Farmer of Shu Han

539 Chapter 0541

"Lü Dai led the army to travel by sea boat, day and night, from Panyu to Hepu, it took no time at all."

Seeing Shi Hui's panicked look, Shi Kuang frowned slightly. Although he despised his clan brother for not being a general, he still explained patiently.

After all, in Shi Kuang's mind, if Shi Hui really had a way to defeat the Wu army and keep the foundation of the Shi family, that would be the best.

Unexpectedly, when Shi Hui heard this, his hands and feet trembled slightly, and he couldn't help getting up and walking back and forth a few steps, his lips trembling, "It shouldn't be! How could there be no news at all, and you just came here?"

When Shi Kuang saw Shi Hui's appearance, he really wanted to slap him, and the little hope in his heart was finally shattered.

This is also called fast? How many months? You are not prepared at all? Just like you, you still want to separate the party from Xue Zubo? I really don't know where the confidence comes from!

"Brother, Lu Dai not only arrived in Hepu, but before letting me leave Hepu, he also told me that the army is about to follow, you should think about retreating!"


When Shi Hui heard this, he fell to the ground.

Shi Kuang sighed, he really didn't want to see him look so useless, so he took out two letters from his pocket and put them on the table, "This is a letter from General Lu and Mr. Zhang."

"General Lu said that if you can surrender, except that you won't be able to be a county guard, everything will remain the same. You should think about it carefully."

After finishing speaking, Shi Kuang strode out, he was going to find his lord Yi.

Shi Yi is Shi Xie's younger brother. He was overjoyed when he heard that his son had returned safely, and he took his son back to the mansion for further questioning.

After learning about what happened in Hepu, he gloated and said, "Back then when the Shi Hui wanted to rebel, and those in the clan who refused to obey were scolded by him, I see what he should do now."

When Shi Kuang heard this, he was taken aback, "Does your lord also agree with your clan brother's rebellion against Wu?"

Shi Yi sneered, "Since he became the head of the family, he has never looked down on others. Even my uncle, who is willing to obey him? It's not just me who disagrees, even your third uncle I also disagree."

Shi Kuang's third uncle is Shi Kuang.

The Shi family can have today's foundation in Jiaozhou, in addition to Shi Xie, and the concerted efforts of several of their brothers, each occupying one side of Jiaozhou, and exchanging voices.

Now that Shi Hui regards himself as the head of the family, he doesn't pay attention to the two uncles, which naturally arouses their dissatisfaction.

So in the battle between Shi Hui and Huan's family, Shi Yi all stood by and waited and watched.

Only then did Shi Kuang suddenly realize, "I said, how can our Shi family fall into such a state of desperation that we can't even beat the Huan family. It turns out that the lord and the third uncle didn't do anything."

"Not only did we not contribute, we were both on the sidelines, and Shi Hui's brothers beat them, so that they could wake up. The Shi Hui's brothers are not in charge of this Shi family. Without us elders, they can help everyone What's up?"

When Shi Kuang heard the words, he could only sigh, the Shi family had reached the critical point of life and death, and they were still fighting among themselves. It seemed that the Shi family really could not escape this catastrophe.

"My lord, the Wu army has arrived. With the state of our scholars, it seems that there is no way to resist it. Let's find a way out as soon as possible."

Shi Kuang persuaded.

"It doesn't matter." Shi Yi didn't care, "This time when Shi Hui rebelled against Wu, my third brother and I stayed behind closed doors and didn't make a clear statement. No matter how much the Lord Wu blames, we can't blame us. On the contrary. As for the school of Shihui, I'm afraid it will be doomed."

Shi Yi said, with a smug expression on his face, "Even if Shi Hui is defeated by then, Wu Guo still has to ask our Shi family to help calm people's hearts?"

The Shi family has been operating in Jiaozhou for several generations, no matter who takes over Jiaozhou, they cannot avoid them.

Therefore, the supporters watched from the sidelines, neither offended, and could only place bets at the last moment. That's what my elder brother did back then.

My nephew is still too immature.

"Even so, we can't just sit and wait." Shi Kuang said in a low voice, "Instead of waiting for Wu soldiers to arrive, we should take the initiative to show our favor and let Lord Wu know our sincerity, so as not to be affected by Shi Hui."

"Wait a little longer."

Shi Yi still wanted to wait.

After Shi Kuang set off, Lu Dai reorganized his troops and horses, and led his troops to follow closely on the second day.

On the third day after Shi Kuang came back, Wu's army had already arrived at the foot of Jiaozhi City, and had set up a formation.

When Shi Hui climbed to the top of the city, he was shocked to see the huge and well-organized Wu army below.

Looking back at the few brothers behind him, everyone was pale, and immediately sighed, and ordered, "Open the city gate."

After a while, the Jiaozhi City Gate opened with a bang.

