A certain soil turtle who crossed illegally said that he had to be big-hearted, that was a joke.

In front of Zhang Xingyi, Liu Liang claimed to be a royal family and aristocrat, and questioned the qualifications of the local beetle to stay in the place where the Houfu gathered, and someone has been writing it down in the little black book.

What's more, Liu Yan and his son actually wanted to grab their first position in the Xinghan Association last year, and even planned to push themselves out of the Xinghan Association. This is absolutely unbearable.

Therefore, it is good for Liu Liang to die.

Hualan doesn't care about Liu Liang's life or death, she can't help herself now, the Meng family finally got a chance to turn around from Feng Yong, how could she go against Feng Yong's intention?

Looking left and right, he asked absently, "Brother Feng, why didn't you see Guan Weizhi?"

Feng Yong glanced at her again, what does this chick mean by coveting her own wife all the time? You were beaten and cried by Guan Ji last year, but this time you still want to come to seek abuse?

"He's busy."

"What are you busy with?"

"He is the postmaster. Now that Qiongdu is newly settled, people's hearts are not stable. Naturally, he has to be busy patrolling around, checking for thieves and thieves, just in case there are bad people."

Now Qiongdu is mixed with fish and dragons. The local barbarians, the stewards of the powerful families who are going to make a fortune from outside, and some prisoners of war slaves, all of a sudden crowded Qiongdu.

Just eating, drinking, and hygiene issues are enough to worry about.

Not to mention that the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and the issue of law and order is an urgent one.

Fortunately, Feng Langjun's clever words, and what ghost king's name is famous enough, plus the thousand elite soldiers left by Meng Yan and Zhang Yi, and the Dongfeng Express security personnel transformed from the militia, who are experienced enough, and finally manned. enough.

Guan Ji has to constantly patrol the surroundings every day to maintain order, how can she be in the mood to have a relationship with a little lady?

"Besides, you two won't have any results, so why should you?"

"Feng Langjun, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Hualan's small face flushed slightly, like a kitten with furred fur, she grunted and turned away.

Feng Yong looked at her retreating back, "tsk", and thought, I am not talking nonsense, your Guan Lang sleeps on the same bed with me every night, and reports to me on ideological work.

Seeing the flower garland walking away, Wei Rong, Feng Yong's eldest disciple, came over with a book, "Sir, the current population of Qiongdu has been counted. The food we brought is only enough to support half of the population. months."

"Half a month is enough. A few days ago, an order was sent to Beishui to transport food there. I think it will be here soon. There are also Anshang and Bodao. Food should be halfway there."

After Meng Yan pacified Beishui, Beishui became the frontier of entering Qiongdu, and some grain was stored, and it happened to be all transported here at this time.

Since Gong Lu, the prefect of Yuejun, died in the riots, the appointed officials of Yuejun did not dare to enter Yuejun at all, but only dared to stay in Anshang, where there was also some food.

From Jincheng to Bodao, there is a Qingyi River connecting it, which can quickly transport grain from Jincheng to Bodao.

Coupled with the fact that Dongfeng Express's business is becoming more and more proficient, there is no need to worry about not having enough food.

Xinghanhui made a big purchase of grain, and Jincheng's grain price finally stopped its downward trend.

In the Shu land with Jincheng as the center, the grain harvest has been bumper every year and the income has increased every year. This should be a matter of laughter, but the aristocratic families in the Shu land want to cry but have no tears.

Because of the redevelopment of Dujiangyan and the deep farming technology, the imperial court no longer has a shortage of food.

There is also the emergence of flour and steamed buns, and the rations of the broad masses of the people have become much richer.

This has caused the price of grain in Jincheng to be tightly suppressed, and many large grain growers are worried that the output in the field will become garbage.

There are places like Nanxiang Workshop in Hanzhong in the north to support food prices, and the land in Nanzhong in the south is planning to grow sugarcane to make sugar to grab money.

There is no harm without comparison. The aristocratic families in central Sichuan who occupy most of the fields in the Central Sichuan Plain now feel like they are locked in a big cage.

And it was the kind that was locked up by the prime minister of the big man, and even whipped them with a stick from time to time, it was so sour!

The person who passed the stick was named Feng, named Yong, and named Mingwen.

Now this man surnamed Feng finally showed kindness, not only opened a hole in the cage, but also willing to give them some sweetness, which made many people cry.

Therefore, Jincheng's grain purchase went very smoothly. Dongfeng Express's warehouse outside Jincheng was not enough, so it had to urgently expand the temporary storage point.

