Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 534 Population Issue

The words "everyone needs to be united" are probably the old demon Zhuge secretly reminding himself to put state affairs first and work together.

Let's be united, Feng Yong doesn't have any objections.

If you want to live a happy life, you have to let the old demon Zhuge live well first.

He is better, the big man is better, the big man is better, and he is better.

On the other hand, Jiang Wan, seeing Feng Yong's expression of indifference, was slightly taken aback. He didn't know whether this gentleman really didn't know the meaning of it, or pretended not to know.

It's just that this is a matter between the prime minister and the prince, Jiang Wan can't talk too much.

"Junhou, there is actually one more thing for Wan to come this time."

"There is more?" Feng Yong almost cried out, "Is it over?"

Squeezing wool is not such a method. If you really want to pluck the wool of the pasture like this, the sheep will be bald by you!

Jiang Wan also seemed to know that his request was a bit too much, and his face was a little embarrassed: "Your Majesty, you know, a few days ago, there were rioters in Guanghan County roaring among the mountains and forests, and even the Northern Expedition military supplies that the prime minister transported to Hanzhong were plundered."

There are rioters in Guanghan County, Feng Yong naturally knows about it, because someone inside the Xinghan Association has already sent the news that the food price in Jincheng has suddenly risen sharply, and the reason is that there are riots in Guanghan County.

Jincheng belongs to Shu County, which is equivalent to the northern capital of later generations, while Guanghan County is just north of Shu County, which is equivalent to Hebei in later generations.

The turmoil in Guanghan County directly affected the stability of people's hearts in Jincheng, followed by a sudden spike in food prices.

A few days ago, Feng Yong even jumped up and down and cursed for a while, not in the morning and in the evening, but at the time when Xinghan would buy a lot of grain, he didn't know how much more money he had to post.

Only then did Feng Yong realize that the civil unrest in Guanghan County was not just a protest from the aristocratic families in central Shu to the imperial court, but they even took the opportunity to raise the price of Jincheng grain and bleed themselves.

Why didn't this make a certain soil turtle fly into a rage, and he didn't remember that he had tricked others before and bled heavily several times.

This time, at most, they got back a little interest.

Now that Feng Yong heard Jiang Wan take the initiative to bring up this matter, he asked curiously, "How many hidden people have been found by the imperial court?

"So far, more than 300,000 people have been found." Jiang Wan looked solemn, "Anyone can guess that the family has hidden a lot of people, but they didn't expect there to be so many."

"Hiss!" Feng Yong sucked in his breath like a toothache, "Only 300,000?"

"Just?" Jiang Wan was genuinely astonished this time, "300,000 is already quite a lot. Do you know how many registered members of the Han Dynasty were there before this?"

"How many?"

"When the first emperor ascended the Great Treasure, he checked the books in the treasury. At that time, there were 200,000 to 900,000 households. However, in the past few years, the counties in Hanzhong and Shuzhong have increased a lot of people. There are two 120,000 households, millions of people."

"Nowadays, the imperial treasury is well-stocked, so we can reorganize the number of people and fields, but I didn't expect it to be 300,000 more. Junhou, this is 300,000 people, not 30,000, which is nearly 30% more than before."

Jiang Wan said a little excitedly, "Among them, Junhou really contributed a lot! If it wasn't for..."

Will you speak? Can you speak!

If you put it that way, if people who don't understand it, it will be misunderstood as if it took me three years to create 300,000 people!

So, why do you need money, because you can do whatever you want if you have money.

Otherwise, according to the search efforts of the old Zhuge demon in the past, how can he have the capital to put in effort to track down the population?

Just worrying about the family's backlash is enough for the court to compromise.

It's not like now, if it is reversed, it will be reversed, and it will be suppressed directly. Anyway, there is money and food in hand.

Feng Yong curled his lips, waved his hands indifferently, and interrupted Jiang Wan, "What's the matter? The counties in Nanzhong haven't checked yet. If they did, wouldn't there be more?"

Zhuge Old Demon's Northern Expedition is a topic that later generations will talk about, and it will never fade away.

Because in the 1,800 years since then, there has never been a regime that separatized central Shu and was able to take the initiative to attack the north, and it was able to fight so vigorously.

And this involves the economic and population comparison between Shu and Wei: at that time, the registered population of Shu was about one million, while that of Wei was about 4.5 million.

Moreover, Cao Wei also occupied the most elite area in the world, while the Shu land was a remote place at that time.

So this is the reason why later generations admire Zhuge Old Demon.

But as far as the population issue is concerned, there is a point of contention, that is, after Jin unified the country, it started a comprehensive inventory, and the country suddenly had a population of 25 million.

This is enough to explain the large number of hidden populations caused by the war.

Therefore, based on the statistics of the Western Jin Dynasty, scholars of later generations inferred that the real population of Shu was 4 million and that of Wei was 13 million.

Feng Yong felt that this was closer to the real situation.

But now the imperial court has checked the population, but only found 300,000?

Just this made Jiang Wan's expression excited. Judging from this, it is estimated that Zhuge Old Demon is also very happy.

