Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 537 Chapter 0539

In Wujun at the end of June and the beginning of July, it was the most sweltering time.

Zhang Wen was dismissed because of being involved in the Jiyan case. Even if Luo Tong, who had a lot of advice to Sun Quan, pleaded for mercy, he could not change Sun Quan's determination.

When enumerating Jiyan's crimes, Sun Quan even mentioned the various resistances of the Sun family to the Sun family when the Sun family came to rule Jiangdong, in order to insinuate that Zhang Wen had ulterior motives and had ulterior motives.

Then use this as an excuse to suppress the Zhang family represented by Zhang Wen, so as to achieve the purpose of warning all the aristocratic families in Jiangdong.

From this, the courtiers of the Eastern Wu knew that Sun Quan still had suspicions about the Jiangdong family. It was just that Sun Quan had defeated Cao Cao and Liu Bei in a row in the Battle of Chibi and Yiling.

In addition, in these years, the Jiangdong family has also been closely linked with the Sun family, and it is difficult to separate them.

Therefore, in the case of Zhang Wen, everyone shut up and no one dared to intercede.

Zhang Wen also knew that if the incident continued, it would have wide-ranging consequences, so he closed his door to thank guests, and kept his friends and relatives away.

On this day, Zhang Wen was studying at home, and suddenly a servant came to report, "Mr. Lang, General Fuguo is visiting."

Zhang Wen was taken aback, with a look of hesitation on his face, "Did General Fuguo ever say what he came here for?"

"It is said that the old lady of the Lu family misses the lady and wants to invite the lady back to stay for a few days."

Zhang Wen nodded, "If that's the case, then go and invite the lady, I won't show up."

The Zhang family and the Lu family are related by marriage, and Zhang Wen's younger brother, Zhang Bai, married Lu Yusheng, the daughter of the Lu family.

Lu Yusheng is only fourteen years old this year, but he is the cousin of the forty-three-year-old Lu Xun, and the relationship between the two is not a simple cousin relationship. This starts with Lu Kang, Lu Xun's grandfather and Lu Yusheng's biological grandfather.

Lu Xun lost his father when he was young, and he was brought up by his grandfather Lu Kang.

Lu Kang was a descendant of the Lu family in Wu County. He was the prefect of Lujiang when Emperor Xian was in power. At that time, the world was in chaos, but he still took the risk of sending Xiaolian to pay tribute to the imperial court. He was very loyal to the Han Dynasty.

At that time, Yuan Shu occupied the Jianghuai area, and because of lack of food, he borrowed food from Lu Kang.

Lu Kang believed that Yuan Shu was rebellious, so he closed his doors and refused to interact with him, and he was refurbishing his combat readiness to meet the enemy.

Yuan Shu was furious and sent Sun Ce to attack Lujiang and surrounded the city of Lujiang.

Lu Kang won the hearts of the people in Lujiang. During the period, some soldiers went out on vacation. After hearing the news, they all returned to Lujiang, and even climbed the city wall at night to help guard.

It took Sun Ce two years to conquer Lujiang, and Lu Kang died of illness one month after the city was broken. More importantly, most of Lu Kang's clan children died in this battle to defend Lujiang.

Fortunately, thirteen-year-old Lu Xun and Lu Kang's seven-year-old son Lu Ji were sent away early and survived.

Lu Ji is Lu Xun's uncle in terms of seniority, but he is six years younger than Lu Xun.

After Lu Kang died of illness, Lu Ji inherited the position of Patriarch, but in fact it was the thirteen-year-old Lu Xun who helped him support this family, and the two could be regarded as dependent on each other.

At this time, Sun Ce took over Jiangdong, during which he brutally suppressed the Jiangdong clan who resisted him.

The big families in Jiangdong area such as Sheng Xian, Zhou Xin, Wang Sheng, Zou Ta, Qian Tong, Gao Dai were persecuted and even killed by Sun Ce successively, which caused a huge rift between the Sun family and the Jiangdong family.

After Sun Ce was assassinated and died, it is hard to say whether there was any Jiangdong family during this period.

Before Sun Ce's death, all the staff around him thought that he would choose Sun Xu, his third younger brother who was known for his fierceness and fierceness, as his successor. Unexpectedly, Sun Ce chose Sun Quan.

Because in the end, he finally understood that if the Sun family wanted to gain a foothold in Jiangdong, they could not rely on force alone.

