The rhetoric of playing hooligans has different meanings in different circumstances.

If it is between two people who like each other, it is called love.

If there is coercive behavior, it is called sexual harassment, or shameless.

When the big man was strong in the past, he was also a rascal.

It despised the surroundings and said: Han Bing prestige, the general rule of the world, the sun and the moon shine, all are ministers and concubines.


You are all my concubines!

Those who offend will destroy the country, those who disobey will destroy the country, and those who dislike...or destroy the country, that's how domineering.

Although it is no longer strong and prosperous, it has been divided into three parts and only one state remains, but it is still no problem to hang and beat Nanyi.

For example, Meng Yan is now stationed in Chanxian County, playing hooligans to Wei Lang from the horse hunting department: I will wait for you to fight again!

When Wei Lang heard this, he scolded your mother in his heart. You took away all the clansmen of Lao Tzu, and drove away all the cattle, sheep and horses in the clan. I will fight your mother!

It's just that the Han army is strong, so he can only say to Meng Yan, wait for me.

Then he took the rest of the people and ran further north, looking for the king wolf road of the Yanniu tribe in Hanjia County.

At this time, Dong Kaiqu, the younger brother of Dongfeng, the leader of Dongqubu, who was like a bereaved dog, finally fled to the Yanniu tribe with his cronies.

Dongqubu's ruler Dongfeng's wife is Langlu's aunt, so Dongqubu and Yanniubu are related by marriage.

When Lang Lu heard that his aunt-in-law's tribe had been exterminated by the Han people, he was furious and led his soldiers to Yue County.

He heard from Wei Lang that Meng Yan had less than 2,000 soldiers, and half of them were barbarian soldiers, and only half were Han soldiers.

There are five or six thousand soldiers from the three tribes in one place, so they are not afraid of Meng Yan from Chan County.

What I didn't expect was that when they entered Yuejun County, Wang Han led reinforcements from Qiongdu to Chan County under the order of Yuejun Changshi.

Hearing that the Han army was coming for reinforcements, Langlu suddenly hesitated: Could this be a trap?

"Uncle, do you think the Han people knew we were coming? Otherwise, why did they increase their troops so quickly?"

The handsome tent of the Yanniu army is made of cowhide, and a pole is inserted on the top, and a cow's tail is hung on the pole.

In the handsome tent, Lang Lu dismissed everyone, leaving only his uncle, Lang Li, to ask.

Langli nodded, "Han people have always been tricky, so we have to guard against them at times like this."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice again, "Listen to them, Qiongdu is now ruled by a ghost king. No matter how exaggerated and untrue the rumors of this ghost king are, those who can spread like this are not easy to get along with, so We're still going to be careful."

Lang Lu nodded, "That's what I'm worried about. Even if the Dongqu tribe and Zhuoma tribe are not comparable to our Yanniu tribe, they are still considered big tribes. Looking at it now, how quickly are they defeated?"

"If we are as careless as they are, I'm afraid not only will we not be able to take revenge, but we will also fall into it. So I thought, first send some people to find out the truth."

After Lang Lu finished speaking, he glanced at Lang Li.

When Lang Li saw the meaningful look in his nephew's eyes, he was startled on the spot, "How do you find out?"

"Meng Yan is only a new generation of Han people, so the prestige in the army is definitely not enough. The person he relies on is presumably the ghost king of Qiongdu. I want my uncle to lead the remnant of Dongqu to Qiongdu for a false surrender to find out what the ghost king is up to. "

When Lang Li heard this, his whole body trembled, maybe this nephew pushed him into the fire pit?

Although the rumors about the Ghost King were exaggerated, it was on his own territory, and he dared to take advantage of it when he hadn't seen the Ghost King.

But if you want people to really face the ghost king, what you need is not ordinary courage, but the kind of daring.

Back then, King Gao, King Meng and others were so powerful that most of the tribes in Nanzhong followed suit and rebelled against the Han one after another, but what about now?

No one knows what the ghost king's true face is, but his minions have already made many people in Nanzhong cry and cry with blood?

Langlu naturally knows that such things are very risky, but he also has his own considerations.

"Uncle, listen to me. When the ghost king arrived in Yuejun, he ordered Qiongdu's surrounding tribes to pay homage. As long as the audience listened to the order, everything would be safe. Only the Dongqu tribe and Zhuoma tribe would be wiped out. family."

"If uncle leads the remnants of Dongqu, in the name of taking refuge, the ghost king will definitely not make things difficult for you. I heard from Dongkaiqu that the village was destroyed that day, and Auntie was trapped in the chaos. There is no way to find her. "

"Uncle's trip this time just happened to inquire about Auntie's life and death. If Auntie died at the hands of the Han people, there is nothing to say, and this revenge has to be avenged."

"In case Auntie is not dead, it would be the best if we could exchange her. This way, we don't have to fight against the ghost king, so as not to lose the life of Erlang in the clan in vain."

