Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 530 Chapter 0532

When he got up in the morning, Feng Yong first practiced a set of radio gymnastics in the yard, and then did military boxing again. Finally, he picked up the saber and practiced the moves one by one.

It has been three years since this era, because of sufficient nutritional intake and attention to exercise, Feng Yong's body is taller than ordinary people.

I used to be able to dance two or three times with a weapon in hand, but now I can dance thirty or fifty tricks before I am out of breath, but it is already a great improvement.

Guan Ji gave pointers from time to time.

It was Guan Ji's idea to practice martial arts. According to her words, even if she didn't need to go to the battlefield, she should at least know some moves to kill the enemy before the battle.

Although the words are not clearly stated, the implication is obvious: that is, Alang, you are too weak, the previous you didn't even have the ability to delay to let others come to save lives.

In order to prevent the recurrence of the assassination in Zhuti County, it is necessary to practice martial arts.

After working out, he was sweating profusely, took a shower casually, and sat down at the desk rejuvenated, ready to have breakfast.

Drink porridge, soy milk, tofu nao.

There are steamed buns, meat cakes, steamed buns, and sometimes fried dough twists.

At the same time, pickled radishes and cold cucumbers were placed in bowls.

"Have you sent it to the next hospital?"

"Go back to the Lord's house, it has been sent there."

After the cook set things up, seeing that Feng Yong didn't intend to ask any more questions, she withdrew.

Huang Chong, Wang Xun, Wei Rong, and Niu Wa, a total of four people, all lived in the courtyard next door, and their meals in the morning and evening were arranged by Feng Yong's courtyard.

Sitting opposite, Guan Ji looked at the food on the table, then bowed her head slightly to Feng Yong to salute, and said, "Ah Lang, please eat."

"Okay, sir, please."

Feng Yong smiled.

Guan Ji nodded when she heard this, and quickly picked up a meatloaf in her hand, then bit it down, and took a sip of tofu nao from the bowl.

The dignified and ladylike appearance when eating in the past is no longer seen.

Married to Feng Yong less than half a year ago, the rules and demeanor that Guan Ji practiced hard for more than ten years, under someone's deliberate inducement, actually broke down completely in a few months.

Give someone the guilty pleasure of seducing a good family to their perverts.

The tofu nao on the table is specially prepared for Guan Ji, Feng Yong never touches it because it is sweet.

Guan Ji especially likes to eat sweets. Ever since Feng Yong made brown sugar, it is no longer a dream for her to eat sweets every day.

Meatloaf is also specially prepared for her.

Guan Ji is a martial arts practitioner, and her martial arts skills are top-notch. She needs much more calories than ordinary people every day, and her appetite is amazing.

Poor culture and rich martial arts, this is not a joke.

Poor families simply cannot afford to support a martial arts practitioner.

Because a person who practices martial arts, if he does not have meat to supplement, then he has to eat a lot of food.

If you don't even have enough food, you're hungry, and you can't even maintain the most basic physical strength, how about practicing martial arts?

Even Feng Yong himself, just practicing the body training technique, his appetite has increased in the past two years.

The steamed buns with musty vegetables and bacon are full of oily aroma, coupled with the appetizing sour taste, which makes people appetite.

What is happiness?

Happiness is that the years are quiet and good. You can wake up with the person you love in the morning, have breakfast together, and sleep together in the arms at night...

Guan Ji's coldness in front of outsiders has long since disappeared without a trace. She squinted her eyes to taste the food, and occasionally looked at Feng Yong, her face was full of happiness, and she looked like a little girl.

"My lord, Lady Hua is here to visit."

The servant's voice sounded outside the door.

When the master is eating, he is not allowed to enter without permission. This is the rule of the Feng family, and anyone who dares to break the rules will be hit with a board.

The happy atmosphere disappeared without a trace at once, and Feng Yong said unluckily to himself.

Dissatisfaction also appeared on Guan Ji's face.

