Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 525 Civil Disturbance

"Brother, I wonder how many soldiers Nanxiang will train?"

Huang Chong asked.

"Including the 400 people who returned from Jincheng, let's draw another 600 people to make up 1,000 people."

1,600 out of more than 30,000 people served in the military, which sounds like a lot, because most countries in later generations generally do not exceed one to one hundred.

But for the Three Kingdoms era, this is not much.

Some people in later generations said that one of the crimes of Zhuge, the old monster of the Shu Han, was the crime of militarism, that is, the ratio of soldiers to civilians was one to ten, which caused the people of the Shu Han to live in poverty.

But in fact, whether it is a big Han, Eastern Wu, or Cao Wei, the ratio of soldiers to civilians basically fluctuates around one to ten. Therefore, if this is really a criminal evidence, everyone is actually a bird. They are all militaristic.

As for the saying that the people live in poverty...the whole Three Kingdoms era actually has a place where the people can live?

It can only be said that it depends on which person in power manages people's livelihood better.

Therefore, comparing Nanxiang with other places, the ratio of soldiers to civilians in Nanxiang is one to twenty, which is really not too many, and more people can be deployed.

But that's not how the account is calculated, because Nanxiang is a place that produces golden eggs, and if too many manpower is transferred, once the normal production order is affected, even 10,000 soldiers may not be able to make up for it.

In addition, when he came to Yuexie this time, Feng Yong recruited some business backbones to prepare for various basic tasks in Yuexiu. The manpower in Nanxiang was already a little tight.

Fortunately, Tubie understands the importance of talents. After opening a school, it is used by students during the day and used by employees at night.

The development of night schools, the public training system of various technologies, and Nanxiang's unique "teaching and mentoring" atmosphere have allowed him to reserve a considerable number of technical backbones.

In addition, the slave workers at the bottom have a strong desire to be naturalized, which can make up for the gap caused by the transfer of backbones, so that technical backbones can quickly bring newcomers out again.

Others see that Nanxiang is a place to pick up gold, but they don't know that what Feng Yong values ​​most is the talent supply system he has cultivated through hard work.

It can be said that Nanxiang is now Feng Yong's training base for grassroots talents, and even the soldiers there are future grassroots officers in the hands of the generals of the Nanxiang faction, so we can't draw blood on it, otherwise it will not be worth the candle.

It's just that the training cost of the grassroots backbone of the army is a bit high, which makes Feng Yong feel a little distressed.

"Soldiers who are disabled and can no longer go to the battlefield, pay attention to arrange them after they are injured. If you want, then try to arrange them in Yuejuan. After all, this is a newly opened place, and the racecourse needs a lot of management."

"I explained the truth to them clearly. If I go back to Nanxiang, although I don't have to worry about food and clothing, in the long run, my future future may not be as good as that in Yuejuan."

Where there is life, there is death, and where there is injury, there is disability.

The development and construction of Yueyu requires a large number of stewards, grassroots managers, and even backbones. Retired disabled soldiers who are quite organized and can understand common words are extremely suitable candidates.

This can be regarded as finding a new way out for them.

After all, only when others have no worries can they go into battle and kill the enemy with peace of mind. Feng Yong has always spared no effort in this regard: only when others go into battle with all their might can he live a peaceful life in the rear.

"Also, when we return to Qiongdu this time, we must remember to ask the people below to discuss, especially those casualties, how to better kill the enemy, how to better avoid casualties, we must write it down carefully."

"Compile it into a book, and then promote it in the entire army. This is very important. You two should work together on this job. You must do it yourself, and you must not do it by someone else."

Learning experience can make people grow better, and learning lessons can make people grow faster.

If you want to reduce the number of deaths of Nanxiang soldiers, it is necessary to conduct a post-war summary.

This is the difference between Nanxiang soldiers and soldiers of this era. They don't need to sum up their survival experience on the battlefield dozens or even dozens of times like other soldiers.

How many people can have this kind of luck to have survived the battlefield more than ten times or even dozens of times?

In such a comparison, the hard training in the past few years is actually worthwhile.


Huang Chong and Wang Xun agreed together.

