Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 527 Liangzhou Affairs

When Cao Rui ascended the throne, he secretly summoned the four princes and asked, "The former emperor took it as his task to bring peace to the world, but he collapsed halfway. Now Wu and Shu are still peeping out. If he knows that my great Wei family has suffered a great funeral, I'm afraid he will send troops to invade." .Why do you guys teach me?"

Among the four, Cao Xiu was the most honored, and he was the first to speak, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, our Great Wei now has enough troops and provisions, ten times as strong as the bandits. If the enemy is safe and defends by relying on mountains and rivers, he can still protect himself for a while. "

"However, if the crime comes unexpectedly, I would like to use the tiger and wolf master as the forerunner to sweep Jingyu for His Majesty, so as to comfort the late emperor's spirit in heaven."

Cao Rui felt a little relieved when he heard the words, and said with relief, "The Great General Conquering the East followed the Taizu and the late emperor to fight in the north and south, and repeatedly defeated the bandits. Back then, the emperor knew the general's ability, so he asked the general to guard the riverside to guard against the Eastern Wu. Prophecy."

"With the general in the south, I don't have to worry about it. But what about the Shu bandits in the west?"

When Cao Zhen heard this, he said quickly, "I would like to go to Chang'an to supervise the pass, so as to prevent the counterfeit Shu bandits."

Cao Rui was very comforted when he heard the words, and thought that these two uncles are worthy of being the heart of my Cao family, and was about to agree, when he saw Chen Qun and Sima Yi standing behind him from the corner of his eyes, his heart skipped a beat again.

There are few people in the world who can rival the two uncles on the battlefield, and it is right to entrust them with the confrontation.

This Chen Changwen has the talent for governing the world, so I should ask more about the way of governing the country on weekdays.

However, Sima Zhongda was called by the first emperor as "good at planning and general". Under such circumstances, it is time to rely on his strategy.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui suppressed his thoughts for a while, and asked, "What do you think of General Sima?"

Sima Yi stayed at the end at first, and didn't want to stand out. He didn't expect that the new emperor would take the initiative to ask him. He immediately stood up and saluted, "Return to your majesty. I think there is a general Zhengdong stationed on the riverside. Soochow It must be enough.”

"As for the puppet Shu, there is only one state. Before the defeat of Liu Bei's Yiling, it was almost destroyed. Then there was the chaos of the barbarians in the south, and the land of Shu was already in ruins. It was only the chaos of the barbarians, so it retreated and colonized It took two years, and Nanzhong was just leveled last year."

"It's only been half a year now, how can we have the strength to use our swords again? I think that this time, we only need to defend against Dongwu, and don't care about Xishu."

"The general of the Chinese army is an important minister with a high status. If he goes to Chang'an, he will be suspected of emphasizing the outside and despising the inside. I think it is inappropriate. In my opinion, the general should stay in Luoyang and use the town's interior to assist Your Majesty is at peace."

"Luoyang is the center of the world, and the cavalry of the Great Wei Dynasty are the best cavalry in the world. Even if there is chaos in all directions, the general will lead the army to go there in time, so why bother to move so easily for the sake of a mere pseudo-Shu?"

A few words not only praised Cao Zhen, but also explained the truth, and at the same time reassured Cao Rui's heart.

After Cao Rui heard this, he thought to himself, the late emperor left me two old relatives of the Cao family, one outside and one inside, as each other's outside and inside, which can ensure the stability of the Cao family. What Sima Zhongda said was the words of an old man seeking to seek the country, and he really had a public heart.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but trust Sima Yi more.

Seeing the approving look on Cao Rui's face, Sima Yi knew that his words had reached his heart, so he continued, "If Your Majesty is worried that there will be bandits outside, I would like to ask you to go out and station troops in Wancheng."

"Wancheng is located between Luoyang, Chang'an, and Jingzhou. It is the throat. The ministers stationed troops here, which can be used to support and defend the center."

When Cao Rui heard it, he almost screamed and beat the case, this is the perfect strategy!