Although what Lang Lu said was reasonable, Lang Li knew that his nephew was already shrinking back.

But think about it, the name of the ghost king is really too popular, and we haven't met each other yet, any barbarian will feel fear in his heart just by hearing the name.

Moreover, the Yanniu tribe was originally located in the mountains to the southwest of Hanjia County, and this Yue County was not his own territory. It was really not worthwhile to offend that ghost king for his brother-in-law's tribe.

Thinking of the close relationship between himself and my elder sister since childhood, Lang Li gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go and investigate in person. But is Dong Kaiqu willing to hand over the clansmen to me?"

"Now that things are up to now, is it still up to him to talk?"

There was a ruthless light in Lang Lu's eyes, "It's fine if he is sensible, but if not..."

When Dong Kaiqu heard about Langlu's plan, he was reluctant in his heart. After all, he now has so few people in his hands, and if he really wants to hand them over, then the Dongqu tribe will really be exterminated.

It's just that now that he is attached to others, how can he have any right to resist?

In addition, Langlu repeatedly promised that after defeating the Han people, he would naturally help him reunite his tribe, so Dongkaiqu had no choice but to agree.

Although Meng Yan smashed the horse catching department, he suffered a lot of casualties, and asked Wang Han to lead his men to escort the captured supplies back, with only a thousand people on hand.

Hearing that the Minniu tribe's family was coming to attack, I was shocked: Why is Wei Lang from the horse-hunting tribe so shameless? I just asked you to gather the remnants and those small tribes that depended on you, and I didn't ask you to find such a big backer!

It seems that Grandpa Zhuge's strategy is not something everyone can play with.

Thinking in this way, I immediately wanted to withdraw my troops and return to Qiongdu for further discussion.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, Wang Han came back with people, not only making up for the casualties, but even a thousand more people.

While Meng Yan was grateful to Feng Yong in his heart, he couldn't help secretly admiring him, thinking that Feng Langjun was worthy of his reputation, and he could predict the enemy's opportunity.

But he didn't know that Feng Langjun was so greedy when he saw so many cattle and horses sent back.

So I was thinking in my heart, anyway, I have Zhang Yi and Ju Fu in my hands to help guard Qiongdu, plus my own wife with strong martial arts skills, who would dare to come to find trouble?

It would be a waste to leave so many troops alone. Wouldn't it be more convenient to reap more benefits if we sent more troops to Chan County?

Feng Tubie also has a deep understanding of the act of catching a toad and urinating.

So the final result was that Meng Yan had reinforcements in his hands, so his courage grew and he directly asked people to camp on the road that the Yanniu tribe must pass, hoping to compete with him.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for several days, the army of the Yanniu tribe did not arrive, but Langli brought the remnants of the Dongqu tribe to come.

"Langli? Uncle of the Great King of the Minniu Department?"

Feng Yong, who was continuing to tempt the little barbarians with meat pies to help catch loaches, rice field eels, and crucian carp, was a little dazed immediately when he heard the news, "This Dongqubu has traveled quite a distance, and it can even reach Hanjia County Go find relatives."

After thinking about it, he told Wei Rong, "Go, invite General Zhang to my yard."


Although Wei Rong is the boss, in charge of the county's money and food expenditure, in fact, all official documents in the county basically go through his hands.

Coupled with the fact that Qiongdu was newly settled, there were so many things, and all kinds of things made him breathless, and he was as tired as a dog all day long, which was exactly in line with his previous name, Gouzi.

Having a master like Feng Yong on the table is considered a disaster.

In future generations, a child laborer will never be able to escape.

It's a pity that there is no law on the protection of minors now, and Wei Rong himself enjoys it, thinking that the master is training him.

Anyway, he felt that he had really received a lot of training these days.

Feng Yong yelled at the children not far away, "Take a good fish!"

Then he pointed to the fish basket, "I'll come back later."

Although the leading barbarian boy could not speak Chinese, he could understand what he meant. He nodded and made some gestures with his mouth, then lowered his head to scrape the mud.

Back in the small courtyard in the city, Zhang Ni had already come and was sitting in the living room, when he saw Feng Yong coming in, he got up quickly and said, "I have seen Feng Changshi, I don't know that Changshi called Ni to come, but do you have something to order? "

"General Zhang, please sit down first, let me clean up first."

Qiongdu is now vigorously reclaiming wasteland. Even if Feng Yong didn't go down to the field himself, there was a lot of mud on his feet and hands. He washed it first before returning to the hall to sit down.

"General Zhang, just now the prefect Meng sent the news that the leader of the Yanniu Wen, Lang Li, brought people from the Dongqu tribe with him, saying that he had listened to the ghost king's order and came to pay homage. I think this is a bit strange, so I thought Let me ask you, what is your opinion on this?"

In order to allow Huang Chong Wang Xun to grow up earlier, and at the same time to train the actual combat capabilities of the Nanxiang soldiers, Feng Yong asked them to lead most of the Nanxiang soldiers and follow Eshun to chase the remnants of the Dongqubu in the mountains and plains.

