Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 542: Nanxiang Ranger

The prefect of Yuejue got the instructions from the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and ran back to Yuejue in a hurry, and conveyed the meaning of the central government to the governor of Yuejue.

"Five hundred grain officials?!"

When Feng Yong learned what the prime minister meant from Meng Yan, he immediately yelled, "Prefect Meng, are you sure it's five hundred? Not fifty?"

"Of course it's five hundred."

Meng Yan said with certainty.

When Feng Yong heard this, his face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

This shit is more than just drawing blood?

It's basically digging a hole in his chest, preparing to install a water pump, and pumping himself into a mummy!

The best talents in Nanxiang are naturally the students who can graduate from the school.

After all, when they are young, it is time to study, and the closed nature allows them to concentrate on studying without other interference, and learning knowledge is the fastest.

In addition, they also know that they must pass the school's assessment and graduate normally in order to get the best way out.

So they have a strong willingness to learn.

After they come out of the school, they go to various places for two years of internship, which opens their eyes, understands the grassroots, and accumulates practical experience. In the future, they will become the best backbone talents at the grassroots level.

Nowadays, most of the staff members who help to handle various government affairs according to their own instructions are the best students who graduated from the school.

Even if this group of people will not be able to become local chief officials because of their backgrounds, they will definitely be competent as the staff of the county magistrate and county magistrate.

It is not impossible for some shit luck to go against the sky, smoke from the ancestral grave, and accidentally sneak into the establishment officially recognized by the imperial court.

But the students who come out of the school are a minority after all, and the direction of flow is firmly controlled by Feng Yong: This kind of talent is not enough for himself, who the f*ck would be an idiot to give it up to others?

As for the second-class talents in Nanxiang, they are the soldiers of Nanxiang.

Nanxiang soldiers are considered professional soldiers, and they are usually closed. After training, they are also forced to read and write.

Compared with the students in the school, the Nanxiang soldiers have a quick success, and most of them will definitely not be able to compare with the students who graduated from the school.

Except for a few people who are not only lucky but also hard-fated, and can make achievements on the battlefield.

For the rest, they can either be some kind of village commander Qu Chang in the army, or after retiring, be a small steward under Feng Yong's property, or as it is now, under Feng Yong's jurisdiction, Be a village chief or something like that in a local area.

To be the head of the personal guard of a big man is the highest achievement.

It is difficult to go further.

After all, he only recognizes five hundred commonly used characters and the most basic arithmetic, so he can only be regarded as the most basic talent.

But fortunately, they have received strict training and are organized and disciplined, which can be used in emergencies.

Why does Feng Yong still have more than a hundred Nanxiang soldiers by his side?

That's because they haven't even finished reading the five hundred commonly used characters, so it's useless to send them out?

Now the official documents sent to Xiangting by the three counties of Sunshui River Valley are extremely strange to outsiders, because the words written on them are too white to be white.

The reason is that he can't understand official documents with a little bit of classical Chinese!

As for the third-class talents, they are the employees in various workshops and mines in Nanxiang.

They have a certain degree of organizational discipline, but the literacy rate is uneven. Most people can't even reach the most basic 300 characters, let alone 500 commonly used characters.

At most, he could recite a multiplication formula.

Except for the mandatory literacy of key personnel like the captain in charge, there is not much hope for the rest, so in Feng Yong's eyes, the first generation of employees are simply consumables.

Only in the last four or five years, when the second generation who had undergone compulsory baptism in the school accounted for at least half of the workers in the workshop, did Feng Yong dare to let go of the talent flow.

Now the old monster Zhuge asked for five hundred food and grass officials, basically taking away the barely qualified talents in Nanxiang. How could this not make Feng Tubie furious?

How much grain do you have? Want five hundred food and grass officials? Are you going to let them count the grains of rice?

"Five hundred is not, is two hundred and fifty enough?"

Feng Yong clutched his chest and asked tremblingly, intending to pay back the money.

Meng Yan's eyes were erratic, "This, Feng Changshi, is just a messenger..."

Pass it on to your mother!

Feng Yong almost wanted to jump up and beat the simple-looking Nanzhong barbarian in front of him to death.

You ran back to Jincheng all right, and then ran back suddenly, telling me this kind of words, if you say that this matter has nothing to do with you, I can take my head off and kick it as a ball on the spot!

It seems that the background that I have accumulated for several years was finally discovered by the old demon Zhuge, and the person who informed me was obviously this guy in front of me.

Thinking of the old demon Zhuge sharpening his knife and preparing to cut his own leeks, Feng Tubie's heart ached.

Damn it, old demon Zhuge and I are destined to be mutually exclusive. I have always been the one who cut leeks on other people, and when I meet old demon Zhuge, he will cut leeks.