"The people in the east of the Yangtze River should decide between the two fronts, and compete with the world. You are not as good as me; if you appoint talents and talents, and do your best to protect Jiangdong, I am not as good as you." The last words have been clearly expressed. what he meant.

Obviously, Sun Ce is not optimistic about Sun Xu, who has a similar personality to himself, and believes that Sun Quan is capable of handling the relationship with the Jiangdong clan, which is a key issue that determines the future of the Sun family.

Sun Ce's vision was still very accurate, because Sun Xu followed in his footsteps and was assassinated to death not long after.

Sun Quan, on the other hand, showed extraordinary political means.

Not only did he employ a large number of talents from the Jiangdong family, but he even married them.

More importantly, he began to use various methods to divide the Jiangdong family.

Lu Xun and Lu Ji are typical examples.

On the one hand, Sun Quan married his niece, who is also Sun Ce's daughter, to Lu Xun, who has a relatively docile temperament, and painstakingly cultivated him as the back-up backbone of Soochow, so that the Sun and Lu families could turn their enemies into relatives on the surface.

On the one hand, he repeatedly suppressed Lu Ji, who was upright and upright. After pacifying Jiaozhou, Sun Quan sent Lu Ji, the patriarch of the Lu family, to serve as the prefect of Yulin County in Jiaozhou.

This tenure lasted for ten years. Lu Jijiu suffered from miasma, plague and unacceptable water and soil, and buried hidden diseases. Not long after he returned to Jiangdong, he died of illness at the age of thirty-two.

Unlike Lu Xun who persuaded Sun Quan to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, Lu Ji inherited his father's loyalty to the Han family and considered himself a Han minister throughout his life. The year he died was exactly the year before Cao Pi usurped the Han.

On the sickbed, he left his last words: Lu Ji of Wu Jun, a scholar of Han Zhi, Youdun's "Poems" and "Books", Changwan "Li" and "Yi". Ordered to march south, to suffer from illness and misfortune, to suffer misfortune, wailing!

It means that Lu Ji of Wu Jun, a man of lofty ideals in the Han Dynasty, had read poetry and books since he was a child, and was ordered to march south (Jiaozhou), but he did not expect to contract a serious disease and encounter misfortune in his life.

Then he left a prophecy: from now on, thirty or nine years from now, the cars will be on the same track, the books will be written in the same language, and the Han Dynasty will be revived. I can't wait to see it.

Lu Ji and Lu Xun have been dependent on each other since they were young. Although they are not blood brothers, they have a relationship far beyond that of blood relatives. Lu Xun.

This shows that the two had to part ways because of their different ways and not colluding with each other.

This is the different life choices of the two, and it is also the survival rule of the aristocratic family - each chooses his master, each chooses his own path, and shares risks.

Lu Ji's daughter is Lu Yusheng.

She was named Yu Sheng because she was born in Yulin County when Lu Ji was the prefect of Yulin.

Lu Yusheng was thirteen years old last year and married Zhang Wen's younger brother Zhang Bai. Unexpectedly, after only three months of marriage, Zhang Wen was dismissed from office, his family was also implicated, and Zhang Bai was exiled to Jiaozhou.

There were many miasma and epidemic diseases in Jiaozhou. Zhang Bai was sick and bedridden soon after arriving in Jiaozhou because of the unacceptable water and soil.

Fortunately, at this time, a soil turtle appeared in the world, and coincidentally, Zhang Bai's elder brother, Zhang Wen, happened to have a long correspondence with this soil turtle.

Even more coincidentally, this soil turtle happened to have the idea of ​​dealing with the state sugar cane, and wanted to take advantage of the Zhang family's relationship.

So after making a big circle of relationships, Zhang Bai got the careful care of the scholar's family in Jiaozhou, and after a narrow escape, he finally survived.

This Zhang Bai, who was originally a guest in a foreign land in history, not only lived well, but even became a guest of Jiaozhou scholar's family because of the butterfly effect fanned by a certain soil turtle.

Became a middleman in the sugarcane trade between Jiaozhou and Dahan.

This year in Jiaozhou because of Shihui's rebellion, Zhang Bai began to work part-time as a snakehead again, secretly organizing refugees to run to Nanzhong, which was a joy.

In history, Lu Yusheng, who became a widow at the age of fourteen, still stays at Zhang's house peacefully, waiting for his husband to return.

