Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 524: An Allusion

Regarding the matter of Langli bringing the tribe to join him as promised, Feng Yong did not personally come forward, and still handed over full authority to Zhang Yi.

Moreover, Lang Li's face was not so great that the majestic Ghost King would come forward in person.

If you want the ghost king to come forward in person, unless you can reach the level of Meng Huo's response to everyone.

In today's Nanzhong, it is impossible for such characters to appear again.

The true face of the ghost king is naturally as mysterious as possible.

The barbarians in Qiongdu are in awe of the ghost king, while the Han people in Qiongdu are convinced by Feng Langjun.

Except for a few people, no one knows that the Han official who wears a straw hat every day, wanders around, and coaxes children to help catch fish with meat pies is not only the king of ghosts, but also Feng Langjun.

The reason why he knew that he was a high official was because even in the vicinity of Qiongdu City, there were guards following him to protect him all the time.

In Qiongdu, the early rice of this season cannot be planted, and the newly opened fields that are ready to be planted with rice in the next season have all opened canals to divert water, filling the fields with water.

At the same time, Feng Yong also specially sent people to the Sunshui River, caught fish fry, and threw them into the paddy fields. It seemed that they planned to use the paddy fields to raise fish for the previous season.

However, when Feng Yong heard from Zhang Ni that Langli had taken refuge in him, part of the reason was that the Yanniu tribe would freeze to death and starve to death every year, so that the number of people in the tribe had not increased for many years. As soon as he moved, he remembered an allusion.

This allusion is called "Jiading".

Thinking of this allusion, Feng Guiwang's mind was like a flood that broke a dike and was out of control.

"This Langli, does he want to farm, or continue to herd horses and sheep?"

Standing on the ridge of the field, Feng Yong stared blankly at the paddy fields reflecting the sun, his gaze was sometimes deep and sometimes exquisite, and he asked in a distant voice.

"Although he is letting Chang Shi arrange it, according to General Yimo, according to his mind, it would be the best if he can continue to herd herds."

Standing behind Feng Yong, Zhang Ni couldn't see Feng Yong's expression that changed from sunny to cloudy, so he just answered truthfully.

Now Qiongdu is on the east, west, north, and north sides, and all the Yi tribes who do not accept the Han have been wiped out, and all of them have been brought into the actual control of the Han.

Only in the south, Jufu is still leading people to explore the terrain southward.

But still the same sentence, the more barbarians there are, the more Han people there are.

With the current situation of the big man, as long as he can completely control the Sunshui River Valley Plain, he will be lucky.

Therefore, Feng Yong's plan is to try his best to develop the Sunshui River Valley Plain, and then use the advantages of the Sunshui River Valley Plain to radiate the whole of Vietnam.

As for other places in Yuejuan, the only way to support the pro-Han Yi tribe is to provide sufficient deterrent force.

The Sunshui River Valley runs north-south. Although some places are very narrow, it is very long and has a large total area. At least for the current population of Dahan on the official account, it will not be a problem to toss for decades.

So on such a plain, Feng Yong plans to use half of it to grow grass and half to grow food.

If it was a future generation, with such a simple and rude plan, such a waste of land resources, it would be right to be beaten to death.

But such a simple and rude plan is a very grand vision for the current people.

According to Feng Yong's plan, the Yi tribes who are willing to farm can get the land according to their heads.

For the tribes that are used to herding horses and sheep, they can graze in other places in spring, summer and autumn. In winter, they can rush back to the Sunshui River Valley and use the green material stored here to feed cattle, sheep and horses for the winter.

In this case, needless to say, the farming barbarians will soon become the direct subjects of the Han Dynasty.

And the grazing tribes will gradually become semi-settled in the Sunshui River Valley Plain, and are used to relying on the green fodder supply from the Sunshui River Valley in winter, so they are better controlled by the big men and are less likely to cause trouble.

For these two kinds of barbarians, the former can hand in grain as tax, while the latter can hand in cattle, sheep, horses, wool, fur, etc. as tax.

It's just that after hearing Lang Li talk about the situation of the Minniu Department, King Gui found that this plan could be revised even better?

"General Zhang, do you know how many Dingkou Yuexuan used to have?"

Feng Yong was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked an inexplicable question.

"Before I came to Yuejuan, the officials checked, but I could only find out that there were 61,208 households in Yuejuan County in the second year of the first Han Dynasty, with a total of 48,400 households. Zero five."

Although Zhang Yi didn't know why Feng Yong suddenly asked this question, he thought for a while before answering immediately.

It can be seen that Zhang Ni still took a lot of effort to understand Yuejuan County.

"Yes, more than 200 years ago, it was found that there were more than 400,000 people in Yuejue. Could it be that after more than 200 years, we still can't find out how many people there are in Yuejue?"

"Changshi wants to investigate Yuexuan Dingkou?"

"That's right."

Feng Yong nodded, "The big man is now investigating people Ding Tianmu, but it is only limited to Hanzhong in the middle of Shu. Nanzhong is unable to start because of the complicated situation."