It's just that when he first came to power, one of the four assistant ministers wanted to return to Jiangnan immediately. This can be said to be a military emergency.

If Sima Yi were to go to Wancheng immediately, in the eyes of outsiders, it would be unavoidable that he would deliberately release important ministers to guard against the suspicion of Gu Ming's assistant ministers, and it would appear that he was not broad-minded enough.

"The first emperor ordered the princes to assist me in the government. Now is the time to calm people's hearts. I can't wait to have the princes by my side day and night. The general who conquers the east wants to station troops in the north of the river to guard against the Eastern Wu. It already makes me panic."

"If General Fujun leaves me again, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night. We will discuss this matter later."

It's just that although Cao Rui has a city mansion, he is still a little young. He couldn't hide his expression just now, and Sima Yi noticed it.

Hearing him say these words now made Sima Yi secretly vigilant: this new emperor is not an ordinary person, he is quite like a great ancestor.

Back then, because he looked down on the Cao family as eunuchs, he didn't want to subjugate the Cao family, refused to accept Cao Cao's conquest, pretending to be sick, but he didn't expect Cao Cao to be a ruthless character, and sent people to secretly spy on the situation at night.

He was forced to pretend to be paralyzed even if he was not sick, lying on the bed and unable to move.

When Cao Cao became the prime minister, he conscripted again, and said that if he refused, he would be sent to prison, which made him fearful, so he took office.

It can be said that in his life, the person he was most afraid of was Cao Cao.

Now seeing that Cao Rui looks like Cao Cao, his heart is secretly awe-inspiring.

Cao Rui discussed with the four assistant ministers and made a decision, and then the news of Cao Pi's death spread to all directions. At the same time, Cao Xiu rushed back to Jiangbei overnight to prevent Soochow from taking the opportunity to attack.

Ji County, Tianshui County.

"Boyo, Boyo! Something serious has happened!"

A man about 30 years old rushed into a courtyard in Ji County and shouted loudly.

In the courtyard, a young man was reading a scroll, and saw that this man was fresh and handsome, with a nose like a jade stone, eyes like stars, deep eyes, and tightly shut lips, one could tell that he was a man with a firm mind.

Hearing the sound, Fang just raised his head and asked calmly, "Why is Lehe so flustered?"

"His Majesty is dead!"

"Your Majesty? Which Majesty? The one in Shanyang City or the one in Luoyang City?"

Jiang Wei had no surprise on his face, and his tone was flat.

The man called Lehe is Jiang Wei's good friend, and Liang Xu, the hero of Tianshui County.

Hearing Jiang Wei's words, he was taken aback immediately, and he said after a while, "Of course it's His Majesty in Luoyang City."

"Oh?" Jiang Wei said in surprise, "I didn't expect Cao Pi to die first? I thought..."

Having said this, Jiang Wei paused and did not continue.

When Liang Xu heard this, even though he knew that there was no one else in the yard, he was so frightened that he quickly dissuaded him, "Bo Yue be careful!"

However, Jiang Wei didn't care, and said to Liang Xu, "Your Liang family secretly communicated to the south and bought and sold grain, and you were never afraid. Now, how are you afraid of me saying something disrespectful?"

Liang Xu's face turned pale, and he hurried forward to cover Jiang Wei's mouth, "Bo Yue wants to trap me to death?"

Jiang Wei laughed and blocked his hand, "Okay, no kidding. This time His Majesty passed away, the Ma prefect of Tianshui County may have to be busy for a while, it seems that it is a good time to do business with the south again?"

Hearing this, the man looked at Jiang Wei in surprise, "Bo Yue is also concerned about this matter? Didn't your Jiang family say that they will not participate in this matter?"

Jiang Wei sighed and said, "Just because I don't participate, doesn't mean the Jiang family doesn't participate."

