager Li explained.

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Xingyi's heart trembled: He used emptiness to represent himself, did he mean it intentionally or not?

"Miss Zhang, do you want to send someone to deliver these books to your house?"

Seeing Zhang Xingyi standing there blankly, Li Guanshi didn't say anything for a long time, and asked again.

"No need, I have servants waiting outside, let them come in and move."

Zhang Xingyi replied absent-mindedly.

Knowing that Feng Yong used emptiness and nothingness to represent herself, she thought of the thoughts that came to her on the road. Will he eventually take Sister Guan to hide in the mountains like Zhang Wuji took Zhao Min to hide in the mountains? Back to the teacher's gate?

Zhou Zhiruo can still find Zhang Wuji, but what about herself?

Where will I go to find him then?

For a while, Zhang Xingyi became a little worried about gains and losses.

In a daze, I only felt that someone was tearing my clothes, and looking down, it was Luo Xian.

I saw the child say with a mysterious face, "Sister Zhang, there is something Xian wants to tell you."

He saw the opportunity quickly, seeing that Zhang Xingyi had such rights in Xinhua Bookstore, he immediately became sweet.

"What's up?"

Zhang Xingyi asked casually.

"I heard that Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng has written a new biographical novel, sister Zhang doesn't want to read it?"

Luo Xian's eyes sparkled, and he said eagerly.

Although he is the son of the county magistrate, his adults are extremely annoyed at his obsession with such biographical novels all day long, always saying that such books are not the right way, and children will go astray if they read too much.

Therefore, Luo Xian can only come here secretly to read on weekdays. If he wants to use Luo Meng's status as the county magistrate of Nanxiang to get the latest biographical novel, he is looking for a lottery.

He sneaked here this time without telling the adults, just to ask Guanshi Li to borrow this biographical novel, but Guanshi Li is very stingy, saying that the bookstore only has samples, and outsiders can't read it for the time being.

If you want to see it, you can only wait for the printing workshop to print the original copy in a few days before coming here.

His lord is the county magistrate, why did he become an outsider?

Luo Xian was thinking bitterly just now that he would not have told him about Miss Zhang's coming if he had known about it. He didn't expect that this little lady would get the legendary Xinhua Bookstore's black card in just a blink of an eye.

This is a good thing that even the adults in his family don't have!

It is said that after County Captain Huang led the army to leave Nanxiang, only County Magistrate Li had such a card left in Quannan Township.

So Zhang Xingyi immediately changed from Miss Zhang to Zhang's elder sister in Luo Xian's mouth, and she didn't remember that she laughed at her as a newcomer at the door of the bookstore.

"Any new ones?"

Zhang Xingyi looked at Butler Li.

Butler Li looked a little hesitant, but finally explained, "Yes, but it's just a sample, and there are still mistakes and omissions in it. The official original will not be released until the mistakes and omissions are corrected."

Before each new book is printed in the printing workshop, some sample books will be printed in advance and distributed to specific personnel, asking them to pick out the mistakes and unreasonable parts.

Then do the final drafting.

The reason why there are so many endings of "The Story of Purple Electricity and Green Frost" circulating in the mouths of rappers is the result of the samples being circulated at the very beginning.


Zhang Xingyi nodded, looked at so many books on the counter, and thought it would be okay to wait a little longer, but since she mentioned this, she asked one more question, "What's the name of that book?"

"Back to the lady, it's called "Loyalty and Justice."

Manager Li replied.

When Zhang Xingyi heard the name, his brows were raised, and he said in his heart that the name was very bold, "Who is the one who is unparalleled in loyalty?"

"Han Shouting Hou, the former general of the Han Dynasty, Guan Junhou is also."

Li Guanshi had a look of admiration on his face, and said respectfully.


Zhang Xingyi let out a loud cry, which attracted people from far away to look over.

Li Guanshi had no choice but to bow and say, "Miss Zhang, please come with the villain."

After turning two corners, Li Guanshi led Zhang Xingyi into a small attic, and saw that the inside was a bit messy, and it was also full of books.

"Look, little lady."

Li Guanshi took out a book from inside and handed it to Zhang Xingyi.

Zhang Xingyi took it over, and saw the four characters "Loyalty and Justice" printed on the cover of the book, and there was a picture of a person beside him, with a face like a jujube, red phoenix eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, a beard as long as his chest, holding a green dragon Yanyue knife in his hand, and a horse neighing under his seat. , end majestic.

Who is it not Guan Erbo?

The only weird thing is that at the bottom of the book, it is written in eye-catching fonts: internal samples, not to be circulated outside.

Turning the pages of the book, I saw that the first chapter above reads: Feasting Taoyuan Heroes and Three Knots.

It is the story of the third marriage between the first emperor Guan Erbo and his own adult, Taoyuan.

Once Zhang Xingyi opened it, she couldn't put it down, only to see that it was written decades ago, some of which were told by her mother and adults when she was a child, and some were rumors of the world.

It's just that this book is different from the messy and fragmented ones that the world says, and it's written so lifelike that once you read it, you'll feel as if you're there.

I don't know how this Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng knew about these old things? Just as he saw it with his own eyes.

"Miss Zhang?"