"So I thought, taking advantage of this opportunity, check out the Dingkou of the various tribes in Yueyi, so that they can be divided into places conveniently, so as to avoid disputes when they cross the border in the future."

After hearing this, Zhang Ni didn't understand, "Didn't Chang Shi already plan to divide the cultivated land for them? How could he cross the boundary?"

"It's not those barbarians who farm, but those barbarians who still want to nomad and hunt."

Feng Yong looked far away, and said slowly, "My plan is, whether it's hunting or nomadic, to divide the land for those barbarians who don't cultivate, so that they can't cross the border at will."

"If someone crosses the border, we will assist the tribe that crossed the border and impose heavy penalties on those who crossed the border. It's just that the tribes are big and small, so if we want to divide them fairly, we must know the number of people in each tribe."

These words sound normal, but Zhang Ni is not an ordinary person who can leave a name in later generations. After thinking about it, he thought of the inappropriateness of this.

"Chang Shi, in this way, although the various tribes can settle down temporarily, as time goes on, the population of the tribes will increase. If the areas allocated to them do not produce enough output, I am afraid that there will be more disputes among the tribes."

Feng Yong listened, and smiled lightly, "If there are too many people, you can move out, and you don't have to stick to that piece of land. At that time, if any tribe has too many people and insufficient rations, you can ask us."

"This racecourse, workshop, Dongfeng Express, and the sugarcane manor in the south, where is there no need for people? We can help them arrange it. Even go to the sand field to get a job. If you are lucky, maybe you can seal your wife's shadow?"

"Look at General Wang, didn't he just come out with General Dangkou, and now he has a background anyway!"

The General Wang mentioned by Feng Yong is Wang Ping's clansman, Wang Han.

As soon as Zhang Ni heard it, he immediately understood, isn't this just strictly restricting the Yi tribe in Yueyi?

Thinking of the plight of the Yanniu tribe mentioned just now, Zhang Ni suddenly realized that Feng Langjun wanted to make all the Yi tribes in Yuejuan fall into a predicament similar to that of the Yanniu tribe!

Will the Yi people agree to Feng Langjun's request?

For sure.

Because on the surface, it really couldn't be more fair.

According to the size of the tribe, the scope of hunting and grazing is divided.

In this way, the interests of the large tribe are guaranteed, because the bigger the tribe, the bigger the place it gets.

And because the tribes are not allowed to cross the border at will, at the same time, the survival of the small tribes is guaranteed.

As long as the various tribes do not violate the rules of the ghost king, they will have their own backing from the ghost king, and they will not be afraid of others coming to attack them. This ensures that the big man can easily stand in a detached position and control the overall situation.

Fair and reasonable.

But the deep meaning hidden behind this fairness and reasonableness, not to mention the barbarians, even Zhang Yi himself, if Feng Yong had not personally acknowledged it, he would not have guessed it.

I'm afraid that after many years, the barbarians in Yuejuan may not be able to understand that they were doomed from the very beginning.

Moreover, according to the rules set by Feng Langjun, the Yuejue people might not even appear in the tribes that threatened the Yuejue government.

This is really plotting against others and making others feel grateful. If this can be done, then the ghost king's reputation in Yuexuan will be like the sky.

Looking at the man in front of him who was wearing a straw hat and standing barefoot on the edge of the field, Zhang Ni was standing under the sun, and he also felt a little chill on his back: The people from the Southern Zhongyi said it well. It really deserves its name.

Thinking of all the rumors about this lord before, Zhang Ni couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Feng Langjun, ruthless and ruthless, Xiao Wenhe" is really well-deserved, and now there is a need to add "foresight and foresight" Ghost King" is right.

At this time, I saw two eleven or twelve-year-old barbarian children coming over with a big wooden bucket, put it down from a distance, and gestured to this side, "Fish, fish..."

Without the permission of the guards, they couldn't pass through. The Yiren children knew this, and stood outside the guards' cordon very obediently.

Feng Yong nodded to the guards, who checked them calmly before letting them go.

"How many fish?"

Feng Yong stretched out his head and looked at the wooden barrel in front of him.

"two hundred!"

With a proud expression on his face, the barbarian child stretched out two fingers and answered in substandard Chinese.

Sure enough, the way to quickly learn a foreign language is in daily interaction.

"Okay, don't count, just pour it into that field."

Feng Yong touched the head of the barbarian child and praised, "In the past two days, you have caught the most. I will give you an extra meatloaf later."

When the two children heard this, they immediately carried the bucket to the paddy field designated by Feng Yong with great joy, and poured the fry into it carefully, as if they were afraid of hurting the fry.

Then he happily ran to the guard and stretched out three fingers, "Three!"

After taking the meatloaf, he ran back and bowed to Feng Yong, "Thank you, sir."

"Wash your hands before eating, you know?"