Shi Hui came out first, followed by his brother Shi Zhi, his brothers Shi Gan, Shi Song and others. Everyone took off their shirts and left their upper body naked.

A few people walked to the front of the formation and knelt down, only to hear Shihui shout loudly, "Sinner Hui, who dare not resist the heavenly soldiers, is here to accept his sin and suffer death."

A group of people hurried out of the gate of the camp, and the leader was Lu Dai.

I could only hear him laughing loudly, and he came before the people arrived, "Why should the general be like this? Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it. Please get up quickly! Come here, bring your clothes!"

Lu Dai took the clothes from the guards and put them on the badge with his own hands.

"Thank you General Lu!"

Sensing Lu Dai's kindness, Shi Hui's trembling body calmed down, and he said with a choked voice, "It is an unforgivable crime for a sinner to be confused for a while, and to trouble the general to lead his army from afar."

"It's over, the scholar's family ruled Jiaozhou for a long time, that's a credit. The general also said that he was confused for a while, as long as he returned to the right path in time."

Lu Dai said generously, "Don't worry, General, Your Majesty has always been tolerant and will not blame you."

One was pretending to be generous, and the other was flattering. For a moment, the atmosphere between the two parties was extremely harmonious.

After the fall of Jiaozhi, Lu Dai moved into the county mansion, ordered the soldiers to confiscate the weapons of the Shijiazong soldiers, and let Wu soldiers take over the city defense.

On the second day, they asked people to set up a tent in the mansion, saying that they were going to have a banquet for Shi Hui brothers.

Shi Hui and the others were flattered and rushed to the county mansion early, but found that there was no place for themselves and others, so they asked with a smile, "General Lu, the banquet is too small, please ask for a seat."

Lu Dai, who was chatting with him yesterday, sneered, stood up, and ordered, "Take the talisman festival and the imperial edict!"

The personal guard presented the talisman and the imperial edict bestowed by Sun Quan. Lu Dai held the talisman in his arms, held the imperial edict, and said loudly, "An insignia of a traitor who resists the king's order is disloyal; killing a loyal person is unrighteous; crossing a state indiscriminately is a crime of disobedience." The people are in the water and fire, because they are not benevolent..."

When Shi Hui heard this, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and he shouted hissingly, "General Lu, you said not to pursue the past and let me be a rich man. Why did you break your promise today?"

Lu Dai sneered, "Soldiers come from afar, how can they return without success?"

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers in the tent smiled knowingly.

"Mr. Zhang, you are a son of a famous Jiangdong family. I believed your words at the beginning, and that's why I was willing to leave the city and surrender. Why did you hurt me so much?"

Seeing what Lu Dai said, Shi Hui knew that there was no hope, so he quickly turned to Zhang Bai who was aside.

Although he knew that the hope was slim, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would hold on to it tightly.

Zhang Bai had been stunned by Lu Dai's actions for a long time, and when he heard Shi Hui's words, he was shocked and was about to speak.

Lu Dai ignored him and shouted directly, "What are you waiting for?"

I saw a swarm of knives and axes who had been ambushing for a long time, hacked the unarmed Shi Hui brothers to death, chopped off their heads, and spread them all over Jiaozhi City.

Lu Dai and all the soldiers laughed out loud, making them remove the curtain and wash away the blood.

"This place can't be cleaned for a while, everyone should go to the next door, and the banquet has already been set up by then."

Lu Dai laughed and said.

Everyone coaxed to agree.

Only Zhang Bai remained silent and fell behind.

After the banquet, Zhang Bai found an opportunity to meet Lu Dai alone.

"Why did Mr. Zhang see me?"

Lu Dai fiddled with the ivory in his hand and asked casually.

In front of him, there are all kinds of spices, such as pearls, big shells, colored glaze, emeralds, etc., all found from the county mansion.

"Back to the general, Bai has something to ask."

"What is it?"

"The Shi family once had the grace to save Bai's life, and the brothers of the Shi family have friendship with Bai. Now that he died, although he took it himself, but the body was exposed to the wild, and finally Bai Yu couldn't bear it, so Bai wanted the general to allow him to die. bury."


Hearing this, Lu Dai finally raised his head, stared at Zhang Bai and remained silent.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Bai's back.

After a long time, Lu Dai nodded, "Okay."

"Thank you General!"

Zhang Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

With Lu Dai's permission, Zhang Bai received the headless corpses of the four Shihui brothers. He asked people to weave the heads out of straw, sew them together with the corpses, and find a place to bury them. Only then did they feel at ease.

At the same time, he whispered in front of Shi Hui's tomb, "General Shi, I wrote a letter to persuade you to surrender when Lu Dai said in public that he would save you from death. But I didn't expect him to break his promise for the sake of utilitarianism. I really didn't lie to you on purpose." .”

"Now I've also got the name of deceiving others. I really regret it. I'm sorry for you..."

After murmuring for a long time, Zhang Bai got up and went back to the city.

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