Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 526: The Beginning of Chaos

May, the fourth year of Jianxing, is destined to be a restless month.

Before the army sent by Feng Yong to Dingjia came back, he received the news that there was a rebellion in Guanghan County.

"The limitations of the feudal landlord class..."

After reading the cause and effect of the rebellion, Feng Yong muttered, "No matter how romantic the aristocratic family has been for hundreds of years, it is still the landlord class after all, and it cannot escape its limitations..."

No one could hear what Feng Yong was mumbling clearly, and even if they could, they still couldn't understand what he was saying.

Population and land are the economic basis for aristocratic families to pass on to the world.

The monopoly of knowledge is the basis for aristocratic families to suppress the spirit of the head of Guizhou.

After mastering these two things, they can naturally control the superstructure.

As a former successor of a high-level social form, Feng Yong has long understood the urine nature of the feudal landlord class.

Although the Zhuge old demon is also maintaining the rule of the feudal landlord class, it is obvious that this kind of rule is not what the aristocratic family wants, at least not what the aristocratic family in central Shu want.

Now the two foundations for them to live and stand in the world are constantly poached by the old demon Zhuge, and during this period, an unknown soil turtle is handing a hoe.

Didn't expect them to be aggrieved for so long, and the final reaction was just to bring out some refugees in protest?

Weak chicken!

What a weak chicken!

Feng Yong threw the official document on the table very bored.

After staying for a few days, an old friend suddenly came to visit me.

At that time, Feng Yong was sleeping soundly, when Guan Ji shook him awake: "Ah Lang, someone wants to see you."

Feng Yong walked in the field these days, exposed to the wind and the sun. Although he didn't have to go to the field himself, he was still tired. Now that he was woken up by Guan Ji, he didn't want to get up in a daze, and said in a bad mood, "Who is it? "

"Ah Lang, it's Xu Xun who came here and said it's an extremely urgent matter."

Guan Ji said softly, "I heard that he came overnight, so let's get up and meet."

"Xu Xun?"

Feng Yong, who hadn't woken up, refused to open his eyes desperately, his mind was a little foggy, and after thinking for a while, he realized that this was the husband of Xu Ci's family, "Isn't he in Zangke County? Why did he come here..."

Thinking of this, I was suddenly shocked, "Is there something wrong with Zangke County?"

Then he shook his head vigorously and closed his eyes again, "Impossible, there is Ma Taishou in Zangke County, what's the problem?"

Guan Ji helped Feng Yong up with his eyes still closed, and while putting on his clothes, she said, "No matter what's wrong, since people say it's extremely urgent, it must not be a trivial matter. A Lang should go out and see you soon. .”

"The big man has a prime minister, what can go wrong?"

Feng Yong muttered.

"Come on, stretch your arms."

Guan Ji ignored Feng Yong, who was full of anger, and helped him straighten his sleeves, fasten his belt, and finally squatted down to help him put on his shoes.

"You don't need shoes, do you? Just wear clogs."

"It's very cold at night, and I don't know how long Xu Xun will have to talk to A Lang. Put on better, so as not to catch cold feet. A Lang needs to wash his face, so he can wake up."

Seeing Feng Yong's exhausted appearance, Guan Ji knew that he was tired these days, so she asked with concern.

Only then did Feng Yong rub his face vigorously, trying to wake himself up, "No need. Where is he?"

"It's in the living room."

He was woken up halfway through his sleep, feeling uncomfortable all over. Feng Yong went to the living room and saw Xu Xun walking up and down there with an anxious face.

As soon as he saw Feng Yong coming in, Xu Xun hurried up to greet him, "The leader."

"Sit down."

Feng Yong motioned him to sit down, "What happened?"

It may be that Feng Yong's indifferent appearance infected Xu Xun. After Xu Xun sat down, he sorted out his thoughts a little, and then said, "The leader, something happened in Jiaozhou."


When Feng Yong heard this, he immediately woke up. Jiaozhou is not only the supplier of raw sugar, but also the supplier of sugarcane seeds in Nanzhong this year.