After all, there are nearly 30% more people. According to the ratio of one to ten soldiers and civilians, at least 30,000 people can be recruited.

It's a pity that for Feng Yong, it was boring and meaningless: what about the remaining two million yuan?

I have worked so hard to increase productivity, and I am even willing to share the profits to let the aristocratic family get rich together. You are so dead to the population, are you sorry for me?

It's just that 300,000 hidden people were cleared, and there was a turmoil, and even took the opportunity to drive up the price of food, so how much blood did Lao Tzu shed? Nima's is really a bunch of gluttonous!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong felt blood dripping in his heart: a lot of small money was just taken out like this!

"Your Majesty, Nanzhong... At this time, there is no way to check the population. After all, the Yi people of the various tribes in Nanzhong can only be regarded as the property of the barbarian king Yishuai, and they are beyond the control of the big man."

Jiang Wan was very excited to talk about this matter, but when he saw Feng Yong's dissatisfied appearance, he was shocked at the moment. Looking at Junhou's appearance, he seemed to think that there were too few people found out?

"What about Shu and Hanzhong, the Prime Minister is planning to stop here, and not plan to continue the investigation?

Feng Yong asked unwillingly.

"The civil unrest in Guanghan County has already shown that the court should not continue to investigate." Jiang Wan explained, "After all, the most urgent task is to prepare for the Northern Expedition early, and the prime minister also needs the stability of Sichuan."

"The limitations of the feudal landlord class..."

Feng Yong muttered something that Jiang Wan didn't understand, and then he said to Jiang Wan, "There are only about 150,000 people in Yuejue.

"The specific data is at Yuejuan Zhu Bo's place. When Jiang Canjun returns to Jincheng, you can ask him for the book."

"How much?!" Jiang Wan heard this unexpectedly, and exclaimed in shock, "10...150,000?"

"Yes, 150,000. Two hundred years ago there were 400,000."

Feng Yong looked at Jiang Wan's expression and said with disdain.

"One moment and another moment, can this be compared?" Jiang Wan stammered, "Your Majesty, is this serious? You can't joke about things like this."

"The number of registered persons refers to the number of people who can pay taxes, not those tribal music, slave labor and the like, let alone those barbarians who cannot be manipulated by the court."

"I know, I'm not a coward!" Feng Yong glanced at Jiang Wan angrily, "I have stayed in Nanxiang for so long anyway. According to the old rules, the horse farm and other people will be paid by the horse farm. Taxation and corvée collection."

"As for those who are willing to cultivate, there will be a tax of one tenth, and there will be no less than one penny."

In ancient times, in addition to paying land tax, poll tax was also required, and at the same time, irregular corvee was required.

Ranch and textile workshops are new things, so Feng Yong set a precedent, which is a very bad precedent for those powerful and aristocratic families who are desperately sucking blood: help employees pay taxes uniformly.

So that's why so many people tried their best to squeeze into Nanxiang Ranch and Workshop.

Because as long as you become a regular employee inside, you only need to work with peace of mind. Not only can you not worry about food and clothing, but also people will take care of life, old age, sickness and death.

Even the government's corvee will be dealt with by the ranch workshop in a unified way-because the workshop has a special engineering team and a special nursing team.

Feng Yong's doing this not only made the employees feel grateful, but Zhuge Laoyao also expressed his satisfaction: after all, the professionalism of the engineering team and the nursing team is not comparable to that of the civilian workers who were temporarily transferred.

As for farming, it is even simpler.

These days, there are many people and few lands. As long as there is enough arable land, coupled with the Quyuan plow suitable for small households, and advanced farming techniques, Feng Yong can even rent cattle from the pasture to them for farming.

According to this situation, the self-cultivator's life may not be considered affluent, but the moisture is definitely enough.

So the aristocratic families who annexed the land endlessly deserve to die!

The demise of the feudal society in the past dynasties, in the final analysis, is the issue of land.

The most important thing at present is to find ways to strengthen the strength of the great Han, rather than carry out the agrarian revolution.

The military system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, at any rate, has supported nearly a hundred years of prosperity.

For Feng Yong, a hundred years is enough.

Problems a hundred years from now can be solved by expansion, because the world is so big, why don't you go and have a look?

Of course, it can also be solved by various methods such as continuing to develop productivity, which will be considered in the future.

The main problem at present is that of unification.

To unify, there must be sufficient military resources and economic strength.

Feng Yong is confident in his economic strength.

Enough soldiers are enough.

So when he heard that the Zhuge old demon had only obtained 300,000 people from the aristocratic family in central Shu, he withdrew it contentedly, thinking that it was really a toothache-this is the limitation of the feudal landlord class!

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is really capable of governing the army immediately, and governing the people under his horse, he is indeed a great talent!"

How did Jiang Wan know the thoughts of Feng Yong, a time traveler?

When he got Feng Yong's affirmative answer, he was so excited that he stretched out his hand again and wanted to hold Feng Yong's hand tightly.

