There is actually no prefect in the prefect's mansion in Yuejuan, only Chang Shi.

The prefect of Yuexi, Meng Yan, is not interested in living in the prefect's mansion. In his words, he is more used to staying in the camp - a guy who knows his own position very well.

And when he saw the training methods of Nanxiang soldiers that were different from ordinary soldiers, he humbly asked Huang Chong and Wang Xun who had just returned from Dingcha.

After Feng Yong's consent, he began to learn this method of soldier training from Huang Chong Wang Xun.

Wang Han, Wang Ping's family member, also participated in it after learning that it was written by Feng Langjun himself.

"Chang Shi, Lady Hua is asking to see you."

As soon as Feng Yong finished beating his students, his servants came to report him as soon as he walked out of the courtyard.

"Flower girl?"

Ever since Hualan got angry and cried again on the ground, she hadn't appeared in front of Feng Yong these days—but Feng Yong didn't pay attention to whether she ever went to find Guan Ji.

Now hearing that this straightforward and naive girl from Nanzhong couldn't help but come to her, Feng Tubie couldn't help smiling wickedly.

"Hua Niangzi rarely comes to the door, but she is really a rare visitor."

Feng Yong walked into the front hall, looked at the garland sitting on the guest seat, and sincerely welcomed him.

Hualan glanced at the man in front of her, and snorted, her eyes were full of anger, it seemed that her anger hadn't disappeared.

"Feng Changshi, this concubine is here for nothing else but for the racecourse."

"The racecourse? What happened to the racecourse?"

The first group of Hualan's tribe has arrived in Yuexi, and at the same time, they have brought a lot of horse breeds from Dianchi Lake, which are really good horses produced in Dianchi Lake.

Although Meng Huo went to Jincheng, in the eyes of others, he was going to be a high official. In addition, the division of the Meng family brothers was only limited to the secret, and never made it clear to others.

Meng Yan's appointment as the prefect of Yuejue is also a manifestation of the importance the court attaches to the Meng family.

Therefore, although the foundation of the Meng family in Yizhou County has been severely damaged, the reputation is still there. Hualan easily obtained the real Dianchi horse through various relationships-of course, the Meng family in Yizhou County will definitely avoid it in the future. It's just a decline.

These days, Feng Yong heard that she has been busy arranging the tribe and opening up the racecourse, but he didn't expect that today she was free to come and talk about the racecourse.

"The racecourse is fine, but things are too complicated, and I can't handle it alone."

With a stern face and a businesslike look, Huahuan picked up a book on the desk, walked over and handed it to Feng Yong, and then went back to sit down, "These accounts alone make people overwhelmed."

"Not to mention the things consumed by the tribe, and the beans eaten by the horses, etc."

When the ignorant Nanzhong girl said this, she had a distressed look on her small face. It was obvious that the young gentleman was stumped by these simple arithmetic.

The small appearance looks very much like later generations. Some students are helpless in the face of advanced mathematics, linear algebra, analytic geometry and other subjects.

Feng Yong casually opened the ledger, only to see that it was written in a daze about how much soybean material was brought in and how much food was produced on a certain day, and there were clumps of ink blobs behind it. up.

"You remember this?"

"Of course, how can things like money and food be handed over to others? What's more, it is related to several big families in Sichuan."

Huahuan said confidently.

"Oh, that's good." Feng Yong nodded, thinking that this little lady usually seems to have no intentions, but unexpectedly she is a person who knows the importance.

He lowered his head and turned it over a few more times, feeling that he couldn't bear to look directly at it, so he threw the ledger on the desk, "If someone else wrote it down, then you can drag him out and bury him alive."


"I don't remember that it's too messy and full of mistakes. If anyone in my family dares to keep accounts like this, it's definitely right to tie him up and torture him to find out how much money he has stolen from the master's family."

Hualan now understood, her face flushed red, she almost gnawed her silver teeth, she slapped the desk suddenly, and said with a "snap", "Feng..."

Just as he was about to scold someone, Feng Yong glanced over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Huahuan was stunned in her heart, and thinking about this talent who had been here for three months, the big tribes had wiped out three families, and the small tribes were even more useless. Around Qiongdu, there were no tribes that dared to disobey orders. Kill without blinking an eye.

And his clansmen will still gain a foothold in Yueyu in the future, how can they offend this person?

At the moment, he had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "It's nothing, I also know that I am not this kind of material, so I am asking Feng Changshi to find a way?"

Feng Yong nodded secretly, it made sense.

If all the Zhurong tribe moved here, plus some members of the Meng family, and some of the Yizhou Yi people gathered, then there would be a big tribe under the name of Hualan, and it would be one of the best big tribes in Yuexi.

No matter how big or small a tribe is, a good tribe is one that is obedient. If you feel that your wings are hard and you want to fly, Feng Yong doesn't mind taking a brick, smashing it down, plucking out its hair, and then roasting it in soy sauce and eating it.