Once there is a problem, it is okay to say that there is no source of raw sugar, but if there is no source of sugarcane seeds this year, the pace of sugarcane planting in Nanzhong will be greatly delayed.

Nanzhong's sugarcane planting plan is really going to go wrong, and that's all for the Xinghan Society, but what about the aristocratic families in Central Shu?

But this is the best opportunity to tie the aristocratic families in Central Shu to the chariot of the Han Dynasty, because at most one and a half years later, the old demon Zhuge will start the Northern Expedition.

Time is running out, if you miss this time, how can King Feng have time to lock the door of the chariot? Weld the window to death?

"What happened?"

Thinking of this, Feng Yong immediately asked anxiously.

"Jiaozhou Shixie died of a serious illness, and his son Shihui was appointed by Sun Quan as Jiuzhen Taishou. He was dissatisfied with not being able to inherit the position of governor of Jiaozhou, so he called himself Jiaozhi Taishou, rebelled against Sun Wu, and prevented the people sent by Soochow to Jiaozhou from taking office. .”

Hearing this, Feng Yong frowned. Jiaozhou got its name from Jiaozhi, and Jiaozhi prefect was often served concurrently as governor of Jiaozhou. Now that Shi Hui was serving as prefect of Jiaozhi himself, it was obvious that he wanted Sun Quan to recognize him as governor of Jiaozhou.

"Na Shihui also secretly sent someone to send a letter to my younger brother, wanting my younger brother to act as an intermediary to ask for assistance from the big man. Oh, by the way, the Zhang family also sent a letter, saying that I want my younger brother to deliver it to my elder brother in person."

As Xu Xun said, he took out a letter from his bosom and handed it over.

Because of Xu Ci's friendship with Shi Xie and his reputation as a scholar, after Xu Xun went to Nanzhong to admit his mistakes to Feng Yong, Feng Yong planned to take advantage of Xu's family, so he let Xu Xun join the Xinghan Association .

At the same time, let him serve as the contact person between the Xinghan Society and Jiaozhou, and open up the relationship between Jiaozhou, so that the Zhang family can easily enter Jiaozhou and send the jaggery to Dahan.

Feng Yong took it, opened it on the spot, and hurriedly read it by the candle.

After a long time, it was only then that he clapped the case and cursed angrily, "Shi Xie is a hero after all, why did he give birth to a waste!"

Shijia has ruled Jiaozhou for nearly forty years. He is a veritable emperor of the land, and his prestige in Jiaozhou is noble and supreme.

When Shi Xie and his brothers went in and out, they rang the bell and chime. They were equipped with majesty, and the flute was blowing, and the road was full of chariots. There were often dozens of ascetics burning incense among the chariots and horses. Even the former Nanyue King Yuetuo did not reach Shi Xie's reputation. .

Although Shi Xie expressed his surrender to Soochow, in fact Jiaozhou has always been regarded as a private territory by the Shi family.

As the son of Shi Xie, Shi Hui felt that it was only natural for him to succeed as governor of Jiaozhou.

In Feng Yong's mind, even if Sun Quan wanted to take advantage of Shi Xie's death to control Jiaozhou, he should first let Shi Hui be the governor of Jiaozhou on the surface, and then send his own people to be the prefects of the counties to make Shi Hui empty.

I didn't expect Sun Quan's actions to be so big. He directly sent the Shi Hui to Jiuzhen County. What's the difference between that and the frontier distribution?

Jiuzhen County is one of the nine counties of Jiaozhou. It is located in the central part of Vietnam in later generations. It is even more barbaric than Nanzhong!

If Shi Hui could bear the humiliation for a while, use the prestige of the Shi family to gain sympathy, and at the same time secretly prepare for rebellion, then he would be considered a character.

It's a pity that this man has great ambition but few talents, so he rebelled against Wu in such a hurry, and Huan Lin, an official from Jiaozhou, persuaded him, but this Shi Hui actually tortured Huan Lin and killed him.