"I thought Bob was against it."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he smiled wryly, "Why should I object? Since more than a hundred years ago, when the power of the Later Han Dynasty gradually weakened, and the Qiang and Hu rebellions became more and more rampant, the people in the inner county have repeatedly suggested abandoning Liangzhou."

"In the fifth year of Yongchu (AD 111), Xianling Qiang invaded Hanoi from Bingzhou, and the imperial court decided to abandon Liangzhou and Longxi counties and move the people to the interior."

"If the people don't obey, the officials will destroy the fields and houses, and force them to move. At that time, I don't know how many people died on the road. If I didn't come out of Liangzhou in the "Liangzhou Sanming" and attack the Qiang Hu wantonly, I'm afraid that the people in Longxi, Liangzhou The land has become the land of the Qiang and Hu!"

"Liangzhou has always been underestimated by people in the Kanto region. In today's Cao Wei, it is even worse than in the later Han Dynasty. Even a person like Jia Wenhe, who is as high as a Taiwei because of his meritorious service, is laughed at by others."

"Back when Cao Cao moved to Yinping and the people of Wudu, I knew that Cao Wei was just like the late Han. Liangzhou still had to rely on itself. What's more, there are more Qiang and Hu people now, and there are even Hu people from the desert in the northeast. are constantly migrating.”

"The scourge of the Qiang and Hu, I'm afraid it will become more and more tragic, so I know that you secretly sneaked into the south for huge profits, and you didn't stop it, just to let everyone have more self-protection in the future."

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty began to decline more than 100 years ago, the powerful clans of the Kanto who occupied the right to speak in the imperial court have been constantly pushing the imperial court to abandon the counties in Liangzhou and Longxi.

The Liangzhou people could not rely on the imperial court, so they had to rely on themselves, and took the initiative to fight against Qianghu.

Even so, the imperial court even dragged the people of Liangzhou back, for example, sending cruel officials to serve in Liangzhou, and they were often greedy and cruel in their administration without regard to the consequences.

In addition, Liangzhou is a place that advocates force, and it is incompatible with the Guandong gentry who advocate Confucian classics. As a result, Liangzhou people in the court are often excluded by the Kanto nobles.

This situation caused the people of Liangzhou to renounce the central court, so that they had the idea of ​​​​establishing their own political power in Liangzhou.

Huangfusong, the nephew of Huangfugui, one of the "Three Mings of Liangzhou", made great achievements in quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Yan Zhong, a nobleman from Liangzhou, persuaded him to stand on his own. Fortunately, Huangfusong did not listen.

However, the disappointment of Liangzhou people towards the imperial court is increasing day by day.

Later, the Han and Qiang merged and began to form a warlord separatist regime, which was a manifestation of the centrifugal people of Liangzhou.

For example, the rebel army led by Han Sui included both Han and Qiang.

Later, Geng Bi, the governor of Liangzhou, favored traitorous officials, which caused the resentment of Liangzhou's scholars and people, and the local wealthy families in Liangzhou hated him, but in the process of suppressing the rebellion, Geng Bi refused to listen to honest advice, and finally caused Fu Xie, a famous scholar in Liangzhou. He defended the city alone and died in the chaos.

At this time, the Liangzhou nobles finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly mutinied and killed Geng Bi, the governor of Liangzhou. His subordinates Sima Ma Teng, Longxi prefect Li Xiangru, Jiuquan prefect Huang Yan and other Han Chinese powerful factions joined the rebels one after another.

The prefects of many counties participated in the rebellion, which shows the great resentment of the people in Liangzhou.

After Wang Yun planned to kill Dong Zhuo, he wanted to conduct a thorough liquidation of Dong Zhuo's subordinates. In fact, he also inherited the consistent style of exclusion and contempt of Liangzhou people by the wealthy Kanto clan.

Later, Jia Xu, a poisonous man, suddenly appeared, and the nobles of the Kanto were killed by the other party's blood.

But to be honest, this time the wealthy clan in Liangzhou secretly communicated to the south, in fact, it was mainly for profit, but at the same time it could also enhance their own strength.

