Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 516: The Beginning of Calming the Chaos

"Too much deceit!"

Su Qiyi is not far from Qiong, Dongfeng soon received the order of the ghost king, and immediately became furious.

It is true that Yuejun was established by the Han people hundreds of years ago, but there have always been more Yi people than Han people. More than a hundred years ago, most of the ties with the Han land were severed. Jurisdiction.

Following Gao Ding’s rebellion against the Han for more than ten years, Dong Feng has strengthened this belief: Han people are good at face, as long as they show a lowering of the list on the surface, in fact it is up to themselves in the end.

What's more, in the past few decades, I heard that the Han people themselves have been fighting endlessly, so how can they have the energy to manage them?

Unexpectedly, as soon as the ghost king came, he asked himself to hand over Li Qiucheng, and at the same time, he wanted his tribe to change customs, move to the flat land, and directly become the subjects of the Han emperor!

If Li Qiucheng is really going to be handed over, what prestige does he have as a clan leader? This move is simply to disintegrate people's hearts, but it is extremely dangerous.

Not to mention letting your tribe move into the plains and be under its jurisdiction, this is really cutting off your own foundation!

"Brother, I found out clearly that the ghost king claimed that he had brought 30,000 troops, but in reality it was only 5,000 Han troops. We may not be incapable of fighting."

Dong Kai Qu was short and fierce, and said to Dong Feng.

"How to say?"

"We have two thousand soldiers in our headquarters. If we recruit more, we can reach three thousand at least. My brother is the son-in-law of King Yanniu. King Yanniu will definitely not sit idly by and let our tribe be destroyed. There are people in the Yanniu tribe. Thousands of households, at least five or six thousand soldiers."

"There is also a horse-catching tribe in the north. They are extremely brave. They have made it clear that they will not succumb to the ghost king's majesty. The horse-hunting tribe does not matter whether men, women, or children. Everyone has war horses. Back then, even the prime minister of the Han people did not easily provoke them. It's a military force."

"In addition, the handsome Lang Cen of Dingze County in the south, although he appears to be a vassal to the ghost king, but I know him, he has always been very ambitious, and his tribe has occupied the Dingzao salt pond for a long time, how can the Han people come here? He has been going on like this? Presumably he wants to take back Yanchi."

"At that time, as long as we explain our interests to him, he will definitely respond. In this way, the soldiers we can gather will not be less than 15,000, which is three times the strength of the ghost king."

"At that time, we will attack his heart, and the cattle and horses will come from the north, and the wolves will come from the south. Think about the ghost king, who will be attacked on three sides, how can we resist? If he knows the way, he will withdraw from Qiongdu, if not , must make him like that Gong Lu, come and go."

Hearing Dong Kaiqu's words, Dongfeng shouted: "Okay!"

He knew that his younger brother was always scheming. After the death of King Gao, it was his younger brother who persuaded him to temporarily submit to the Han prime minister, saying that the Han army would not stay here for too long.

Sure enough, the Han army only stayed for more than two months before going south, leaving only a small amount of troops, and then gathered Gao Dawang's old troops to fight against the Han again. The Han people were caught off guard and had to withdraw from Yuejun.

If you give yourself another three or four years, even if you can't become a character like King Gao, at least you can control the Qiongdu area and become the largest tribe in Yuejun.

It's just that the Han people didn't give up, and sent a large army again.

It would be a lie to say that Dongfeng is not afraid, after all, the prestige of the Han people has been spread in Yuejun hundreds of years ago.

But if it is said that he is so frightened that he is willing to do what the ghost king said, that is not necessarily the case.

The official road between Yuejun and Han has been cut off for more than a hundred years, especially in the past ten years, Yuejun has long been dominated by barbarians, so how can there be any Han people?

So it is okay for him to raise and lower the table to express his submission, but it is impossible for the Han people to make him completely obedient.

"Now we might as well lower the watch for the time being, saying that we are obeying the ghost king's order and preparing to move the whole clan, so as to delay the time. Then we will send people to inform the cattle department and Dingruo Haoshuai, and make an appointment. Attack Qiongdu."

