Lu Dai lured Shi Hui and others to surrender, and then broke his promise to kill them, which aroused the panic of Shi Xie's old tribe, as well as Gan Li, Huan Zhi and others from Jiaozhou's big clans. Big dissatisfaction.

So Ganli and Huanzhi led the officials and people, as well as Shihui's clan soldiers to attack Jiaozhi City. At the same time, all places in Jiaozhou were indignant when they heard the news that Shihui's brothers had been killed, and they raised their troops to respond.

For a while, Jiaozhou fell into war again.

Lu Dai didn't expect the Shi family's prestige in Jiaozhou to be so great, so while dispatching troops to defeat Gan Li, Huan Zhi and others, he promised Shi Yi and Shi that they would maintain the privileges of the Shi family in Jiaozhou.

So Shiyi and Shicai led their troops out of the city to help Lu Dai put down the chaos.

With the appearance of the scholars, the rebellion quickly subsided.

Lu Dai then took advantage of the victory and marched against Jiuzhen County. Wherever the army went, it was invincible. So far, Jiaozhou has finally been truly included in Soochow's jurisdiction.

The news of Lu Dai's great victory spread to Wuchang. Sun Quan was overjoyed and granted Lu Dai the title of Marquis of Panyu and was promoted to General of Zhennan.

At the same time, after Lu Dai took control of the entire territory of Jiaozhou, he immediately turned his face again, and took the edict issued by Sun Quan himself, announcing the crimes of the scholars, and all his clansmen were demoted to common people.

A few years later, Shi Yi and Shi were executed for breaking the law.

In August of the same year, Sun Quan considered that the south had been settled, so he took advantage of the fact that the new northern king ascended the throne and the people's hearts were unstable, and personally led the army to attack Jiangxia County, where Cao Wei belonged, intending to take the entire Jiangxia into his hands.

Wenpin, the prefect of Jiangxia, guarded the city, and at the same time sent envoys to call for help from the court.

In order to prevent Cao Xiu from Xiangyang from coming to support, Sun Quan ordered Jiangling in Jingzhou to send troops at the same time to attack Xiangyang.

The military situation in Jiangxia and Xiangyang soon spread to Luoyang. After Cao Rui hurriedly called Cao Zhen, Chen Qun, Sima Yi and others into the palace to discuss countermeasures, Sima Yi, the general of Fujun, left the city overnight and rushed to Jingzhou.

At the court meeting held on the second day, officials of all sizes from Cao Wei felt that they should send troops to Jingzhou immediately.

Only Cao Rui sat on the throne indifferently, and said slowly, "Wu people are used to fighting on water, and now they dare to disembark and fight on land because our army is unprepared. Now that Sun Quan and Wenpin are at each other in Jiangxia County, it shows that Wenpin already has ready."

"There is a saying in the art of war, ten to encircle, five to attack, and double to divide. Now that Sun Quan's army is less than twice that of Wenpin's army, he must not dare to hold on for too long, and will retreat soon."

"As for Xiangyang, there is no need to worry. Xiangyang's terrain is dangerous and there is General Zhengdong (Cao Xiu) in charge, so it will be safe."

After hearing this, the courtiers below couldn't help but secretly marvel at the calmness of the new emperor.

Just when Luoyang was dispatching troops and generals, when the new emperor ascended the throne, the imperial court sent Xun Yu, the governor and censor, to comfort the frontier. At this time, Xun Yu just arrived in Jiangxia. More than 1,000 county soldiers from surrounding counties went to support.

When Xun Yu saw Wu soldiers surrounding Jiangxia, he ordered the county soldiers to climb the mountain quietly at night, holding torches and shouting.

Sun Quan was only tentative towards Jiang Xia, and had no intention of fighting to the death. When he saw the torches on the mountains on both sides, he thought it was Cao Wei's reinforcements. He was terrified, so he withdrew overnight, and the siege of Jiang Xia was lifted.

Once the siege of Jiangxia is resolved, Zhuge Jin in Xiangyang will face the two generals Cao Wei, Cao Xiu and Sima Yi alone.

Sima Yi first defeated Zhuge Jin and killed his general Zhang Ba, and Cao Xiu defeated his other generals from the flank.