"How do you want me to help you?"

"Nowadays there are so many things going on in Yuexiu, but the money and grain are arranged clearly and without any confusion. It is said that it is all because Feng Changshi has a group of staff who are good at arithmetic. So I thought, can I Can't you ask Feng Changshi to borrow a few people to help my concubine?"

Huahuan naturally didn't realize what Feng Yong was thinking just now, but she understood one thing: Although her clan uncle was the prefect of Yuejue, the one who really held the power of Yuejue was Feng Changshi in front of her.

Coupled with her personal experience and the actions of the ghost king she saw with her own eyes, the word "cruel" is really not wronged at all when it is applied to him.

With the woman's keen intuition, coupled with the close friend of Amei, the ghost king's concubine, Huahuan has figured out some of Feng Yong's temperament. She knows that if she acts superficially, the other party will not be really angry.

Even when I am in a good mood, I will joke with myself and promise myself some requests that are not excessive.

But if he really dared to challenge him, the fate would not be so good—the relatives of the Emperor Han were afraid of him. As the daughter of the Meng family, how could he have the confidence?

So when she saw Feng Yong's face turned serious, she didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, sat down in a proper manner, and asked questions and answers in a proper manner.

"This one is quite simple."

Feng Yong nodded, and then looked at Hualan, "It's just helping the emergency, not the poor, and helping the poor, not lazy. Now my people have helped you once in the past, what about the next time? What will you do?"

Hualan Qiqi said, "Next time I will ask Feng Changshi to borrow some people?"

"Do you really want to keep borrowing like this?"

Feng Yong originally wanted to have a serious conversation with her, but unexpectedly she laughed angrily, "I just said to help the poor and not the lazy, you are like this, why don't I just let someone stay at your horse farm."

"That's great!"

Huayuan immediately said joyfully, "If this is the case, then I would be very grateful to Feng Changshi..."

At first, I thought it would be very simple to open a horse farm, that is, let everyone raise horses.

Unexpectedly, I just started to realize that things are much more difficult than imagined.

Just the distribution of food and beans for a day has already made Huahuan's head dizzy, let alone paddling the field, opening the pasture and so on.

Now when she heard Feng Yong's kindness, she was overjoyed.

Feng Yong: ...

What the hell, should I say you are innocent, or will you hit a snake with a stick?

"it's out of the question."

Feng Yong directly broke the beautiful fantasy of the garland.


Huahuan looked disappointed.

"These people under me will be useful in the future, how can they have time to help you calculate these trivial matters?"

They are all the most gifted students who can be selected to come here, but he has cultivated them for three years, so how could he be willing to give away these treasures?

Among other things, any student in the yard who is picked out has already had a preliminary knowledge of mathematics in junior high school, and his arithmetic ability can beat 99% of the world's food officials without any pressure.

The current governance of Yuejuan is well-organized and steadily advancing. Every day, detailed information is summarized to Feng Yong, so that he can keep abreast of the changes in Yuejuan every day and make timely decisions. These students are indispensable.

"But I can show you a way."

"Please Feng Changshi teach me."

"Those young gentlemen, although they are all my students in name, in fact, most of their arithmetic is not taught by me, but by others. Among them, do you know who taught the most?"



"Amei?" Hualan's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, and muttered, "Amei is still in Jincheng, what kind of enlightenment is this?"

"A few days ago, I asked someone to send a letter to Jincheng, and asked her to send some things over. Counting the days, she should be here soon."

Feng Yong smiled.


Hearing that her close friend and arithmetic master was coming, Hualan almost jumped up, "That's great!"

"Although Amei can help you solve some of the problems in the racecourse, she is weak and incapable of managing the racecourse for you. Besides, she can help you for a year or a half. Could it be that she will help you for a lifetime?"

Feng Yong earnestly induced, "This horse farm is on the right track, you have to be in charge, right? When the horses are actually produced and sold, the money and grain will be even greater. Do you always count on Amei? "

"But Amei also has a share in the racecourse. Is it wrong to ask her to help?"

Hualan said with little confidence.

"It's wrong to be wrong, but as I said, she can't help manage the account for a lifetime, nor can she manage the horse farm for you. Have you thought about how to solve these problems?"

When Hualan heard Feng Yong's words, and then saw his "I'm doing it for your own good" expression, she suddenly felt that this expression was very familiar: when he said that he would introduce himself to the people who provided money and food to the racecourse, it seemed that this was also the case. Pretty?

"Is there any way for Feng Changshi to help his concubine?"

A sincere smile appeared on Huawan's face.

Feng Yong smiled slightly, "With your appearance, you are much more sincere than before. It seems that after I told you that time, you have practiced a lot, right?"

Huahuan's face froze.

The time Feng Yong mentioned was that Hualan affectionately called Feng Yong "Brother Feng" in order to open a racecourse in Yueyi.

