In April of the fourth year of Jianxing in the Han Dynasty, Li Yan, the governor of Yong'an, Zhongduhu, and Hou of Duxiang, was promoted to the former general, and at the same time moved from Yong'an in Badong County to Jiangzhou, the seat of Bajun County.

Chen Dao, the former deputy general of Li Yan, took over Yong'an's defense and was still under Li Yan's command.

In the same month, Li Yan returned to Jincheng to face Sheng Xie'en.

At the same time, Yue Junchang Shi Fengyong wrote three letters to Jincheng, one was to Amei, the concubine who stayed in his house, one was transferred to Zhang Xingyi in Hanzhong through Jincheng, and the last letter was It is for the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

After Zhuge Liang received the letter from Yue Jun Chief Shi Feng Yong, he considered for a long time, and then summoned the Chief Shi Xianglang of the Prime Minister's Mansion, joined the army Jiang Wan, Yang Yi, Zhang Yi and others, and also specially invited former General Li Yan.

In Feng Yong's letter, he talked about Yue Jun's governance plan, which focused on the embarrassing situation caused by the uneven distribution of Yue Jun, Yi and Han.

In this regard, it is suggested to vigorously educate the Yi people.

This is nothing at all. Parents are officials, isn't it just to educate the people and teach farmers and mulberry?

But the key point is that the enlightenment proposed by Feng Yong is to use the newly compiled classics by the imperial court as part of the teaching materials for enlightenment.

So this involves a sensitive issue: the right to interpret knowledge.

The emergence of Nanxiang paper gave the imperial court the opportunity to compete with aristocratic families for the right to interpret knowledge.

But just re-editing the classics and annotating the classics is only the first step.

The most important step is to promote the officially annotated classics.

This is the most critical and also the most difficult step.

Just like Nanxiang, a place built by Feng Yong himself, at most, is to teach people the most basic literacy and arithmetic that is not valued by the world. Before the official annotated classics of the imperial court came out, they did not dare to touch these fields at all. ——Of course, there is no such demand for the time being.

In this way, it was still sprayed as a place where demons danced wildly.

As for places like Central Shu, where aristocratic families monopolize the right to interpret education and knowledge, it is not so difficult for the imperial court to promote its own official classics standards.

After all, hundreds of years of aristocratic family affairs are not for nothing. Just saying "this sentence has been interpreted in this way since ancient times" is enough to make the world feel that the aristocratic family's explanation is more authoritative and correct.

Therefore, it is a long and difficult process to fight for the right to interpret knowledge from the aristocratic family.

Feng Yong's suggestion made the prime minister see another way.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty did not understand the phrase that the countryside surrounds the city.

But he knows that places where Han and Yi live together are also places where aristocratic families are weak. What if we promote official classics in these places? Will it have some effect?

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty thought about it for a long time, but he was not sure, so he called everyone over to discuss it.

"Prime Minister, during the time of Emperor Guangwu, the Southern Xiongnu was attached to the interior and divided the tribes into the border counties to help the Han guard the frontier. This is a long-term strategy for the Han to enjoy peace on the border."

"Prime Minister Ping Nanzhong, but did not set up Han officials in the counties of Nanzhong, stationed Han soldiers, and still let the barbarians govern themselves. Not only did the court not spend money and food, but they could get the benefits of copper lacquered cattle and horses. This is also a good strategy."

"So Yan believes that Feng Changshi's words are superfluous. Those who are more Junyi, if they are willing to submit, can teach them to farm and mulberry. If they are not used to farming and mulberry, they can still let them guard their own land and obey their rules. old custom."

"If it is too oppressive, I'm afraid there will be chaos again. Jiao Huang and Gong Lu are the lessons from the past."

Li Yan was one year older than Zhuge Liang, but because of the good food and drink, he looked younger than Zhuge Liang.

Sitting in the position of the host and guest at this time, he spoke slowly.

Li Yan's meaning is very clear, that is Huairou, just to keep the barbarians from chaos.

As for enlightenment or something, don't force it.

The talents of Emperor Guangwu not only allowed the people of the Southern Huns to move southward, but even designated a place for them to live together.