Zhuge Jin fled back to Jiangling in embarrassment.

When the news reached Luoyang, all the ministers remembered Cao Rui's calmness before and admired him immensely, so the prestige of the new emperor began to be established.

After this battle, Cao Xiu saw that Wu's soldiers were weak and unable to fight, so he felt contemptuous.

Feng Yong, who learned of Cao Pi's death and the Jiaozhou Rebellion, has been using his network to pay close attention to the news of Cao Wei and Soochow.

Knowing the insane operations of the aboriginal clans in Jiaozhou as quickly as possible, and seeing Sun Quan perfectly explaining what the title of Sun Shiwan is once again, Feng Yong, who was standing on the ground watching others fishing in the experimental field, almost ran away on the spot.

Damn Lao Tzu had persuaded Shi Hui to surrender voluntarily through the relationship of the Xu family a few months ago, and persuaded Zhuge Lao Yao not to intervene in the Jiaozhou chaos for the time being, and finally promised the benefits of brown sugar.

It is to allow Soochow to take advantage of this rare opportunity to concentrate on dealing with Cao Wei.

Such a dangerous position in Xiangyang, why didn't you take the opportunity to take it with all your strength?

Want to have a chance later?


Feng Yong cursed loudly.

If Soochow takes Xiangyang, Cao Wei's Jingzhou Army will definitely not dare to raise more troops when Zhuge Laoyao goes to the Northern Expedition in the next year. At that time, the fault tolerance rate of the Northern Expedition will be higher.

Hello, hello everyone, good thing, this Sun Shiwan turned into such a ball!


Feng Tubie spat hard into the field.

The millet in the rice field has turned yellow, and it will be harvested in a few days. Today, the water in the field must be drained, and the fish in it must be fished out first.

Hualan looked novel, rolled up her trouser legs, and once again showed Bai Shengsheng's calves, carrying a small wooden bucket, went to the field to fish, and every time she caught one, she yelled there, playing very happily.

Just when I touched Feng Yong, I saw this man spit at my feet, and I was furious immediately, "Hey... Are you disgusting? You are still a prince, and you don't even have etiquette. Not ashamed?"

Feng Yong spit out a mouthful of saliva, and saw a pair of calves. Even though they were covered with mud, they still couldn't hide their tenderness. He was about to apologize, but before he could say anything, he was directly scolded by Huahuan for apologizing. went back.

"You are still a young gentleman, and you don't do business all day long. Is this what you do? Why don't you go to the horse farm to raise horses? You are like a peasant woman, and you have manners?"

Feng Yong never backed down from flirting with Hualan, and immediately started spraying.

"Besides, I also spread manure in this field! Don't you have fun? Put your hands in the field and feel it, so you don't feel sick?"

"If you have the ability, don't come to my yard to eat and drink again! The food I eat is collected from the field where the manure is scattered."

Bo da bo da said for a while, and choked the flower ring to death, almost rolled his eyes.

Seeing her trembling with anger, she almost couldn't help but smashed the small wooden barrel in her hand directly.

That's a rogue!


Seeing that the two were tearing apart again, Guan Ji on the side hurriedly tried to dissuade her, "Okay, Mrs. Hua, brother, he didn't do it on purpose, I apologize to you on his behalf, he is in a bad mood, don't worry about it. "

Guan Jiashiro is the biggest weakness of Hualan. As soon as Guan Suo opened her mouth, in order to maintain a good image in front of her sweetheart, she took a deep breath and put a smile on her face, "Guan Langjun said Yes, I will not have the same knowledge as this kind of person."

After finishing speaking, he snorted at Feng Yong again, and left with his head held high, deliberately avoiding the point where his saliva fell.

At the same time, he thought to himself, the more rough and rough this Feng was, the more Mr. Guan could see his true face. The longer time passed, the more Mr. Guan would tire of him.

I can't be like a shrew, lest Mr. Guan look down on me.

"Brother was fine just now, why did he suddenly become like this?"

As Guan Ji said, her eyes fell on the paper in Feng Yong's hand. A Lang became irritable after reading the content on it, and he didn't know what was written on it.