This time the Nanxiang soldiers were dispatched, they acted quickly, they must advance in every battle, and they were not afraid of death. This is enough to show that the brother's military drill is a rare art of war, and it also shows that the brother has a great strategy in his mind.

Although some of the rules of the elder brother's neutrality in the army make people feel very strange, but presumably there must be some deep meaning.

"For the rest, follow the rules Nanxiang made earlier."

In fact, Nanxiang had already formulated detailed rules for these situations, but this time was the first time that Nanxiang's soldiers were officially dispatched on a large scale. Feng Yong seemed to take it very seriously, so he nagged for a long time.

Huang Chong and Wang Xun stood there and listened carefully without any slack.

The elder brother's authority is getting stronger and stronger, and it is okay to talk about it on weekdays, but when it comes to serious matters, it always makes people feel that he is not the same person as usual.

After explaining this, Feng Yong walked to the side of the ditch, washed the mud off his feet, then took the wooden clogs that were put aside and put them on, waved to the barbarian children in the distance, showed a kind smile, and pointed fish basket.

The barbarian child nodded repeatedly, grinned, patted his chest, and shouted in substandard Chinese, "My lord, I understand."

There is harmony and harmony between the two.

Feng Yong smiled and signaled, then turned and walked back, "Let's go, take me to see those wounded soldiers."

Huang Chong turned his head and looked at the large fields filled with water, and finally couldn't help but asked, "Brother, why are you putting fish in this field?"

"For the fertile fields."

After several years of exercise and timely nutritional supplements, Feng Yong's figure is very tall, walking in the forefront, giving people a sense of majesty.

"In this newly opened paddy field, there are weeds in the soil. Putting the fish in it can eat the grass, and secondly, the field where fish are raised must be more fertile."

Feng Yong explained.

Then he pointed to the guide and said, "I asked Jufu to lead the troops to go south along the Sunshui River Valley. In fact, the main purpose is to visit Dingju County."

"Before I came here from Jincheng, I had already inquired about it. There is a salt pond in Dingcang, which is Yueyue. When Jufu finds out the way, we can use Dingcang's salt to pickle salted fish."

Salted fish is a good thing. It is both meat and salt in it. It can be stored for a long time, it will not deteriorate easily, it is easy to transport, and it is easy to eat. If the condition is really bad, you can just pick it up and eat it as a staple food.

If you put a piece of salted fish in the bowl while cooking, and steam it softly, the taste will be better.

It is simply a must-have product for marching and fighting.

Why is it said that Greater Sichuan was the last rear of China during the Anti-Japanese War?

Because it is really a treasure land given to China by God.

The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, surrounded by mountains, there are not only grain production bases, but also rich mineral resources, iron and coal reserves are amazing.

Even God saw that it was far away from the sea, and even arranged abundant salt wells for it, and even made up for the shortcoming of salt shortage that is common in the inland.

Isn't this a treasure land?

"Is there a salt pond in Dingchi?"

Huang Chong thought for a while, and then asked, "Remember, isn't there a tribe of barbarians in Dingche? The salt and iron are huge profits, and the barbarians are short of salt. If we take away the salt pond in Dingche, I'm afraid The barbarians who are sure will be dissatisfied."

At this time, you can see the difference between Huang Chong, a descendant of the aristocratic family, and Wang Xun, who was born in the grassroots.

Because of the background of the aristocratic family, Huang Chong's vision is indeed far-sighted and wiser than Wang Xun's.

"That's why I asked Jufu to explore the way ahead."

Feng Yong smiled calmly, "Whoever is dissatisfied is his business. Whether I take back Yanchi or not is my business."

No matter how weak the big Han is, the Han army is still an insurmountable mountain for the barbarians.

If the two sides really want to let go of the fight, it is not much different from the beauty Xi Dasha of the later generations, and the gap may even be greater.

The reason for not fighting is because it is not worth fighting in many cases, or the cost and benefit of sending troops are really out of proportion.

Dingjia is located in a remote place. From Qiongdu to Dingjia, one has to go down along the Sunshui to the confluence of Sunshui and Lushui, and then cross Lushui to reach Dingcha.

