Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 513: Selling Market

In February of the third year of Jianxing, Feng Yong, Marquis of Guannei, took the post of chief historian of Yuejun. He set out from Jincheng, passed through the waterway to Bodao, and led two thousand soldiers towards Beishui.

Beishui in February is already warmer than Jincheng.

Outside Beishui City, one big shed after another was built with bamboo.

Around all the sheds, after leaving enough space, a large fence was erected, with exits and entrances.

In the sky above the shed, a tall flag was erected.

On one side of the flag was written the words "Dongfeng Express", and on the other side was a picture of a column-like thing with a pointed head, a fin at the tail, and a fire-breathing bottom.

What is painted on this flag, not to mention outsiders, even the members of Xinghanhui don't understand.

I heard that it was painted by Huishou himself. Although it looks nondescript, it is the logo of Dongfeng Express.

This flag, and this symbol, are really notorious among the barbarians in Nanzhong.

Because this flag represents the minions of the ghost king, and it is said that they are specially used to transport human flesh and blood to the ghost king.

Early this morning, Beishui City began to make noise.

I saw teams of soldiers driving groups of prisoners of war into the sheds, and the crowd outside was commotion: After waiting for so long, the prisoners of war in Yuejun prefect Meng Yan's hands are finally going to be sold.

"How many people?"

An old man in his fifties blushed and jumped up and shouted.

"It is said that there are three hundred people, it is still the first batch, there should be more in the future."

"Everyone, this old man is the second room of the Li family. I arrived in a hurry the day before yesterday. To be honest, two pairs of these shoes are worn out. There is nothing I can do. The master is in a hurry. I will ask you to save face later. , this labor, the old man is 80 yuan a piece..."

"Bah! Just want it for 80 yuan?"

Someone said disdainfully.

"It's endless, if I give this old man an average of two hundred, then I will have the sincerity on hand to offer it to you all!"

"Get out! Shameless old man! You robbed two hundred of three hundred people? When did the second house of the Li family lose face? How dare you say such things?"

Hearing the old man's words, the people around him glared on the spot.

Among them, the first one arrived ten days ago. After waiting for such a long time, just for today, this old man, who just came the day before yesterday, dared to speak wild words, really shameless.

When the old man heard this, he immediately became furious, and pointed at the speaker, "Who doesn't know about our Li family in the middle of Sichuan? Then Li Dudu..."

"Li your grandmother!"

With a punch, the old man let out a scream and fell straight to the ground.

"I'm not dead, dare to show your identity here? I really think I'm afraid of the second wife of the Li family? Li Dudu is from the Li family in Nanzhong. Don't say it's from your second wife, it's the eldest son of the Li family in Shuzhong. Let's see if Li Dudu will agree. Will you save face?"

The man cursed endlessly, and he still wanted to step forward and stomp his feet.

"Forget it, this old man doesn't know the rules, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

The accomplice quickly stopped him, "If you continue to fight, you will die..."

"What's going on over there?"

The commotion here naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers maintaining order. They immediately pressed the handle of the knife and shouted loudly. At the same time, other soldiers moved towards this side.

The beating man saw that something was wrong, so he quickly got into the crowd and hid - he was about to start working hard later, so he couldn't be caught by the soldiers.

Only one old man was left lying on the ground, ouching and ouching...

After all the labor was assigned to the shed, the entrance to the fence was finally opened.

"It's started, it's started, let's go!"

Someone shouted, and the crowd began to push forward.

When the old man heard this, he quickly got up, ignoring the few footprints that had been stepped on his body.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, there's more to come!"

"Shoes! My shoes, what the fuck! Which bastard is stepping on my shoes?"

"You mother! Who is touching my ass? Believe it or not, I stabbed you to death?"

There was a lot of noise, and everyone started to enter the passage surrounded by the fence.

Ten laborers are locked up in each shed, and they are all packaged and sold, not just sold.

Each laborer has his head shaved, and his upper body is also exposed, except for a rough linen cloth around his waist, which is convenient for guests to observe the laborer's physical condition.

"This, this, and this, one hundred coins, I want them all!"

The first person to come in glanced over and immediately picked three sheds.

One hundred strings means a labor of one hundred strings.

The man glanced at the back provocatively, the meaning was obvious, which one should I fight with Lao Tzu?

No one paid him any attention.

Seventy mins of labor for sale is the basic price, and those with the highest price get it, and one hundred mins a piece is already considered not low.

Anyway, there's more to come, don't raise the price with this fool.

The employee of Dongfeng Express who was guarding in front of the shed hurriedly shouted, "This gentleman is offering one hundred coins!"

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one was bidding, he turned over the sign hanging in front of the shed with a smile on his face, and saw the word "sold" written on it, which meant that the labor in this shed had been sold.

"My lord, please register here."