"Shiro, take a look too."

Feng Yong handed over the paper and said helplessly.

"Soochow failed to attack Cao Wei?"

Guan Ji took it over, and after reading it, she frowned slightly, "Sun Quan personally led the army to hide his surprise, and when Cao Wei's hearts were fluctuating, he couldn't beat a little Jiangxia?"

"Yes, Sun Shiwan really deserves his title."

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and said.

"Sun Shiwan?"

Guan Ji was stunned.

"Leading 100,000 troops personally, Zhang Liao defeated them by 800. Now they are attacking Jiangxia with great fanfare. They claim to have tens of thousands of people, but they are frustrated by the mere city that Wenpin guards. If it is not Sun Shiwan, what is it?"

Feng Yong said angrily.

When Guan Ji heard this, she couldn't hold back for a while, and smiled "puchi", "Brother, what you said is too vicious."

"What I said is the truth!"

Feng Yong really felt aggrieved, claiming that tens of thousands of people could not defeat Jiangxia, nor could they defeat Xiangyang. Such a good opportunity of Cao Wei's funeral was missed in vain.

On the other hand, Cao Wei, Cao Rui just took this opportunity to build up his prestige, and this Sun Shiwan was simply trying to gain experience for others on purpose, he was really a teammate like a pig.

What's even more disgusting is that he also promised to give up part of the brown sugar profits!

Feng Tubie had almost seen Soochow's ugly face: I fought, but I couldn't, so you can't blame me, can you? Brown sugar or something, if you promised, you have to give it to me too!

This is amazing!

"My elder brother once told me that victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Why are you so concerned about the defeat of Soochow by Cao Wei?"

Seeing Feng Yong's look of great hatred and bitterness, Guan Ji was really puzzled.

"It's just that I don't feel dissatisfied with Soochow's behavior of doing great things and sacrificing his life, greedy for small profits and forgetting righteousness."

Feng Yong shook his head and sighed softly, "These people in Jiangdong only care about the immediate future and don't care about the long-term, that is, the power of the big man is weak, so we can only cooperate with them, otherwise...huh!"

"Brother, what you mean is that Soochow just put on a show and didn't try his best?"

After all, Guan Ji was Feng Yong's bedside person, and when she heard this, she immediately understood.

"If you try your best, it won't be like this."

Feng Yong shook his head, "It's said to be in the tens of thousands, and if there are 20,000 to 30,000, it will be the sky. Soochow is unwilling to face Cao Wei alone, and the big man must do something."

"How did brother see it?"

Guan Ji asked curiously.

"Lu Xun."

"Lu Xun?"

"Yes," Feng Yong nodded, "the Zhang family sent a letter, mentioning something, saying that Lu Xun went back to Wu County to visit relatives and asked about my affairs. Counting the time, it happened to be when Soochow attacked Jiangxia and Xiangyang when."

"Looking at the power of the army, Lu Xun is very wise and strategic, and he is the governor of Jingzhou. He is a rare figure. If Dongwu really wants to take Xiangyang, he should lead the army, not Zhuge who is famous for his virtue. Please."

That's right, Zhuge Jin's virtue is praised by others, and he is good at internal affairs, but that is of no use in attacking Xiangyang!

If you are capable, ask Lu Xun to lead the troops!

Lu Xun and Sun Quan had a falling out more than ten years later. Now Sun Quan learns from Liu Beituo, the lonely Zhuge old monster, and has 100% trust in Lu Xun. Lu Xun even has Sun Quan's jade seal in his hand.

For such a big event as raising troops to attack Xiangyang, Lu Xun, the governor of Jingzhou, happened to go back to Wu County to visit relatives. Is it such a coincidence?

This tactic is very similar to when Lu Xun persuaded Lu Meng to pretend to be sick and return to Jianye to recuperate in order to show Guan Yu!

But at that time, Lu Meng's return to Jianye was a lie, and it was true that he lightened Guan Yu's heart and secretly plotted Jingzhou.

This time Lu Xun went back to Wu County to visit relatives, it was fake, and it was true that he did not want Soochow to face the pressure of Cao Wei.