After a few days, the news of Zhang Yi's pacification of the East Canal of Suqiyi reached Qiongdu. Feng Yong laughed loudly and ordered, "Start work!"

Starting construction not only refers to the construction of cities, but also includes filling lakes and cofferdams, opening up wasteland and farming land.

After solving the Dongqu Department, which is the closest to Qiongdu, the vicinity of Qiongdu is considered safe and has the value of development.

The Sunshui River Valley is a long and narrow plain with fertile land, abundant water sources, and perennial spring. It can not only raise cattle and horses, but also build a large granary. It is a rare treasure.

Agriculture is the primary industry, without agriculture, everything is out of the question.

No matter what Qiongdu turns into in the end, there must be sufficient food supply as the basis, so opening up wasteland and farming is still necessary.

Nanxiang Academy has been in operation for almost three years, and it has reached the time when it can harvest a large number of laborers with elementary knowledge-the former kind of consumables are not even the most elementary labor force.

The civil engineering team also has a history of almost two years. During this period, not only the cement road was built, but also many houses and walls were built for the Nanxiang Workshop, Ranch and Mine, and rich experience in civil construction was accumulated.

Now that he knew he was going to be based in Qiongdu, how could Feng Yong not make preparations earlier?

Therefore, many of the personnel who came with the army were drawn from Nanxiang.

On the construction site in the city, as long as they wear wicker helmets, point fingers at others, and yell at others, they are technicians from Nanxiang.

Measuring earthwork, planning terrain, etc., although very rudimentary, more often rely on experience, but it is better than messing around.

The Yi people who took refuge here found that they used to try their best to find food everywhere, and they were often hungry and full. Now, as long as they work according to the ghost king's wishes, they can eat two full meals a day. Gradually put out other thoughts.

At the same time, he secretly thought, not only did this ghost king not eat human flesh and drink human blood as rumored, but he was very kind.

Just when Qiongdu became a big construction site in full swing, Zhang Ni finally escorted the leaders of Dongqubu back.

Dongfeng of Dongqubu was dead, leaving only a pickled head, which emitted a stench, so bad that Feng Yong almost vomited out the overnight meal.

He quickly waved his hand to ask someone to put the head away, and then looked at the barbarian leaders who were tied up in a string.

The guy tied at the front, although not tall, had a ferocious face comparable to that of Eshun.

The clothes are tattered, and it can be seen that there are still many scars on the body. It seems that he has not been abused along the way.

"According to Chang Shi, this person is Li Qiucheng who personally killed Governor Gong."

Zhang Ni clasped his fists at Feng Yong, and when his gaze was on Li Qiucheng, he couldn't help licking his lips, as if seeing a wolf like a little lamb.

Li Qiucheng looked at Feng Yong with fear in his eyes.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

In the name of the ghost king, Megatron Nanzhong.

Although he is also a ruthless person, compared to the ghost king who made the people of Nanzhong Yi cry everywhere, he is still not enough to watch.

As for those rumors about drinking human blood and eating human flesh, they are not so scary.

In the deep mountains of Nanzhong, there are no tribes without the habit of cannibalism.

"Li Qiucheng?"

Feng Yong was not interested in talking to Li Qiucheng, he just looked the prisoner up and down, and then nodded, "Take it out and behead it in public. Interrogate the leaders again, and if there are any evildoers, they will also be beheaded."

When Zhang Ni heard it, his face was flushed and tears were in his eyes, and he offered a big gift, "Ni thanked Feng Langjun on behalf of Governor Gong!"

Not only Zhang Yi, but even Guan Ji who was standing aside had a calm expression on her face, as if this was a very common thing.

The Dongqu tribe is a large tribe in Yuejun, and it is also the chief culprit of the chaos in Yuejun this year. It even killed the former prefect, which has extremely bad influence. They sacrifice some heads to the sky, blood for blood, and tooth for tooth. They are the Han people of today. behavior style.

As for benevolence and righteousness, it is for the Han people, what is the matter with the Guanyi people?

Feng Yong has been traveling for so long, so he naturally knows the rules of the Han people today.

Even Li Qiucheng looked resigned to his fate, he knew that the Han people had always been extremely cruel to the barbarians, and he had killed a high official of the Han people with his own hands.

As for people like Meng Huo, it was because he was lucky enough to meet Zhuge Liang.

He ordered those leaders to be taken down for interrogation, and then Feng Yong looked at Zhang Yi and said with a smile, "This time, General Zhang has made a great contribution."

Zhang Ni clasped his fists, "The last general dare not take credit for it, it's all thanks to Feng Changshi's strategizing."

"General Zhang doesn't need to be like this, am I the kind of person who grabs credit?"