The Huan family is also a big family in the local area, and in a rage, they directly mobilized the clan's soldiers to attack Shi Hui, and the two sides even fought evenly!

This is amazing!

You don't even have the ability to suppress the clan soldiers of a big clan, so what a traitor!

More importantly, not only the local big clans did not accept Shihui, but even some scholars disagreed with Shihui's anti-Wu behavior.

Feng Yong was really annoyed, he couldn't convince the crowd internally, and couldn't resist the enemy externally, he just waited for Soochow to send a general to lead the army, and this soldier's badge would be a life of a dead body!

The reason why scholars have been able to call the wind and rain in Jiaozhou for decades is that Jiaozhou is located in a remote place, the environment is harsh, and the hinterland of the Han Dynasty is full of wars, so the forces of all parties have no time to conquer.

Today the world is divided into three parts, although it has not been unified, but it is still partially unified. Soochow has been recruiting soldiers from Shanyue all the year round, recruiting Shanyue barbarians to supplement the population, and the environment of Jiaozhou is not enough to be an obstacle.

In addition, Soochow failed to conquer the north, and the eastward movement was blocked, and the only direction on land was Jiaozhou. Did this Shi Hui think that he could form a world of his own in Jiaozhou like his father?

"Shi Hui's move this time will undoubtedly be defeated!"

Feng Yong tried his best to think back, and confirmed that Jiaozhou was indeed under the jurisdiction of Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period, and he came to a conclusion decisively.

"Not only can we not agree to his rescue, but we can't even let Soochow misunderstand our relationship with him. If you do this, write a letter to Shi Hui, explaining his interests, and persuade him to return to Soochow."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong looked at Xu Xun with burning eyes, "When the Central Plains was in chaos, Jiaozhou was peaceful, and scholars and people went to Jiaozhou to avoid the chaos."

Xu Xun nodded. His lord had also taken refuge in Jiaozhou for a while, so he knew this clearly.

"Nowadays Jiaozhou is in great chaos, and to the south of Jiaozhou is vast ocean. There is no retreat. If the people want to avoid the chaos, they can only go north. Jiaozhou connects Nanzhong. Although there is no road, there are countless mountain roads. Presumably many people go there Came here to hide."

"Isn't Nanzhong Manor short of manpower? The people of Jiaozhou have been in Jiaozhou for a long time and are used to the water and soil in the south. It is just right for them to help out at Nanzhong Manor."

Feng Yong's tone was relaxed, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

Whether sugarcane planting will be affected is currently not up to you to decide, but at least you must do a good job of stopping losses and recovering a little bit is a little bit.

Xu Xun gasped. This brother, when he heard about Jiaozhou, the first thing that came to his mind was labor?

Why did I only think about worrying about sugarcane, but didn't think of this crop?

Xu Xun couldn't help but start to reflect. Could it be that his heart is not cruel enough?

"This matter requires the intervention of the governor of Nanzhong, and I will write a letter to Governor Li at that time. The cooperation between Dongfeng Express and the governor of Nanzhong has always been very pleasant, and there should be no major problems."

When Xu Xun heard it, he thought to himself, is this more than just a pleasure? It was almost intimate.

"But on our side, it's better to have someone involved."

Having said this, Feng Yong glanced at Xu Xun.

Xu Xun understood Feng Yong's unspoken intentions, and immediately took the initiative to respond, "My little brother has been in Nanzhong for a long time last year, and I am familiar with the affairs of Nanzhong. If my brother does not give up, I am willing to take on this matter."

The profit of brown sugar is enough to make people crazy. As the middleman between Jiaozhou and Dahan, the Xu family has contributed a lot to the sugarcane issue in Jiaozhou, although they will definitely not be treated badly in the future.

But who would think that such a thing as a foundation is too small?

The more you contribute now, the more you will get in the future.

