Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 528 Promise

In June of the fourth year of Jianxing, news of Cao Pi's death from a serious illness spread to Jincheng.

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister! Overjoyed, overjoyed!"

Jiang Wan's face was full of joy, and he walked quickly, rushing into the study where the prime minister of the Han Dynasty handles political affairs, without paying attention to saluting, he shouted directly.

Seeing Jiang Wan, who is usually gentle and refined, Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing and said, "What kind of happy event makes Gong Yan lose his composure?"

"A happy event, Prime Minister," Jiang Wan hurried forward, "Cao Pi from the north is dead!"

Zhuge Liang was startled, and stood up abruptly, "Who?"

"Cao Pi!"

Zhuge Liang was overjoyed when he heard this, "Is it credible?"

"The news came back from Xizuo, and the same news came from Liangzhou. Bandit Cao has already sent an order to the world."

Zhuge Liang laughed out loud first, "Okay!"

Then suddenly he remembered something, his expression became sad again, and finally his face gradually turned pale, and he just stood there blankly.

"Prime Minister?"

Seeing Zhuge Liang's expression was wrong, Jiang Wan asked softly.

Zhuge Liang came back to his senses, looked at Jiang Wan, trembled his lips, but said nothing, then suddenly coughed violently, finally couldn't stop, bent down, clutched his stomach, almost out of breath.

"Prime Minister, what's the matter with you, Prime Minister?"

Jiang Wan hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhuge Liang, and asked anxiously.

Zhuge Liang's eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, and it took him a long time to let out a long sigh, "God bless me!"

When Jiang Wan heard this, he thought he had heard it wrong, this Cao Pi was a usurper, shouldn't his death be a good thing? How did he become such a big man?

Zhuge Liang didn't explain, but asked in a low voice, "Gongyan, I remember that two days ago, Zhang Ji sent a message saying that the rioters in Guanghan County who robbed the military resources of the Northern Expedition have been gathered, right?"

Although he didn't know why the Prime Minister suddenly brought up the matter of Guanghan County, Jiang Wan still replied, "Return to the Prime Minister, it is true. Prefect Zhang has wiped out all the rioters in Guanghan County."

"These rioters are bewitched, but it is a fact that they have violated the Great Han's law. I want you to go all the way to see Feng Mingwen, how about it?"

Jiang Wan understood as soon as he heard it, "The prime minister wants to exile these disorderly people to Yuexi?"

"Yes." Zhuge nodded, "Didn't he write a letter a few days ago saying that there is an uneven balance between the Han and the barbarians? These disorderly people are taking risks because they have no land and no food."

"But the court's laws cannot be dismissed lightly, and exiling them to Yuexiu is considered punishment for them."

"Your officer understands."

Jiang Wan complied.

It is an inherent tradition of the Han Dynasty to migrate prisoners to border areas.

After giving these orders, Zhuge Liang sat heavily on the chair and waved his hands, "Go out first, I want to be quiet."

Jiang Wan looked at Zhuge Liang worriedly, but refused to move.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just want to be quiet for a while."

Zhuge Liang leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and said weakly.

At this moment, a servant came to report, "Report to the Prime Minister, General Li, please see me."

Only then did Zhuge Liang open his eyes, his brows were full of exhaustion, as if he had aged all of a sudden, he braced himself up and asked, "Please come in."

Then, seeing the worry in Jiang Wan's eyes, he smiled immediately, "If Gong Yan is worried, then you can stay here and listen."

Li Yan came in and bowed to Zhuge Liang, "Yan has seen the prime minister."

"Brother Zhengfang, please sit down. I don't know why you are here this time?"

Li Yan didn't look at Jiang Wan, just sat down, and then said, "I just heard about the great joy, so I came to congratulate the Prime Minister."

"I'm really happy."

The disappointment and exhaustion on Zhuge Liang's face disappeared instantly after Li Yan came in, and at the same time he changed into a look of joy, "I didn't expect this Cao Pi to be so short-lived."

"That's right, this is God's retribution for his usurper."

Li Yan echoed, "Once Cao Pi dies, there will be chaos in the north at this time. Prime Minister, the Northern Expedition is at the right time!"

