Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 532 The Prime Minister's Personal Disciple? (I will post a big chapter first, and I am

Feng Yong pondered for a long time.

Jiang Wan waited quietly beside him.

Only the water mill is making a rattling sound.

Feng Yong finally patted the millstone until there was no more flour overflowing from the millstone.

Jiang Wan was overjoyed, and was about to listen to his discourse, but this fellow said, "The flour is finished grinding, let's separate the millstone first."

As he said that, he lifted the millstone with a hanger by himself.

Jiang Wan: ...

He looked at the hoisted millstone, and then at the millstone that was spinning non-stop. His eyes were thoughtful, and he said, "Is it the king's intention to take advantage of Cao thief's floating mind and send him to the north?" Acting to divide and let them centrifuge up and down?"

Feng Yong: ...

Glancing at Jiang Wan, then at the separated millstone, the corners of Feng Yong's mouth twitched, thinking to himself: What do I mean?

But when he saw Jiang Wan's eager listening expression, he could only cough dryly, "It's not impossible to make an appointment, but who and where, this has to be carefully considered."

"Please ask the lord to clear up Wan's confusion."

Jiang Wan's expression became more respectful.

Feng Yong trembled in his heart, what the hell is he, became a master?

It's just that now that things have come to an end, I have to keep up my face and say it.

So Feng Tubie had to wring his breasts... no, it was his brain, and he began to think seriously.

"Since the Battle of Guandu, the Cao family has occupied the north for twenty-six years, and it has been three generations. During this period, Cao Pi practiced the nine-rank official and human law, and wantonly received the hearts of families in the Guandong and Hebei."

"Cao Thief's ability to usurp the Han and stand on his own means that he has already managed well in the north, and won the support of the northern aristocratic family. Suddenly, he cannot be easily shaken. I'm afraid it may not be easy to use."

Jiang Wan looked gloomy, and sighed, "Is there no other way?"

"It's not impossible. The Guandong and Hebei lands should not be moved lightly for the time being, but the Liangzhou Guanzhong land can be tried. That's why I said that the target of the envoy should think carefully."

"What do you mean by that?"

Jiang Wan was shocked.

Feng Yong didn't notice his expression, but still bowed his head in thought, and said to himself, "Chang'an, the capital of the former Han Dynasty, took Guanzhong as the foundation and Longyou as the barrier, so we managed the Guanzhong and Longyou land with all our heart."

"However, after Emperor Guangwu revived the Han Dynasty, he set his capital in Luoyang. First, because Guanzhong was ruined and it was still in a war-torn place, it was not appropriate to set the capital."

"Secondly, Emperor Guangwu was able to do great things because he had the support of the powerful families in the Kanto and Hebei provinces. Luoyang, the capital, was also able to better rely on the strategic support of the Kanto and Hebei provinces."

"Although this move was correct at the time, it also caused the consequence of not paying enough attention to Longyou in Liangzhou later."

"Even a man as talented as Emperor Guangwu once wanted to give up the western part of Jincheng County and Huangshui Valley, but he gave up because of opposition from General Fubo, who was the prefect of Longxi at the time, Ma Yuan."

"Later, the great generals Deng Zhi and Situ Cui Lie successively proposed to abandon the Longyou land in Liangzhou, and even passed a court resolution to relocate the people of Liangzhou. People strongly opposed it, so we gave up."

"However, after going through all this, coupled with the fact that the aristocratic families in the Guandong respected Confucian classics, while the aristocratic families in Liangzhou established their families with martial arts, the two became more and more incompatible."

"Cao Thief now has Luoyang as his capital, and he wants to accept the hearts of the families in Guandong and Hebei. He is learning from Emperor Guangwu's old wisdom. Even his servants are mostly from Guandong and Hebei."

"The only difference is that Emperor Guangwu used to Ping Sihai back then, and Liangzhou's heroes were also outstanding. At that time, the Guandong family and Liangzhou's wealthy family were still barely compatible in the court, but until now, the Guandong family has increasingly despised people from Liangzhou."