Prime Minister, after you pacified Nanzhong, didn't you still let the nobles and Yishuai barbarian kings of Nanzhong rule over their old troops?

This Feng Langjun is a little too much.

enlightenment? Is enlightenment that simple? What if there is chaos?

If this was said two years ago, it would be true.

But today is different from the past, the imperial court has money and food in its hands, and can even touch the sensitive points of the aristocratic family quietly and covertly through the wool cloth and the notes issued by the Nanxiang Reserve Bureau.

I don't need to beg you now, and you have to beg me instead, why can't I have what you have?

That's probably what it means.

Li Yan may have been away from the power center for too long, or it may be that the big man has changed too fast in the past few years, or it is more likely that because of some unspeakable reasons, he directly expressed his opinion that Feng Langjun was unnecessary.

When the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty heard this, he frowned slightly, and then immediately let go, the movement was very slight, and only one person noticed it, and that was Yang Yi.

Only Yang Yi said, "Li Junhou is right, but Yi has something to say."

Li Yan didn't even look at Yang Yi.

He was originally aloof and arrogant, and now his status is only below Zhuge Liang, and Yang Yi just joined the army, and the two are not at the same level in size, so he doesn't need to pay attention at all.

Yang Yi didn't have a big heart, seeing Li Yan's appearance, resentment suddenly arose in her heart.

He originally wanted to speak in a condescending manner, but now he said loudly without hesitation, "Confucius deleted his poems and books, wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals, wrote Yi Zhuan, and passed on the classics. Why? Isn't it because he wanted to rebuild the Zhou Rites?"

"Why do you want to rebuild the Zhou rituals? It is precisely because the rituals of the Spring and Autumn Period collapsed and almost became a land of barbarians. Rites are the fundamental distinction between Han and barbarians!"

"If a Han person enters a barbarian land, speaks barbarian words, and performs barbarian rituals, how can he be considered a Han man? The world has been in chaos for decades, how many Han people fled to barbarian lands and became barbarians in order to avoid the troubled times?"

"Conversely, if a barbarian enters the Han land, learns the Chinese language, and practices the Han etiquette, how can he be considered a barbarian?"

"Feng Junhou took over Junyi people and wanted to make them change their customs and teach them Han etiquette. This is a great achievement in enlightenment. It should be promoted vigorously. How can it be said that it is unnecessary?"

As soon as these words came out, even the good old man Xiang Lang looked at Yang Yi in surprise, this guy is really bold!

"Feng Junhou is comparable to Emperor Guangwu? Or is he comparable to the Prime Minister?"

Li Yan sneered.

This is a really heartbreaking question.

Yang Yi's face flushed immediately, and her teeth chattered.

This Li Yan is simply going to kill him!

If he answered yes, he not only offended the prime minister on the spot.

Even Feng Yong, who is far away in Yuejun, would jump his feet when he learned what happened today, wishing he could rush back to Jincheng and strangle him to death!

Worse than Emperor Guangwu? Why don't you skyrocket to ninety thousand miles?

But if the answer is no, then Emperor Guangwu and the prime minister are mainly Huairou, then Feng never follows the old rules, isn't he just pretending to be smart?

Zhuge Liang coughed, and finally interjected, "Gong Yan, what do you think?"

It was Jiang Wan who asked.

The relationship between Jiang Wan and Yang Yi wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either, and they both joined the army in the prime minister's mansion. Seeing him anal Li Yan at this time, I was a little worried.

Hearing the prime minister's question, he quickly said, "Back to the prime minister, Wan thought that what Li Junhou said made sense..."

Li Yan smiled satisfied, while Yang Yi glared angrily.

"However, Mr. Feng Lang is a member of the mountain gate, and he often does amazing things. Heck, if he can really teach the barbarians to learn Chinese and learn Chinese rituals as Yang Canjun said, then how can Yuejun County become the second Zhu Zhu?" Tijun?"

Confucianism is flourishing in Zhuti County, and people with surnames are proud of learning Hanshu and practicing Chinese. When Nanzhong rebelled, Zhuti's Yi kings and surnames were all unmoved, precisely because people's hearts were drawn to Han.

