Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 541 You Forced Me

Soochow's unsightly food makes Feng Yongda disgusted, but now the source of sugar cane all comes from Jiaozhou.

The sugarcane groves that Shijia worked so hard to plant in the spring of this year are all cheaper than Soochow.

No matter how unwilling Feng Yong was, he had to hold his nose and admit the truth. After all, if he wanted sugarcane now, he could only get it from Soochow.

"I finally know what the late emperor was like when he was with the prime minister."

Feng Yong let out a long sigh.

This kind of thing of holding one's nose and enduring nausea but being helpless about it is really maddening.

The big man is like a down-and-out Bai Fumei. Because his family property was taken away, he rented a storefront from a wretched man surnamed Sun and partnered with him in business in order to make a comeback.

At first, things went smoothly. Seeing that the partnership business between the two is booming, Bai Fumei even has enough energy to open a chain store.

Therefore, Bai Fumei plans to list the company's operations and compete with the company surnamed Cao, who has occupied his own property.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Evil saw the ferocious momentum of Bai Fumei's company, secretly found the wretched man, promised him a large sum of money, and at the same time analyzed the pros and cons with the wretched man, saying that if Bai Fumei succeeded, he would definitely kick him.

The wretched man is afraid of being beaten by the wicked young man, and at the same time, he dreams of getting that large sum of money, and he also covets the company owned by Bai Fumei. Seeing that Bai Fumei has opened a new chain store, he is also afraid that Bai Fumei will abandon him, so He agreed to cooperate with Evil Young Master.

The night before Bai Fumei's company was going to go public, the wretched man fell in love with Bai Fumei, and then called the evil boy...

After Bai Fumei woke up, she found that not only had she been tarnished, but even half of the company's assets had been transferred by the wretched man, and even the first rented store was taken back.

So she angrily went to find the wretched man to settle the score. The wretched man was still very guilty at first, but when he saw Bai Fumei's disheveled clothes, he became lustful and tricked her into his room, and then took Bai Fumei's clothes. Fumi defiled once.

Bai Fumei suffers such a big loss in a row, but in the end she has to knock out her teeth and swallow it in her stomach. In order to deal with her number one enemy, Evil Shao, she can only smile again, endure the nausea, and cooperate with the wretched man again.

Now this wretched man is still thinking of doing something?

I can't bear it decisively!

"Guanduyou, pass my order to the three counties of Qiongdu, Suqi, and Dengtai. Next autumn, I will conduct a capital test. The males in these three counties have cultivated land, and they must practice the army during the slack time."

Feng Yong finally made up his mind: You forced me to do this.

At least one hundred years of life must be extended for the big man, otherwise I don't even have the right to lie in bed and die of old age.

The so-called Dushi refers to the military service system implemented in the former Han Dynasty, and military exercises are held once a year.

The former Han Dynasty implemented the system of all people serving as soldiers. According to reason, men who have reached the age of 23 among the common people have to take turns to serve in the central government for one year. This is the guard.

As for why it is twenty-three years old, it is because at that time, twenty can be counted as a small, and they can farm independently.

According to the farming level at that time, "three years of farming, one year's savings", three years of farming can save a year's rations, so the male in the family was asked to farm for three years before he was conscripted to serve for one year.

As for the local soldiers, they are called conscripts. They have been serving since they were twenty years old. They have to perform a concentrated exercise once a year for one month. They go home after the period expires. If there is something wrong with the country, they are temporarily recruited. The mouth age has been lowered to fifteen years old.

Regardless of whether it is the central army or the local army, the annual test is a kind of assessment and test of combat capabilities.

As soon as there is a war, troops can be assembled quickly. It is a military service system that hides soldiers from the people.

It was thanks to this military service system that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty provided a strong force to sweep the Xiongnu.

But it was precisely because of the frequent wars during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, coupled with the continuous annexation of cultivated land, the reduction of self-cultivating farmers, and the shortage of military resources, the conscription system was added on the basis of the conscription system.

Later, Emperor Guangwu restored the Han Dynasty with the support of the powerful landlords. Because the powerful landlords seized a large amount of cultivated land, the Later Han had to abolish the conscription system and completely change it to a military recruitment system.

The recruitment system can produce professional soldiers, but it will also cause a burden on the country, and the source of recruited soldiers is likely to have an attachment effect on generals, which lays a hidden danger for local divisions.

When Liu Bei entered Shu, most of the troops of the Han Dynasty were Jingzhou soldiers and Dongzhou soldiers, which were regarded as the source of recruits. Later, after the Battle of Hanzhong and the Battle of Yiling, these two sources of soldiers were exhausted.

