Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 522 What Are You Doing?

A row of buckets was placed on the ridge of the field, and the bucket was full of fish, including crucian carp, loach, and some carefully selected grass fish, all of which were caught by Feng Yong with the help of a small barbarian kid with meat cakes.

The big ones have been eaten, and the smaller ones are kept for a long time.

Bending down to test the water temperature, Feng Yong nodded, feeling that the water in the bucket should be about the same temperature as the water in the paddy field.

"Be careful, don't startle the fish."

Holding a ladle, scoop up the crucian carp in the wooden bucket, and carefully put it into the big pit at the water inlet.

Crucian carp is omnivorous. Grass carp species mainly feed on grass, so the large pit at the water inlet should be surrounded by a fence made of thin bamboo strips. Only when the seedlings grow taller can they wander around in the field. Otherwise they will eat the seedlings.

When the rice seedlings are upright and the rice leaves are far away from the water surface, the rice seedlings will not be as fresh and tender as the green fodder, and the grass carp will not jump high to eat the rice seedlings as long as they are full. At this time, it is necessary to remove the fish blocking equipment around the fish collection pit in time, so that the fish can go to the fields to look for food.

As for loach, it can be placed directly in the ditch.

"Brother, do you want to raise fish in this field?"

It was rare for Guan Ji not to take people to set up defenses around Qiongdu. She squatted down and watched Feng Yong lead his servants carefully releasing fish in the field, and asked softly.

"Yes, raising fish."

Feng Yong nodded, and glanced at Guan Ji, "Shhh, why is Shiro here free today?"

"Lang Li from the Yanniu Department took his elder sister away today. General Zhang has arranged a farewell banquet for him, and my younger brother will also attend."

Jun Lang Guan Suo smiled slightly, with the taste of a good son in a troubled world.

"Oh, the wolf left?"

"Yes, I just sent people away. General Zhang saw that my brother is busy, so it's not easy to come and disturb me, so I went to prepare the camp of the Minniu Department first."

"The camp of the Yanniu tribe?" Feng Yong was startled, "What do you mean?"

"Before he left, Langli said that he planned to bring his troops over to join the ghost king in a few days."

Feng Yong asked with some surprise, "What else is there? Did Langli say it himself?"

"That's natural."

For Feng Yong, who has sufficient troops and has initially established a foothold in Qiongdu, although the Yanniu Department may cause some headaches, at most it will cause some trouble for now.

Therefore, Feng Yong gave Zhang Ni full power to deal with the affairs of the Minniu Department, and he never cared about this matter.

Originally, he thought that even if Meng Yan couldn't wipe out the Yanniu tribe, he only needed to defeat them and drive them back to Hanjia County in the north.

As long as Yuejun stabilizes completely, the racecourse is on the right track, there is enough demand and motivation, and the flat road from Qiongdu directly to Jincheng, even if Feng Yong doesn't want to open it, someone will take the initiative to open it.

At that time, the cattle department can be directly called the cattle herding department, and it will be the kind that specializes in cattle herding for horse farms.

But he didn't expect that Langli would say such words.

Feng Yong couldn't help thinking deeply: This is so unscientific! Could it be that Zhang Yi's aura of Jiangzhi is more powerful than his aura of ghost king?

"The Yanniu tribe has been in trouble with Hanjia County for decades, right? How could it be possible to surrender so easily?"

Feng Yong stopped what he was doing and asked suspiciously.

"It's not the entire tribe of the Yanniu tribe, it's just the tribe of the Langli tribe."

"Even if the wolf is away from his subordinates, why would he have such thoughts? Could it be just an excuse?"

When they first learned that Langli had led the remnants of the Dongqu to pay homage, Feng Yong and Zhang Ni believed that it was a fake visit from Langli, and it was true to investigate the situation—otherwise, why didn't they bring people from the Yanniu tribe over?

This barbarian is a barbarian, and he can't even act like a play.

Who would have thought that this is acting and acting, you say you are doing a fake show for real?

This is not according to the script!

Director, I want to report!

"It doesn't look like it."

Guan Ji disagreed with Feng Yong's opinion, and shook her head slightly, "The barbarian has always valued credibility. He swore an oath in the name of the mountain god in front of everyone, and at the same time pierced the cow's hide with a knife. If he breaks his promise, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to stand up in the clan."

The Yi people in central Shu worship mountain gods, especially those herding tribes. They often drive cattle, sheep and horses to and from the deep mountains, so mountain gods are extremely important in their beliefs.

Piercing the cowhide with a knife means that even if you encounter thousands of hardships, you must work hard to complete it.

From this point of view, it is really not a joke that Langli led the crowd to vote.

"No, what did this general do to that Langli? Let him make such a decision?"

Feng Yong was really curious.