What's more, he joined later, and he had a feud with the wife of the leader in the early days. Some things, it doesn't mean that others don't mention them, so he can pretend that nothing happened. He always has to find a way to make up for it.


Feng Yong clapped his hands together, "It was hard work for you to come all the way, so let's take a good rest tonight."

After Feng Yong had finished talking with Xu Xun, he was asked to take him down to rest, and then returned to the inner room with a yawn.

Guan Ji didn't sleep until she saw him coming back, so she came up to her and asked, "How is it? Are we done talking?"

"The talk is over, but there are still a lot of things to do."

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", "It's really better to be a human than to be a god."

"Why is Alang so worried?"

Seeing Feng Yong's frown, Guan Ji couldn't help asking with concern.

Feng Yong told Guan Ji about the situation in Jiaozhou, and finally sighed, "Jiaozhou is in chaos, if this aristocratic family in Sichuan can't grow sugarcane, then there will be trouble again, it's really a headache."

"Seeing how worried you are, you're almost like the prime minister."

Guan Ji was half complaining and half explaining, "It's not your fault that such a thing happened. Even if something happened between the aristocratic family and Nanzhong, the prime minister and Li Dudu are worried about it. What does it have to do with you, the county chief Shi?"

Feng Yongben was still thinking about writing a letter overnight, but when he heard what Guan Ji said, he could only nod, "Forget it, let's go to sleep first."

At that moment, he took off his clothes indiscriminately, and then went to sleep peacefully on the couch with his wife in his arms.

Just when the chaos in Jiaozhou began to emerge, the forty-year-old Cao Pi in the south hall of the Chonghua Hall of the Caowei Imperial Palace in the north, with a face as yellow as wax, his sunken eyes closed tightly, was lying on the couch motionless, with only slight ups and downs. His chest showed that he was still breathing.

The eunuch in the palace walked lightly to the bed and whispered in Cao Pi's ear, "Your Majesty, everyone is here."

"Help me up."

Cao Pi didn't open his eyes, but just spoke like a dream.


The eunuch hurried forward, put a pillow on the head of the bed, and gently got up.

"Let them in."

It seemed that Cao Pi didn't even have the strength to sit up straight, but just sat there with his head tilted, and now he had to save every ounce of strength.

The eunuch withdrew and said to the people waiting outside, "Your Majesty ordered the four generals to have an audience."

General Cao Zhen of the Central Army, General Chen Qun of Zhenjun, Cao Xiu of Zhengdong, and Sima Yi of Fujun hurriedly adjusted their clothes and entered one by one.

Cao Pi, who had been exhaling more and less inhaling just now, heard the sound of footsteps, his face glowed with brilliance, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the person coming.

"The ministers (Cao Zhen, Chen Qun, Cao Xiu, Sima Yi) have seen His Majesty, and may His Majesty live forever and be happy!"

The four of them saluted together.

When Cao Pi heard this, he smiled wryly, "I don't want to live forever, but I just want to live a long life. Get up."

Looking at these four important ministers, he said slowly, "The mausoleum of the Han Dynasty was late. Fortunately, the Emperor Taizu was heroic and re-established the order of the world. One, why is fate so poor?"

"Wen Lie (Cao Xiu) was once praised by the Taizu as a thousand-mile horse, Zidan (Cao Zhen) was brave and resourceful, and they are all close friends of my Cao family. Changwen (Chen Qun) has the talent for governing the world, Zhong Da is resourceful And there is a general plan, which is the support of my great Wei."

"The prince is young and ignorant, I hereby ask you to help me..."

The four of them were weeping bitterly at the moment, and they all received the imperial edict.

Cao Pi ordered the crown prince Cao Rui to come in, pointing to Sigong and said, "You can rely on Sigong when you ascend the throne in the future, and the world will have no worries. Anyone who wants to divorce Sigong can be ordered to punish him!"

Later, he ordered the prince Cao Rui to worship him.

In May of the fourth year of Jianxing in the Han Dynasty, Cao Pi died of illness in Jiafu Hall at the age of forty.

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