In the open space surrounded by the fence, there is a row of tables with paper and pens on the table. The paper is the high-quality mulberry paper produced in Nanxiang. There are some frames drawn on it, and words such as unit price and total are written inside.

Sitting in front of each table is a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old, and even fourteen years old, but he has long since lost his childishness and has become sophisticated.

Seeing someone coming, he quickly picked up a pen and prepared to register.

"Thirty, one hundred coins. May I ask this gentleman if he picked it up by himself, or checked it in?"

"Of course it's consignment."

"Where is it going?"

"Pingyi County."

"Which family?"


Lin Lin Zongzong, after registering the information, give the customer a copy as a voucher, Dongfeng Express keeps a copy for itself, and each presses their fingerprints.

The man who bought the labor took out a stack of bills from his pocket, counted them, and put some of them on the table as a deposit.

The remaining half will be paid when you arrive at the land.

This is considered to be the end of the transaction.

Nowadays, all labor bought and sold through Dongfeng Express basically uses tickets.

For the convenience of customers, Dongfeng Express also set up a ticket exchange office not far away.

It can be said that labor trading played a great role in promoting the notes issued by the Nanxiang Dahan Reserve Bureau.

The three hundred labors were quickly wiped out, and the last two sheds were snatched by the old steward of the second room of the Li family, each with ninety yuan of labor.

This is because others saw that some of the laborers in the two sheds were a little thin, so they didn't grab him.

Seeing the young gentleman in front of him skillfully write out the evidence, the old steward asked out loud, "My baby is good at arithmetic, where did you learn it?"

The young man looked up at the old steward with a slightly crooked nose, and said with a smile, "Return to the elder, the boy came out of Nanxiang School, and he must learn arithmetic."

Nowadays, there are countless families who want to settle down in Nanxiang Workshop Ranch, so the requirements are becoming more and more strict.

For ordinary people, it is a blessing to be able to settle in Nanxiang.

Those who can settle in the workshop or ranch, either have craftsmanship at home, or their children can be favored by the school.

It was because the school took a fancy to this young man that the whole family was able to move their household registration to the workshop and ranch and live a good life.

He studied in the school for two years, and was picked out to work in Dongfeng Express.

Daily life is not tiring, even very easy. It is all registration and calculation work, but the monthly money and food are quite a lot.

The old steward glanced at the young men sitting in a row, and saw that each of them was bowing their heads and writing calculations. He was slightly surprised, and thought that the background of Dongfeng Express should not be underestimated, and he didn't know Nanxiang Academy How many people like this are there?

Standing at the head of Beishui City, Meng Yan looked at the commotion below, and complicated eyes flashed in his eyes. What kind of family is elegant and romantic, what kind of gentleman is ashamed of his words, all of them have disappeared here.

Those profit seekers they look down on in normal times huddle together, shouting and waving tickets, just to grab the best labor.

What Feng Langjun did was to tear off all the fig leafs of the aristocratic family and put them in front of the world.

I just don't know, can he stop the counterattack of the aristocratic family?

"Prefect, the people sent out in front have returned, saying that Feng Langjun is at most one day away from Beishui."

Meng Yan was thinking deeply, only to see a person approaching him, reporting in a low voice.

"Oh, is it finally here?"

Meng Yan regained his senses and turned his head to look, "General Wang, Feng Langjun led the army to come. I intended to go to greet him in person, but now Beishui is newly settled."

Then he pointed to the city, "This matter of labor is also at a critical juncture, and I can't leave for a while. I wonder if General Wang can go for me?"

"The prefect has orders, how dare the last general disobey?"

"Then there is General Lao Wang."

Meng Yan nodded.

When Feng Yong saw the person Meng Yan sent over, he smiled and said, "General Wang, long time no see, how are you doing?"

The person known as General Wang was full of joy, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "It's a great honor to thank Feng Langjun for his concern."

Wang Han was originally a relative of Wang Ping. When Feng Yong went to Zhuti to inspect farming last year, Wang Ping sent him to lead his bodyguards to protect Feng Yong's safety.

When Feng Yong was assassinated in Nagu, Wang Han, who was vigilant by nature, saw through the barbarian's sneak attack idea and defended the camp, so he was appreciated by Feng Yong. Later, he recommended it to Wang Ping and was promoted to a military position.

Before this, Wang Han had heard others say that Feng Langjun had the ability to know people, and that anyone who was appreciated by him would have official luck.

Later, when this kind of thing happened to him, Fang felt that his words were true.

Now that I am fortunate enough to come to greet Feng Langjun in person, is there any reason not to be happy?

Seeing that he was an old acquaintance, Feng Yong was also happy, and asked, "Isn't General Wang following General Dangkou? Why are you here?"

"Back to Mr. Feng Lang. After the pacification of Nanzhong, General Wang obtained the permission of the prime minister to order Han to return to the land of Sanba and summon the people of Badi. Later, Taishou Meng dispatched five captains and horses, and there were many of them. The sons of Badi, so General Wang ordered Han to lead the army to come with Meng Taishou."