"When Cao Cao was there, there were some meritocracy, but by the time of Cao Pi, the nine-rank official law was practiced, and his official career was gradually controlled by the Kanto and Hebei families. Jia Xu, the only one who was born in Liangzhou, was awarded the high position of Taiwei. , was also criticized by the Kanto and Hebei aristocratic families."

Cao Pi appointed Jia Xu as Taiwei, and was laughed at by Sun Quan. The story comes from "Xun Xu's Biography".

At that time, there was a vacancy for Situ in the Western Jin Dynasty. Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty Sima Yan asked Xun Xu if there was any suitable candidate. , Sun Quan laughed.

Although Sun Quan was talking about laughing, he actually expressed his own attitude: Cao Pi's appointment of Jia Xu as Taiwei is really ridiculous.

Xun Xu belonged to the Xun family in Yingchuan, and the Xun family in Yingchuan was the representative of the Kanto family at that time.

From this, it can be inferred that the Kanto aristocratic family really repelled Jia Xu who was born in Liangzhou.

But because the Cao family was in power at that time, even if the family was dissatisfied, it was hard to say anything. It was not until Sima Jin replaced Cao Wei that this was spoken out in public and publicly expressed dissatisfaction.

But when it comes to criticism, it doesn't matter whether others know it at this time, anyway, Feng Yong knows that they are criticizing secretly, and if he says there is, then there must be.

"From this point of view, the Cao thief must be indifferent to the Longyou land in Liangzhou, and the Cao thief likes to slaughter the city. When he took over Liangzhou, he did many slaughters."

"Later, the people of Yinping and Wudu were relocated, causing the people to be displaced. People in Liangzhou surrendered to the Cao thief on the surface, but they may not really support them in their hearts."

"If the enemy complains, I can be a friend. Cao thief is now more and more in the heart of the Kanto and Hebei families, how can he easily get rid of it? Instead of going to Luoyang to find the hearts of the Cao thief, it is better to go to Liangzhou to find the hearts of the Liangzhou clan and leave Cao."

During the first Northern Expedition, the three counties of Longyou in Liangzhou responded to rebelling against Cao Guihan. If you want to say that the old demon Zhuge has not done this kind of work, is it true?

When Jiang Wan heard this, he looked at Feng Yong in amazement: Could it be that this son is the prime minister's direct disciple? Otherwise, why do you just think the same as the prime minister, and even propose the same approach?

Feng Yong naturally didn't know Jiang Wan's inner turmoil, so he just continued, "Furthermore, now that the Liangzhou rich are secretly informing the big man in order to obtain the profit of the woolen cloth, isn't this just an opportunity?"

"The profit of wool cloth is only available to me, and the land of Liangzhou is also a place to herd sheep. As long as he promises to make great profits, he will understand that combining with the big man will benefit both, and dividing will harm both."

"Otherwise, Liangzhou is in the hands of the Cao thief. It is always inappropriate for them to come and go in such a sneaky way. If Cao thief finds out one day, it is his wish to commit the crime of collaborating with the enemy?"

"Based on this, the Liangzhou clan originally wanted to leave the Cao bandits, and now they have the advantage of returning to the Han, so why not worry about a big deal if there is a little separation?

Hearing these words, Jiang Wan let out a long breath, and praised sincerely, "The king's plan is no less than Jia Wenhe, Wan believes it!"

Nowadays, people all over the world, when talking about resourceful people, all highly respect Jia Xu, and think that his resourcefulness is not inferior to Chen Ping's.

Jiang Wan praised Feng Yongzhi's plan as much as Jia Xu's, which is considered an extremely high evaluation.

When Feng Tubie heard Jiang Wan's words, he felt elated: That's right, don't you look at who is called Xiaowenhe?

Unexpectedly, after thinking about it again, I feel that something is wrong: no matter whether it is Jia Xu or Chen Ping, although they are good at strategies, they are mostly good at plotting, and they are considered immoral.

Sun Quan laughed at Cao Pi for letting a man without virtue be a captain.

When Jiang Wan said that I was the same as Jia Xu, didn't he call me immoral?

