Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 523 On the Importance of Coaxing Your Wife Well

Seeing the schadenfreude of Hualan, Feng Yong was annoyed for a while.

Getting up from the ground, he snorted coldly, "Smile!"

Who works in the field without mud? It's just that my body is more stained, what's so strange?

Huahuan choked, folded her arms, with a sneer on her face, and disdain in her expression, and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Feng Yong was even more annoyed.

This little girl doesn't know what to do!

At that moment, he purposely looked up and down the short girl from Nanzhong, and then took a meaningful look at Guan Suo, and then said slowly, "I have already warned you that there will be no result between you and Shiro. "

Hualan's expression froze, and then she remembered that the guy in front of her had indeed said such a thing, and then remembered that Guan Jiashiro had been avoiding her intentionally or unintentionally before, and felt as if she had been stabbed severely in the heart.

She really didn't expect this guy to be so brazen, marrying the third lady of the Guan family, and even coveting Mr. Silang of the Guan family...

"Are you not afraid that I will tell your wife?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong imitated her appearance just now, crossed his arms and sneered, first glanced provocatively at Guan Ji, then at Huahuan provocatively, although he didn't say anything, the meaning was self-evident.

Guan Ji glared at Feng Yong reproachfully.

Hualan gritted her teeth.

Seeing Guan Ji's appearance again, his heart was stabbed again.


Huawan cursed, the circles of her eyes turned red, and the teardrops came out dazzlingly.

Well, this time, instead of crying out of laughter, tears out of anger.

"What's none of your business? Don't forget, Mr. Guan is living with me now!"

Feng Yong stabbed a third time.

"Live... live together?"

Huawan was dumbfounded, yes, they did live together.

She thought that the two were relatives by marriage, and they had a good relationship. In addition, there are few places where Qiong can live, so the two lived together. She didn't expect the truth to be like this?

This straightforward girl only felt dizzy, how could she be the opponent of the smooth-talking and shameless guy?

She glanced at Guan Ji with extremely complicated eyes.

Guan Ji's eyes wandered and she didn't dare to look at her.

Hualan let out a "bah" at first, but finally couldn't hold it back, let out a "wow" and ran away crying.

Feng Tubie looked at the figure of Huahuan running away, and coughed in embarrassment.


Guan Ji asked dumbfoundedly.

"Who made her covet my little gentleman?"

Feng Yong insisted.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Guan Ji was annoyed and laughed, she really had nothing to do with this person, "Look at you now, why don't you go back and wash yourself quickly."

Feng Yong snorted, "Who kicked me off?"

"Then don't blame me, who knew that Hua Niangzi's voice was so loud, I couldn't control it all at once..."

Guan Ji blushed.

"Okay, I don't blame you, I blame her, so what's wrong with me saying a few words about her?"

What can my daughter-in-law complain about?

Of course it's a stranger.

My whole body was covered in mud, and I couldn't walk normally, so I had to spread my legs and walk back like a duck.

After walking a few steps, I turned around and saw Guan Ji was still standing there, so I couldn't help shouting, "Let's go, what are you still doing?"

Guan Ji let out an "oh", like an angry little daughter-in-law following her with her head down.

People covered in mud walked ahead proudly without any shame, while clean people followed behind, but had to lower their heads, which felt very shameful.

The cook in the yard was taken aback when she saw the lord's appearance, and thought something had happened.

"It's okay, it just fell into the field, hurry up and prepare hot water, burn more, I need to wash it well."

Feng Yong waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing serious.

There were no outsiders, Guan Ji walked over slowly, lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, and said in a low voice, "Ah Lang, I'm sorry, my concubine didn't do it on purpose."

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I was taken aback too. Besides, it's normal for people who do farm work to fall into the field."

When I was young, I worked with adults in the fields, especially when transplanting rice seedlings. The ridges were small and slippery, and falling into the fields was very common, and it was nothing serious.

On the contrary, Guan Ji raised her head when she heard Feng Yong's words, her eyes were a little red, she thought Feng Yong was comforting her, she looked ashamed and moved.

Seeing her timid appearance, and remembering her heroic demeanor when she led the army, Feng Tubie swallowed involuntarily.

Seeing that there was no one around, he whispered, "If you really want to apologize, Mr. Xi, you can just wipe my body clean later..."

When Guan Ji heard it, she immediately understood what he meant, her face turned even redder, her eyes were rippling, and her eyes began to wander again.

The hot water boiled up quickly, Feng Yong soaped himself first, and then began to rinse carefully.

Although the idea of ​​using tung oil to make soap in large quantities failed, at any rate, he is also a person who owns a pig farm.