The General Wang in Wang Han's mouth is naturally Wang Ping.

Wang Ping has been in Nanzhong for three years. He was first appreciated by Li Hui, and then appreciated by Zhuge Liang during the Southern Expedition.

When preparing to develop the Zhuti Copper Mine, he first mastered the five captains composed of barbarians, and then was transferred to Zhuti as the sheriff. , that is what it should mean.

Coupled with the fact that the Banman in the land of Sanba is brave and good at fighting, and fearless of death, the old monster Zhuge used Wang Ping's relationship to summon more Banman in Badi, which can strengthen the military strength of the big man and weaken it. The Badiyi people kill two birds with one stone.

It seems that the famous Wudang Flying Army of later generations has already begun to take shape, but I don't know when Zhuge Old Demon plans to formally form it.

"So that's the case. General Wang followed Taishou Meng to pacify Beishui. Did you ever find out the news from Qiongdu?"

"Back to Feng Langjun, the barbarians in Qiongdu, heard that Gao Ding's son and the former number one fierce general came in person, and they surrendered without a fight. Many of Gao Ding's old troops belonged to him one after another. The Captain has led his troops into Qiongdu."

"So, doesn't Qiongdu decide for himself without a fight?"


"That's great!"

Feng Yong laughed, Gao Yuan and Eshun, it was just an idle move, when they were asked to go to Qiongdu to summon the old Gaoding department, they were even mentally prepared for their rebellion, unexpectedly it gave him a big surprise.

Just when Feng Yong led his army into Yuejun, in a small courtyard next to the workshop school in Nanxiang County, Hanzhong, Zhang Xingyi was leaning on the couch and reading a book fascinated.

She said that she came to Nanxiang to inspect her own property, but since she arrived in Nanxiang, she has been clinging to the wild history novel all day long, and rarely even goes out of the yard.

If it was changed to Jincheng, Zhang Xiahou would scold her badly if he saw her sitting like this all day long, and even reading these miscellaneous books.

But here, no one can control her.

Even Li Qiu, the county magistrate of Nanxiang County, heard that she wanted a small courtyard next to the school, not only agreed without hesitation, but also took her to choose the place himself.

He even told her that if there is any request, just send someone over to say it.

It really made her feel what it means to be surrounded by stars, even when she was the queen's younger sister in Jincheng, she never felt so happy.

"Lady, Mr. Li Jialang is asking to see you."

Only the maid came in and reported to Zhang Xingyi.

"The gentleman of the Li family? Who?"

Zhang Xingyi stretched lazily, and asked impatiently.

These days, many people have heard that Mrs. Zhang, who has entanglements with Feng Langjun, has come to Nanxiang, and they have come to ask to see her.

At first, Zhang Xingyi thought they were related to the Zhang family, but after meeting many visitors, and hearing Feng Langjun mentioned in their words, she realized that she wanted to get in touch with the heartbroken person through herself. .

After figuring out their purpose, Zhang Xingyi was so angry that he almost drove them out of the house.

At this time, I heard that someone was visiting again, and I felt a little bored in my heart.

"The person who came here claimed to be Miss Mu's elder brother, and said that he had something to present to the lady."

"Ms. Mu?" Zhang Xingyi's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name.

Who in Hanzhong does not know the reputation of Mrs. Mu of Nanxiang?

If her sister is like this, her younger brother must not be an ordinary person after all, right?

"Tell him to wait in the living room."

Zhang Xingyi got up, straightened his clothes, and then went out.

Li Tong sat in the living room with some anxiety. This time he secretly came here to ask to see the little lady of the Zhang family without telling his elder sister, so he was really a little uneasy.

I heard that this little lady Zhang has a pretty face, but I don't know what kind of temperament she is?

Just as he was making random guesses, he saw that the door was suddenly dark, and someone walked in slowly. He didn't dare to look carefully, so he quickly got up and bowed deeply: "Li Tong has met Miss Zhang."

"You don't need to be too polite, Mr. Li Lang."

Only a crisp voice said, "Please sit down."

"Thank you, Miss Zhang."

Li Tong only felt a burst of fragrance drifting past, and then another long skirt that dragged the floor passed in front of his eyes. After feeling that the other party had already sat down on the main seat, he got up and sat back in his seat with his head bowed.

"I don't know why Li Langjun came here?"

Hearing Zhang Xingyi's question, Li Tong dared to raise his head a little, and took a look above, but he didn't know it was this one, he just felt that his eyes suddenly brightened like spring.

I saw the little lady sitting above, with bright eyes, elegant and delicate, although she looked a little immature, she already had a faintly charming charm.

It really is Yun Xiang's clothes and Hua Xiangrong!

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