Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 519 Zhang Xingyi VIP

Seeing her A Lang being so considerate, Guan Ji was moved in her heart.

But for some reason, seeing that weird (wretched) smile on his face, I always felt that something was wrong.

"Weird! I always feel that you mean something else."

Guan Ji, who couldn't tell what was wrong, gave Feng Yong a blank look, then reached out and took out a letter from her bosom, "Si Niang sent you a letter."

Feng Yong, who was lucky to have escaped unharmed, trembled when he heard this, his mouth was not aimed at the bucket, and he dumped more than a dozen loaches outside in one fell swoop.

"What... what letter? Whose letter?"

Feng Yong was not in the mood to care about the lively loach on the ground, and looked at Guan Ji with a guilty conscience, "Which Si Niang?"

"Which one else could it be? Of course it's the one who sings the loach song."

There was a naughty smile on Guan Jijuemei's face, as if she was very interested in her A Lang's appearance.

Feng Yong coughed and forced himself to calm down, but the trembling basket betrayed his panic.

"Oh, Si Niang went to Nanxiang, she must have encountered some problems, so I wrote to ask."

"San Niang, you also know, after all, the problem of Nanxiang, ordinary people really can't solve it..."

Feng Yongxu explained in a babbling manner, like an old woman with a bad mouth, put Lou Zi down calmly, "Now I'm busy with my hands, why don't Sanniang open it for me and read it to me?"

Guan Ji pursed her lips into a smile, and stuffed the letter into Feng Yong's arms, "This is a letter from Si Niang to A Lang, what does it mean for me to read it? I believe A Lang."

As he said that, he asked him to kiss his face again, and whispered, "Although I know that the book says that gentlemen stay away from the kitchen, but now I see Alang cooking for my concubine, and I don't know why, I am really happy." Woolen cloth."

"Ah Lang won't blame my concubine for thinking like this?"

During the honeymoon period, Guan Ji became much clingier than before. Even though there was a faint fishy smell, the two felt tenderness between them.

"In my school, there is a saying, which was said by the founder of the mountain himself, which is 'do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing'. This cooking thing is also included in the ranks of doing it yourself."

"So what I did was to follow the teacher's instruction. Why should Xijun have a heart of self-blame? Besides, as long as I am with Xijun, even if I drink water, I will feel full, let alone such delicious food? I am full of joy That's normal."

With Feng Langjun's sweet words, he immediately fascinated Mrs. Guan, who has the prestige of a tiger girl.

But seeing her eyes watering, she wished she could spend some time with this guy, for a while, she forgot to care about what Si Niang said in her letter.

"Xijun is tired from running around today, why don't you take a bath first and relax. After you wash, you can taste the delicacy of this world."

After half coaxing and half pushing Guan Ji to take a bath, Feng Yong squatted down and picked up the dusty loach with distress.

With sugar, braised pork has a real soul.

Braised loach in brown sauce, stewed loach with tofu, and a plate of salt and pepper loach, when served, the aroma is full.

Although Guan Ji asked at first if such ugly things could be eaten, she started to salivate when she smelled the aroma.

Picking up one with chopsticks, carefully put it in his mouth, his eyes lit up.

Guan Ji is the daughter of a prince, so she should have been educated as a lady.

Sitting there, sitting upright, looking as demure as water, and covering it with sleeves from time to time, the small mouth moved slightly, even the teeth were not exposed, let alone any other movements, just for a while, the food on the table was much less.

After dinner, the sky began to darken.

Guan Ji lit a pottery lamp in the room, spread out the map, took out a small notebook and a charcoal pencil, and began to write and draw.

Nanzhong is rich in tung oil. Although the smell of fireworks is a bit strong, it is much stronger than butter or other oils, and it is cheap and large in quantity, so don't worry about it.

Nanzhong also produces a kind of rush grass, which can be directly used as a wick after drying, which is easy to use.

Feng Yong lit two more lamps to make the room much brighter, so that Guan Ji would not damage his eyes.

Then he leaned over, put his hands on her shoulders, and massaged her, "Mr. Xi has been working hard these days."

Guan Ji raised her head and smiled softly when she heard the words, her face was full of brilliance, "It's not hard work, I should thank A Lang for giving me the opportunity to do these things."

Then, he clicked on the map, and it was the topography near Qiongdu, "Ah Lang, on the mountain here, there is a Yi people's village, which is quite hidden. people."

"My concubine thinks that we should send troops to persuade them, otherwise it will be fine for others to see that this village does not obey the ghost king's orders. Don't they want to follow suit?"

Send troops to persuade?

This persuasion, I am afraid that a lot of labor will be required?

Feng Tubie felt that his mother-in-law's words were really euphemistic.

Feng Yong nodded, "Such things are arranged by Xijun. You are the postal supervisor, and it is your job to arrest robbers."

"It's always about listening to your long history."