Feng Yong waved his hand, "In my case, as long as you are talented and willing to contribute, whoever deserves the credit will be credited. There is no such thing as grabbing credit."

"The last general doesn't want to give credit, but just wants to use this credit to ask Feng Langjun."

"What is it?"

"After cutting off that Li Qiucheng's head, I beg Feng Langjun to let the general take it to worship the prefect Gong."

Look, I said that the style of the Han people is rough and barbaric, right? How is it different from barbarians who cut off their heads and still use their heads as sacrifices?

"Sure. How about this? Let's choose an auspicious day and hold a big sacrifice in public. Not only will we commemorate the death of the prefect Gong, but we will also sacrifice those soldiers who died in battle, how about it?"

Feng Yong is surrounded by barbarians, so it's not easy for him to be a civilized person by himself.

"Feng Changshi's move is a great kindness."

In March of the fourth year of Jianxing, Yuejun Chief Shi Feng Yong ordered Zhang Ni to lead his army to break through the Dongqu tribe, enumerating the crimes committed by the Dongqu tribe. Yuejun's former county general Jiao Huang, former prefect Gong Lu and other soldiers.

A huge stone tablet was even erected outside the city of Qiongdu, with big characters written: Therefore, the fallen soldiers and the green mountains will last forever.

Behind it, there are not only the names of Han soldiers, but also the names of barbarians and soldiers.

For a time, the soldiers in the army, regardless of Han and Yi, were all enthusiastic and their morale was high.

When the Xinfuyi people saw the speed of the defeat of the Dongqu tribe, they were all shocked and awe-inspiring, and they didn't dare to think about it, so Qiongdu was finally completely stable.

"Boom boom boom..."

Outside the city of Chan County, the drums of war sounded.

The soldiers of the horse-catching department did not defend the city, but lined up outside the city to fight, because the broken city wall would not give them even the slightest advantage.

Rusty weapons, made of wood, bamboo, bone, etc., were held in the hands of the warriors of the horse department.

Opposite them is the Han army, each holding iron weapons, and the lackeys of the Han army.

But none of the warriors in the horse hunting department showed timidity, but looked at the enemy angrily.

I saw the Han army started to move, with shield soldiers in front and spearmen behind, slowly pushing forward.

The archers on both sides began to draw their bows and shoot to hold their positions.

"Warriors, go!"

There are horses in the horse hunting department. Although they are only short Dian horses, they have a certain momentum when charging.

Watching the cavalry in front start to speed up, feeling the vibration of the ground, the face of the shield soldier standing in the front began to turn pale, and his teeth chattered.

The drums of war were raised higher and higher, and the long spears facing the sky finally began to be lowered and aimed at the front.

When the horses crossed the line, the archers behind began to shoot arrows.


People kept falling off their horses, and when they finally rushed through the rain of arrows, there were forests of spears waiting for them in front of them.

Facing this forest of long spears, some war horses finally wanted to hold back their hooves, but the horse's owner was still desperately urging forward.

Then both the horse and the man are pierced, or the man on the horse is raised high, drawing a line of blood in the air.

There were also long spears that couldn't hold back, and were directly crushed by the powerful charge, or were broken...

"This horse catcher is really as rumored, brave and not afraid of life and death."

Meng Yan, who was standing under the handsome banner, sighed as he watched the horse catchers in simple rattan armor and simple weapons charge over again and again.

Then raise your hand, "Change the drum!"

Wang Han, who had been waiting for a long time, heard the sound of the drum and shouted, "Front!"

On the side of the Han army, a special battalion started to move. All of them wore shiny rattan armor, which was not the same as the simple rattan armor of the horse-hunting department. There are also crossbows hanging in the room.

Hearing Wang Han's order, he began to move forward.


Take the bow, pull the arrow, throw it!

The bow is big and the arrow is long, powerful and powerful, and if the arrow hits a person, it will pierce through the body, and many people are even directly nailed to the back of the horse.


Wang Han shouted again.

So the soldiers threw away their bows and arrows and rushed forward, picked up the crossbows and arrows, pierced through the side of the camp, and finally walked to the front of the army.


The poisonous crossbow arrows flew out like locusts suddenly, which actually contained the momentum of the horse arresting department.

"This Han army... is so despicable!"

Wei Lang, the leader of the horse catching department, gritted his teeth.

At this time, I saw the banner on the opposite side waving, shouting, and the Han army began to charge.

Holding the mace, Wei Lang took the lead and charged forward, "Boys, follow me! Kill all these Han soldiers!"

The two armies collided fiercely like two raging tides, causing huge waves.

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