Dong Kaiqu suggested again.

"That's a good word! Then do it according to your plan."

Dongfeng said with great joy.

In March of the fourth year of Jianxing, Meng Yan, the prefect of Yuejun, led 2,000 troops northward along the Sunshui Plain to crusade against the Zhuoma tribe in Chan County.

At the same time, Feng Yong, as the ghost king, sent an order to the Quartet, named the leaders of the Yi tribe, regardless of their size, to come to Qiongdu to discuss the strategy of governing Yuejun.

In particular, he pointed out the Dongqu Department in Su Qiyi, and ordered that Li Qiucheng, the murderer who killed the former Yuejun prefect, must be handed over within three days, and the head of the Dongqu Department must personally go to Qiongdu to accept the crime and be punished.

For a moment, Yue Jun was shocked, and the barbarians were all in shock.

Dongqubu Lord Chang Dongfeng came up to the table in fear, saying that he would like to move his family to Qiongdu, but he only asked for a little more time to gather the people of the clan.

Feng Yong promised it, but he still ordered Li Qiucheng to be handed over within a time limit. Dongfeng didn't expect Feng Yong to be so urgent.

Feng Yong ordered Eshun to lead 500 people from Gaoding's old tribe as the vanguard, with Zhang Ni as the main general, Huang Chong and Wang Xun as deputy generals, and 2,000 people went to Suqiyi to crusade against the Dongqu tribe.

In winter, people set up stone gates in the most important places in the mountains, and store more huge stones at the same time.

Eshun led a fierce attack, but the mountain road was rough, and it was impossible to form a formation. The rocks rolled down the mountain, and many people were smashed to pieces.

Eshun had no choice but to temporarily stop the attack, and at the same time sent people to the mountain to warn the barbarians.

"If you can keep it for a while, can you keep it for a lifetime? The ghost king came in person and sent orders to all directions. Only you disobeyed and refused to listen. Once General Zhang's army is deployed, they will all kill you. It will be too late for you to regret it. "

"If you wake up early and turn around before the army attacks, the ghost king can still forgive you and teach you how to farm, so you can live and work in peace and contentment from now on."

Eshun was originally Gao Ding's number one general, but now he threatened him with the name of ghost king, and Dong Qu's people panicked.

Sure enough, within two days, Zhang Ni led his army to arrive, and the Yi people on the mountain were even more panicked when they saw the Han army coming in large numbers.

At night, a leader sneaked down the mountain to surrender and told him about other routes.

Zhang Ni was overjoyed. He personally selected the elites, traveled around the mountain, and flanked Eshun King Huang Chong before and after training.

The people of the Dongqu tribe were already fluctuating, but now they were suddenly attacked by the enemy, and there was an uproar all at once, most of them surrendered, and a few fled to the deep mountains.

The big boss Li Qiucheng couldn't escape, so he was captured and returned alive. Jun Changdong was killed in the rebellious army, but his younger brother Dongkaiqu led his cronies to escape to the west. report.

On the edge of Qiongdu City, Feng Yongzheng was standing in front of the dilapidated city wall with his arms crossed, thinking about how to rebuild the city as soon as possible.

Huahuan came bouncing over, holding a branch in her hand, shaking it, only to hear her ask in a crisp voice, "Brother Feng, what are you going to do with so many barbarians?" ? Doesn’t the racecourse already have enough labor?”

Hearing Hualan's question, Feng Yong couldn't help but glanced at the chick strangely, "Don't talk nonsense! Those barbarians who follow the call are my people, not labor? Besides, there is not enough labor in the racecourse. ?”

This chick arrived in Yuejun a few days earlier than Feng Yong, and I heard that she spent a lot of hard work buying in Beishui a few days ago.

The weather started to heat up, and when Hualan came to Nanzhong, she began to put on short skirts again, revealing her white legs, which were a little dazzling under the sun, which made Feng Tubie take a few extra glances.

"Brother, don't deceive me into being ignorant."

Hualan shook the branch in her hand, "Brother, you don't want to accept the surrender of the Dongqubu, isn't it just to find more labor? I heard that there are thousands of households in the Dongqubu. After doing this calculation, nearly ten thousand Isn’t there a lot of labor?”