"Northern Expedition?" Zhuge Liang sighed after hearing the words, "I also want to make an early Northern Expedition, but now that there are not enough soldiers and horses, food and grass are not ready, how can I go to the Northern Expedition?"

"I asked Brother Zhengfang to move to Jiangzhou to let you prepare food and grass, so that when I go north, I will help me deal with the rear, but I don't understand why you stayed in Jincheng for so long?"

Li Yan smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, "It's just that there are some trivial matters, so I stayed longer."

He watched Zhuge Liang say what he said in the court, even the emperor had to obey his orders, he was really jealous and envious.

He was originally the same as Zhuge Liang who was the former emperor's Tuogu, but because he had to guard the dangerous place of Yong'an and stayed away from Jincheng for a long time, his influence in the court was not as good as Zhuge Liang's, so he was naturally unbalanced.

Now that he finally returned to Jincheng, how could he leave so easily?

But now the situation is different, there are changes in the north, it seems that Zhuge Liang will go north soon, so who else can guard the rear except himself?

So he hurried over to check Zhuge Liang's tone.

When he heard Zhuge Liang himself say "When I go north, help me deal with the rear", he couldn't help but be overjoyed: Doesn't this mean that after the prime minister goes north, he will replace the prime minister to manage the rear?

Immediately said quickly, "Now that I have everything done, I will rush to Jiangzhou in a few days to prepare early for the prime minister's Northern Expedition."

Thinking about being able to be like Zhuge Liang in the future and being able to say the same thing in the court, Li Yan is full of joy.

"Zhengfang has worked hard, Liang thank you here."

Zhuge Liang looked at Li Yan's joyful look, but his eyes were lowered, preventing Li Yan from seeing the gleam in his eyes.

"A certain entrusted by the late emperor, how dare you not do your best? I just hope that I can get rid of the thieves and revive the Han Dynasty as soon as possible."

Li Yan was running with his mouth full, making an impassioned look.

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, looked at Li Yan, and said meaningfully, "I only hope Brother Zhengfang can remember today's words, and don't forget the entrustment of the late emperor."

"I must dare not forget."

Li Yan almost patted his chest to promise.

Jiang Wan, who was at the side, suddenly came to his senses when he heard the two men talking about the Northern Expedition. Could it be because of the Northern Expedition that the prime minister acted that way when he heard the news of Cao Pi's death?

In June of the fourth year of Jianxing, Li Yan returned to Jiangzhou and began to build a big city.

In the same month, Jiang Wan was ordered by the Chancellor of the Han Dynasty to go to Yuexuan.

At the same time, the barbarians from Dingju County in Yuejuan County were unable to attack Jufu's camp, and seeing Huang Chong and Wang Xun's troops coming to reinforce them, they were terrified and fled in all directions.

Gou Fu had already found out where Lang Cen's tribal stronghold was these days. After the Han army entered Dingche, they sent out some soldiers to break through Lang Cen's stronghold, captured him, and killed him in public.

At the same time, the order of the ghost king was given to all the barbarians: don't move rashly, and kill them if you move.

Seeing that Lang Cen was dead, the barbarians were even more frightened and dared not make a move.

Huang Chong also rewarded those tribes who secretly helped Jufu. The leaders of those tribes were very happy, and expressed their respect and gratitude to the King of Ghosts, so the Dingchu barbarians obeyed, and Dingju Yanchi returned to the management of Yuexuan government. .

King Feng Gui began to build large-scale construction along the Sunshui River Valley and vigorously cultivated it.

At the same time, they also used food, salt and other items to lure the barbarians to help them.

With the intimidation of the Han army and the prestige of the ghost king, plus the fact that they can eat enough food, there is no need for disputes between the tribes. For a while, everyone in the Yi people was happy and contributed their efforts.

Even the barbarians in the distance heard the ghost king's favor, and many people came here tirelessly.

It took only three months for Yuejue, which had been in chaos for a long time, to return to calm, and even with Qiongdu as the center, the Sunshui River Valley became lively.

"Hurry up! Are you ready? If it's not good, the next one will come!"

The largest courtyard in Qiongdu City belongs to the temporary prefect's mansion. At this time, there are about twenty young gentlemen inside, some running back and forth, and some leaning over the case with charcoal pencils.

Sitting next to the top table and the biggest table, Wei Rong called out loudly.