There is no way to make it into a commodity, but it is still possible to make some for yourself.

After washing for a long time, Feng Yong looked at the door of the bathroom countless times, and finally heaved a sigh. It has been so long and there is no movement. It seems that the mandarin duck bath is hopeless.

Thinking like this, he washed off the foam on his body and soaked it in the vat with a little disappointment.

At this moment, there was a sudden squeak at the door, and a figure sneaked in.

Feng Tubie was overjoyed, and quickly turned his head to look, but the heat in the bucket was rising, and he could only see a vague figure.

"Don't look around."

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a light veil floating behind her, when someone straightened her head from behind, and Guan Ji's voice trembled a little.

"Okay, don't watch."

Feng Yong smiled and sat upright.

A stream of hot water poured down from his head, and one hand was gently rubbing his hair.

"The hair has been washed."

Feng Yong said softly.

Feeling that Guan Ji's hand stopped, she leaned over her head and smelled it.

"Aren't you going to come down and take a shower?"

"No." Guan Ji slapped her back hard, and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm always thinking about nasty things."

"It's an old couple, what are you afraid of? Besides, can the things between husband and wife be called dirty?"

"Bah! Who is with your old husband and wife?"


Feng Yong stretched out his hand, held the hand that was rubbing his back, then turned his head, and said with a smile, "Hold your hand and grow old with you, isn't it considered an old couple?"

This time it was clear that Guan Ji was only wearing a red veil, her tall and graceful figure made people's blood swell.

"Big hooligan!"

Seeing the gleam in Feng Yong's eyes, Guan Ji felt even more shy.

Above the neck, the snow skin is reddish.

Feng Yong was sitting in the tub, Guan Ji was standing by the tub, a pair of straight and round beautiful legs were almost touching his face, which made Feng Yong's mouth dry and his heart palpitations.

The next one couldn't bear it, and rushed Guan Ji into the bucket.

"Ah! The clothes are wet..."

Guan Ji yelled in a hurry, and was about to struggle.

"It's better when it's wet, and it looks better when it's wet."

Only someone's extremely wretched voice could be heard.

Guan Ji's eyes were watery, and she glared at Feng Yong coquettishly and coquettishly.



Condensed into his arms, the rogue was about to make a move, but Guan Ji actually hugged him actively, and whispered in his ear, "Ah Lang, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

Feng Yongqi said.

"Thank you Alang for being so kind to my concubine."

As soon as Feng Yong heard this, he knew that she was still sorry for kicking himself off the paddy field, so he patted her smooth back and coaxed, "You are my little king, husband and wife, I am wrong to you Well, who is it good for?"


At the same time, I thought to myself, corruption, corruption, this feudal society is really extremely corrupt, how can this pre-marital education teach women such things...

Sure enough, it is still very important to coax one's wife well on weekdays!

In April of the fourth year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty, Lang Lu returned to the camp of the Yanniu tribe, and at the same time described in detail what he had seen and heard in Qiongdu to the king of the Yanniu tribe.

"Now Qiongdu is doing a lot of construction, rebuilding the city walls, and cultivating farms. It has begun to show signs of prosperity. The soldiers under its command have high morale, and the camps are well-organized. They are elite soldiers."

"More importantly, under the order of the ghost king, no matter Han or barbarian, everyone will follow the order, and no one will refuse. As long as you work hard, everyone will have rations to eat, and you don't have to suffer from hunger."

"Even in the old department of Dongqu, they were frightened by the power of the ghost king first, and then got enough food to eat, so they worked with peace of mind and didn't think about the old master..."

"Is there food in the East Qubu?" Lang Lu asked in surprise.

In the past, the tribes attacked each other, and those who were exterminated, except for women who had a chance to survive when they were taken captive, all the old, weak and weak were killed.

As for being strong, they were basically almost killed in battle.

Even if they didn't die, they became the slaves of the winners. Every winter, they were the first to be frozen to death and starved to death.

This ghost king, it's fine if he doesn't kill people, but he still gives enough rations?

This is not quite like the rumors.

Langli nodded, "Although the labor is more arduous than that of the tribes that took the initiative to seek refuge, and they are often guarded on weekdays, there is no shortage of rations."

"I didn't expect the Ghost King to be such a generous person."

Langlu sighed in admiration, and then thought that some people in his tribe were still starving, while the old people in Dongqubu after being wiped out could eat enough every day, he felt a little unbalanced.

"My lord, the tribes around Qiongdu are divided into two tribes. One is that they were defeated and captured like the Dongqu tribe. They are slaves of the ghost king and have no freedom."

