Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 536: Lu Xun's Conspiracy

The reason why Langli left the Yanniu tribe and came to Qiongdu was because he was intimidated by the strength of the Han army. After all, the Dongqu tribe and Zhuoma tribe were not small tribes, and they would be wiped out if they were destroyed.

Compared with the previous two, the Yanniu tribe has a good location. If they really dare to go out of the mountains and confront the Han army, they will end up in the same end as them in all likelihood.

The second is to be intimidated by the name of the ghost king. The ghost king has disturbed Nanzhong and made thousands of families cry. The ghost king who eats human flesh and drinks human blood is not a joke.

Langlu promised Langli to take some people away, also out of consideration of risk sharing.

Three, it is forced by the survival of the tribe. Every year, the clansmen froze to death and starved to death in the mountains. After all these years, Langli couldn't remember how many there were.

When he saw on the spot that the tribes in Qiongdu were all supported by the Han government, he was really moved at that time.

Now when I hear that Feng Changshi of Yuejuan is actually Feng Langjun who made an alliance with Qianghu to kill Baima in Ju County, I finally understand in my heart.

No wonder the notorious King of Ghosts came to Yuejuan. Apart from exterminating the tribes who didn't listen to restraint, he was so easy to talk to other tribes.

Not only organized them to open up wasteland and cultivate, but also divided them into grazing areas, and even provided them with relief.

It turned out that Feng Changshi of Yuejuan was Feng Langjun who was kind to Qianghu.

Han people pay attention to the combination of kindness and power. If you think that the ghost king is mighty, this Feng Langjun must be kind.

Langli felt that he finally understood the joints.

After thinking about it, he finally sent a message to the tribe in Hanjia County.

Naturally, Feng Yong would not care about the individual thoughts of the heads of the Yi tribes, big and small, under his command.

These days, he is taking Jiang Wan on tour.

When Jiang Wan came to Yuejuan, of course it wasn't just to pass on a message.

When Feng Yong was nineteen years old, he became the governor of the county, and he was also the actual master of the land of the county. The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was afraid that he would cause trouble due to his inexperience, so he immediately sent Jiang Wan come here.

One is to see if there is anything Feng Yong needs help with, and the other is to ask Jiang Wan to make up for it if there is a mistake.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Wan came to Qiongdu, he found that not only the barbarians had calmed down, but also those rebellious barbarians obeyed the government's arrangement and worked with peace of mind.

This made him extremely surprised, and at the same time, his evaluation of Feng Yong was further improved.

The prime minister saw that this son was able to train those Hu Yi in Nanxiang, so he tried to make him come and go, but he did not expect that he really had a set of skills in teaching Hu Yi.

The first batch of Han people finally arrived in Qiongdu before the end of June, and at the same time, Amei and a batch of chicken and duck breeding eggs followed.

Seeing Feng Yong arrange the people in Shibian in an orderly manner, Jiang Wan was finally completely relieved, and then returned to Jincheng with peace of mind.

At the same time, I brought back three letters of recommendation from Feng Yong.

When he was in Wei County last year, Feng Yong responded to the request of the Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty to take charge of Yuejuan, and he was given the privilege of being able to recommend the chief officials of the three counties of Yuejuan.

Now that Yueyi has been considered to be truly peaceful, and Jiang Wan happened to come again, Feng Yong took the opportunity to promote Zhang Yi as the county magistrate of Qiongdu, Huang Chong as the county magistrate of Suqi, and Wang Xun as the magistrate of Taideng County.

Now the three are temporarily supervising the three counties as captains.

The land of the three counties of Sunshui River Valley was assigned by Feng Yong.

Just when the big man completely pacified Nanzhong and enjoyed the hard-won peace, Cao Wei and Soochow became a little restless.

In the fourth year of Jianxing, Shixie, the governor of Jiaozhou, died. Sun Quan felt that Jiaozhou was too remote and difficult to govern, and the power of the scholars was too strong, so he divided Jiaozhou into two, with Hepu County as the boundary, Guangzhou in the north and Guangzhou in the south. Set up Jiaozhou.

Guangzhou ruled Panyu, and Jiaozhou ruled Longbian (that is, the east of Hanoi, Vietnam, later generations).