The veteran of hundreds of battles was wiped out by Liu Bei, and the only thing left was handed over to Li Yan.

The old demon Zhuge had no choice but to partially restore the national conscription system in the former Han Dynasty to tap the war potential of Shu.

Most of the troops for the Southern Expedition were recruited from the registered population in Shu.

The national conscription system, even in the time of national unification like the former Han Dynasty, must pay great attention to the rotation of civilian husbands, let alone the big Han who only occupies one state today?

So this is a great test of the governance level of the old demon Zhuge.

Obviously, Feng Yong intends to go further on the basis of the Han prime minister's implementation of the universal conscription system and restore the system of all examinations.

Anyway, there are few people in today's land, so it's not a problem to survive for a hundred years.

As for what to do after a hundred years, that is something for future generations to consider!

"What about the nomadic tribe?"

Propagating the teaching order is one of the duties of the postal supervisor, and Guan Ji is the postal supervisor of Yuexuan.

Guan Ji didn't understand the conscription system. She only knew that the more troops she had, the better. It's just that people with land in their families could talk about it, but what about those tribes that hadn't settled down yet?

"Nomadic tribes..."

Feng Yong pondered for a while, "Anyone who is willing to pay for food, fur cloth, salt, medicinal materials, etc., I believe those leaders know how to do it."

There are many people who starve to death and freeze to death every year. As long as Feng Yong can provide enough compensation, these barbarian people are high-quality mercenaries.

Otherwise, where did Wang Ping's personal guards come from?

As for the tribal leaders who don't want to give birth... Anyway, there are more ways than difficulties.

Guiwang Feng is rampant in Nanzhong, so he is afraid of such a small problem?

"Feng Changshi, is it possible for the Detachment of Women to participate?"

Guan Ji was shocked, and finally asked a question.



Guan Ji cupped her fists and said loudly.

Hualan followed the voice and looked over, Feng Yong grinned at her, his white teeth shining brightly under the sun.


Hualan spit at him.

Feng Tubie didn't care, anyway, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to win Guan Ji's heart, let alone her body.

With this sense of superiority, Feng Yong felt that it was a beautiful thing to sleep with Guan Ji in his arms at night.

But for some reason, my mother-in-law didn't go to bed on time as usual tonight, she was still lying at the table, writing something.

He couldn't help but go over curiously, "What is Xijun writing?"

"The military rules of the Detachment of Women. Didn't Alang say that you have to take part in the Detachment of Women's Army? Naturally, I have to think about it carefully, so as not to be ashamed when I get it."

Guan Ji said without raising her head, flipping through the "Military Exercise Code" compiled by Feng Yong from time to time, it seems to be used as a reference.

"It's late at night, Xijun, why don't you stay up late, go to sleep first? We'll talk about it later."

Feng Yong persuaded.

"Don't worry, it's a little bit worse here, Alang, let's go to bed first, I will change this place again."

Guan Ji's attention was immersed in her own affairs, and she casually said to Feng Yong.

When Feng Yong heard this, he felt a little helpless, "As a long history, I am in charge of a county's military administration, and I am not as busy as you. This kind of thing is not something that happens overnight. You have to take your time. Anyway, there is still a year. Obedient, go to sleep first?"

"Nowadays, who doesn't know that Ah Lang has a sense of understanding? As long as you give the order, someone will help to settle the matter. With regard to the Detachment of Women, apart from the concubine, only Hua Niangzi can help. How can the concubine not worry about it?"

"Floral garland?"

Feng Yong was taken aback.

"Yeah, the Detachment of Women, we can only draw people from her tribe first. Besides her, who else can help? I finished writing tonight, and I have to discuss it with her tomorrow."

What else did I say today? Looks like this, are you planning to give her your heart?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly felt a little sour, hugged Guan Ji, and said, "Reading too much at night will hurt your eyes. For my sake, I think you should go to bed first."

"Oh! I hate it!" How could Guan Ji be attacked by someone? Immediately, he slapped Feng Yong's salty pig's hand, and said coquettishly, "It interrupted my concubine's train of thought!"

Then he thought of something, turned around, and said softly, "It's not convenient for me tonight, why don't you let Amei stay with Alang for a night?"


What did you say?

You mean, throw me out, right?

Feng Yong became angry immediately, and snorted, "You said that!"

"It's what my concubine said." Guan Ji said magnanimously, "Amei is also a concubine after all. When it's not convenient for her to accompany her, isn't that what she should do?"