Feng Yong exhorted, with the appearance of a kind elder, "Otherwise you will get sick if you eat dirty things. If you don't listen to me, you will not want your fish in the future."


Although the children couldn't speak much Chinese, they could understand them. They nodded and ran away with a bucket and a shoulder pole.

Very ordinary interaction, but also very warm, happy appearance.

But the more happy the two parties were, the more Zhang Ni felt that Feng Yong's surroundings were gloomy, and he even seemed to see Feng Langjun's cold and wicked heart of stone under Feng Langjun's gentle and amiable surface.

"General Zhang, since I arrived in Yuexi, I found that you are not only a leader in marching and fighting, but also a good means of governing the country. I will leave this matter to you, how about it?"

"Feng Changshi has an order, how dare the last general not obey? It's just what about the barbarians in the south of Yueyu?"

"It's okay, let's divide the northern part of Qiongdu first, and the southern part, wait for General Ju to come back."

The two were talking, and saw two more people walking towards this side.

Zhang Ni looked at it and said quickly, "Chang Shi, then the general will retire first."

"Well, let's go."

Zhang Ni greeted the two people who came over, said hello, and then left.


The people who came over were Huang Chong and Wang Xun who had just returned to Qiongdu.

Langli brought the head of Dongkaiqu to vote, and the remnants of Dongqu tribe had been cleaned up, so there was no need for Huang Chong and Wang Xun to stay in Suqi.

Not only that, even Meng Yan in the north, because of the Yanniu tribe's initiative to seek peace and return to Hanjia County, has led his army back to Qiongdu.

Feng Yong nodded and asked, "How about the casualties of Nanxiang soldiers this time when we went to Suqi?"

Nanxiang soldiers are Feng Yong's most trusted soldiers, and at the same time Feng Yong plans to regard them as the grassroots officers of the Yuejue garrison in the future. If they want to take up this important task, it is necessary for them to go through the test of the battlefield.

"The Nanxiang soldiers who went to Suqi here totaled 500 people, 206 were injured, and 169 died."

They didn't expect Feng Yong to ask this question when they met, and his face became a little ugly, and his voice became low.

Feng Yong's heart twitched, his chest hurt a little, one hundred and sixty-nine people, the backbone of the grassroots in the future, just gone!

"Is it necessary to start every battle?"


"Anyone hold back?"

"Yes, two people were beheaded before the battle."

Feng Yong nodded, "Show me the list of those who died in battle and those who fled, and inform Nanxiang that all the family members of the two who fled will be demoted to slave labor."

This is expected.

Even in later generations, there are people who refuse to perform military service every year.

What's more, going to the battlefield to fight desperately?

But this is a troubled time, the big Han is now implementing a conscription system, and no one can escape when it is really his turn - Nanxiang raises soldiers thickly, in order to do his best to reduce the occurrence of desertion.

It was beyond Feng Yong's expectation that only two of the five hundred people escaped. It seems that the system of consecutive sittings is still very deterrent.

"The home of the fallen soldier, the captain of the brigade he belongs to, must come to comfort the family in person, send a pension, and give the brand of the glorious family. If the captain offers a slight discount, he will be dismissed directly."

"If the children of the fallen soldiers are under the age of fifteen, let them go to the school to study. If they are over the age of fifteen, see where there are vacancies in the minerals of the workshop and ranch, and fill them up first. If they can't be filled, report to me. Ask them if they would like to go to Yuejuan."

There will be a lot of vacant positions in the future, and there will be a huge gap in the grassroots backbone management and other personnel of the racecourse, and I am afraid that no one will be competent.

"Also, the population of Nanxiang is increasing day by day, let Xinhou train another batch of soldiers."

Having said that, Feng Yong pondered for a while.

"I heard that the eldest son of Jiang Canjun's family also went to Nanxiang. This person is considered talented, plus that Huo Yi, when the time comes, show them the full version of "Military Exercise Code" and let them read it." The two of you should help, otherwise Xinhou might not be able to do it alone."

"At that time, I will write to the prime minister, suggesting that they both serve as county captains of Nanxiang County, which is justified."

At any rate, Jiang Bin defended Hancheng when Zhong Hui's army entered Hanzhong. He should be talented in military affairs.

Not to mention Huo Yi, it would be even worse if he was able to serve as the governor in the end.

The development of Nanxiang to this day has caused many people to be jealous. It is beneficial and harmless to mix sand in the palace and the prime minister's mansion in a timely manner.

It's not a question of whether it looks ugly or not. Nanxiang was created by his brothers. No matter how much he eats alone, he is not afraid of what others say.

The key is that Nanxiang's position in Dahan is becoming more and more important. In addition, the Dahan Reserve Bureau established in Nanxiang and the notes issued by the Dahan Reserve Bureau already have the ability to cause huge fluctuations in the Dahan economy.

If you continue to protect and prevent the court from reaching in, you will be too ignorant.

Of these two people, one was sent by Adou from the palace, and the other was from the prime minister's mansion, so they were just right.

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