After Guan Ji said this, she looked at her notebook again, then picked up a charcoal pencil, and wrote and drew on the map, marking some incomprehensible symbols.

At the same time, he sighed in admiration, "Ah Lang's ability to draw maps is really amazing, I don't know how much trouble has been saved."

"That is!"

When Feng Tubie heard this, he immediately raised his head and boasted, "I used to learn CA...cough, in order to learn this painting, I just learned the basics..."

There is geography in junior high school, geography in high school, and two years of public courses in college, that is...

"Eight years, you need to learn the basics for eight years before you can be regarded as an entry."

"No wonder!"

Guan Ji nodded when she heard the words, "No wonder Alang can draw such a detailed map as long as he observes the terrain."

"What's this?"

Hearing his wife's praise, Feng Yong couldn't help but pretend to nod Guan Jitu's symbol.

"My concubine's defense plan, Alang, look, the city wall of Qiongdu is now in ruins, if any tribe that doesn't have a good eye wants to make trouble, if it is not prepared, it will be in a hurry then?"

"My concubine patrols the surroundings on weekdays, one is to find out the situation of the surrounding Yi people's villages, and the other is to check the surrounding terrain and see if there is an enemy attacking, where is the attacking point."

Guan Ji pointed to another small black dot on the map, "For example, here is the pasture planned by Alang. If there is an enemy attacking from outside, this is the best direction..."

My mother-in-law is better at leading the army than myself, and there is a reason for the name of the brave general Guan Suo that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Feng Tubie felt that his self-esteem was a little hurt, "Oh, if I could have the leadership ability of Sanniang, it would be great, and it wouldn't be like now, everyone is busy, and I just hang around all day long..."

"What are you talking about, Aaron?"

Guan Ji was not happy to hear this, and lightly reprimanded, "Alang's daughter, as long as he sits in the city, this Qiongdu will be as stable as Mount Tai, and the more powerful the barbarians will not dare to make trouble, this is the talent to lead the overall situation."

"No matter how powerful the concubine is, she is only a brave man. She can only lead a battalion of soldiers at most. How can she compare with A Lang?"

"Besides, isn't there a lot of things that Alang knows? Not to mention the map, this paper, even the charcoal pencil. It's much more convenient than before!"

This made people feel very comfortable, Feng Tubie grinned stupidly, "That's right, Nanxiang's products must be high-quality goods!"

Whenever I talk about Nanxiang, I think of Siniang who went to Nanxiang, and when I think of Siniang, I remember the letter she wrote to me.

I touched my body, no.

It should have been put down when I went to take a shower after eating, then walked to the table and flipped through the map on the table.

"What is Aaron looking for?"

"Oh, Xijun, didn't you give me a letter when you came back? I remember putting it on the table, why can't I find it now?"

"My concubine put you on the couch."


Feng Yong took it from the couch, sat down at the table, and tore it open in front of Guan Ji.

"Why didn't Ah Lang look ahead?"

Guan Ji cast her eyes for a moment, then lowered her head again, she didn't seem to care, and asked casually.

"How can I have time to watch it? Besides, it shouldn't be an important matter, and it's okay to watch it later."

Feng Yong said, and secretly glanced at Guan Ji.

Opening the letter paper, I saw the familiar elegant but vigorous font came into view, and the first sentence on it read: Feng Langjun personally learned.

Feng Yongqing let out a "tsk", the one who used to call me Brother Feng, has now become Feng Langjun.

Alas, I feel a little lost in my heart.

After collecting my thoughts, I read on and found that the tone of Zhang Xingyi's letter was extremely polite.

The loss in my heart is even worse.

It seems that I chose Guan Ji, which hurt her a lot.

"What did Si Niang say in the letter?"

Although Guan Ji said she didn't want to read it, she was still concerned about it in her heart. Seeing that Feng Yong's expression was not right, she couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, just asking me if I know who Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is, and asking if I want someone alone."

Feng Yong handed over the letter generously and explained.


"Li Tong."

"Li Tong? Isn't he the man of the Li family?"

Guan Ji also kicked Li Tong back then, almost kicking him so hard that he still has some impressions.


Feng Yong's face was a little dignified, "Siniang still praised this man's talent in the letter. This Li Tong is clearly a child of Gaoliang, ignorant and incompetent. Where did he get such talent?"

"Li Tong is a child of a noble family after all. It is normal to say that he is used to eating sorghum, but how can he be considered ignorant?"

Guan Ji disagreed with Feng Yong's statement, picked up the letter and read it carefully.

"I just don't like that guy anyway!"

Feng Yong said in a bad mood.

Damn it, it's a disaster to keep him in Nanxiang. If he knew it earlier, he should have been let Mrs. Li bring him back to Jincheng.

"I don't like him either, it's just that Si Niang said in the letter that she thinks this man is capable and wants to ask him to do something, why is Ah Lang angry?"