From this aspect, sending troops to Dingbo is indeed a high-cost action.

However, according to the information received from the Yanniu tribe Langli, Feng Yong knew that the Dongqu tribe had wanted to join forces with the Zhuoma tribe and the Yanniu tribe in the north, and the handsome Lang Cen of Dingju in the south, and planned to besiege Qiongdu together.

It's just that Dongqubu's plan to delay the time first failed, and then was struck by Zhang Yi's thunder, and was defeated not long after, so the joint plan was naturally stillborn.

Naturally, it would not be a good thing for Lang Cen to be included in the joint list by Dongqubu.

What's more, although Lang Cen said that he sent someone to tell Eshun that he was willing to submit to the ghost king, but since Feng Yong, the ghost king, arrived in Yuexie for so long, he didn't even send anyone over.

Therefore, in Feng Yong's view, this Dingche County must definitely send troops there. As for how many troops to send, it depends on whether Lang Cen really wants to surrender or is pretending to be superficial.

If you sincerely surrender, and the ghost king wants to take back the salt pond of Dingjia, why don't you hurry up and obediently offer it up?

If it's superficial, then open it.

When a big man is against a barbarian, he is the full-fledged domineering president Fan, and there is no need to discuss it.

Feng Yong likes this kind of overbearing very much, what does it matter to him whether others like it or not?

Time has entered May, and the news from Jufu who went south finally came.

After crossing Lushui, Jufu was about to enter Dingcha, but was rejected by Dingcha's handsome Lang Cen.

Jufu asked for supplies on the grounds of lack of food and grass after the long journey, but Lang Cen refused again, and tried to encourage the tribes around Dingcha to attack Jufu's troops and drive them back to the east of Lushui.

Although there were less than 300 soldiers led by Jufu, they were not afraid because they had enough dry food.

He first built a camp in a dangerous place west of Lushui, while sending people to report to Qiongdu as soon as possible, and at the same time sending people to spread the word: Lang Cen violated the ghost king's will, and disaster is imminent, just like the Dongqu The department and the horse department are average.

When the barbarians heard the words, they were suspicious and did not dare to attack with all their strength, and some even secretly sent food and drink to Jufu's camp.

After receiving Jufu's report, Feng Yong sneered, "This wolf Cen is afraid of wolves and tigers, acts indecisively, is greedy for small gains and cherishes his own life, and does not cause trouble."

"I heard that Lang Cen is quite famous in Dingjia and has won the hearts of barbarians, but I don't know why Feng Changshi gave this person such an evaluation?"

Meng Yan, who had dark skin, flat face, and a typical barbarian appearance, heard Feng Yong's words and asked very modestly, without feeling that there was anything wrong with calling others barbarians.

Feng Yong glanced at Meng Yan, this guy is quite capable, the key is that his heart is dark enough, and his skin is even thicker. He is indeed a material for an official, and he is far better than Meng Huo's straight temper.

"That Lang Cen first said that he wanted to submit to the big man, and then he wanted to join forces with the Dongqu tribe. It's just a matter of both ends. The key is that he probably doesn't know what he wants to do."

"Rejecting General Ju to enter Dingjia is an act of rebellion against a big man, but he was indifferent when General Ju crossed the river. It is probably because he was afraid of offending us too much and just wanted to keep his position in Dingjia."

"The way to do things like this is not to act indecisively, what is it to be greedy for small gains and cherish one's life?"

"If the barbarians in the south of China rebelled, they would rely on the dangerous terrain. But now he has allowed General Ju to gain a firm foothold west of Lushui, which actually puts him in a disadvantageous position. By acting like this, I affirm that he is not in danger."

"I've heard someone say that if you don't do it, or don't do it, if you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent. This wolf cen, who does half of what he does and keeps the half, has no heart, what is the point?"

Meng Yan sighed in admiration when he heard the words.

At the same time, he thought to himself, the phrase "one does not do two things", is he probably talking about himself? Otherwise, where does the power of the ghost king come from?