Hualan, who was born in the Southern Central Yi people, now speaks of the word labor, which is really easy to say, and it doesn't look like a rabbit dying or a fox sad.

This made Feng Tubie a little heartbroken, depraved, the speed of this degeneration is really too fast.

It seems that the aristocratic family really has a way of corrupting people, otherwise this chick has only been in contact with them for a few days, and she already looks like a female slave leader.

And there should be a lot of money and food for this chick, otherwise, with her, how can she have the strength to grab people in the labor market in Beishui?

"Don't talk nonsense, why don't I accept it? It's because they don't want to accept the restraint of the big man, so I have to punish them severely. Look at those people over there, they obeyed my orders, and the work hasn't started yet. I’ve already eaten a few days’ food in vain.”

Feng Yong pointed to the place where the barbarians gathered not far away.

Some of those barbarians are family members of the old Ministry of Gaoding.

Some of them were Gao Yuan who was ordered by Feng Yong to personally find slaves bought by the nearby barbarians.

That's right, in many Yi tribes, the lower-level Yi people are regarded as the private property of the leader.

Since it is private property, the leader doesn't mind selling these two-legged livestock as long as he can afford the price.

As for the Yi tribes who took the initiative to come to seek refuge, it is not to say that there are no such tribes, but they are all small tribes living near Qiongdu.

They really couldn't control their own destiny. Seeing the Han army entering Qiongdu and hearing the ghost king's order, they were so frightened that they rushed over overnight to avoid being wiped out.

As for the tribes that are a little further away, they are all waiting and watching with luck.

Feng Yong was not in a hurry, the new official took office three fires, since the Dongqu tribe was the chief culprit, then the extermination of the Dongqu tribe was the first fire.

When this fire is kindled, I believe they will know what to do.

After hearing Feng Yong's words, Hualan looked suddenly enlightened, nodded again and again, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Feng, can you distribute some of the labor from the East Canal Department to my younger sister in private?"

"Isn't your clan planning to move here? I heard that there are more than 20,000 people. How big is your horse farm going to be?"

Feng Yong asked strangely when he heard her words.

"It's not that the younger sister asked for it herself, but someone entrusted the younger sister to buy labor at a high price."


"One is the Liu family, and the other is the Mi family."

Isn't that Liu Liang and Mi Zhao who were forced by the powerful to feed mosquitoes in Nanzhong?

"How much?"

"One of two hundred strings."

Hualan stretched out two fingers and said with a grin.

"So generous!" Feng Yong laughed, "Aren't you afraid that I'll be angry?"

"Brother here sells labor, the base price is only 70 yuan a piece, the highest is no more than 100 yuan, no higher. These two families offer 200 yuan, which is obviously to make amends for brother."

"My little sister is just a messenger. If my brother is willing to accept it, then my little sister will earn some hard money. If not, then they deserve it. Just pretend that my little sister never said that!"

Liu Liang and Mi Zhao originally belonged to the camp of the rich and powerful, but they were squeezed out by the rich and powerful, and no one was willing to help when they tried to find a way out.

Unexpectedly, when I went to Nanzhong, I could find the road of Hualan, and my sense of smell is really sensitive.

"They are willing to pay more, and of course I am willing to accept it."

It's okay for the Liu family to talk about it, but the Mi family is A Dou's relative after all, and Mi Zhao was ordered by the queen back then.

Besides, now that he and Guan Ji are married, the dignitaries should feel relieved, and if they make an exception, it can be regarded as a good relationship with Adou and the queen.


"I don't even want money from others. Could it be that I'm stupid?"

"Thank you bro!"

Huawan jumped up all of a sudden, and said with joy on her face.

"What good did they promise you?"

"It's nothing, just promise to subsidize some money and food for my horse farm."

"Since that's the case, then you should count the racecourse as a part of Mi's family. It may be beneficial to your family in the future."

"Brother has already said that, and my younger sister will naturally obey. It's just that the share goes to the Mi family, not to the Liu family?"

"I'll let him die!"

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