"I'm coming!"

A 14 or 15 year old gentleman responded, running over without stopping, holding a piece of paper in his hand and handing it to Wei Rong, "Master Wei, there are a total of 316 people in this department, including males. One hundred and five people, one hundred and twenty-five women, and the rest are old and young."

The so-called males refer to men between the ages of fourteen and fourteen.

"Do you want to farm or graze?"

"It's an acquaintance."

"Then divide another district B13 in the south to accommodate them."

The area around Qiongdu is divided by A and B. Area A refers to the grassland for nomadic tribes to stay in winter, and Area B is the farming area for tribes who are willing to cultivate.

A district represents a tribe.

The 13th district means that there are already 13 tribes who are willing to move to the flatlands for farming.

"But Mr. Wei, there are no farm tools in the warehouse."

"It's okay, Dongfeng Express will send a batch of agricultural tools over in two days. You should arrange them first in these two days, pay attention to rations, save some, mix half of the fried flour, and start working when the agricultural tools arrive."

Stir-fried flour is to fry wheat, mung beans or soybeans, grind them into powder, and then mix with some salt. When you are hungry, you don’t need to make a separate fire, just grab a handful and eat it with boiled water that has been dried in advance.

It is both convenient and hungry, and it is not easy to break, durable to store, and easy to transport. It is placed in a long tube-shaped grain bag, which can be carried by one person, and it is equivalent to a month's ration.

This is the second generation of dry food.

To be precise, it is the second generation of Baiganliang.

After all, the first generation was too bad to eat, and it was as hard as a rock, which could kill a dog.

Unlike yellow dry food, it is also mixed with oil, salt, and chicken, which makes people who are just starting to eat it so greedy that they can't wait to eat this thing every day.

For most of the low-level Yi people, being able to eat fried flour mixed with salt is really a happy life that couldn't be happier.

So everyone is very grateful to the ghost king for his kindness.

That's right, Feng Yong made it according to the dry rations of the army that singled out seventeen countries.

That army took a mouthful of fried flour and a mouthful of snow, and then overthrew the coalition forces of seventeen countries.

So you should be grateful for the barbarians who can eat this kind of ration——a certain ghost king thought to himself, although a little less oil and water was added.

I didn't do it before because there wasn't a lot of beans available.

For this thing, the ratio of flour to soybean flour is about seven to three.

Now that the Xinghan Society has stored a large amount of beans, Feng Yong finally got them out, and the first batch of test products were the Yiren from Yueyi.

For something new, you have to keep trying, trying again, improving, and improving again to reach the most suitable level!

Judging from the present, the reaction of the barbarians is still generous, and they even think it is delicious, and feel that the ghost king is really the most generous person in the world.

"stand up!"

Someone suddenly yelled in the noisy courtyard, and everyone stood up straight subconsciously. The noisy courtyard suddenly became extremely quiet from extremely noisy.

I saw a tall figure walking in with his hands behind his back.

"Hi sir!"

Wei Rong took the lead and shouted.

All the gentlemen paid attention to Feng Yongxing and shouted in unison, "Hi sir!"

Feng Yong looked around and said with a smile, "Everyone is busy, don't worry about me."


Wei Rong shouted again, and everyone resumed their activities.

It’s the hottest time in June. Although Qiongdu is high in altitude and not as muggy as Jincheng, it’s enough to make people sweat profusely if they really get busy.

Everyone in the yard was dressed as simple as possible. Some even took off their coats and only kept a vest. Even if they saw Feng Yong coming in, they didn't care.

Because when they were in Nanxiang Academy, they often saw their husbands wearing such clothes in hot weather.

Later, these kinds of clothes became the unwritten standard for those who came out of the school.

"how's it going?"

Feng Yong walked up to Wei Rong, randomly picked up a booklet, flipped through it casually, and asked, "How many have you counted?"

Wei Rong quickly stood up, "Mr. Hui, according to the current statistics, there are 96,101 people from the Yue and Yi, and 32,600 people from the Han people, making a total of 128,701 people." .”

Feng Yong nodded, "That's right. According to your estimate, how many people will there be in the end?"

"Mr. Hui, this disciple is not sure. According to the calculations of the current counties in Yuexie, the minimum number of Dingkou will not be less than 150,000. However, there are still tribes moving out of the mountains, so I dare not say what the final result will be. explain."