Thinking like this, my heart is even more awe-inspiring, and I have a deeper understanding of the cruelty of a certain gentleman.

In May of the fourth year of Jianxing, Feng Yong chose 300 soldiers from Nanxiang and 1,000 soldiers from Shanxing Mountain Road. He ordered Huang Chong and Wang Xun to lead them to help Jufu.

At the same time, in a large manor in Mianzhu County, Guanghan County, a young gentleman begged bitterly, "Guan Zhang, my family has followed Patriarch Zhang for three generations, so why are we about to be evicted all of a sudden? Did you make a mistake?"

"Seeing that the millet is only growing, and the family doesn't even have food in stock, leaving Zhuangzi this time is forcing us to die!"

Steward Zhang held his head up, with a sneer on his face, "Whether you will die or not is a matter for the court. The court said that no one is allowed to stay idle in the Zhuangzi, and all of them must go to the government to register their household registration, otherwise the master's family will be punished."

"In the past two years, have there been fewer people released by the master's family? Isn't it all forced by the court? The master's family is considerate of you, who will be considerate of the master's family? It's not that I deliberately make things difficult for you, but the government is making things difficult for everyone, understand? ?”

"Steward Zhang, even if we want to let us leave Zhuangzi, we have to wait for Guzi..."

The young gentleman wanted to speak again, but Guanshi Zhang waved his hand impatiently, and Zhuang Ding behind him rushed forward and drove everyone out of Zhuangzi.

At the same time, all the rags in the thatched cottage were thrown out.

All of a sudden, inside and outside Zhuangzi, there was a constant connection of wailing and begging.

"Lang Jun, what shall we do?"

The tenants stood in the field holding the black and rags in their arms, their faces were all dazed and at a loss, they only felt that the bright blue sky was actually extremely gloomy.

Among them, there are many people who have worked for the master's family for a lifetime, or even two or three lives. They really didn't expect the master's family to be so cold-hearted, and drive people away when they say they want to drive them away.

With anger in his eyes, the young man gritted his teeth and looked at Zhuangzi, and said bitterly, "This bastard!"

It's just that he scolded and scolded, but he didn't know what to do for a while. According to the current situation of his family, he might starve to death on the side of the road in less than three days.

The steward of Zhuangzi stood on a high place, watching those lowly tenants hovering around Zhuangzi, unwilling to leave for a long time, with a sneer on his face.

"What do the rest of the Zhuangzi say?"

"Returning to Manager Zhang, they are all thanking the master's family for their great kindness, saying that they are thanking the master's family for giving them a bite of food."

"That's good."

Manager Zhang nodded in satisfaction.

This year, the host family decided to use eight ox plows in all the villages. It is useless to keep these extra tenants, and they still eat rations for nothing.

Unexpectedly, the government actually brought up the handle.

As he was thinking like this, he saw a commotion among the tenants outside Zhuangzi, and at the same time there was a faint shout.

After a while, I saw that they turned their heads and ran in one direction at the same time.

In May of the fourth year of Jianxing, civil unrest broke out in Mianzhu County, Guanghan County, north of Jincheng.

The reason is that Zhang Ji, the prefect of Guanghan, enforced the law strictly when checking the number of land and acres of the big households. At the same time, he strongly demanded that the big households must take the initiative to report the concealed population and land, otherwise they would be punished, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the aristocratic families in Guanghan County. .

So the aristocratic family cooperated on the surface, but secretly expelled the tenants in the farm, turning them into refugees and obstructing the investigation of the people.

For a time, Mianzhu County was full of refugees, and the government couldn't gather them in time.

At the same time, the aristocratic family spread rumors that it was caused by the harsh government of the imperial court.

As a result, the refugees, who had nowhere to go and no food to eat, panicked and began to attack the county under the instigation of caring people.

Although Zhang Ji led troops to exterminate them in time, many people still scattered in the mountains and forests and became bandits.

There was a man named Zhang Mu, who gathered a lot of people and roared between Guanghan and Mianzhu, causing disasters everywhere. Even the military supplies that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty transported to Hanzhong for the Northern Expedition were plundered.

When the news reached Jincheng, the court was shaken.

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