"Prime Minister, didn't you say anything else?"

Feng Yong asked unwillingly.

"The Prime Minister also said that the method of Feng Changshi's re-capital test in the three counties of Suqidengtai, Qiongdu, is something that has never happened in other places of the Han Dynasty, so we can be tolerant. Feng Changshi can serve as soldiers in these three counties. Let it be."

When Feng Yong heard this, he felt "bah" in his heart, what use would I make of such a weak compensation?

Today's big Han, except for the few governors who can independently mobilize their troops within a certain range, the rest of the county guards, although they are in charge of the army in name, but there are county officials, Sima, etc. under the control of size, and they have not expanded the army at will. power.

Yuejue is regarded as a border county, and the real power is in the hands of Feng Yong, the long history. At the same time, according to the rules, there is an additional post of captain.

The captain is actually the person who controls the military affairs of the border county.

But the four captains of Yuexuan... two were Feng Yong's younger brothers, and two were recommended by Feng Yong.

The reason why Meng Yan, the prefect in name, can also control part of the army is actually to check and balance Feng Yong.

Now the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty gave Feng Yong the right to serve as a soldier in the three counties, which is equivalent to giving him the power of the governor in a small area, and he can expand the troops in the three counties at will.

That was already an expression of great trust in him, and in the eyes of the big man's officials, it could be regarded as the dream treatment.

But for Feng there any use?

I didn't intend to rebel.

Besides, I just want to rebel, how can the three counties expand their troops, what can they do? That's not enough wow!

This is simply because the old demon Zhuge wants to see what kind of effect can be achieved by trying the method of recovery, so he excuses himself to let go of his hands and feet.

"The prime minister values ​​history very much."

Meng Yan's face was dark and honest, and his flattery was direct and straightforward, "Being able to serve as a soldier in the three counties, apart from those few governors, only Feng Changshi has such exclusive power."

What about simplicity?

Southern Zhongyi people... What about the simplicity of their children?

Feng Yong looked at Meng Yan, speechless for a while.

Whether Feng Yong is willing or not, Nanxiang's massive blood draw is imperative.

In October of the fourth year of Jianxing, Nanxiang County carried out another major mobilization a few months after Feng Yong mobilized personnel.

According to folk rumors, this time he will be transferred to Jincheng as a guard.

It's normal for local strong men to take turns serving as guards in Jincheng.

But for Nanxiang County, it was the first time.

Not only the magistrate of Nanxiang personally selected the soldiers, but even prepared a banquet for the soldiers to eat and drink before letting them set off.

In recent years, the conscription in the local area has always been to pick people and leave, and even forcibly pull people. I have never heard that the conscription government also invites food and drink. This Nanxiang practice, in the eyes of most people, is the first time .

"This is the proper rule!"

Watching Xiongjiu's soldiers leave, an old man sighed, "I haven't seen such rules for many years."

So someone asked curiously, "What kind of rule is this?"

The old man shook his head and said, "The rules of the big man are like this. The local conscripts go to the capital to serve as guards. When they first arrive in the capital and when they retire, the government will prepare a feast. No one understands this rule now! This The Nanxiang government hosts a banquet, which is the one who really understands the rules."

"How old is the old man?"

The passer-by asked curiously.

"My old man was born in the first year of Xiping."

The passer-by was startled, and thought for a while, then remembered that Xiping was Emperor Ling's reign, and was shocked, "It turns out that the old man is actually fifty-six. It seems that he has seen such a grand occasion."

The old man squinted at passers-by, "Emperor Ling tried his best to plunder money, and even sold his officials to collect money. How can there be such a grand occasion? Do you think he will spend money to hold a banquet for the soldiers?"

The passer-by was a man in his thirties. Hearing this, he was choked and speechless on the spot.

But a young man next to the man heard it and couldn't help saying, "You old man is so unreasonable. Since you haven't seen it, how can you talk like it's true!"

The old man rode over as soon as he was kidnapped, and shouted, "Boy is rude! I haven't seen it before, haven't I heard of it? Naturally, I heard about it from the elders, so I learned that there are such rules! The ignorant Disciple, are you ashamed or not?"

The young man was scolded for being ignorant, his face turned red and he was ashamed, he was abducted by the old man, and he didn't run away, he couldn't say anything.

"It turns out that big men still have such rules, it seems that we are ignorant, thank you for the old man's guidance."

The man saluted quickly.

The old man glanced at the two of them, and saw that they were all wearing long swords. Although they spoke politely, they had a strong sense of quackery, so he muttered, "They are not good people..."

Then he shook his head and left.

Only two people left looking at each other.

"Master, where should we go now?"

asked the young man.

