Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 514 Young and Passionate

Before Zhang Xingyi met Li Tong, he thought that Li Mu's younger brother was sure to be so bad, but he never thought about seeing a real person, but he looked so cautious and shy, so he underestimated him.

Seeing him lose his composure because of seeing him again, Zhang Xingyi frowned slightly, and looked down again in his heart: This Li Langjun looks like the princes and gentlemen of Jincheng.

Li Muna and other outstanding women have such a younger brother, which is really unexpected.

Li Tong grew up under Li Mu's shadow since he was a child. He has been beaten and scolded for a long time, so he is naturally more sensitive than others.

Now he keenly sensed Zhang Xingyi's displeasure, and quickly lowered his head again, "Go back to Mrs. Zhang, and I came here this time to deliver something to her."

"Send things?"

Zhang Xingyi asked a little strangely, "Why?"

These days, almost everyone who came to the door would give him something, but it was all because he wanted to make a relationship with that heartbroken man through himself.

But this Li Tong is Li Mu's younger brother. The Zhuangzi of the Li family in Jincheng is still next to Fengzhuang. I heard that there are still many exchanges between the two families. Did the guy send a message?

"The Li family has received a lot of kindness from Feng Langjun, especially our sister and brother, who have been greatly favored by Feng Langjun, and have never been able to repay it. Therefore, this time, it is just a small expression of gratitude."

Li Tong carefully thought that he was saying good things, but he didn't expect to make Zhang Xingyi furious all of a sudden: What a jerk! He is him, I am me, if you want to thank him, thank him, what does it mean to thank me!

Thinking of Nanxiang county magistrate Li Qiu's attitude towards him, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help feeling deeply suspicious. Could it be that everyone in Nanxiang misunderstood his relationship with him?

Thinking of this, the little lady of the Zhang family couldn't help laughing out of anger, "I don't know what Li Langjun wants to give?"

At the same time, she was thinking in her heart, if you can't come up with something good, see how I will save you!

"Miss Zhang, please take a look."

Li Tong took out the small jar that he had prepared a long time ago.

Zhang Xingyi motioned to the maid beside her to bring it over.

The maid took the small jar from Li Tong, opened it and handed it to Zhang Xingyi's desk.

Zhang Xingyi only felt a sweet fragrance coming out of her nostrils, she looked into the jar, and saw that there seemed to be thick liquid inside.

" this honey water?"

Zhang Xingyi looked at Li Tong in surprise.

"Back to my little lady, that's right."

Li Tong replied respectfully.

It's actually honey.

"It's such a rare thing!"

Zhang Xingyi was born in a wealthy and powerful family, and she is also the queen's younger sister. She has seen many rare things.

But the honey water produced by bees, she has only tasted it two or three times, and it is also a treasure found in the treasury when the first emperor Xinding Shu land, when he was enfeoffing all his officials.

In the past few years, I have not seen it again.

From this one can imagine the preciousness of honey water.

I heard that although honey water was not common a few decades ago, it could still be found occasionally in rich and powerful families.

It's just that in the past few decades, the world has been in chaos, and even eating has become a problem. In addition, the big man has advocated thrift these years, so this honey water has disappeared.

I didn't expect Li Tong to have such a can in his hand. It is very valuable. If such a small can is sold, it can be exchanged for three to five hundred coins at least.

"Back to my lady, it's honey water. I heard that the ice cream was first made by Feng Langjun and given to my lady. I tried it together. If you mix some honey water in that ice cream, it will taste much better."

When Zhang Xingyi heard that Li Tong kept saying "Feng Langjun" like everyone else, she felt impatient, but when Li Tong mentioned this ice cream, she was startled.

Isn't it? Back then, that person often made ice cream and delivered it to his house.

Thinking of how kind he was to her in the past, Zhang Xingyi's heart suddenly became sour and sweet, feeling a little at a loss.

" did you find such a rare thing?"

Zhang Xingyi didn't want to show her sadness in front of outsiders, so she restrained her thoughts and asked.

"My little lady, this is produced by my own bees."

"You raised it yourself? Bees?!" Zhang Xingyi lost his voice, "You know Jiang Qi's technique?"

Jiang Qi, also from the later Han Dynasty, was a hermit who kept bees and hogs as his business.

Li Tong nodded and explained, "Jiang Qi was originally from Shangyu. Back then, he lived in seclusion and taught others the art of raising bees. Because Hanzhong is not far from Shangyu, his art was also spread to Hanzhong."

"Although the technique has been lost for a long time now, there have always been rumors about him in Sichuan. According to the rumors, I also observed the bees carefully and found that they like to build nests in tree trunks and other places, so I tried to cut down the trunk of the beehive and move it to the eaves under."

"There were more than a dozen times during this period, but only one succeeded, so this jar of honey was produced by that nest of bees."

As Li Tong said, he still felt a little distressed in his heart.

Such a little honey water, but my hard work for a whole year, just like raising geese, the record alone is enough to have a thick book.

