Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 538: Shi Emblem

In May of the fourth year of Jianxing, Cao Pi died of illness.

In June, the news spread to the Han and Wu countries. The prime minister of the Han Dynasty wrote to Sun Quan, wishing the two countries to join forces in the Northern Expedition.

In July, Lu Dai, the governor of Guangzhou, went to Shu Sun Quan, asking for a crusade against Shi Hui for the crime of disobedience.

Sun Quan saw that the north was in turmoil, and the Kingdom of Shu wanted something from himself. He knew that neither country would cause trouble for him at this time. It was a good time to calm down Jiaozhou, so he agreed to Lu Dai's request.

Authorized by Sun Quan, Lu Dai personally led 3,000 soldiers from Panyu, sailed by sea by boat, day and night, and arrived in Hepu as quickly as possible.

Hepu is the dividing point between Guangzhou and Jiaozhou.

Dai Liang, the governor of Jiaozhou, was blocked by the clan soldiers from Jiaozhou because of Shi Hui's rebellion, so he could only stay here. He was overjoyed when he learned that Lu Dai led the army, and went out of the city to meet him in person.

Three thousand soldiers set up camp outside Hepu City. Dai Liang welcomed Lu Dai into the city and hosted a banquet to welcome him.

Lu Dai is now sixty-six years old, but he acts vigorously and resolutely, so he directly refused the banquet.

And said with emotion, "I was ordered by the King of Wu to lead the army to quell the chaos. Now that the thieves are in front of me, I can't wait to go to battle and kill the enemy immediately. How can I have the mood to go to the banquet?"

Although both Lu Dai and Dai Liang were governors of the same state, Lu Dai had the title of Marquis of the Capital and the post of General Annan because of his military exploits, and he also had the right to fake festivals.

Those who fake festivals can directly kill those who violate military orders during wartime.

Therefore, Lu Dai's actual status is much higher than that of Dai Liang.

Now listening to Lu Dai's order, Dai Liang had no choice but to withdraw the banquet and change it to a front-of-the-army meeting.

"Old General Lu, the terrain of Jiaozhou is dangerous, and Shi Hui relied on the favor of his predecessors to deceive the people of Jiaozhou and win the support of everyone. You can't take it lightly."

Seeing that Lu Dai was eager to march into Jiaozhou, Dai Liang couldn't help worrying that he would advance rashly, so he persuaded him.

Lu Dai nodded, "What Governor Dai said is reasonable, and I know this, so I urged the army to advance earlier. Shi Hui has countermeasures in his heart, and now there are Jiaozhou nobles in Jiaozhou who know the righteousness and rebel against him. He is busy suppressing him. The clan's soldiers."

"I killed him suddenly, he must have been unprepared. If our army attacked him unprepared, he would have achieved great success. If he hesitated, wait for him to be prepared, withdraw his troops and defend the city, and then use the prestige of the scholars to order all the barbarians in Jiaozhou to raise troops to help. "

"At that time, we will not only have to face the ancestral soldiers of Shihui, but also the brave barbarians of Jiaozhou. I am afraid that it will be difficult to conquer at that time. Therefore, we should remove them in time before they become a climate, so as to avoid endless disasters."

Lu Dai fought for the Sun family for more than 20 years, and he had his own views on the battle formation. As soon as he said this, everyone present felt that it was reasonable.

"Then how should we march?"

As the highest position under Lu Dai, Dai Liang took the lead in asking.

"Husband and warrior, attacking the heart is the top priority, and attacking the city is the bottom." Lu Dai had a somewhat unpredictable smile on his face, "Come here, please come in."

After a while, a short, dark-skinned man walked in a little bit timidly, and saluted Lu Dai, "The last general has seen Governor Lu and all the generals."

"General Zhonglang, you don't need to be polite, come here, please sit down." Lu Dai personally invited Shi Kuang to his seat, and then introduced him to everyone.

"General Shi Zhonglang is the elder brother of Shi Hui, and Shi Hui is a rebellious thief, but General Shi Zhonglang knows the general situation and refuses to be rebellious. Now he is enlisted by me as a teacher and friend, and he will conquer the state with me. To clarify the mind."

When Shi Kuang heard this, he quickly got up again, with a frightened expression on his face, "The scholar's family has received great favor from Lord Wu, and death is not enough to repay it. My family uncle has paid tribute year after year, just to show his loyalty."

"I didn't expect that the clan uncle just passed away, but my clan brother is so ignorant of the general situation. If he wants to fight against the heavenly soldiers to separate one side, it is really an act of mantis' arm. A certain incompetent person wants to attach the tail of General Lu to clear our family. .”

These words were supposed to be generous, but the speaker had a timid expression and a flattering tone. After hearing this, all the people present felt a strange feeling, and at the same time, they felt a little contemptuous of him as a human being.

Only Lu Dai laughed and said, "What Zhonglang said really understands the righteousness! The scholar's family has guarded Jiaozhou for decades, and has won the love and love of the people of Jiaozhou. He has made great contributions for a long time."