But what Jiang Wei valued was the benefit of the wool, which could suppress and appease the Qiang Hu to a certain extent.

So after experiencing the initial disgust, he was ready to stand on the sidelines with complicated psychology.

After Liang Xu heard Jiang Wei's words, his expression relaxed, and he smiled, "It's best for Boyue to think so."

Jiang Wei shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, "The court in the east doesn't take care of us in Liangzhou, but the court in the south may not be at ease. You'd better be careful."

"Oh? How do you explain this?"

the man asked curiously.

"In the past, when Qi wanted to conquer Chu, he first promised to buy deer from Chu State with high profits. The people of Chu State abandoned farming and hunted deer. Being blocked by Qi State, he finally had to ask Qi State for peace."

"I see the actions of the south this time, a bit like buying a deer to make Chu, you still have to be careful."

Liang Xu listened, and laughed, "Bo Yue is worrying too much! How could we not know the harm of food shortage? A few days ago, I made an appointment with the governor of Xiahou in Chang'an, and he will come forward to transport grain from the east of the Guandong to make up for Longxi."

"In recent years, the grain in the Kanto region has been cheap, and we took out some woolen cloth to collect the grain, and the governor of Xiahou was also happy to make a profit."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he sighed and said, "Xia Houmao is good at running the family business, but he has no military strategy, is timid and has no strategy. The imperial court actually sent him to supervise Guanzhong. From this point of view, Guanzhong and Liangzhou are not valued by the imperial court." the land."

"It's good that he manages the family business, otherwise how can we get such a bargain?" Liang Xu said with a smile, "Although the south is not as prosperous as the Central Plains, there are some new things."

"Especially the down jacket, although it is a bit more expensive, it is extremely warm, and it is suitable for use in Liangzhou. I heard that there is also a kind of clothing made of fine wool, which is a rare item."

"Each piece has a unique number, and it is absolutely identical. Nashiro brought one back. My little gentleman is very jealous, so this time our family wants to send some people to the south to buy some good things from the south. I don't know Bo Yue. Is there anything you want?"

Jiang Wei wanted to say that there was nothing he wanted, but his eyes fell on the book in his hand, so he said, "There is nothing else, just this kind of unofficial history novels. If there are new ones, just bring them back for me."

Liang Xu took a look at the book, it was the "Purple Dian Qingshuang Ji" brought back by his family Shiro, and it was bound with the best quality paper he had never seen before. The characters inside were neat and clear, and the size was the same.

In terms of font and binding alone, this book is many times better than the usual hand-copied books—except that the content inside is too absurd, making people feel that such good characters and such good paper are for nothing.

"Nowadays this biographical novel is circulated in Jixian County. I don't know how many manuscripts are circulated outside. I didn't expect Boyue to like to read this kind of unofficial historical novels."

"Just for fun."

Jiang Wei put the book on the table, stood up and took a few steps, "Actually, if it's convenient, I would like to go to the south, but unfortunately I have an official order, so I can't stay away."

"Why did Boyue have such thoughts?"

"I heard that there is a gentleman in the south, who is resourceful and wise, known as 'Xiao Wenhe', and his literary talents are comparable to that of Cao Zijian, and he is the head of many gentlemen in the south. I recite his essays , and fell for it.”

"More importantly, I heard from Shiro that this person is already famous in Sichuan before he reaches the weak crown. It would be a pleasure to get acquainted with such a romantic person."

"So it turns out that Boyue actually felt pity for each other?"

Liang Xu understood.

Jiang Bo became an official when he was about thirteen years old. He was good at governing Zheng Xuan's Confucian classics, and his martial arts skills were extremely high.

But now the imperial court is ruled by the nobles from the Kanto region, and they practice the law of nine-rank officials. Jiang Wei, who was born in Liangzhou, may have a more tortuous official career than others.

Now that he heard that someone had become famous at a young age like him, and was highly respected by the southern court, I am afraid that he would feel a little bit emotional at the moment.

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