"Brother, why do you say this so badly?"

Guan Ji reproachfully pushed Feng Yong.

It was obviously dressed up by a man, but Feng Yong was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of his daughter.

Not good! If this continues, the old man is likely to be beaten by his own wife.

Feng Yong forced himself to wake up, looked around, and saw that the servants were automatically far away, and they were all from his own house. Well, it doesn't seem to matter.

So Feng Tubie squeezed Guan Ji's hand quietly, and whispered, "Si Lang, please tell me carefully, what's going on?"

"It's nothing. I just took him to see various places in Qiongdu, such as the construction site of the city over there, the land reclamation over there, and over there..."

Guan Ji pointed to the distance, and smiled, "Brother, you don't know, when he learned that he can get rations as long as he helps repair the city wall, he looked so funny."

"Little brother thinks, it should be Qiongdu, who is not limited to Han people, but obeys the orders of the ghost king and works hard together, which makes him feel a little unimaginable."

"I heard from him that even if the Yanniu tribe is a big family, many people died of freezing last winter. Moreover, the Yi people are at a time when they are dying, and many people are starving every day."

"It's not like Qiongdu today, as long as you have a lot of strength, you can find something to eat."

"Speaking of which, my brother ordered the barbarians to build the city and open up wasteland, and at the same time gave them rations. Not only can Qiongdu recover quickly, but it can also appease the barbarians so that they don't make trouble again. It's really wonderful."

At the end, Guan Ji habitually praised her A Lang.

Feng Yong chuckled, "Relief with work, not only can be used against barbarian people, but in fact, this method can also be used in places where the big man produces refugees."

"Relief with work? This is a good idea."

Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong with burning eyes, with admiration and admiration in her eyes.

Of course it is good, not only can you avoid the lazy mood of waiting with your mouth open, but you can also use people's power to carry out various constructions. More importantly, you can centralize management and reduce the hidden dangers of disasters.

It's just that Guan Ji is dressed up, but with such an expression, it really makes Feng Tubie difficult for a while, why don't I just try bending over a bit?

He swallowed his saliva, and then boasted, "Isn't that right? The method I came up with is not bad? Just like raising fish in the field, it is actually very beneficial."

"It turns out that brother is really raising fish in the field? Is this method feasible?"

Guan Ji asked curiously.

"Not only is it feasible, but it is also very beneficial. Shiro, you also know that the fields need to be fertilized in order for the crops to grow well. But now that Qiongdu is newly established and everything is kept simple, where do you get the fertilizer?"

"However, if you put some fish in the field, not only will the crops grow better, but you can also harvest fish when the grain is harvested. This kills two birds with one stone, isn't it good?"

Don't think that because the natural environment was good in ancient times, you could eat wild game at will.

Take fish as an example. Although the working people in China have long had the habit of raising fish, due to various reasons, most of the fish people eat in their daily lives are still wild fish in rivers.

Just like last year, Cao Pi's Empress Guo stayed in the palace in Qiao County. Her brother Guo Biao, who stayed behind as a guard in the palace, wanted to cut off the river to catch fish.

In ancient times, if you wanted to catch fish, apart from using fishing nets, you mostly caught fish without water. Otherwise, how could there be such a saying as "fishing when the water is exhausted?"

How many times can a river be exhausted throughout the year?

Moreover, fish and sheep are fresh, and the ancients regarded fish as a delicacy. The so-called sashimi includes sashimi.

For example, Xuzhou Chen Deng, who killed Lu Bu and repeatedly defeated the two brothers Sun Ce and Sun Quan, is said to be fond of eating fishy things like raw fish and shrimp, which caused parasites in his body, so he died young.

Fish is also meat, and only wealthy people are eligible to eat it.

"I've also heard before that the fish in the rice field is delicious and can be used as sauce. I thought it was a secret somewhere, but I didn't expect my brother to know this?"

Guan Ji's eyes widened.

"Shiro has heard of fish farming in rice fields?"

This time it was Feng Yong's turn to be surprised.

Guan Ji nodded, "It's just rumors that there is such a method of raising, but no one has ever known how to raise it. So it's just an anecdote, and I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today."

As Guan Ji said, the curiosity in her eyes grew stronger, she probed to see the loach in the ditch turned over a few times, and disappeared in the mud, "Brother, the master's knowledge is really unfathomable, even such a legendary There are also secrets."

Then he pointed to the ditch, "This loach, won't it get out of the field and run away?"

"No. Although this loach likes to burrow into the mud, it likes to be quiet. As long as it eats enough, it usually won't go too far. More importantly, this loach just burrows into the surface of the silt, so it won't go too deep."

"Then, can Alang talk to my concubine carefully about the principle of raising fish in rice fields?