Li Guanshi gently interrupted Zhang Xingyi's obsession with novels.

"I want this book."

Zhang Xingyi woke up, held the book tightly in his hand, looked at Guanshi Li and said.

In this book, although it mainly talks about Uncle Guan, it also involves his own adults, Zhang Xingyi naturally wants to go back and study it carefully.

"Little lady wants this book, of course it's okay."

Li Guanshi quickly said, "It's just that this book is a sample. Before the bookstore starts selling it, the young lady can't spread it around."

Although I don't understand what a sample is, this book was placed in this small attic instead of being placed outside, and it was written with words not to be circulated. Zhang Xingyi naturally understood Li Guanshi's meaning, "No problem."

Before leaving, Zhang Xingyi finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart, "Guard Li, who is this Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, do you know?"

Originally, she was only a little curious about this person, but now that she saw this "Loyalty and Virtue", she really wanted to know the origin of this person more and more.

"How does this villain know?"

Manager Li shook his head.

When Zhang Xingyi heard this, she was a little disappointed.

"Then you believe that I am the wife of the Zhang family so easily, aren't you afraid of being deceived?"

Li Guanshi heard the words, and smiled slightly, "Miss Zhang, please rest assured, the villain will never make mistakes. How many people in the world can pretend to be a lady with such a face?"

When Zhang Xingyi heard it, he was greatly benefited, thinking that the manager of this bookstore can speak very well.

"And even if the villain has never met the little lady, the villain still recognizes the servants of the Xixianghou Mansion."

I saw Guanshi Li talking and pointing outside.

Only then did Zhang Xingyi suddenly understand.

There is another level that Li Guanshi did not mention.

That is, it is difficult to find even a thief in Nanxiang, let alone someone who dares to deceive Xinhua Bookstore so boldly.

On the other side of the mine, I don't know how many bones of green-skinned rascals who wanted to eat and drink in Nanxiang were buried.

"Besides, when the little lady was still in Nanzheng, Nanxiang had already received the news that the little lady was coming. Whether it was a bookstore, a workshop, a ranch, or even a mine, they were notified, saying that it was the little lady. Here you go, be careful."

Zhang Xingyi didn't expect Guanshi Li to say such a thing, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

Although it is true that Nanxiang is her family's food town, she also knows that apart from her family's farm in Nanxiang, in other respects, the Zhang family actually has nothing to say to Nanxiang.

So she asked a little strangely, "Why?"

"This villain doesn't know either. The villain just obeys orders from above."

Manager Li said vaguely.

Zhang Xingyi looked at him suspiciously, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

I walked out of the bookstore in a daze, and suddenly felt someone pulling me. Looking back, it was Luo Xian who followed me eagerly, "Sister Zhang, can Xian read this book?"

This visit to the bookstore made Zhang Xingyi feel very rewarding, and when he was in a good mood, it was easier to talk.

However, remembering Manager Li's advice before leaving, he immediately said, "You can read the book, but you can only read it at my house, and you can't take it away."

Luo Xian was overjoyed, and quickly said, "Enough is enough, as long as I can go to Zhang's elder sister's house to see it, that's enough."

He looked at the sky and said, "Then it's settled. Xian sneaked out of the school this time during the break, and now he is going back to the school. Either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will go and find Elder sister of the Zhang family."

As he spoke, he waved his hands and prepared to run away.

"Do you know where my house is?"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zhang Xingyi hurriedly asked.

When Luo Xian heard this, his eyes widened, "Sister Zhang's family doesn't live in the big yard next to the school?"

Since Luo Xian arrived in Nanxiang, I don't know how many people have heard stories about how Feng Langjun led the crowd to work hard to create a world in Nanxiang.

What's more, the school where he usually goes to school is next to the big courtyard where Feng Langjun used to live.

So now seeing Zhang Xingyi, the little lady who had trouble with Feng Langjun, coming to Nanxiang, I thought she was also going to live in that big courtyard.

It's just that Zhang Xingyi originally wanted to escape from some unconscionable guy, so he took the excuse of inspecting the industry and ran to Nanxiang to relax, leaving quietly when he left.

In addition, Nanxiang is her family's food town, so it is natural to let her family arrange it when she comes here, so why would she want to live in the big courtyard of the pioneers in Nanxiang?

"What big courtyard? The Zhang family has their own courtyard in Nanxiang. Why do I live in that big courtyard next to the school?"

Zhang Xingyi asked a little strangely.

"Ah, it turns out that Zhang's elder sister doesn't live there? That's a pity. I heard that Feng Langjun and Mrs. Guan lived there when they were in Nanxiang!"

When Luo Xian heard this, he was a little disappointed.

Now that big courtyard is like the holy land of Nanxiang. Not only is it guarded, but no one is allowed to approach it.

For Luo Xian, that was the most mysterious place in Nanxiang.

He also thought that if the elder sister of the Zhang family lived there, he would have an excuse to go in and take a look.

"Is there anything else like this?"

When Zhang Xingyi heard that Mrs. Feng Langjun and Mrs. Guan lived in a big courtyard, she was furious!

I can't get rid of this goddam rumor anywhere-no, I want to live too!

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