Trembling with fright, Feng Yong took a few steps back indiscriminately, coughed, and pretended to pull the hanger on which the millstone was hanging, as if to check whether the knot was strong, and didn't let Jiang Wan hold his hand again.

At the same time, my mind was making a sharp turn, and my forehead was sweating slightly, "Hey, Jiang Canjun, it's a civil disturbance, just now it was a civil disturbance!"

Hearing Feng Yong's mention, Jiang Wan remembered the topic he had mentioned at the beginning, and was taken aback for a moment.

I originally wanted to bring up the topic of civil unrest, why did I take so long without knowing it?

Thinking about it again, isn't it Feng Junhou's bias?

When he looked at Feng Yong again, his face became a little strange: Feng Langjun's clever words are really well-deserved.

After such an interruption, Jiang Wan quickly said again, "Yes, yes, civil disturbance, Wan almost forgot."

At the moment, he forgot that he was going to shake Feng Yong's hand.

"That's right. Didn't the Lord and Marquis say a few days ago that there is inequality between the Han and the Barbarians? The rioters in Guanghan County, although they violated the imperial court's decrees, were instigated by others after all."

"The prime minister meant that they were moved to Yuejuan, firstly to show the meaning of punishment, and secondly, to fill up Yuejuan, what do you think?"

"Where are the immigrants?"

When Feng Yong heard it, he immediately understood.


"That's good, how many people are there?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he finally heard good news.

There are many ways of population migration, immigration is one of them, the particularity of this is that it is organized by the government.

The origin can be traced back to the pre-Qin period. In the early Warring States period, the Chu State moved nobles to the border to open up wasteland, develop the border economy, and strengthen national defense.

In the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the handwriting was the largest, and more than 700,000 people immigrated to the north at one time.

Strictly speaking, in the past few years, Dahan has also made sporadic official immigration to Hanzhong.

As for the dark activities of the vigilante... that's called capital blood.

"Thirty thousand people."

Jiang Wan stretched out three fingers, "The prime minister is afraid that he will become a new leader, and if he hastily accepts so many people, the prince will not be able to take care of him for a while, so he asked Wan to come here and tell him that the prince should prepare as soon as possible."

Thirty thousand people are nothing!

Another 100,000 people can eat it.

But when he thought about the price of food in Jincheng, Feng Yong had to grit his teeth, "It's okay, the government in Yuejuan is now organizing the cultivation, not afraid of too many people, but afraid of no one. When will these people arrive?"

Damn it, misfortunes never come singly, rich man Feng Datu's heart bleeds once again: "Shuzhong aristocratic family, let's write down this account first."

"The first batch is already on the way."

"Okay, I see."

Today's reclamation is centered on Qiongdu, going north along the Sunshui River, supplemented by Suqi and Taideng counties not far away, just these three counties are enough to toss.

Not to mention the Sunshui River Valley Plain beyond these three counties, Feng Yong has no manpower to develop it.

Thirty thousand people, even a small splash can't be thrown into it - the premise is that there is enough food supply.

After discussing with Jiang Wan, someone arranged to take him down to rest, and Feng Yong went to inspect various fields without stopping, until the sun was about to set, and then turned back to the city.

Although it is estimated that the aristocratic family will take advantage of the opportunity to bleed again, Feng Yong is still very happy about the upcoming population of 30,000.

Although there are 40,000 Han people in Yuexuan, most of them are distributed around Anshang County, which is close to Qianwei County. In places like Qiongdu, if you don’t count the soldiers and Dongfeng Express employees who come and go, there are not many Han people at all.

These 30,000 people came here, it was like sending charcoal in a timely manner.

Enlightenment, enlightenment must have a model, if there is no model, who knows how to Sinicize?

Now that Jiang Wan's arrival finally solved Feng Yong's biggest problem, so after a busy day's work, he hummed a tune and went back to the small yard.

"I have a little donkey, I never ride..."

After washing his hands and feet in the yard, he walked into the living room and was about to find some water to drink when he saw a person sitting quietly on the top.

This person has an extremely handsome face, but is extremely cold, expressionless, and his body is as straight as a golden sword. He just sat there silently and stared at Feng Yong.

It was already late, the room could not even be illuminated by the dim sunset, and the lights were not lit, the light was flickering, coupled with Guan Ji's appearance, this aura was simply incomparably weird.

Feng Yong almost shouted "Ghost!"

" have a small leather whip in your hand..." Feng Tubie's heart trembled for a while, and he was so frightened that he unconsciously changed the lyrics. He stammered and asked, "How about you, Mr. Xi?" sit here?"

Guan Ji, who was like a wooden figure, finally had an expression on her face, and a smile bloomed, "I'm waiting for A Lang!"

"Oh, oh," Feng Yong patted his chest, "Xi Jun has a heart."

Guan Ji stood up slowly, walked slowly, and walked towards Feng Yong, her momentum became more and more aggressive, "Ah Lang is too proud."

Seeing Guan Ji like this, and thinking about throwing her to Hualan this morning, who knows what happened between the two of them, anyway, Feng Tubie felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

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