"For the sake of Marquis Longbian (Shi Xie), I don't want to persecute the Shi family too much. Therefore, I want to ask Zhong Lang to bring a letter and send it to the Shixie."

"And tell him that if a certain Nian is able to admit his guilt and surrender because of his momentary confusion, he will never pursue his past crimes. Although he lost his position as the county guard, he is still a rich man."

"But if you are lucky, refuse to surrender, and try to take advantage of the danger to defend yourself, someone will take the head in person in a short time."

Upon hearing this, Shi Kuang said quickly, "Since General Lu has an order, how dare this villain disobey? This villain is traveling all night today, and I will try my best to persuade my clan brother to make him return from his lost way."

"Okay, okay, then there will be General Lao Zhonglang."

Lu Dai smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, Dai Liang who was below also said, "General Lu, among the staff of the lower official, there is one person who has a lot of friendship with the Nashi family. You might as well ask him to write a letter and send it to persuade them together."

When Lu Dai heard this, he was overjoyed and asked, "Who is it?"

"This man's surname is Zhang, his first name is Bai, and his character is Jianyi. He is a member of the Zhang family in Wu County. He was exiled here because he was burdened by his brother Zhang Huishu. A certain person has tried his talent and is indeed worthy of the name of a child of the Zhang family. That's why he's accepted as a disciple."

The exiled people, except for the ones who have been specially confessed to guard, otherwise, when they arrive in the frontier, they are generally at their own risk, and no one will care about you.

In addition, there are few Han people and many barbarians in the frontier, and Han people who can read and write are even rarer. Therefore, although Zhang Bai cannot be an official, Dai Liang loves his talent and accepts him as a guest, which is still in line with the unspoken rules.

"The Zhang family in Wujun?" Lu Dai's expression changed when he heard this, and then he seemed to remember something, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Since that's the case, that's really the best."

When Dai Liang heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Jian Yi, come here and greet General Lu quickly."

No one noticed the momentary change of expression on Lu Dai's face.

However, when Shi Hui decided to rebel against Wu, his subordinate official Huan Lin kowtowed to persuade him. In a rage, Shi Hui first tortured Huan Lin and then killed him.

This approach aroused fierce resistance from the Huan family, and Huan Zhi, Huan Neighbor's brother, and Huan Fa, his nephew, led the Zong soldiers to attack Shi Hui.

The two sides fought for several months, but they were in a stalemate, so they had to negotiate a peace and strike.

On this day, Shi Hui was racking his brains on how to defeat the Huan family's Zong soldiers. He suddenly heard that Kuang, a brother of the family, had returned from Wu Jun and brought news of Wu Jun, so he was invited in quickly.

"Little brother has seen brother!"

As soon as Shi Kuang came in, he gave a big gift directly.

"Brother, you don't need to be polite. You fell into the Wu Kingdom, and I thought you had an accident, but I didn't expect you to come back safely."

Shi Hui said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Shi Kuang immediately cursed in his heart, damn it, did you really not know that I was still in Wu country when you rebelled? I'm afraid I never thought about it, right?

If it weren't for the old acquaintance of Lao Tzu and Lu Dai, he would have expressed his attitude immediately when he saw that the limelight was wrong, his head would have been chopped off long ago!

It's just that now that he has a heavy responsibility and is on the territory of Shihui, it's not easy to turn his face. He also piled up a hypocritical smile at the moment, "Thank you for your concern, brother. There is an important thing to escape from the Wu army this time. Tell your brother to listen."

When Shi Hui heard this, the smile on his face disappeared, and he sneered, "Could it be Wu's letter of persuasion?"

Shi Kuang's face froze, and he laughed dryly, "It is true that the people of Wu sent letters to elder brother, but what my younger brother wants to say is not about this matter."

"Stop mentioning the Wu people's persuasion to surrender!"

Shi Hui said resolutely, "As long as I break the soldiers of the Huan family, who else in Jiaozhou will dare to resist me? At that time, I will raise my troops to the east and occupy the important area of ​​Hepu. The land of Jiaozhou will be ours. The scholars have the final say."

"How can I not do what my lord was able to do back then? At that time, Sun Quan, no matter how much he doesn't want to recognize me as the governor of Jiaozhou, he will have to hold his nose to recognize me."

"Besides, my family has been running for several generations, and this is how it is today. How can it be handed over to others within one dynasty?"

"The elder brother's words can be regarded as reaching the younger brother's heart." Shi Kuang heard Shi Hui's words, and sighed, "If it is possible, who is willing to give away the foundation?"

I think that when the uncle was there, the scholar's family in Jiaozhou really responded to everyone's call, and no one refused to follow an order. Who wouldn't want to go on like this if they had no choice?

"It's just brother, Lu Dai, governor of Guangzhou, has led his army to Hepu now, I wonder if you have a way to defeat the enemy?"

Nostalgia for the past time can only be nostalgia, just what should be said, or what should be said.

When Shi Hui, who was still impassioned, heard this, his face changed drastically, "How could Wu Bing be so fast?!"

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