Hearing that Zhang Wen asked her to see Lu Xun, she immediately came to Zhang Wen's study, and first saluted, "I have something to say, and I want to talk to Eldest Brother. I wonder if Eldest Brother can take the time?"

Zhang Wen knew that although this younger brother and sister were daughters, she was a firm-minded and insightful woman, so she didn't dare to be disrespectful at the moment, so she quickly stood up and returned the courtesy, "Sister and brother, please tell me."

I only heard Lu Yusheng say, "Although my concubine's surname is Lu, she is now called Zhang Lu, and she is already a member of the Zhang family. Even if it's because my mother misses me, I can invite myself to Ning, so why do I need my brother to pick me up?"

"Kuang Fu once reprimanded brother Cong for not being a scholar, he flattered the Sun family, and parted ways with brother Cong. It is obvious, if a concubine follows brother to Ning, isn't it unfilial?"

"Brother Cong came here this time to see my concubine, but in fact I want to see my elder brother. Although my concubine knows that my elder brother has a heart to avoid suspicion, but now my elder brother is highly valued by the Sun family. If the trip is ordered by the Sun family, the elder brother will avoid it." Don't see, isn't it that he offended Mrs. Sun even more?"

"The concubine is working for the Zhang family, so it's better to ask the elder brother to go out and meet with the elder brother."

The words were polite and reasonable, Zhang Wen was speechless for a long time, then got up and bowed deeply to Lu Yusheng, "It's my fault."

Immediately, he straightened his clothes, went out to the front hall, and apologized to Lu Xun who was waiting inside, "Wen is really rude for keeping General Fuguo waiting for so long."

"Hui Shu doesn't have to be like this. I came this time as the Lu family of Wu County, not as the general of Fuguo." Lu Xun looked behind Zhang Wen, but he didn't see Lu Yusheng, and his expression was a little disappointed, "I don't know. Where is little sister?"

"The brothers and sisters asked Wen to tell brother Bo Yan that she will go back to visit the old lady in two days."

After hearing this, Lu Xun's face became more disappointed, and he sighed, knowing that his cousin still didn't want to meet him.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help showing bitterness on his face, nodded, and said, "If that's the case, please trouble Huishu to send more people to protect her well."

"That's natural."

Lu Xun looked at Zhang Wen's indifferent and indifferent appearance, which was very different from the high-spirited look he had when he came back from Shu. He felt touched and asked, "Wen Huishu has been content with farming and studying for the past two years. I don't know if I can gain anything." ?”

Zhang Wen smiled slightly, "I got something."

"Oh?" Lu Xun listened, and asked with great interest, "Do you get something from farming, or from studying?"

This question was very meaningful, Zhang Wen glanced at Lu Xun, and thought that Lu Boyan came here, and it really was the same as what his younger siblings said, and he had a plan.

"You get something from reading, and you get something from farming."

Lu Xun nodded, "I am guarding Jiangling. The exchange of personnel and materials between Wu and Shu all passes through the Jiangling area, so I often hear that Huishu has many letters and exchanges with talented people in Shu. Huishu can cultivate knowledge with talented people and learn something. , that is the law of nature."

As he said that, his eyes flashed brightly, he leaned closer, and asked softly, "Huishu's essays are brilliant, and his arguments are outstanding, which is rare in the world."

"Anyone who can keep writing letters with Huishu must be a highly talented person, but I don't know how this person compares with Deng Bomiao (Deng Zhi), Chen Xiaoqi (Chen Zhen), and Fei Wenwei (Fei Yi) who were envoys to Jiangdong. ?”

Zhang Wen took a deep look at Lu Xun, remained silent for a long time, and then said, "Wen has never seen this person with his own eyes, but he has been in love with him for a long time. When it comes to literary talent, let alone Deng Bomiao and others, even I think I am not as good as him. "

Lu Xun was shocked, "I never thought that Huishu would admire this person so much!"

Zhang Wen let out a long sigh, his eyes showing fascination.

"I'm not admiring, but this guy is really talented, his writing is self-contained, not out of the world. In the future, if anyone can compare with the talented Cao Zijian in the north, he will be the only one."

Cao Zijian, Cao Zhi also.

Since Emperor Xiaowu respected Confucianism exclusively, Confucianism has always occupied a dominant position in thought, and the so-called poetry and prose are only appendages of Confucianism.

