Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 533 Chapter 0535

The Battle of Jieting was one of Zhang He's most dazzling battles.

His brilliance not only defeated Ma Su and defeated Zhuge Old Demon's first Northern Expedition, but also made people see the speed of his military use.

When the old monster Zhuge left Qishan, Zhang He was still stationed in Jingzhou, and then he was appointed as an official before the war and sent to Guanzhong to help Longyou. When he arrived at Jieting with the forward cavalry, Ma Di had just arrived.

How far is it from Jingzhou to Jieting?

How far is Qishan from Jieting?

From this point of view, Ma Di's defeat is really unjust.

Therefore, it is indeed of great significance for Soochow to contain Cao Wei's Jingzhou Army.

"Soochow also has capable people. If there is no benefit, I'm afraid they may not be willing to make great efforts."

Jiang Wan heard Feng Yong say this and reminded him.

"That's right, there are many heroes in Jiangdong, and Lu Xun of Dongwu is one of the best."

Feng Yong nodded in agreement, and at the same time took his hand out of Jiang Wan's hand, and gently wiped it on his body twice.

At the same time, I thought in my heart that the Sun family also had bad luck. Zhou Yu fought the battle of Chibi before. Long life.

Soochow occupying Nanjun can protect Jingzhou, so although they don't have Xiangyang in their hands, as long as they have a good defense in Nanjun, it can be regarded as a second-best method.

Of course, if Xiangyang can be won, it will be the best choice.

So it is certain that Soochow wants Xiangyang, but if the price is too high, with the title of Sun Shiwan and the urgency of Soochow's mercenary family, then it will definitely shrink.

It's just that they are willing to make great efforts to take down Xiangyang if they feel that there are some benefits?

This benefit is huge, big enough to make them feel that Jingzhou must be fully guarded.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat: I happen to have a great benefit on hand...

With the turmoil in Jiaozhou, the source of sugar cane has become dangerous, and places like Jiaozhou are too remote and backward, and the sugar cane and rough sugar that can be provided to themselves are far from enough.

Otherwise, the sugarcane seeds in Nanzhong this year would not be enough for the Xinghan Association.

Not to mention the brown sugar extracted from rough sugar, there is not even a share to sell. Xinghan will share a little for each person, and it is almost gone. Fortunately, I knew that Xi Jun likes sweets, so I hid a part of it in private.

Otherwise, Guan Ji knew that Feng Yong would take out the brown sugar and distribute it to his brothers instead of keeping it for herself, so with her cold temper, she might find trouble for nothing.

My limbs are broken, I still have my life, my clothes are not enough, my life is in danger...

So... If part of the profit from brown sugar is given up and Soochow is allowed to plant sugar cane in the south of Jingzhou to make rough sugar, will it make them want to stick to Jingzhou?

Moreover, planting sugarcane is not something that can be accomplished overnight. In any case, there is a two-year promotion period. During these two years, the supply of sugarcane in Jiaozhou is indispensable.

So in this way, even if there is a turmoil in Jiaozhou, it is necessary to find a way to continue to get sugar cane from Jiaozhou after the chaos in Soochow, so as to survive the tight supply of sugar cane in the past two years.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to make good friends with Sun Shiwan and the Soochow family.

As for worrying about whether the supply of brown sugar will exceed demand, in Feng Yong's view, this is completely unnecessary.

The sucrose produced by Jiaozhou's sugar cane is not enough to supply even the rich and powerful inside the Han Dynasty, let alone the aristocratic families.

With the addition of Nanzhong and the southern counties of Jingzhou, how much can it help?

Soochow doesn't want it?

Cao Wei don't want it?

Hu people don't want it?

At the most, when the supply of rich and powerful families is sufficient, then expand the market and lower the price to allow sucrose to enter the homes of ordinary people?

At that time, it will be enough to separate the grades of sucrose!

In future generations, there will only be places in the south that are suitable for planting sugar cane, not to mention that it is now in the Little Ice Age, and the weather is much colder than later generations. There are even fewer places suitable for planting sugar cane, so sucrose is impossible Oversupply.

The more Feng Yong thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was promising, so he said to Jiang Wan with a little excitement, "Yong has a way, but this way is suspected of making a profit, and Yong is afraid that speaking out will make the prime minister think that he is seeking personal gain for himself. .”

"Your Majesty, please tell me. Whether it is for profit or not, the Prime Minister has his own judgment."

Jiang Wan encouraged.

"sugar cane."

"Sugar cane?" Jiang Wan was stunned, his eyes flickering, and asked, "Dare to ask what you should do?"