Make Lu Dai the governor of Guangzhou, Dai Liang the governor of Jiaozhou, and Ren Shixie's son the prefect of Jiuzhen County.

This incident aroused Shi Hui's dissatisfaction. Relying on Shi Xie's favor to the people of Jiaozhou during his lifetime, he resisted Sun Wu's order and called himself the prefect of Jiaozhi.

At the same time, he secretly sent someone to send a letter to the big man, hoping to pass through Xu's family, expressing his surrender to the big man, so as to get the big man's help.

The Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty once asked Li Huiyao to lead the governor of Jiaozhou after pacifying Nanzhong. He intended to get involved in Jiaozhou.

Unexpectedly, Shi Hui could not suppress even the clan soldiers of the local clan in Jiaozhou. He was disappointed at the moment, and when he learned that Feng Yong, the Marquis of Guannei, was not optimistic about Shi Hui, he decided to stand still for the time being.

When the news of Cao Pi's death came, Zhuge Liang couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he didn't rashly intervene in Jiaozhou affairs, so he didn't turn against Soochow.

At the same time, according to Feng Yong's proposal, he personally wrote a letter to Sun Quan, the Lord of Wu, and suggested that Han and Wu join hands in the Northern Expedition.

The letter not only detailed the benefits of sugar cane, but also promised to pay a high price for the rough sugar from Jingzhou, and also donated a batch of wool cloth to befriend Lord Wu.

Sun Quan was very happy to receive the letter from the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and called all the ministers to discuss.

All the ministers agreed that it was the right time to attack Cao Wei at the time of Cao Pi's new funeral, so Sun Quan made up his mind, and at the same time ordered people to pass the news to Lu Xun who was guarding Jiangling as quickly as possible.

When Lu Xun received the news from Wuchang, he was taken aback, and quickly asked to go to Wuchang to meet the king of Wu on the grounds that he had reported the Jiangling farmland to the king of Wu.

(In the spring of the fourth year of Jianxing, Lu Xun ordered the generals to open up farmland due to lack of food in the place where he was stationed. Sun Quan greatly appreciated it, and even set an example by taking the eight cows that he used to pull his cart to plow the land.)

At this time, Lu Xun was Sun Quan's most trusted person, and Sun Quan would consider his opinions on all matters between Wu and Shu, and even carved his own jade seal and placed it in Lu Xun's residence.

Every time the Da Han communicated, it had to go through Lu Xun's hands. The documents for Shu were also shown to Lu Xun first. If there was anything wrong, Lu Xun would modify it and send it out directly.

Although the two are said to be monarchs and ministers, they are actually very close.

Now, as soon as Sun Quan heard Lu Xun's request to meet him in Wuchang, he knew that Lu Xun had a different view on the attack on Wei, so he immediately agreed to Lu Xun's request.

From Jiangling to Wuchang, there are both land and water routes, and Lu Xun arrived in just two days.

"Your Majesty, General Fuguo is asking to see you."

In the palace of Wuchang, Sun Quan was surprised when he heard that Lu Xun had returned, "Bo Yan has finally arrived? Hurry up!"

"My subject, Lu Xun, has seen the king."

Although the forty-three-year-old Lu Xun was only one year younger than Sun Quan, he was a generation younger than Sun Quan. Because of Sun Quan's appreciation, he was able to marry Sun Quan's niece.

"Bo Yan doesn't need to be polite, come, sit down quickly."

Sun Quan greeted warmly, "Come here, bring me the lonely honey water. Boyan must have been exhausted after coming all the way."

As Sun Quan said, he personally moved the Bingjian beside him to Lu Xun's side.

"I thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Xun was a little flattered.

"I, Xie Boyan, are the ones who are running around for state affairs."

The forty-four-year-old Sun Quan has a face with Chinese characters, a reddish beard under the wide mouth is very distinctive, and bright eyes, showing a strong confidence.

On the other hand, although Lu Xun is called a general, he is dressed as a Confucian scholar, with a fair face, polite manners, and a slightly feminine voice. It can be seen that he is a gentle character.

Only the slightly slanted sword eyebrows added a heroic air to him and neutralized his femininity.

"This time all the ministers said that the time to attack Wei is just right, but Bo Yan wants to keep secrets to Gu. I don't know, but do you think otherwise?"

After the screen moved back and forth, Sun Quan asked.