It was not until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty that social turmoil caused traditional Confucianism to decline and lose its dominant position. Only then did literature, poetry and prose get rid of the shackles of Confucian classics, and then rose rapidly, forming Jian'an literature that had a profound influence on later generations.

The literary movement called "Jian'an Literature" by later generations was originally a rebellion against the Confucian classics of the Han Dynasty: "Before the proud and elegant cup of beans, on the graceful seat, the pen and ink are used to talk and laugh."

The literati at this time paid attention to indulgence, free creation, innovative literature, and did not stick to the rules of the predecessors.

Cao Zijian is a master of Jian'an literature. Most of his writings are in five characters, which is recognized as a model of writing in the world.

In Zhang Wen's view, Feng Mingwen's style of writing is more varied, ranging from the Yuefu style to the seven-character style commonly used by Cao Pi, who can be regarded as a latecomer.

What is even more valuable is that Feng Mingwen was able to open up a new style of writing compared with Cao Zijian, who had achieved a great deal, and this is more important to Zhang Wen. If he can publish a few more poems and fus of the same level, then it is not a lie to say that he can be compared with Cao Zijian.

Hearing Zhang Wen's analysis, Lu Xun couldn't help taking a deep breath, and asked again, "How is this person capable of governing the world?"

"He is good at construction and good at management. I heard that the people in Shu are mostly benefited by him."

"What about its strategy?"

"He is known as Xiao Wenhe, so he must be a good planner."

Hearing this, Lu Xun sighed, "Feng Mingwen was only nineteen years ago, that's all he is, and he will definitely be a hero in the future."

"Since Boyan knew it was him, why did he ask me?"

Zhang Wen was not surprised at all that Lu Xun knew about Feng Mingwen, he just wondered why the other party came to him specifically to ask about Feng Mingwen.

Lu Xun didn't hide anything, and explained, "Jiangling's military rations are insufficient this year. I opened up wasteland in Jingzhou and got the Quyuanli from the Shu area. I think it is very useful."

"It was only later that I found out that this object was made by Feng Mingwen. It has the same name as the author of "The Difficult Road to Shu" and "Journey to Changgan" sung by Jiangdong today, so I came here to ask."

When Zhang Wen heard Lu Xun talking about Qu Yuanli, a little sarcasm appeared on his face, "Bo Yan knows that when I returned from Shu, I offered this to Lord Wu?"

"There is such a thing?" Lu Xun was surprised, "Your Majesty attaches great importance to farming. If there is such a thing, why..."

Having said that, he paused again.

Zhang Wen was dismissed from office. One of the charges was that he praised the other party when he was an envoy to Shu. The king felt that this was an act of humiliating Wu.

If he can't even praise the Kingdom of Shu, then the things he brought back from the land of Shu, I am afraid that the king will not even look at them in all likelihood, and they may have been destroyed long ago.

"Does Boyan know that I have used the Quyuan plow to cultivate my own field in the past two years, how much less manpower and animal power have been used? How much will the increase be?"

"I don't know."

"In the past, Hengli needed at least two people and two oxen, while Quyuanli only needed one person and one plow, but the grain production could be increased by 10 percent."

Lu Xun jumped up, "Huishu is serious? Using a Quyuan plow can really increase the yield by 10%?"

"Why do I need to hide it from you? If you don't believe me, you can go to the field on the village and have a look."

"Naturally, I have to take a look, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

Lu Xun said.

The Zhang family's farm is not far away, and the two of them went out without taking a car, and they arrived after a short walk.

At this time, the ears of rice have been filled with pulp. Although they are still blue, they have begun to droop.

The rice in the Zhang family obviously grows better than other places, and there are more millet on the ears of rice.

Lu Xun walked around the farm for a long time and found that this was the case, so he stopped and his face was filled with joy, "If this is the case, it seems that there is no need to worry about the military rations in Jiangling next year."

This quyuan plow is not only convenient for farming, but also saves animal and manpower, and can even increase grain production. It seems that it should be popularized when going back.

In this way, Jingzhou may once again become a land of food production, so why worry about the lack of military rations like this spring?

Thinking of this, Lu Xun thought to himself, if Feng Mingwen of the Shu Kingdom is talented in writing and good at creating, that's all.

But if, as Huishu said, he is good at management and can benefit the people, and at the same time he is good at strategy, then he is really a character, and it seems that he must pay attention to it.

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