Guan Ji was puzzled.

"Si Niang is so young, how can she tell the good from the bad? I'm afraid she will be cheated."

Feng Yongqiang explained himself.

Certainly not wrong, the children of this aristocratic family, relying on their good looks, are the best at making people happy, and young ladies like Si Niang are the easiest to be deceived.

"In Nanxiang, who dares to lie to the little lady of the Zhang family? Do you want to die?"

After reading the letter, Guan Ji was a little moved, "The letter said that Li Tong would raise geese, and he could also use goose feathers to make a kind of pen, which has the advantages of both brush and charcoal brush. He even listed many ways to raise geese. benefit……"

As he said that, he looked at Feng Yong, "Si Niang's letter reminded my concubine. Since Alang knows how to wish the rooster, why didn't he think of raising geese?"

"Who said I didn't expect it, I just don't want to raise it."

Feng Yong said resentfully.

The goose is old and fierce, and when annoyed, it will chase people and bite.

There are ponds everywhere in the south. When I was a child, there was a family near a pond on the way to school, and they raised a flock of geese. Once, for some reason, the leading male goose chased and bit the old man for a long distance.

When I went to sleep at night, I found bruises all over my buttocks and thighs, and it hurt like hell.

Since then, there has been a psychological shadow on the goose.

Those geese are a scourge, they walk slowly, it’s okay if they get out of the pond, but if they are standing on the side of the road grazing, I have to stand far away, and I dare not go on until they are gone .

It made me late for school several times, which is not a good thing.

Besides, raising chickens and ducks can eat meat and collect eggs. How many eggs do geese produce in a year?

In the past, it was not unreasonable to raise chickens, followed by ducks and lastly geese in rural areas.

Because it depends on output and comprehensive income, not just on the advantages of a certain aspect.

At that time, Feng Yong urgently needed nutrition to supplement his body, strengthen his resistance, and facilitate his survival. Eggs were the most convenient and the best source. How could he be in the mood to raise geese?

"Why don't you want to raise it?"

Guan Ji didn't understand the pain in Feng Tubie's heart, and she poked at the pain and asked.

"The chickens and ducks not only lay a lot of eggs, but they can also prevent locusts. Put them in the ground and they can prey on the locusts by themselves. And we need a lot of chickens and duck eggs for our dry food, right? Where does the goose get these benefits?"

"So that's the case, the concubine lost her mind."

Guan Ji nodded without doubting him, and said apologetically, "This farming is what A Lang learned, how can others compare to A Lang. A Lang's approach is certainly reasonable."

"That's right?"

Feng Yongyuan walked over, trembled immediately, and snorted triumphantly, "Then Li Tong, he just picked up a trick and tricked Si Niang."

"Then Ah Lang wants to explain this to Siniang?"

Guan Ji asked with burning eyes.

"Of course..." Feng Yong was about to blurt out his true thoughts, but as soon as he saw Guan Ji's bright eyes, the words came to his lips, "No. This is raising geese, although it's not as good as raising chickens and ducks." Good, but there are some advantages."

"Si Niang wants to try it, so let her try it. As long as people pay attention to it, don't let Li Tong fool you."

Goose feather and down jackets of later generations are extremely expensive, Feng Yong naturally knows this, and thinks that if Si Niang is really raised, it may be a good thing.

But why did Li Tong suddenly know how to raise geese? And just raising geese, is it worth Si Niang's letter to ask someone?

A certain wood turtle was puzzled.

It's just that although Zhang Xingyi is young, she is an eccentric spirit. She is angry and wants to make a career to make a certain turtle look at her differently.

Thinking that this soil turtle has the art of wishing a rooster, he must have considered raising geese, so this raising geese may not be taken seriously by him.

But this is not necessarily the case with bees, this honey water is a precious thing.

So how could she tell all the reasons for being important?

Feng Yong thought for a long time, but naturally he couldn't think of the real reason, so he had to give up in the end.

If I can't figure it out, I want to explain other people's problems, such as Xi Jun in front of me.

Looking at the beauties under the lights, the more you look at them, the more exciting you will be.

Feng Yong moved over quietly, and asked in a warm voice, "Have you finished your work, Mr. Xi?"

"Not yet, how can it be so easy? I have to continue to inspect tomorrow, and some places have to be repaired..."

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow. There's no rush for such things. I want to ask Mr. Xi for help."

"What is it?"

"I want to hand in my homework, please help me revise carefully."

"What is handing in homework?"

"Does the loach know?"

"Didn't you just eat tonight?"

"Yes, eat loach, big loach, the boss..."

Feng Yong half coaxed and half pulled Guan Ji towards the couch.

Guan Ji bumped into something by accident, she understood immediately, her face was about to bleed, and she cursed softly, "Feng Mingwen, you big rascal!"


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