During this period, I don't know how many times I was stung, and the pain and tiredness involved in it are really incompetent and inhumane.

Although this time I just scraped the honey water on the honeycomb and did not wring out the honey water inside, it has already affected the bees in this nest.

But in order to keep his hard work, he had to do it again.

Fortunately, it is now spring, and the vegetation has begun to bloom, so there is no need to worry about the bees starving to death.

After Zhang Xingyi heard Li Tong's words, he finally looked at him differently in his heart: I didn't expect that he not only had such thoughts, but also seriously cultivated them?

Sure enough, is it worthy of being Mu Niangzi's younger brother?

"So that's the case. Li Langjun's ingenuity is really rare."

Zhang Xingyi said something sincerely.

In the past few years, Li Tong has been under the watchful eye of Li Mu. If something goes wrong, he beats or scolds, and even the servants are ordered by Li Mu to be careful about their husband.

Li Tong also knew that in the eyes of his elder sister, he was really like a waste. He could do nothing but only make her worry. To her, being able to settle down was the best result.

After experiencing the incident of being captured by the barbarians and almost becoming rations, Li Tong finally admitted one thing: Compared with his sister who only came to Hanzhong for more than a year and gained the reputation of "Nanxiang Mu Niangzi", he used to be What a waste.

That's why I am willing to admit my mistakes to my sister, and at the same time, I want to work hard to prove myself.

It's a pity that sister has always looked at him with old eyes. In the past two years, her hard work has never been overlooked by her.

To say I don't feel aggrieved is a lie.

Now that he was praised by Zhang Xingyi, Li Tong was moved in his heart: finally someone recognized him!

"Miss Zhang won the prize."

Li Tong said humbly, but he couldn't restrain the joy on his face, "Tong has other things to dedicate to the little lady."

"Oh, what else?"

Zhang Xingyi asked curiously.

"Look, little lady, this is a goose egg."

Li Tong took out a goose egg the size of a small fist from the basket he brought over, "Feng Langjun's technique of wishing a chicken is only raising chickens and ducks, but he didn't mention geese."

"So Tong also tried to raise geese, and found that although this goose does not lay many eggs, it is better to raise. It only eats a little bran and likes to eat weeds, but it does not take up food. If it is carefully raised, it will grow fast. A lot of meat is one of the benefits of raising geese."

"Miss Zhang, my sister gave me a down jacket that came out of Jincheng last year. I found that although the duck down used inside has been deodorized, if you smell it carefully, you can still smell a faint fishy smell."

"This goose down is different. Goose down has a light taste and almost none, but its down pieces are much larger than duck down. The goose is big and produces more down. This is the second advantage of raising geese."

"Also, as Miss Zhang knows, there is a kind of pen in Nanxiang, called charcoal pen, which writes extremely fast. If it is an informal document, it is convenient to use it for writing. But there is a disadvantage, that is, the ink stains tend to disappear."

"So inspired by this charcoal brush, writing with goose feathers dipped in ink is not only fast, but also the ink can be preserved for a long time. It has the advantages of both. This is the benefit of raising geese."

Zhang Xingyi's eyes widened. After listening to what Li Tong had said, she could only sum up one thing, that is: Raising geese is great!

It's just that Zhang Xingyi is not a three-year-old child, so how could anyone believe anything they say?

So she asked, "It sounds like raising more geese is a good thing, but Li Langjun said this to me, why?"

Everyone who went to Nanxiang would deeply feel Li Mu's power in Nanxiang.

Zhang Xingyi is no exception.

This Li Tong is Li Mu's younger brother, and he also knows the benefits of raising geese. As the owner of the workshop, Li Mu should give his full support.

You should tell Li Mu about this kind of thing, what does it mean to tell yourself?

When Li Tong heard Zhang Xingyi's question, he felt a little confused, "Miss Zhang doesn't know that the Li family's Zhuangzi in Nanxiang all provide food and vegetables for the workshop and ranch."

"Besides, that elder sister of mine is only concerned with the affairs of the workshop, and she got the art of wishing a rooster from Mr. Feng Langjun earlier, so she asked me to practice it wholeheartedly."

"She was afraid that I would delay the management of the manor because of raising geese, so she controlled me and prevented me from paying more attention to the matter of raising geese."

Although Li Tong didn't understand what he said, Zhang Xingyi understood.

It's just that Li Tong talked about this kind of thing when he met her for the first time, which made her feel a little weird.

Li Tong naturally knew that he was too impatient, but there was only one chance. If he failed to persuade Miss Zhang's family this time, it would be a question of whether he would have a chance to meet Miss Zhang next time.

If I let my sister know that he still doesn't give up and wants to continue to try to raise geese and bees, and I don't do what she wants, I'm afraid that all the geese and bees will be killed.

In my sister's eyes, the workshop is the most important thing. The Li family's Zhuangzi in Nanxiang, according to Feng Langjun's wishes, is the right way to concentrate on growing vegetables and use the technique of wishing chickens and ducks to supply the workshop. .

I have no experience in raising a large number of geese, so who knows if it will be possible?