At the same time, by the way, the Yi tribes hiding in the mountains were swept away, and the security range around Qiongdu was continuously expanded.

There is Meng Yan in the north of Sunshui River Valley, don't worry for now.

In the south, let Jufu lead some people down the valley to explore the terrain for future preparation.

Guan Ji is now obsessed with running around with a map and setting up defense points in Qiongdu on the ground. She is not interested in this kind of thing, so Feng Yong can only discuss it with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Ni just smiled when he heard the words, "It's finally here."

"Oh, it seems that General Zhang has anticipated this matter for a long time?"

Seeing Zhang Yi's expression, Feng Yong asked quickly.

"On that day, someone broke down the Dongqubu's main stronghold, and specially issued a military order to find Dongfeng's wife. She must not be harmed, and she must be carefully protected, just for today."

Zhang Ni said confidently, "I learned that Dongqubu and Yanniubu are related by marriage, and that Dongfeng's wife is Agu, the king of Yanniubu, so I thought about it early."

Feng Yong was overjoyed when he heard that, "What is the general's plan, can you teach Yu Yong?"

Zhang Yi cupped his hands and said, "Why dare to talk about teaching? It's just a humble opinion. Even if Chang Shi doesn't ask, I will find an opportunity to talk to Chang Shi in detail."

"What does the general want to discuss with Yong Xi?"

"It's just some ideas about governance."

"Come quickly, General."

Feng Yong was delighted, this piece of land, it doesn't matter if you are a good player in leading troops to fight, but I didn't expect to have the idea of ​​​​governing the local area.

"Yes. If you want to govern the barbarians, it is nothing more than giving power and kindness. Chang Shi ordered the destruction of the Dongqu tribe to be Shiwei. The faster the Dongqu tribe is defeated, the more powerful the Changshi will be. Think of a way to quickly break through the stronghold."

"And Chang Shi ordered the barbarians from around Qiongdu to gather and rebuild the city of Qiongdu. He also ordered to open up wasteland and divide the fields for cultivation. At the same time, he paid the barbarians with rations so that they would no longer starve. This is a kindness and righteousness. .”

"In this way, Chang Shi has already won the hearts of barbarians."

Hearing this, Feng Yong said thoughtfully, "General Zhang took Dongfeng's wife because of Huairou's Nayanniu tribe?"

"That's right." Zhang Ni nodded and said, "The Yanniu tribe was originally a nomad in Hanjia County. It has been a disaster for a long time. They can come, but I can't go. Even if they are defeated this time, they cannot be eradicated. It's a disaster. Therefore, it would be the best if you can treat it softly."

Feng Yong nodded.

The land adjacent to Hanjia County and Yue County is mostly mountainous, with complex terrain. Yan Niuchang grazes in the deep mountains all year round. If he really wants to escape, no one can catch up.

But if he intends to harass you, he has many methods, which is really a headache.

"Furthermore, with the ability of a long history, if you want to govern Yue, I'm afraid you won't be willing to just guard the land of Qiongdu and Sunshui River Valley?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I once heard that there is a road between Qiongdu and Jincheng, which is flat and close, but it has been cut off for a long time because of the chaos of the barbarians. The most chaotic place is the place where the Niu tribe is entrenched."

"If you can recover this way, why worry about dying? Therefore, not to bully the cows is the key."

Zhang Ni's words seemed to reach the bottom of Feng Yong's heart.

He sighed, "It's really a blessing to be able to have the general's help forever."

When Zhang Ni heard this, he knew that Feng Yong agreed with him, so he quickly stood up and saluted, "Thanks to Chang Shi's help, I was able to avenge my relatives and friends, and now I can express my ambition even more. , it should be said by Yi.”

"Then the cattle department will be handed over to the general, okay?"

"Do you dare not obey?"

Zhang Ni was overjoyed.

In fact, Feng Yong was already considering reopening the direct avenue from Qiongdu to Jincheng before he arrived in Echizen.

To get rich, build roads first.

This is a famous saying.

It's just that there are more barbarians than Han, and governance is not easy.

Just like in Shanxian County in the north, even if Meng Yan defeated the horse hunting department, so what?

Without the horse-catching department, after a while, there will also be a cattle-herding department, a sheep-killing department, and the like.

Moreover, they may also learn from the lessons of the Horse Capture Department, and when they have enough troops to deter them, they will be very obedient.

But if the government is unable to catch up, it is the most normal thing to retaliate immediately.

To solve this dilemma, the first is immigration, and it is to continue to fill in there with Han people.

But for the current big man, this is impossible.

The second is to educate the barbarians, just like Zhuti County.

There might be some hope for this one.

After studying the actual situation of Yue, Shi Fengyong, the head of Yue, combined with Nanxiang's experience, and after thinking about it for a long time, he wrote a letter to Prime Minister Zhuge, the actual leader of the Han Dynasty, and prepared to make suggestions.

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