There are eleven counties in Yuexi County, Anshang County which is the closest to Qianwei County, Beishui County, the halfway station from Anshang County to Qiongdu, and Qiongdu, Suqi, and Taideng counties distributed along the Sunshui River, plus There are five counties in total, which are the main population gathering places of Yuejuan.

At the same time, it is also the actual control area of ​​Dahan - Dingjia has just been pacified, except for taking salt from the salt pond, other things have not yet started, so we can only talk about it later.

The counted population of the five counties is about 120,000, which is quite a large population for the big Han at this time.

From Feng Yong to Yuexuan, the actions of destroying the Dongqu tribe, capturing the horse tribe, retreating from the cattle tribe, beheading the handsome wolf Cen and so on, greatly frightened the barbarians in Yuexuan, so the prestige of the ghost king was in Yuexuan More VIA.

Coupled with the kindness to the Yi people, the Yi people in the actual control area of ​​the Han Dynasty are also willing to cooperate with the investigation and statistics.

It took less than two months to calculate such data. Compared with later generations, it is really slow as a turtle.

But compared to the current era, it is extremely fast. Looking at the census of the imperial court in Sichuan, it has been almost half a year, right? No results yet.

Of course, the obstruction of the aristocratic family may also be one of the reasons for the slow progress.

Feng Yong turned his head to look at the students in the yard again, and saw that they were no older than sixteen or seventeen, and the youngest was thirteen years old, but they were considered the top and most efficient working team in this era.

"Are you tired?"

Feng Yong asked.

"Mr. Hui, I'm tired, but I can learn something."

Wei Rong smiled a little embarrassedly.

"It's good to have this idea. This kind of tedious work is the best way to train people. Only when you get to the bottom, understand these most basic things, and do the most basic work well."

"In the future, no matter whether you are an official or a manager in a place like a ranch workshop, no one will be able to deceive you."

Feng Tubie began to pour rancid chicken soup on his slave labor students.

It's just that this rancid chicken soup is extremely effective for these young gentlemen, because the gentleman in front of him is a living legend.

"Sir, can we really become officials?"

Everyone's eyes showed eagerness. Their family used to be Guizhou heads, wild people, and slave laborers. It was like a dream to live a life like this today.

Becoming an official is something that you can't even dream of.

"Isn't this my boss?"

Feng Yong touched Wei Rong's head, "You all know that he used to be the farmer of my farm."

Wei Rong lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Besides, I am now the chief historian of Yuejuan County. If others don't want it, why can't I conquer it? Like those Confucian scholars who have only studied Confucian classics, I still can't get used to it! How can there be any students who I personally teach? smoothly?"

Anyway, there are all his students here, Feng Yong is not afraid of being heard, only to hear that someone started to use power for personal gain in front of the students, without any appearance of being a teacher.

"Don't worry, the sooner this situation is settled down, the more people will be needed. When everything is settled down, various positions will always be appointed."

"Many of these Yi people's villages were arranged by you yourself, and some of them were escorted by my soldiers to collect statistics, so you are the people who are most familiar with the situation in Yueyi."

"Even if you can't become officials at that time, you will be more than enough to be subordinates. In addition, you are young and good at arithmetic. This is your advantage. As long as you work hard, are you afraid that you will have no future?"

When a certain pseudo Whampoa principal said this, everyone was breathing heavily, and the hot light in their eyes couldn't be concealed.

Then the pseudo-Whampoa principal added another fire at the end, "Don't forget, your husband, I am also a prince after all, and now it can be regarded as a long history. It is still possible to support a few of my students."

When the young gentlemen in the yard heard this, their chests felt as if they were on fire.

"Good job!"

Feng Yong patted the shoulder of a student in front of him and walked out.

In the yard, it was full of heat.

Cough, a few days ago, I got mixed into a circle of authors. Because of the influence of a certain visual picture website, the circle launched a copyright protection activity. I am also embarrassed to refuse, after all, I still have to hang out in it, so I just want to say that each chapter guards against theft for ten minutes. So don't worry during this time, just wait for ten minutes and then refresh. And I usually send it in the middle of the night, so it won't have any effect.

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