Li Yan and Yang Yi didn't expect that there was a twist in what Jiang Wan said later, so the expressions of the two of them immediately switched to each other again.

Speaking of knowing Zhuge Liang's thoughts, apart from Ma Di who went to Hanzhong to be the prefect, Jiang Wan must be next.

Among other things, Jiang Wan was one of the few people who knew about Li Yan's persuasion of the prime minister to enter Jiuxi and become king.

At that time, the prime minister was furious. From then on, Li Yan was not liked by the prime minister because of his selfishness.

Now that he is promoted to the position of former general, it seems to be promoted, but it is not an easy move to be transferred from Yong'an to Jiangzhou.

Yong'an is the place where Li Yan accepted his will, and it is also the place where the late emperor handed over his elite soldiers to him, which is of extraordinary significance.

But Jiangzhou is different.

When the first emperor attacked Soochow, General Zhao was the one who supervised Jiangzhou.

The subtlety of this is beyond the knowledge of ordinary people.

In other words, the prime minister has now begun to be wary of Li Yan.

After hearing Jiang Wan's words, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty lowered his eyes so that no one could see the cold light flashing in his eyes.

At the same time, I was a little disappointed in Li Yan, Zhengfang, Zhengfang, I thought that you were just a little too selfish, and you could still bear with each other for the sake of the country, but I didn't expect you to have reached such a point of looking after public affairs.

If the imperial court is short of money and food, or unable to look south, letting the barbarians still guard their own land and follow their old customs is a way to temporarily maintain peace.

But now why the imperial court can wantonly investigate the number of people in the fields, you really don't know why?

Since he dared to attack the lifeblood of the population and land of the aristocratic family, why should he be afraid to attack the other lifeline?

As the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang is very aware of the current situation in Nanzhong, and even this situation is deliberately indulged by him.

Now that Nanzhong is preparing to open the manor, where will the required labor come from?

You can't drive the Han people to Nanzhong, can you?

Who wants to go? Who is willing to go from the rich and prosperous Shu to the legendary plague land?

So naturally it is most convenient to find the local barbarians.

As long as the Yi people did not learn the Chinese language, did not obey the Han rituals, and were not under the direct management of the government, they were still a potential source of labor.

If the aristocratic family and the powerful want to turn them into labor, they just need a reasonable excuse.

But in the view of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, it is true that the imperial court needs to weaken the Yi people in Nanzhong, but at the same time, it is impossible to expand the local power in Nanzhong again.

The current practice is only to better control Nanzhong. The ultimate goal is to allow the imperial court to directly manage Nanzhong one day, instead of pretending to be Nanzhong's nobles and barbarian kings and barbarians.

Nanzhong can only be the Nanzhong of the imperial court, not the Nanzhong of other people.

But it was obvious that Li Yan was determined to oppose Feng Yong's suggestion.

He could only hear him scolding Jiang Wan, "Zhuti County has been promoting Confucianism since the former Han Dynasty, and it has been hundreds of years since the establishment of Yuejun County. Chaos is still frequent, how can the two be confused?"

Li Yan objected to this because he was very satisfied with the current situation in Nanzhong, and even wanted to keep it forever.

As for whether he helped the aristocratic family maintain another lifeblood, knowledge monopoly, or deliberately helped, no one knew.

"Everyone's thinking is reasonable, and what Feng Changshi said in the letter is unclear, and he doesn't know what his specific plan is. It's really hard to draw a conclusion. Why doesn't the prime minister send someone to Yuejun to inquire in detail?"

The good old man Xiang Lang saw that the scene was a little too angry, so he jumped out to mediate.

"What Xiang Changshi said is true."

Zhang Yi had been watching coldly, and finally said a word at this time.

So this issue was shelved for the time being.

Compared with the letter that almost caused the Prime Minister's Mansion to quarrel, the things explained in the letter to concubine Amei are much easier to handle.

After reading the master's letter, Amei thought for a while, and then asked someone to call the butler over: "Uncle Zhao, how many ducks are there in our village?"

"One hundred and twenty-three."

As a housekeeper, Uncle Zhao is very qualified.