It is extremely impolite to drop by early in the morning, but to Hualan, what is being polite and impolite? Most importantly, don't let Guan Jiashiro get away.

Moreover, she came here in the name of business, so she was not afraid of other people's gossip.

Everyone was outside the door, and Feng Yong couldn't make people wait too long, so he asked her to come in right away.

After Hualan entered, she saw the things on the table and said with a smile, "Feng Changshi is eating breakfast? Ah, Mr. Guan Lang is here too!"

It looked like a surprise.

"Sit down and eat something."

Feng Yong said helplessly.

"Then you're welcome, little girl!"

Hualan consciously sat next to Guan Ji's nearest desk.

Food is always the best where Feng Langjun is.

Huahuan has been eating and drinking in Feng Zhuang for a while, so she has already experienced a lot.

"what do you want to eat?"

Looking at her greedy look, Feng Yong asked directly.

Hualan looked at the porridge, curled her lips, and then looked at the tofu brain on Guan Ji's table, her eyes lit up, "What is this? Why has my little sister never seen it before? I want to try it."

"Tofu nao, that's sweet, do you eat sweets in the morning?"

"Sweet ones? That's the best! My concubine likes to eat sweet ones the most."

Hualan pointed at the steamed stuffed bun again, "What kind of stuffing is that?"

But he didn't even look at the steamed bun.

Come on, another carnivorous girl.

"Bacon and mildew."

"Then I want this. I want ten. The sour one is just right for appetizers. Take a sip of sweet and eat a sour one. It's just right for sweet and sour. You also need one serving of pickled radishes."

"Don't you want cold courgette?"

"No, courgettes are tasteless."

Well, it's still a heavy taste.

He called the cook outside and served a breakfast for Huahuan.

When cooking meals for six people on weekdays, the cook always prepares two to three more people, in case the master, mistress, or any gentleman suddenly wants to eat a few more bites.

Even if you can't finish the leftovers, besides eating for yourself, you can also leave them for the night watch.

So it's not a big problem to add an extra breakfast to the garland.

Taking advantage of the gap between the cook and the breakfast, Guan Ji gave Feng Yong a sneaky look.

Feng Yong's eyes wandered, pretending not to see it.

This garland is related to my plan to further release the female labor force in the future. I have to give her some sweets from time to time to coax her to cooperate with my actions obediently.

For this, I even donated Xijun to Huahuan, let alone a breakfast?

Hualan was eating happily, but Feng Yong couldn't sit still. He drank the soy milk in the bowl in one gulp, got up and said, "I'm done eating, you guys eat slowly."

"Ms. Hua, I've already told Guan Shilang about the racecourse. When the time comes, you can go to the racecourse to have a look. If you have anything to discuss, discuss it. If you can't solve it, come and tell me."

"No no no..."

Hualan's mouth was bulging and stuffed with steamed stuffed buns, her lips were glossy, she couldn't even speak clearly, she just nodded her head, her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Feng Yong didn't dare to look at Guan Ji, and was about to run away.

It's just that he moved quickly, and Guan Ji moved even faster, holding him back quickly with sharp eyesight, "Where are you going?"

Guan Ji got up together, Huahuan immediately stood up, and swallowed everything in her mouth, apparently afraid that Guan Ji would take the opportunity to run away.

"The stone mill outside the city is ready, I have to go and have a look today."

"Didn't Feng Changshi forget that today is the day when Jiang Canjun arrived in Qiongdu, so why isn't Feng Changshi going to meet him?"

Guan Ji held Feng Yong's hand tightly and didn't let go.

Hualan watched the two chattering, and immediately clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

I saw Feng Yong shook his head and said, "What's there to see? It's over if the prefect Meng goes to see him. Besides, I'm a prince anyway. If I really want to go to meet him, can he afford Jiang Canjun? "

"That's right, Brother Feng has something to do and it's inconvenient to meet him, so why do you hold onto him, Mr. Guan Lang?"