Then, a certain "smart and charming Feng Langjun" used stunts to turn the small shop jointly established by the two little girls into a large listed company with joint shares.

Seeing that Hualan's eye circles started to turn red, Feng Yong didn't really think about making her cry, otherwise if she ran out of the prefect's mansion crying again, who knows what will happen outside?

Anyway, he is also a long history now, and his reputation should be cherished.

So before Hualan cried, Feng Yong hurriedly said his way, "Actually, Amei taught quite a few female students in Nanxiang."

"Your tribe regards women as the most respected. It would be inconvenient for men to be stewards in the future."

The story between the male leader and the female subordinate, Feng Yong's later generations have heard a lot - of course, Feng Tubie knows better about the female leader and the male secretary.

Human nature has not changed for thousands of years.

"Those female students in Nanxiang can both do math and manage affairs. If you ask them to help you, among other things, at least in terms of math, they are not far behind those young men in the backyard."

After speaking, Feng Yong pointed to the direction of the backyard, and then continued, "And many of their family members are on duty at the Nanxiang Workshop Ranch. You also know that the woman in Nanxiang is a top-notch woman." It's amazing."

"They have been in Nanxiang for a long time, and they are also familiar with things like ranches. If some of them learn a little bit of skills in managing ranches in workshops, then you have found a treasure."

When Hualan heard it, she couldn't believe it, "Is there such a good thing?"

good thing?

Feng Yong glanced at Huahuan strangely, and thought that if his female students were in charge of the racecourse's accounts, and let his female students be in charge, I'm afraid you would become an empty chairman.

It's just that Hualan doesn't think so.

What she said to Feng Yong at the beginning, open a racecourse to earn some money, is really the truth in her heart.

Even a person like her who has studied Han culture can't understand all kinds of things in the racecourse, let alone those of her own clan who can't even speak Chinese?

It is better to let the clansmen manage the racecourse than to let them drive the horses to graze everywhere in Nanzhong, so in the racecourse, they can at most contribute their strength.

And Huayuan didn't have that much thought, she wanted to make news about the re-emergence of the Meng family in Yuexuan.

It is her biggest wish now that she can have income that she can rely on in the future and allow her clansmen to gain a foothold.

As for whether Feng Yong will take the opportunity to annex her racecourse, she is not worried at all.

The racecourse is a big property in the eyes of others, but for people like Feng Langjun, what is this small property worth? In these years, Feng Langjun sent out less property? Are there fewer industries in partnership with others?

Although he may be very contemptuous of Feng Tubie in other aspects, especially in his private life, but in terms of making money alone, Hualan trusts him very much.

"I just asked if you want it?"

"Yes! Why not such a good thing?"

Huahuan said quickly.

A smile appeared on Feng Yong's face. It was obvious that the innocent and straightforward Nanzhong girl's performance satisfied him, so he decided to give Huahuan a reward.

"The women of your tribe are also aggressive. My female students are afraid that they will be bullied when they pass by. Therefore, I want to let someone who can hold down your tribe take the lead."

When Huahuan heard this, her face showed a sense of complacency, "Feng Langjun doesn't need to worry about this, I will tell the people in the clan not to bully your students."

"Besides, this can hold down those mountain-shaking women in my clan. Not to mention women, even men, I'm afraid it will be hard to find, right?"

Mountain woman? Sure enough, a good name.

"Does Guan Jiashiro count?"

"Guan... Mr. Lang?"

Hualan was proudly showing off in front of Feng Yong the mountain-shaking skills of her clan, but she didn't expect such a name to come out of Feng Yong's mouth.

She could only hear her stammering, "Where...Which Guan Jiashiro?"

"It's the Guan Jiashiro you thought of."

Feng Yong nodded and said with certainty.

"He...Of course he counts. It's just that Brother Feng really wants him to take the lead?"

Hualan really jumped up this time.

"That's right. Otherwise, others won't be able to suppress those mountain women in your clan."

It's not good for Guan Ji to always disguise herself as a man and lead the soldiers. Anyway, Feng Yong will be jealous, so it's better to find an opportunity for her to form a women's army, so that she can relax the training.

Even if you can't go to the battlefield, but in the rear, maintaining law and order, conducting detailed investigations, calming people's hearts, etc., still have a great effect.

Among other things, if people have a general understanding of organizational discipline on weekdays, work efficiency will be greatly improved.

If women are freed, the labor force can be almost halved.

So the Zhu Rong department of the flower ring is a good opportunity. There are even monsters like the mountain woman, and the atmosphere is really suitable.

Naturally, Huahuan didn't know that Feng Tubie was using her blackheartedly again, and when she heard that Guan Suo, who had been avoiding her, was sent to her like this, she couldn't care about anything immediately.

"Brother Feng's words are really reasonable, it seems that it can only be the Guan family who came to suppress them."

Look, you still called me Feng Changshi before, but now you will call me Brother Feng.

Feng Yong looked at Huahuan with a smile, and the two felt very satisfied.

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