Damn this old boy, I ate and drank for so long when I was in Nanxiang, but I thought you were an honest person, and I regarded you as a good friend, but I didn't expect it to be so vicious!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong immediately glared at Jiang Wan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wan seemed to have known Feng Yong would think this way, and he said in a calm and unhurried manner, "The princes make eight ox plows and Quyuan plows, teach farming skills, and the people of the Han Dynasty can eat enough. Because of the merit of the king."

"In the land of Nanxiang, everyone is rich, and who doesn't miss the kindness of the king? Wan has entered Yuexie County, and all the way, no matter Han or barbarians, they have all worked hard. Who would believe that a few months ago Is this still a place of war?"

"Where the lord is, the common people are all favored. From this point of view, the lord has Jia Xu's ability to plan, but he has no fault of Jia Xu's little virtue. The Cao thief can worship Jia Xu as a captain, If you have both virtue and talent, your achievements will be limitless in the future."

When Jiang Wan said this, he bowed deeply, "It's very fortunate that a big man has a king!"

When Feng Yong heard it, he couldn't help grinning, and the grin grew bigger and bigger, almost reaching his ears: Oh, this Jiang Canjun is quite good at talking!

For a long time, I have been burdened with a bad reputation, such as glib words, ruthlessness, and ghost king who drinks human blood and cannibalize human flesh, which made Feng Tubie think that he is such a person even now.

Now that I heard this, I realized that I am still a person with both ability and political integrity?

So, getting such a different evaluation from Jiang Wan's mouth, how could it be possible not to be lighthearted?

So he hurried over to help Jiang Wan up, and said hypocritically, "Jiang Canjun's words are too much, too much! How can we ever deserve this?"

At the same time, I thought to myself, if anyone dares to say that I am talented but not virtuous in the future, I will use this to beat him to death! What kind of clever talk, what kind of cruelty, is this the reputation that a person who favors the people deserves?

People who say this are jealous, full of jealousy, jealous of Lao Tzu's ability and integrity!

"Your Majesty, Cao Pi's new funeral, how do you think Soochow will react?"

After Jiang Wan stood up straight, he asked another question in a low voice.

Although the analysis of Feng Yong's theory of Liangzhou can be said to be to the point, it is refreshing, but the conclusion he made was not unexpected by Jiang Wan.

Because Jiang Wan stayed next to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, he was one of the few people who knew who came from the Liang family in Liangzhou.

So at that time, he was already shocked: this Feng Mingwen is so far-sighted?

Hearing his talk about Liangzhou now is only affirmation of his previous thoughts.

It's just that Soochow, I only heard him mention it once at the beginning, that is, he suggested that the big man and Soochow re-allocate, but I don't know this time, what is his opinion?


Naturally, Feng Yong didn't know Jiang Wan's mind turned eighteen. He felt comfortable being flattered by the other party, and when he was in a good mood, he thought about it seriously.

"Jingzhou!" Feng Yong affirmed, "Soochow will definitely take the opportunity to send troops, and it must be Jingzhou."


Jiang Wan asked hastily.

"There are seven counties in Jingzhou. After the Battle of Chibi in the past, the late emperor got four counties in the south of Jingzhou, Sun Quan got one county in Jiangxia and most of the south counties, Cao Zei got one county in the north of Nanyang and the northern part of Nanjun including Xiangyang."

"Because of the important geographical location of Nanjun, Emperor Xian had no choice but to ask Soochow to borrow Nanjun to supervise Jingzhou. However, Soochow seized the excuse of using Nanjun as an excuse to ask Emperor Xian to return the entire Jingzhou after he acquired Yizhou."

"I've never heard of such a brazen person in the world! However, Soochow not only brazenly demanded the entire Jingzhou, but even sent Lu Meng to attack the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang after failing to ask for it."

"Later, the late emperor led 50,000 troops from Yizhou to Jingzhou, confronted Soochow at Gongan, and because of the Cao thief's entry into Hanzhong, he had to make peace with Sun Quan and cede Changsha and Guiyang counties to Sun Quan."