"Cao Pi's new funeral, the hearts of the people in the north are now floating, and it is the right time to attack Wei. This is indeed a good statement."

Lu Xun nodded, "However, we need to carefully plan how to attack. Otherwise, if we fall into the tricks of the Shu Kingdom, we will lose both sides in a fight with Cao Wei, but the Shu Kingdom will take advantage of it."

"Bo Yan's intention, could it be that the Shu Kingdom has ulterior motives?"

A bright light flashed in Sun Quan's eyes and asked.

"Your Majesty, before his death, Liu Bei would rather guard Yong'an than return to Jincheng. He even wrote to his ministers, saying that he intends to lead the army eastward again. It shows how much he never forgets Jingzhou?"

"Liu Bei won Zhuge Liang, once said that he was like a fish in water, and then entrusted the whole of Shu to him. How could Zhuge Liang not know Liu Bei's thoughts? In addition, Shu regarded itself as a big Han orthodox, whether it was Cao Wei or Wu, they were all regarded as rebels. thief."

"It's just that the state of Shu is weak now and has to join forces with the king. But if there is a chance, the state of Shu will not give up the opportunity to weaken Cao Wei and Jiangdong."

Lu Xun's tone was neither slow nor urgent, and he had a calming force, as if everything was under his control.

"From Bo Yan's point of view, Zhuge Liang's letter is for us to fight Cao Wei head-on, to fight between the snipe and the clam, so that he can benefit from the fisherman?"

"I am very sure of that."

Sun Quan frowned slightly when he heard the words, but at the same time he was a little bit reluctant, "Bo Yan's words are indeed reasonable. We should be careful when we attack Wei. It's just that Cao Pi's new funeral is a rare and good time. If you give up easily, you don't know when." That’s why I waited for this opportunity.”

"Your Majesty, the timing is indeed a good one. But I have the guts to ask you, Your Majesty, do you think that with the strength of our Wu Kingdom, we can contend against Cao Wei alone?"

Lu Xun naturally knew what was going on in Sun Quan's mind, but now that the three kingdoms stand together, if one side moves lightly, the other side will definitely benefit. How to grasp the scale of this has to be carefully considered.

"Of course not, otherwise why would I join forces with the Shu Kingdom in the west to fight against Cao Wei?"

Sun Quan replied.

"If we take advantage of Cao Pi's new funeral and mobilize a large army to attack him, can the king be sure to hurt his roots?"

Lu Xun asked again.


Sun Quan nodded in acknowledgment.

Compared with Cao Wei, which occupies eighth of the world, Wu State is still too small. Even if they attack Wei by surprise, at most, they can take advantage of it in the early stage.

"Cao Wei originally deployed heavy troops in the south of the Yangtze River to prevent the king. If they suffered a loss, they would probably attack with a large army when they stabilized. Therefore, when we attack Wei, we either don't fight it, or we have to fight it. It hurts, so it doesn't dare to go south easily."

Lu Xun said solemnly.

When Sun Quan heard this, he quickly grabbed Lu Xun's hand, "Has Boyan already plotted something?"

Lu Xun nodded, "I have a plan. I can temporarily evade the invitation of the Kingdom of Shu, but also get the benefits that the Kingdom of Shu promised. In the end, if there is a chance, I can join forces with the Kingdom of Shu and attack Wei together, so that I, the Kingdom of Wu, don't have to face it alone." Cao Wei's army."

"Please Bo Yan come quickly!"

Sun Quan was overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, Jiangxia and Xiangyang are both dangerous places in Jingzhou. Since the Kingdom of Shu is tempting us to attack Cao Wei from the Kingdom of Wu, Your Majesty might as well pretend to agree. However, it is not a large-scale army, and only a small number of soldiers try to attack these two places. .”

(Jiangxia County was divided into two parts at that time, Wu accounted for most of it, and Wei accounted for the northern part.)

"If so, wouldn't it alarm Cao Wei?"

Sun Quan asked in surprise.

"If this move succeeds, it will be an unexpected joy. If it fails, then it's okay. It's just an act to prevaricate the Shu Kingdom, and it can also paralyze Cao Wei at the same time."

"In this way, we can naturally accept the huge profits promised by the Kingdom of Shu to us, and at the same time, it can also make Cao Wei think that our soldiers are vulnerable to a fight."