"Changsha, Guiyang and other places in Jingzhou are suitable for growing sugar cane. If Xu Dongwu can benefit from sugar, they must be willing to plant sugar cane here."

"At that time, in order to keep the benefits of sugar cane, they will definitely try their best to attack Xiangyang, so as to consolidate the land of Jingzhou."

"It makes sense!"

Jiang Wan nodded, and asked again, "Is it only now that Soochow can be convinced that sugar cane is profitable?"

"The Zhang family."

Feng Yong said as a matter of course, "The Zhang family is the most aware of the benefits of sugar cane. The Zhang family is a big family in Wu County, and they have close ties with the big families in Jiangdong. If they say it through Zhang's mouth, they will naturally believe it."

In the land of Jiangdong, there are four surnames of Gu Lu Zhu Zhang and Wu Jun.

The Zhang family happened to be one of them.

"And if you want to make a profit earlier, you need to start planting sugarcane in the south of Jingzhou in the spring of next year. Soochow already wanted to attack Xiangyang, and now with the benefit of sugarcane, they will definitely try their best to attack Xiangyang as soon as possible .”

"This plan is great!"

Jiang Wan couldn't help holding Feng Yong's hand tightly again, "The king's plan is really far-reaching, if the prime minister hears this, he will definitely agree."

Being held by a middle-aged man several times, Feng Yong felt a little tired in his heart, and quietly pumped hard, hey, he didn't pull it out.

Let go, let me let you go!

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart, you are not the old monster Zhuge, how could you know that he would definitely agree, unless he knew that I would say this before you came here...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly shuddered: Nima!

Thinking of Jiang Wan's flickering eyes and erratic expression just now, I began to suspect one thing: Old Demon Zhuge, are you plotting against me? Using Lao Tzu's technology, using Lao Tzu's contacts, the key is to find a way to get myself to propose it...

Floating ah, floating wow!

No matter how powerful I am, I am still only a nineteen-year-old junior, and I have not even reached the weak crown. How could the old monster Zhuge send someone like Jiang Wan to ask Yu about matters related to the fate of the Three Kingdoms? Own?

To put it bluntly, it means that I have something that Zhuge Old Demon wants to use.

One is felt and the other is sucrose.

One is from the Liang family in Liangzhou, and the other is from the Zhang family in Wujun.

So, this trick is just an excuse, even if he can't think of a solution, Jiang Wan might find an excuse to bring it up, and then take the opportunity to ask him to help.

Of course, it would be best if you can perform at a super level and think of this on your own initiative, as this will save favors.

Now it seems that Jiang Wan got the best result...

The more Feng Yong thought about it, the more suspicious he became, no, I have to cheat.

Immediately, he withdrew his hand from Jiang Wan's hand again, with a smile uglier than crying, "I don't think the scheme just now was too good, or..."

"Where is it, the strategy of the king and the lord is really the best!"

Jiang Wan hastily interrupted Feng Yong's words.

Well, looking at him like this, he is too suspicious!

Feng Yong sighed, "At this time, I would rather be stupid."

"Why did the lord make such a statement?"

Jiang Wan's eyes flickered again.

"Back then, Jiang Canjun came to explain to me and apologized because he went to join the Hu people in Nanxiang. At that time, I thought Jiang Canjun was a sincere person, but I didn't expect it to be like this today. "

Feng Yong chuckled, his eyes were full of disappointment, and his face showed a heartbroken look.

Seeing this, Jiang Wan finally showed shame on his face, and bowed deeply to salute, "This matter is also Wan's fault, I hope the king can see it for the sake of the country's important affairs, and don't let it go because of Wan's carelessness." State affairs. As for Wan, he can be punished by the princes."

"Jiang Canjun is really a gentleman!"

Damn Zhuge old demon really calculated people's hearts to the extreme, I was so naive!

Feng Yong helped Jiang Wan up, and asked, "Since the prime minister thought of this long ago, why didn't he let Jiang Canjun bring it up, and insisted on asking me why?"

"Wan also doesn't know, it's just that the Prime Minister said it. If the Jun Hou can guess that the matter was intentional by the Prime Minister, then let Wan tell the Jun Hou."

"What words?"

"You can't get rid of thieves suddenly, and you can't build a Han Dynasty in a day. You need everyone to work together, and you need to have successors."

Why do these words sound familiar? Isn't it just what he said before he left Jincheng to persuade the old demon Zhuge not to do everything by himself?

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", thinking that this person is really stingy! Even if what I said back then was not pleasant, is it worth sending someone over to talk about me?


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