Feng Yong took a closer look at Guan Ji's appearance, seeing that she really didn't look like she was joking, so he nodded and sighed, "I thought it was for your own good to find something for Xijun."

"After all, it would be a pity for a woman like Yi Xijun to be buried in the back house. I didn't expect that she would be a cocoon for herself in the end."

Guan Ji gave a compliment when she heard the words, "This is a good use of the word cocooning oneself."

"I'm telling you the truth!"

Feng Yong's heart was a little on fire.

"The concubine is also serious with A Lang," Guan Ji hugged Feng Yong gently, "I really want to thank A Lang! The reason I am so comfortable today is because A Lang is different from ordinary men, I am very lucky! "

"I beg Ah Lang, how about letting my concubine be self-willed once?"

There is no other way, this woman seems to be determined to be a strong woman, addicted to entrepreneurship, Feng Yong has no choice but to go out of the house and find his concubine.

Seeing Feng Yong's arrival, Ah Mei was really surprised and happy, and regardless of her disheveled hair, she wanted to spread a new layer of sheets on her couch.

Feng Yong waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to go through such trouble, and just lay on it, occupying her pillow, "just put one more pillow."


Ah Mei carried a pillow and put it next to Feng Yong's head, then turned off the lamp, climbed onto the couch softly, and lay down beside Feng Yong timidly.

"What are you doing so far away? Come here."

Feng Yong sniffed the fragrance and said angrily.


Amei replied in a low voice, and quietly moved closer.

"How many chickens and ducks have been hatched these days?"

Amei brought the eggs of the chickens and ducks here, and at the same time, Yaomei, Yaomei has been the steward of the chickens and ducks in the house from the beginning, and she has the most experience in raising chickens and ducks.

It can be said that Feng Zhuang in Jincheng is about to be reduced to an empty shell by Feng Yong.

"My lord, a lot of eggs have been spoiled. One hundred and twenty chickens have hatched, and three hundred and sixty ducks have hatched."

Amei is very sensitive to numbers, so she reported it immediately. She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "My lord, this kind of bastard is really too bad."

"Yeah, it's too wasteful." Feng Yong sighed, "But there is no way to waste any more, time is too tight."

It is necessary to save as much foundation as possible before Zhuge Old Demon's Northern Expedition. It would be a pity not to develop such a good place as Sunshui River Valley as much as possible.

Amei was silent, she didn't know why the time was so tight, but as long as the lord asked, she could only do her best.

"What about the ranch?"

"The ranch is on the right track, and the people who cooperate with Hua Niangzi have been confirmed. There are thirteen families in total. There is no shortage of money and food. I have calculated it. According to the current situation, I am afraid that in winter, the fodder will not be able to keep up. .”

"Don't worry about this. Nanxiang has already sent a lot of alfalfa seeds, which can be planted during this period, and can be harvested before winter."

"Also, during this time, you can go to Wei Rong and ask him to help you find out the number of animals in each tribe, and then you can calculate how much fodder you need for the winter. If you find it difficult, ask Wei Rong for two people."

"However, he is too busy now, and there is not enough manpower, so you have to work harder."

Feng Yongxu babbled and said that with Ah Mei, a senior secretary and a master of mathematics, not only Feng Yong can safely hand over statistical things to her, but even Wei Rong, who is almost exhausted from being too busy, can breathe a sigh of relief.


Amei seemed to like the current feeling very much, and she obviously felt a little joy in her tone.

After talking about some things that Amei was responsible for, the atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and the hand of the soil turtle naturally hugged her.

Amei, like Hualan, is a girl from Nanzhong, with a petite body. When she curls her body up again, she looks even smaller and exquisite compared to Feng Yong's somewhat majestic figure.

Coupled with Feng Yong's insistence on exercising these years, his physical fitness is not as good as that of Zhao Guang who practiced martial arts since childhood, but he is still much stronger than ordinary people.

Amei's begging for mercy sounded soon.

When he woke up the next morning, Feng Yong was still full of energy. He glanced at Amei who was still sleeping comfortably, and felt a sense of conquest in his heart, but at the same time he was a little dissatisfied and said, "After all, I still have more fun with Xijun..."

After a few days, after harvesting the rice from the experimental field, Meng Yan, the prefect of Yuexi who seldom showed himself in front of Feng Yong, finally made a mistake. He came to say goodbye to Feng Yong, because he was going back to Jincheng. .

Although I don't know why Meng Yan, the prefect, can run around, but this is something Zhuge Lao Yao has to worry about, Feng Yong said he knows.

The first thing Meng Yan did after returning to Jincheng was to run to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Going to the mountains and going to the countryside?"