Lu Xun explained, "Now Jiaozhou is in war, and we promised Shu to attack Wei, and they will never interfere in Jiaozhou's affairs. At that time, we will take the opportunity to quell the chaos in one fell swoop."


Sun Quan jumped up against the case and exclaimed, "Three kills with one stone!"

"More than that!"

A sharp light flashed in Lu Xun's eyes, "Zhuge Liang has just pacified Nanzhong, and the Kingdom of Shu must not be able to use weapons recently. When we reap the benefits of the Kingdom of Shu and quell the chaos in Jiaozhou, the Kingdom of Shu may be able to calm down. gone."

"At that time, we will urge them to send troops from Hanzhong, let them attract Cao Wei's troops, and then we will march in a large scale from the east, echoing each other. Cao Wei first despises the Jiangdong soldiers, and then has to take care of one and lose the other. Is there any reason for invincibility?"


Sun Quan laughed.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Shu has only one prefecture. It was defeated by Yiling before it was conquered by Nanzhong, and then it took a breather. Let's urge them to go north again. Even if Zhuge Liang is capable of Guan Zhong, the land of Shu It will also be tossed until the country is exhausted and the people are exhausted."

"In this way, no matter how much they peep at the land of Jingzhou, they can only do nothing. They must obediently cooperate with us and dare not think of anything else."

When Lu Xun said this, he clenched his fists hard, as if he was holding the Kingdom of Shu in his hands.

When Sun Quan heard this, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He got up and walked quickly, clapping his hands repeatedly, "Very good!"

After a while, he stopped, turned around to Lu Xun, and praised, "Bo Yan, while others can make a fortune for a while, you can make a fortune for a country. You are really a lonely countryman!"

Saying that, he poured a bowl of honey water for Lu Xun himself, "Lonely soldier, please drink!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty."

Watching Lu Xun take the bowl respectfully and drink it all down, Sun Quan smiled satisfied, thought for a while, and then said slowly, "Bo Yan, if I personally lead the troops to attack Jiang Xia, the act of paralyzing Cao Wei will not be enough." Wouldn't it be better?"

"Your Majesty, you can't do this! Nine times out of ten, you will lose this battle. I'm afraid it will damage your prestige."

Lu Xun hurriedly stopped him, "Why don't I let the minister personally lead the troops to attack Xiangyang..."

Before Lu Xun could finish his sentence, Sun Quan stretched out his hand to stop him from continuing, "Bo Yan is my governor in Jiangdong. When you defeated Liu Bei in Yiling, who doesn't know your ability to lead the army?"

"If you lead the army in person, if you don't fight well, it will make Cao Wei suspicious, and you won't be able to paralyze it. On the contrary, it will damage your reputation among the soldiers."

"If you play too well, it will make Cao Wei Xin vigilant, which is even worse. Therefore, this move is absolutely not possible, but Gu is different."

Sun Quan pointed to himself, and laughed at himself, "Back then I led 100,000 horsemen, but Zhang Liao's 800 cavalry defeated me. So why not lose again this time?"


Lu Xun didn't expect Sun Quan to be willing to damage his reputation for his own scheme, and he was so moved that he bowed down.

"Bo Yan has supervised Jingzhou for a long time, hasn't he returned to Wu County for a long time? Since we have arrived in Wuchang today, why don't we rest in the palace tonight and go back to Wu County to visit our family tomorrow, lest my niece say that I am not close Favor, don't let your husband and wife meet."

Sun Quan helped Lu Xun up and comforted him.

As soon as Lu Xun heard it, he understood that the king was here to let him avoid the battle against Wei this time!

I am the governor of Jingzhou, if I am in Jiangling, it would be unreasonable for Yu Li not to personally lead the army when he attacked Wei.

But if he was visiting relatives in Wu County, no one would suspect anything.

"How dare you disobey the king's wishes?"

Lu Xun's body was trembling slightly.

Seeing Lu Xun's moved expression, Sun Quan jokingly said, "This time alone, there is a price for damaging my reputation. In the future, Boyan must find a way to help me restore it, otherwise I will not be able to rely on me."

"My lord, I swear here that in the future the king will be famous in China!"

Lu Xun said word by word.

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