Today's Feng Mansion is not a family that could not afford to raise a hundred chickens in the past. There is not only a place dedicated to raising pigs, but also a place dedicated to raising ducks and chickens.

After all, there have been a lot of people in the mansion in the past two years, and the lord's reputation is relatively large. As long as the lord returns to the mansion, people will come to visit almost every day. The ingredients for entertainment alone are not a small amount.

"How many are laying eggs?"

"There is no exact number. Most of these ducks lay eggs at night. We can only make a rough estimate on weekdays. There are only about seventy ducks."

"Too few." Amei frowned, "If you go outside to buy eggs, how many can you buy?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult. This year, many people have learned the secret recipe from our mansion. The ducklings, chickens, and eggs are in great demand. Before the lord left the mansion, many people came to our mansion to ask. "

Steward Zhao was very worried about the lord's prodigal behavior. In his opinion, this kind of secret recipe can be passed down from generation to generation. It is understandable that he was forced to give it to several families.

But now, I heard that many rich and noble families in Jincheng have learned it, which made Steward Zhao feel distressed for a long time.

"Let's not talk about other families, this Guanfu can always get some, right?"

Amei frowned and sighed, "My lady has sent a letter to Guan Junhou, please ask Uncle Zhao to come to Guan's mansion in person. I happened to send a message to Guan Junhou, saying that the lord wants to Send some eggs to Yuejun and see if he can help."

When Uncle Zhao heard it, he trembled, "I heard that Yuejun is nearly a thousand miles away from Jincheng, how much damage will it take on the road?"

There is a way to store duck eggs and eggs in the house, which is to bury them with bran. You only need to check them twice a month to pick out the bad ones. Most of them can be stored for two to three months without spoiling.

So there is no need to worry about the smell on the road, but how far is it from Jincheng to Yuejun? And I heard that this road is either mountains or water, how can it be so easy to transport?

"That's why I have to charge more. Even if half of it is bad, I can keep half." Amei sighed again, "Don't be afraid to spend money."

"This is simply nonsense!"

When Guan Xing received the news from Feng Yong, he felt a toothache right away. He knew that this kid was rich, but he didn't care about money like this, right?

How capricious is it to transport fresh duck eggs from Jincheng to Yuejun?

If I knew it earlier, I would have asked for more gifts!

But seeing that Sanniang had also sent a letter, Guan Xing had no choice but to obey.

The wayward Feng Tubie didn't care whether people in Jincheng would have a headache or feel distressed because of his letter.

At this time, he was standing on the edge of the field ridge, stepping hard on the field ridge, and even jumped a few times, feeling that it was really solid, so he nodded in satisfaction.

This field ridge is much higher and wider than common ones, and it has been specially compacted.

Gaoding has been in chaos for nearly ten years, and it is not just about destroying production, after all, barbarian people are also human beings, and they also have to eat, and they also need money and food to support soldiers.

Even a barbarian would scatter some broomcorn somewhere for harvest, not to mention Yuejun, which has been in the county for hundreds of years?

In the Sunshui Plain around Qiongdu, there is a lot of arable land, which was originally a high-end grain-producing area. Although it was abandoned for a year last year, it can be cultivated directly with a little tidying up.

So this is one of the reasons why the leader of the barbarians is willing to cooperate with Feng Yong to open up wasteland.

Because around Qiongdu, most of them are acquaintances, or Liao people who can farm.

There is no way to grow early rice in Qiongdu this season, but for Feng Yong, who has a lot of manpower, it is still possible to sort out two plots of land for him to experiment.

Feng Yong carefully selected a piece of land and asked people to transform it according to his wishes.

High field ridges were built around, and several vertical and horizontal ditches were dug in the field. Each ditch was two feet wide and one and a half feet deep.

Then a four-foot-deep and ten-foot-sized puddle was dug at the water inlet of the paddy field.

From this point of view, a certain Changshi has not been tricking barbarian children to help him catch loach all day these days, at least he has created this weird paddy field.

The seedlings were planted in the paddy fields, and after a few days, they stood up straight again and began to turn green.

Feng Yong walked around the rice field and found that there was indeed nothing missing, so he yelled at the servant behind him, "Okay, you can put it in."

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