"There is some truth to what you said, but after all, it's just my brother's speculation and has no real basis. It's okay to talk about it in private, but don't tell others to listen to it, lest you be caught."

Speaking of hatred for Soochow, Guan Ji certainly does not belong to anyone, but now that she is Feng Yong's wife, she has to think about Feng Yong.

It was A Lang who persuaded the prime minister to reunite with Soochow at the beginning. If he made such remarks now and was listened to by interested people, I am afraid that Yu A Lang's reputation would be damaged.

"I know." Feng Yong sighed. He was able to come to this conclusion, of course not only the speculation just mentioned, but also the various practices of Soochow after the re-alliance between Han and Wu.

During the first Northern Expedition, Soochow took advantage of Cao Wei to take away part of the Jingzhou Corps, and then took the opportunity to launch the Battle of Shiting.

The performance of Eastern Wu in the Battle of Shiting, and the weak performance of Cao Pi's attack on Xiangyang and Jiangxia when Cao Pi just died, are completely two extremes, so Feng Yong suspects that Eastern Wu is simply acting this time.

"Eastern Wu used deceit to establish the country. If we talk about the Battle of Chibi, it was because the two armies were confronting each other, so there was nothing to talk about."

"However, Wu's bad habit of dishonesty has been around for a long time. Not to mention the three counties of Jingzhou were forcibly taken at the beginning, after Jingzhou was divided equally, when Guan Laojunhou attacked Xiangyang, he betrayed the alliance and attacked."

"After the battle of Yiling, it was enough to profess ministers to Cao Wei on the surface, but secretly sent people to Baidi City to ask for peace with the late emperor. His double-sided desire to please, and his desire to do things that are both right and wrong, showed himself to others."

"Now that Han and Wu are forming an alliance, the prime minister has sent a lot of wool and promised the benefits of brown sugar, and taking Xiangyang, the land of Jingzhou will no longer have to worry about the threat of Cao Wei, which is also of great benefit to Soochow."

"I didn't expect that they promised well on the surface, but in the end they fought such a bad battle. How could it not be extremely irritating?"

"His ruler is capricious, and his ministers are also capricious. Sun Quan sent Lu Dai to quell the rebellion in Jiaozhou. Shi Hui and his brothers got the promise of saving their lives, so they surrendered at Kaicheng. Unexpectedly, their heads were beheaded to reap military merits. "

"At the same time, they took the opportunity to force the scholars and people of Jiaozhou to turn against them, and in the name of countering the rebellion, plundered all kinds of treasures. Shi Xie's two brothers, Shi Yi and Shi, ignored Shi Hui's fate, credulously believed in their promises, and came out to help Lu Dai put down the Jiaozhou rebellion. "

"Now that the Jiaozhou incident has just happened, all members of the Shi family have been demoted to common people. The foundation accumulated by the poor Shi family for several generations was wiped out in one day."

Feng Yong smiled wryly and shook his head, feeling that Wu Guo's food was really disgusting.

"Lv Dai is an old minister of the Wu State. He has made promises to the scholars several times, and broke his promises in public several times. His capricious style has really penetrated into the bones of the monarchs and ministers of Eastern Wu."

The Jiaozhou incident actually didn't have much impact on the big man, but it did have an impact on Zhang Bai. After all, he was a guarantor at the beginning.

The Shi family has great influence in Jiaozhou, so Lu Dai dug a deep pit to bury Zhang Bai in doing so.

"Now that Zhang Bai's reputation in Jiaozhou is bad, it seems that he can no longer be relied on to deal with the big clans in Jiaozhou regarding the sugarcane matter in Jiaozhou. Now the only hope is that Soochow can truly control Jiaozhou."

Feng Yong sighed for a long time, and then praised, "This move is really wonderful! In this way, no matter how dissatisfied we are, we can only ask them."

When Guan Ji heard this, she finally understood why her family, Alang, had such a big resentment towards Soochow, "I don't know who can calculate things so carefully and thoroughly."

"Who else? Now the Soochow Wu can make such a plan, only Lu Xun."

Feng Tubie, who had suffered a dark loss, had to be convinced. It seems that none of the famous people in history is simple.

You can't rely on others, it seems that you can only rely on yourself.

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