"Of course. If you raise fish in the field, the fish dung can make the millet grow better. When the millet heads, the rice flowers that fall into the field can feed the fish, and the fish can also eat the bugs and weeds in the field."

The effect of rice-fish farming on improving the environment is mainly manifested in its good insecticidal effect.

Mainly, fish raised in rice fields eat a large number of mosquito larvae and snails, which can reduce the incidence of serious diseases such as malaria, filariasis and schistosomiasis.

There is no need to go into details about this kind of thing, anyway, Guan Ji can't understand it.

"According to the statistics of my division, if rice fields are used to raise fish, the field can generally harvest 10% more millet, and when the millet is harvested, fish can also be harvested, killing two birds with one stone."

"So good?"

Guan Ji's face was filled with joy, "Deep plowing can increase the harvest by 10%, fertilization can increase the harvest by at least 10 to 20%, and raising fish can increase the harvest by 10%. Calculated in this way, wouldn't it be possible to increase the harvest by at least 30%?"

"If you add fish, the harvest of one mu of land will be half as much as before?"

Guan Ji's eyes widened as she counted, and at the end she snapped her fingers in disbelief.

Seeing her extremely cute appearance, Feng Yong fell in love with her so much, so he started to talk cheaply again, and he couldn't help but say, "It's true if you really want to count it like this."

"Now I am in charge of a county. If I don't show some real skills, how will others know how powerful I am as a disciple of the mountain sect? Don't you like to eat loach? When the millet is harvested, the loach in this field grows fat and big. , it's time to eat."

While talking, he took Guan Ji's hand again.

In fact, to be honest, this guy thought about raising fish in the rice fields, and he saw that his wife really liked the dish of fried loach, so he thought of raising loach, and finally he also remembered the thing about rice-flavored fish.

At any rate, he was born in the rural areas of the south. Feng Yong naturally knew about Daoxiangyu, so he said it clearly and logically.

Guan Ji listened, and was also happy at first, but seeing a certain kind of light in this person's eyes, she always felt a kind of danger.

Then when I heard him say "loach is fat and big", I suddenly felt that the guy in front of me had an extremely wretched face, bit his lower lip, gave him a white eye, and then kicked him .

This script is also weak, it can only be regarded as flirting between lovers.

It's a pity that the two of them just forgot that this is a public place, although there are servants from the mansion all around, they can't prevent others from coming over.

Hualan finally found out that Guan Jiashiro did not lead the troops out today, and then asked someone to inquire about Guan Suo's whereabouts. She ran over excitedly, but she never expected to see Guan Jiashiro and Feng Langjun holding hands. Hands face each other.

That's all, just looking at the appearance of Feng Langjun's color granting the soul, it's really disgusting!

But why did Guan Jiashiro look like he wanted to greet but refused.

Seeing the two people's affection, this bright girl from Nanzhong only felt that a thunderbolt on a sunny day would shatter a fiery girl's heart into countless pieces on the spot.

"You... what are you doing?"

Huahuan trembled all over and screamed.

The voice pierced the sky.

People like Guan Ji were also startled by the scream. The kick that had no strength at first suddenly shivered like a conditioned reflex, and kicked Feng Tubie to the ground, knocking the The person kicked into the paddy field.

Feng Tubie made a "thud" sound, causing a huge splash in the field.

He only heard "Ouch", and subconsciously grabbed the edge of something with both hands, and before he could react, the wooden barrel containing water and fish was dumped and directly hit his head .

So Feng Tubie was hit by the handle of the wooden barrel until his eyes stared like gold stars, but his head was put in the barrel, he couldn't see anything, he could only feel the fishy and sticky stuff sliding over his face and head... …

The loaches in the bucket jumped happily into the field, and disappeared in the mud. Some naughty ones got in through the collar, slid across the chest, and then got out from the hem of the clothes.

All this happened unexpectedly.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the squirming of some humanoid mud.

"Alang... Brother, brother, are you okay?"

Guan Ji was the first to react, she squatted down hurriedly, helped take the wooden barrel off Feng Yong's head, and stretched out her hand to pull him up.

Feng Tubie climbed up to the ridge of the field and lay there helplessly panting for breath, not caring about the mud all over his body and the fishy-smelling water droplets dripping from his head.

It's all a dream, it's not real!

Feng Yong silently hypnotized himself in his heart.

Marrying a woman with high martial arts skills is indeed a high risk.


The sun above his head woke up a certain wood turtle, he lay on the ground and refused to get up, looking at Guan Ji resentfully.

Guan Ji was apologetic at first, but when she saw him like this, the corners of her mouth twitched, she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing.


Guan Ji didn't dare to laugh, but Hualan next to her ran over. Seeing Feng Yong's appearance, she immediately felt a burst of joy: I want you to grab a man from me!

So he laughed unceremoniously, even tears.

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