As Hualan said, she stepped forward and pulled Guan Ji's hand away, and then held it tightly in her own hand.

Feng Yong laughed dryly, not daring to look into Guan Ji's ready-to-kill eyes, and took the opportunity to run away.

In a relatively steep place outside Qiongdu City, a new canal was drawn from the Sunshui River, and a mill was built under the most rapid flow of the canal.

For the past two months, Niu Wa has been leading people in this mill to make equipment according to Feng Yong's wishes.

It wasn't until today that everything was built and ready to be installed.

When Feng Yong arrived, Niu Wa rushed up to greet him, "Master, everything is ready."

Feng Yong nodded and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. This is almost the same as the water pestle, that is, replace the stone pestle with a stone mill. It's very simple."

The water reel is a tool for husking grain with water power, and it appeared no later than the Western Han Dynasty.

Because in the book "Xin Lun" written by Huan Tan in the Western Han Dynasty, it was mentioned: ... and the establishment of machines to use donkeys, mules, cattle and horses, and water to pound, which is a hundred times more profitable.

Among them, "throwing water and pounding" means that the water wheel drives the pole pestle to pound the rice.

With the promotion of new farming tools and advanced farming techniques in recent years, Dahan's grain has always been considered a bumper harvest compared to previous years.

Coupled with the delicious food such as steamed buns and the emergence of dry food, the demand for flour in Dahan is increasing.

That is to say, the Xinghan Society has a lot of livestock in its hands, and can use cattle, horses and other livestock to pull the mill. This barely guarantees the supply of flour for the imperial court and Yuexuan.

If you really want to use manpower to grind like other people, I don't know how much manpower and time it will take, and the efficiency is really low.

After having an urgent need, Feng Yong finally turned his mind to water power: Damn, if I can't make a water-powered loom, can't I also make a water mill?

Cows and horses still have to eat grass and rest at night. The water mill is non-stop day and night, so the efficiency is high.

Start it!

Although Niuwa is a bit stupid in reading, he finally inherited the fine tradition of Ding Er's family who can't read well but has strong hands-on ability.

In addition, at any rate, he also stayed in the school, and then traveled around with Feng Yong, and his horizons finally broadened.

After listening to Feng Yong's idea, he could quickly understand Feng Yong's meaning, saying that this matter is very simple.

This matter is of course simple.

Because the smart working people in ancient China helped solve the most difficult part of the water mill hundreds of years ago: the water turbine and the shaft.

Originally, Feng Yong thought about adding some gears or wrapping it with an iron sheet to prolong his life, but after carefully observing the actual water pestle, he gave up the treatment directly.

Although in the eyes of Feng Yong, who is used to seeing the large-scale industrial manufacturing of later generations, the water turbine and shaft made of pure wood are primitive, rough, and typical stupid.

But I can't stand it. The structure is simple, and the structure is simple, which means that maintenance is also simple, not to mention that this thing is much stronger than imagined.

The only disadvantage is that the efficiency is a bit low, but in this era, compared with manpower and animal power, it is high efficiency.

After Feng Yong worked on it for a long time, he found that the only thing he could modify was to make its blades shrink according to the physical principles and the appearance of later generations of water turbines, so as to maximize the efficiency of hydraulic conversion.

As early as the Western Han Dynasty, water hammers had been widely popularized. All Niuwa had to do was to replace the tools for pounding rice with millstones for grinding flour.

At the age of eleven or twelve, he was able to follow his own father to make a Quyuanli cow baby that he had never seen before according to the pictures. This technical problem will definitely not trouble him.

"When installing it later, pay attention to safety. Don't hurt your hands and feet. The grinding disc on the hanger must be installed last, so as not to fall and hit the people below."

Seeing that everything was ready, Feng Yong gave an order.