The man pondered for a while, and then said, "If you want to find out the whereabouts of Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, you must start with things related to him. The most obvious relationship with him is the Xinhua Bookstore and the storyteller. "

"The Xinhua Bookstore is a place where scholars go. With our current appearance, it is naturally not easy to enter, so we first went to find the most famous storyteller in the city. I just walked along the way, and I saw a few people who are of the same way. When the time comes, we will find a chance to ask.”

"Master, this Nanxiang is really different from other places, it's not in vain for us to travel thousands of miles away."

"That's natural. People like Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng choose to live in seclusion here, which makes sense."

"I don't know what kind of person this Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is, who can write such secrets..."

"Presumably, he must be an expert among his colleagues."

"I just don't know if he wants to see us?"

"Those fellows appear here, and it seems that they are also targeting this expert. Since others can have such intentions, why can't we try it?"

"Master taught me that."

The two continued on their way, whispering, not wanting to attract attention.

According to the legends of foreigners, coming to Nanxiang has four characteristics, which must be known.

The first is not to provoke women easily.

There are many women in Nanxiang who are the masters of the house. If there is a wanderer from outside who dares to break the rules, he will basically spend the rest of his life in the mines in the mountains.

The second is that Nanxiang is the most direct evidence of the presence of evil spirits: a kiln with billowing smoke during the day and bright lights at night, day and night.

At the same time, it is also a wonder of Nanxiang.

When foreigners come to Nanxiang for the first time, they will be attracted to stop and watch for a long time.

The third is Nanxiang Xinhua Bookstore, which is open to all readers free of charge.

Many children from poor families came here because of it, just to find their favorite books in it.

But after all, there are only a small number of people who can read and write, so the most popular is the last one, the unique storyteller in Nanxiang.

A table, a chair, a gavel, a storyteller, a bowl of boiling water, that's all.

But it is an indispensable thing for all restaurants, guest houses and other business places in Nanxiang-no one wants to go to restaurants and guest houses without storytellers.

However, the storyteller's time arrangement also has its own way.

Every time it takes too long to talk, there are many customers in this store, but they are all patronizing and listening to books, and they don't leave after eating, so it's a free prostitution.

But there is no place inside, and people outside can't greet them, which affects business.

But if the time is too short and the guests are dissatisfied, the grumpy man will even refuse the unfinished meal, and just overturn the table on the spot.

Also, in different places, the detailed descriptions of storytelling are also different.

For example, in those places where there are many laborers and coolies, it is necessary to use all kinds of imagination, and the more explicit, simple and straightforward the intimate details are, the better the effect will be.

The people in Qianshou like to hear this.

But in a more elegant place, most people rely on their status, so they have to speak more elegantly, with subtle hints, or allusions, and then everyone will smile.

It not only maintains face, but also makes the spirit happy and satisfied.

This situation also resulted in the same biographical novel, except that the outline is roughly the same, but the various plots are quite different in the mouths of different storytellers.

This biographical novel is not only liked by adults, but also by children.

The two masters and apprentices who had just arrived in Nanxiang saw children on the street holding wooden knives, wooden swords, or wooden sticks, humming and haha ​​fighting.

This one shouted "Look at my Xuanyin finger", and the other shouted "Eat my Xuanming palm".

What's more, just took off the clothes on his body, "Nine Suns Magic Art, invincible in the world, if you don't believe me, come and beat me..."

Then a woman rushed out from the side, picked him up and "cracked" a set of Luoying palms, and shouted, "Have you finished your homework?"

Nine Suns Divine Art was broken in an instant, Wa'er cried and said, "Not yet..."

"I'm going wild when I'm on vacation. My old lady has worked so hard to find ways to send you to school. You actually went to learn from those rangers, and I can't beat you to death!"


The eyelids of the master and the apprentice jumped, this woman from Nanxiang really lived up to her reputation!

It's just a ranger, I didn't provoke you, did I?

"Hurry up and get dressed and go home!"

The woman became the leader of the martial arts alliance, and left with arrogance.

All the masters of the rivers and lakes did not dare to say anything, they could only look at the leader in despair, sobbing, retrieved his clothes, put them on, and prepared to go home.

"Little brother, I'm being polite here, can I ask you something?"

The man stepped forward, clasped his fists and asked.

The elder brother who still had tears on his face saw the swords in the waists of the two men, his eyes lit up, and he clasped his fists at the man, looking decent, "I don't know what this brother wants to ask?"

"I want to find the most famous storyteller in this city, do you know?"

The elder brother who took the lead immediately patted his chest and said, "Why is this so difficult, the most famous storyteller in Nanxiang is 'Bai Xiaosheng' from 'Xia Ke Xing'..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "lion's roar" from the corner, "Where are people?"


The elder brother who took the lead shivered in fright, and ran away in a hurry.

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