"The second is to take the initiative to take refuge. As long as you obey the orders of the ghost king, the ghost king will set aside a place for him to live in, and the leader will still control his troops. On weekdays, he builds cities and clears up wasteland, and has his own rations. In the future, he can divide the land according to the head. No fear of famine."

Speaking of this, Lang Li glanced at Langlu, "Many people in our Yanniu tribe froze to death and starved to death last winter, and now the clan's rations are not much, and many people have not had enough to eat."

"So I thought, why don't I take my own troops and go to the ghost king to save some rations and leave them for the king's headquarters. In this way, everyone can have enough food, what do you think?"

Wolf Road's heart skipped a beat.

The Yanniu tribe is actually a tribe composed of several tribes, and he is not the only one who has the final say.

The bosses below actually lead their own tribes on weekdays, and they will only gather together when encountering major events.

The reason why he is the king of the Minniu Department is because the tribe in his hands is the largest, so everyone is willing to listen to him.

Although Lang Li said he was asking for his opinion, he was actually giving him face as the king of the Minniu Department.

Thinking of the words of praise for Qiongdu and Ghost King just now, it seems that he should have made up his mind.

What's more, he is willing to leave rations.

"It's just that uncle, aren't you afraid that the ghost king will annex your tribe?"

Although Lang Lu was happy to see his headquarters grow, but Lang Li was his uncle after all, so he was a little worried.

"My lord, our Yanniu tribe has been nomadic in Hanjia County for nearly a hundred years, but now there are only a few thousand households. Why? It is precisely because of insufficient rations that many people freeze to death and starve to death every winter."

"Continuing like this is not a solution. The Han people were strong and looked down on us before. Now it is hard to come to a ghost king who treats the Han people as the same. This is the opportunity for our Yanniu tribe to go out. I don't want to lose this opportunity."

Langli wanted to take his tribe to Qiongdu, but it was actually selfish.

In his life, there is no hope of becoming the king of the Yanniu tribe. Instead of being trapped in the deep mountains of Hanjia County, watching his tribe freeze to death and starve to death every year, it would be better to be like those tribes in Qiongdu.

At least you don't have to worry about running out of food.

Listen to who is not listening?

More importantly, the ghost king now has all the hearts of the Han and Yi in Qiongdu, and coupled with the elite soldiers under his command, Langli is deeply shocked: it has only been a long time since the ghost king has come to Qiongdu, and everyone in Qiongdu can work with peace of mind, which is very human Can do it.

Now that Wolf Road leads the army into Yuejuan, it is considered an offense, who knows if he will be hated by the ghost king?

When Gaoding Menghuo and others occupied the three counties of Nanzhong, how many times stronger than the Yanniu tribe? Where are you now?

Even though the Dongqu tribe and Zhuoma tribe are not as good as the Yanniu tribe, the difference is not too far. How quickly will their defeat be?

Advancement is beneficial, retreat is harmful, whether to advance or retreat, why ask again?

Langlu has never been to Qiongdu, nor has he seen what Qiongdu looks like with his own eyes, so he naturally doesn't understand Langli's psychology.

Hearing this at the moment, I thought that he was really thinking of the Niubu, and immediately nodded in response: "Since uncle has made up his mind, I will not stop it."

After thinking for a while, he asked again, "It's just that Dong Kaiqu kept saying that he wanted revenge, but now my uncle is going to seek refuge with the King of Ghosts, so how can I explain it to him?"

"Why explain?"

Lang Li sneered, "We took all the old items from him. If he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid there is resentment in his heart. I'm going to seek refuge with the King of Ghosts now, so I might as well borrow another item from him."

When Lang Lu heard this, he immediately understood and nodded, "Dongkaiqu was so tyrannical in the past, not to mention the Dongqu tribe, even other tribes were bullied by him. If you kill him, you won't be afraid of people saying What, it's just..."

Speaking of this, he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, "What about the horse catching department? That Wei Lang, who is usually very popular, is now poor enough to vote, but he can't easily attack him."

"The horse catching tribe is brave. Your Majesty can keep him for rations. He will attack other tribes later and drive him to the front. He is a good dog."

Lang Li suggested.


Wolf Road praised.

The two uncles and nephews had discussed and decided, so they made a plan to pretend to be a banquet for Dongkaiqu. When he arrived at the camp, a group of guards rushed in and hacked him to death.

Langli ordered people to chop off his head, and then took his head and his tribe to join the King of Ghosts.

Seeing Dong Qukai's end, Wei Lang from the horse catching department was terrified, fearing that he would also end up in the same end, and secretly took people away one night.

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