"Sun Quan first got the first emperor to let Jiangxia counties, and then got the first emperor to let these two counties. He was still not satisfied. He did not hesitate to bear the bad name of abandoning the contract, secretly attacked Guan Laojun, and finally got the land of the six counties of Jingzhou. From this point of view, Sun Quan's thoughts on Jingzhou are really deep!"

Later generations all say that Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou, and he borrowed it without repaying it, but they didn’t know the seven counties of Jingzhou. Liu Bei got four counties by his own ability, and only borrowed one county from Sun Quan. And this county is not all, and one of the most important places is missing: Xiangyang.

Because Xiangyang was in the hands of Cao Cao at that time.

No way, Nanjun is too important.

But Liu Bei also gave up the Jiangxia County where he was originally stationed to Sun Quan, because Jiangxia was also very important to Sun Quan.

However, Sun Quan later not only asked Liu Bei to give him all the land of Jingzhou in his hand, but even after the two sides divided Jingzhou equally, he even secretly attacked Guan Yu from the alliance.

Feng Yong's shameless statement about Soochow is really not a lie - usury didn't let it go like that.

"Why is Soochow obsessed with Jingzhou so much? Because Jingzhou is so important to Soochow. Jingzhou is the upper reaches of Jiangdong and has a geographical advantage. Shipbuilding from above can directly impact Jiangdong."

"Only by occupying Jingzhou can Jiangdong be safe. And the most important place in Jingzhou is Nanjun."

Otherwise, Liu Bei wouldn't have doubled the compensation to Soochow after borrowing Nanjun. Who would have expected that he would have an amazing appetite?

"The most dangerous place in Nanjun is Xiangyang."

I don’t know anything else, but who doesn’t know the story of Guo Jing and Huang Rong guarding Xiangyang written by Jin Yong? Although not a historical fact, this story has a historical prototype.

That is, the Southern Song Dynasty really relied on defending Xiangyang, which blocked the pace of the Mongolian army going south.

"But now Xiangyang is in the hands of Cao thief. For Soochow, this can be said to be a thorn in the throat. Therefore, they took the land of Jingzhou, and they must be thinking about taking Xiangyang every night."

When Jiang Wan heard this, his body trembled, no mistake, no mistake, this Feng Mingwen must be the prime minister's direct disciple, otherwise why would the Eastern Wu have exactly the same view of wanting to take Xiangyang?

I saw him holding Feng Yong's hand tightly, and asked in a trembling voice, "Then according to the king's opinion, the big man may benefit from it?"

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone!"

Feng Yong blurted out.

Jiang Wan's eyes burst into light, "But the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Art of War in Junhou Shimen's unique school?"

In fact, I am better at the teacher's study "Thirty-six Forms of Dongxuanzi"...

Feng Tubie coughed and said, "Exactly."

"What is the method of borrowing a knife to kill someone? Can you explain it to Wan?"

Jiang Wan held Feng Yong's hand harder and harder.

"Cao Wei now puts more emphasis on the south of the Guanzhong than on the south of the Yangtze River. Guanzhong Liangzhou has few troops, but has placed heavy troops in Jingzhou Jianghuai. If Dongwu really wants to take the opportunity to take Xiangyang, we might as well add fire to them and make them fight more fiercely. Some."

"Let them consume each other, and also pave the way for the prime minister's Northern Expedition."

Feng Yong said, thinking about the situation of Zhuge Old Demon during his first Northern Expedition.

The most regrettable thing about the first Northern Expedition was the loss of the street pavilion in Ma Dazui.

And Zhang Xi, who caused the loss of Ma Dazui Street Pavilion, also became the thorn in Zhuge's eyes.

He became the thorn in the eyes of the old monster Zhuge, so naturally he couldn't get any benefits, so Zhang He encountered an ambush by the old monster Zhuge in the Mumen Valley in Longyou, and finally got shot in the knee with an arrow—it was really shot in the knee Arrow, and then hang up.

And before the first Northern Expedition, where was Zhang He stationed?

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