The grinding disc is divided into upper and lower parts. The lower grinding disc should be installed on the rotating shaft, and the upper grinding disc should be hoisted with a hanger. In fact, the principle is the same as the grinding disc at home when I was a child.

It's just replacing human power with water power.


"Okay, let's get started."

Standing in the room won't help, but will get in the way, and at the same time make the craftsmen shy away. After Feng Yong told them to start, he turned and walked out, found a shade and sat down to wait.

First there was shouting in the room, and then there was the creaking and creaking of wood, and then the cow boy shouted, "Be careful, nail it hard..."

Feng Yong looked at the water mill in front of him, his thoughts drifted a little.

The water pestle is used for shelling, and the water mill is used for grinding powder. The structure of the water pestle and the water mill is similar, and there is another thing called the water row.

That's what Feng Yong wanted most, because the water row is a device that uses water blasting to smelt iron.

The reason why Feng Yong wanted to tinker with this water mill was actually stimulated by Huang Yueying.

After returning to Jincheng from Nanzhong, Feng Yong went to see Huang Yueying's improved blower, and tried it himself, and then expressed his admiration for the national treasure engineer.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yueying's face was flat, saying that someone in the later Han Dynasty had made a water row that used water blasting to smelt iron, but unfortunately she couldn't. Otherwise, if the blower and water drainage can be combined, then the big man really doesn't have to worry about iron deficiency anymore.

Feng Yong was shocked at the time, he didn't believe Huang Yueying's words at all, and thought she was bragging.

What's the matter, I graduated from a famous university, and I invented a blower, and it still leaked air. You actually told me that someone made a hydraulic blast iron smelting equipment two hundred years ago?

Later, Huang Yueying directly threw a copy of "East View of the Han Dynasty", which really recorded the story of Du Shi's making water drains to smelt iron in order to save people's resources when he was the prefect in Nanyang.

Feng Tubie's face was slapped until it became red and swollen.

It's a pity that there are only a few sentences in the book, and there is no mention of the specific structure of the drainage at all!

The reason why this water row can be recorded in the book is to praise Du Shi for his dedication to the people when he was an official, so it is fortunate to be known.

What the hell!

Feng Yong was so angry that he almost cursed, such an important thing, just because it is a handicraft and has nothing to do with cheap industry, you will not remember it if you say it or not?

Feng Tubie feels like a husky!

Today, if you want to find the structural diagram of the water drainage, you must find the descendants of Du Shi, who may have things written down by their ancestors. But after so many years, who knows who the descendants of Du Shi are?

The second way is to go to Nanyang to find someone who can do water drainage.

Because Du Shi vigorously promoted water drainage in Nanyang back then, leaving a lot of water drainage there.

But the world has been in chaos for decades, and many things have been lost. It is still unknown how many people in Nanyang know how to make water rafts.

Because Huang Yueying was born in a wealthy family in Jingzhou, she had heard about this before, but she only knew that the water row and the water reel are similar, and she really wanted to make it out, but it didn't happen overnight.

More importantly, Huang Yueying has to raise her baby now, so she can't bother too much, so the restoration work of the water drainage has simply stopped later.

Without professional technical support, Feng Yong had no choice but to resort to a simpler solution: a water mill.

Practice your hands first and accumulate some experience. Maybe you will be able to figure out the water when you have rich experience?

I don't know how long it took before I saw Niu Wa running out of the house with a happy expression on his face, "Master's house is already safe."

"Oh?" Feng Yong got up and patted his buttocks, "Is the canal drained?"

"I have already asked someone to go to the front and release it."

"Okay, let's go inside and have a look."

Walking into the mill, you can see that the grinding disc on the hanger and the grinding disc on the rotating shaft have been engaged together. It is only waiting for the water from the canal to rush over to drive the water turbine, and then drive the grinding disc to rotate through the rotating shaft.

Although it is very simple, the power mechanism, transmission mechanism and working mechanism are all in place, and it can be regarded as the most basic complex machine.

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