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was stunned when he heard Meng Yan's words.

"Yes, Feng Langjun, uh, Feng Changshi dismissed most of the soldiers from Nanxiang, only Baibai was with him, and the rest let them go to the three counties of Qiongdu, Suqi, and Dengtai. Every country pavilion."

"Organize farming on weekdays to educate the people, and organize conscripts to practice military formations during the slack season."

When the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty heard Meng Yan's words, he grasped the key point very keenly, "Be clear, is it to go to the township or to the pavilion?"

"I heard it's here."

"Here? Are you sure?"

Zhuge Liang's sharp eyes stared closely at Meng Yan who was standing below with his head bowed.

"Feng Changshi did say so."

Meng Yan lowered his head, unable to see the face of the big Han prime minister who was suddenly happy and worried.

In the Han system, five families form a team, ten families form a siege, and a hundred families form a mile. After that, there are pavilions, townships, and finally counties.

When the Han Dynasty was first established, Emperor Gaozu set up the village elder system, which indeed played a major role in restoring the stability of the world. However, as time went on, especially since the later Han Dynasty, this system also led to the result that the imperial power did not go to the countryside. .

The imperial government's decree can only be conveyed to the county seat, and further down, it can only be helped by the famous and famous local villagers.

Now Feng Mingwen sent Nanxiang soldiers to the inner level under the slogan of "going up to the mountains and going to the countryside".

What do the soldiers of Nanxiang look like? How could the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, who has been paying close attention to Nanxiang, not know?

Just being able to read and write can guarantee that Feng Yong can directly convey his government orders to them, and then through their hands, to every household.

Efficient and effective.

The most important thing is that the government's decrees can directly reach the bottom.

There is no need to rely on local fame and the like.

Today's village elders, local fame, who are they?

They are all big local clans, and they are all representatives of aristocratic families.

Zhuge Liang figured this out, and his heart beat violently.

That's it, that's it!

This kid has gone through so much trouble, spent so much money, food, time, and energy to promote literacy and print books in Nanxiang, so it turned out that it was for today!

I said how could he be so kind?

The prime minister of the great man with a strong desire to control immediately imagined that if all the great men could implement this method, what kind of aristocratic family would he be afraid of?

Just remembering that Yuejue is a newly established place, and the special circumstances make it possible to implement it, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but sigh.

When Feng Yong was sent there, it was because there was nothing there and he could start from scratch. No one could stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

If you want to do the same in Dahan Neijun, how difficult is it?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help feeling a little helpless, and asked again, "What is he still doing in Yueyu?"

"Fish is raised in the newly opened fields, and a lot of fish are collected. Feng Changshi ordered a batch of salt to be transported from Dingjia, and made salted fish from the fish that could not be eaten. According to Feng Changshi, this Raising fish in the newly opened fields can help weeds, and the food will grow better in the coming year.”

Zhuge Liang listened and nodded, "I know this. Jiang Canjun mentioned it to me a few months ago. I didn't expect him to develop it. I heard that he also raised fish in the rice field. ?”

"Yes. There is a field that was opened by Feng Changshi. Rice was planted and fish were raised in it. The fish was just caught a few days ago, and the millet was also harvested at the same time. The millet in that field did indeed grow. Well, it doesn't look like a new wasteland at all."

Meng Yan replied respectfully, telling all he knew in detail.

Zhuge Liang sighed, "It's really rare to be able to govern the army and the people. Do you think he will be able to succeed in the three counties of the Sunshui River Valley next year?"

The method of all tests had been abolished at the beginning of the Later Han Dynasty.

In addition to the fact that the actual situation does not allow it, the local county magistrate is given too much power because of the law of all trials.

Today's Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has some conflicts in his heart. A considerable part of the reason for the prosperity of the former Han Dynasty is due to the method of all tests, which is what the Han Dynasty urgently needs at present.

It doesn't matter if someone helps to restore the method of all attempts without disturbing Dahan Nei County, even if it fails, this is naturally what Zhuge Liang is happy to see.

But if it caused the sheriff to have too much power, that would be something he didn't want to see.

"This... the lower officials don't know either."

Meng Yan said hesitantly, in fact, what he wanted to say was: This depends on the meaning of the prime minister.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty hesitated for a long time before making up his mind, "Let's just watch it first. After you go back, send a message to Feng Changshi for me, saying that I want to draw 500 soldiers from Nanxiang, and see what he says."

Meng Yan hurriedly said, "Your official understands."

At the same time, he let out a long breath secretly, only feeling that his back was a little wet.

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