If it doesn't work, and Feng Langjun's affairs are ruined, it will be a catastrophe for the Li family.

But how could Li Tong be willing to let his hard work go to waste?

More importantly, every time he passed by the field and saw Xu Erniang busy in the field, Li Tong felt ashamed like a knife.

At the beginning, I looked down on the work in this field, but looking at Erniang, now she has gained a lot of fame in the workshop.

Only by myself, nothing can be achieved.

Thinking back to the time when I swore that I would be successful and make my elder sister and second mother look at me differently, I didn't know that the reality actually slapped me several times, and the two women I valued most in my heart were all over my head, can I not be ashamed?

And now my sister and the family have a lot of restrictions on me, if I follow my sister's wishes, even if I will be promising in the future, in the eyes of others, I will just be in my sister's favor.

Now if you want to prove yourself, you can only go out of your own way under the existing conditions.

Raising geese and bees was a way that Li Tong had managed to find in the past two years.

So why is he willing to give up so easily?

Anyway, Erniang also likes to work in the fields. I raise geese and bees, so I am not ashamed in front of her.

To put it bluntly, Mu Ai is still young, passionate, and wants to work hard--it is best to be able to be with the one you love while working hard.

I saw Li Tong bit the bullet and said to Zhang Xingyi, "Miss Zhang, this honey water is a treasure, and raising geese is also very beneficial, so I was thinking, can I ask my lady to pass on a message to Feng Langjun?" If so, allow me to try it in Nanxiang?"

From Li Tong's point of view, he had offended Feng Yong before, so Feng Yong must have disliked him.

If he asks to come to the door, not to mention whether he can persuade Feng Yong to agree, but whether he can meet people is still a problem.

But it would be different for Mrs. Zhang.

Didn't Lord Mengchang get out of danger by bribing King Qin Zhao's concubine with white fur clothes?

Feng Langjun wrote articles specifically for Miss Zhang, praising her for her beauty, and presumably he loves her very much. I asked Miss Zhang to talk about it, and the reason is similar.

As soon as Zhang Xingyi heard the words "Feng Langjun", he suddenly came to his senses. It turned out that it was because of him!

At the same time, my heart was full of anger, and I was about to refuse, but when I saw the honey water on the table, I rolled my eyes twice, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"Li Langjun wanted to raise bees and geese in Nanxiang, but he came to me because Mrs. Mu refused to allow him, and he couldn't find Feng Langjun?"


After experiencing setbacks, Li Tong finally understands the truth that people have to bow their heads under the roof, and at the same time, his face has thickened a lot.

This "exactly", although the skin was a little hot when he said it, he could say it without hindrance.

"Why do you need to ask Feng Langjun about such a small matter, I can make the decision. How about this, the Zhang family has many Zhuangzi in Nanxiang. If you are interested, I can designate a Zhuangzi for you so that you can concentrate on raising bees Raising geese, what do you think?"

Although Zhang Xingyi never has to pay for the sweaters and down jackets she wears, this does not prevent her from knowing how expensive these things are.

If the goose feather is really as Li Tong said, with large yield, large fluff, and no peculiar smell, then it is really much better than duck feather.

Even if others really want to make down jackets, they may not be able to make them because they don't have duck down jackets. Even if they do, they may be suppressed by the Xinghan Club.

But who is she? Is she afraid?

If someone really dared to trouble her, she would dare to trouble that heartbroken man!

Li Tong was really surprised and happy when he heard that, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

"I don't dare to be like Mrs. Zhang, I can find a place to try on my own, and I have to agree to this matter..."

"Don't worry, I'll go and talk to Miss Mu personally about this matter."

Zhang Xingyi packed the ticket and said.

"Thank you, Miss Zhang!"

Li Tong hurriedly stood up and saluted excitedly to thank him, finally someone was willing to support him.

At this time, looking at Miss Zhang sitting on top, I really think she is like a fairy.

Zhang Xingyi didn't care about it, so he sent Li Tong away, prepared a name card and sent it to Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't dare to be negligent when he received the famous invitation, and he didn't wait for Zhang Xingyi to come to his door, he directly took people to the small courtyard where Zhang Xingyi lived.

Naturally, Zhang Xingyi did not expect that the famous Mu Niangzi would come to the door as soon as she received her post, and it was a big surprise right away.

Seeing her respectful appearance of responding to every request, I was even more surprised.

"If Mrs. Zhang wants to let my concubine's useless younger brother help the bees and geese, then there is no problem. But do you want to ask Feng Langjun about this matter?"

After learning about Zhang Xingyi's thoughts, Li Mu reminded her.

"Why do you ask him what he means?"

Zhang Xingyi now feels annoyed when hearing these three words, "Aren't you his sister?"

As soon as the words came out, she saw Li Mu cast a strange look, and then she woke up suddenly, and she could only say, "Okay, I know, I will write to him about it when the time comes."

At the same time, Silver Teeth gritted secretly, this person is very annoying, he is everywhere, everywhere!

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