The elder brother who took the lead ran away, leaving behind all the younger brothers who lost their minds and talked in a hurry, so they had to make an appointment to come here tomorrow to fight the rivers and lakes again, and then they broke up.

The master and apprentice were helpless, so they had to find someone to inquire about "Xia Ke Xing" and "Bai Xiao Sheng", only then did they know that "Xia Ke Xing" was a place name, and "Bai Xiao Sheng" was the most famous storyteller in Nanxiang.

The two turned around and asked all the way, and finally found the place.

I saw a two-story tall loft standing there, and people were coming in and out underneath. Occasionally, there were rangers wearing swords among them. Instead of being afraid, others showed kindness to him.

The ranger walked with his sword held high, as if he was quite proud of himself as a ranger.

This is really strange!

The two masters and apprentices went up the steps and walked to the door, only to see the words "Xia Ke Xing" written in flying and phoenix dances on the huge door plate, and there was a line of big characters on both sides of the door.

When the man saw those two lines of characters, he felt as if his chest had been hit by someone with a mighty force. He stood there dumbstruck, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't speak.

After a long time, he let out a long breath, his face flushed slightly, and he yelled, "Okay!"

After shouting, I realized that it seemed a little rude.

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, the people around me seem to be familiar with this kind of behavior, and some people even smiled understandingly: every ranger who comes here for the name, will have this behavior in five or six out of ten when he first arrives here. Behavior.

The two masters and apprentices who think they are well-informed naturally don't know that their behavior is in the eyes of others. They are simply two rookies who have just arrived in Nanxiang.

The eyes of the two couldn't help looking at the two lines of characters on both sides of the gate.

On the right is written: The Greatest Hero.

On the left is written: For the country and the people.

You Xia is despised by the world, just because he values ​​selfishness and despises public law, but he also lives and dies, and doesn't love his body. The world is afraid of him first, and then hates him.

But these two sentences suddenly pointed out a bright road for the rangers in the world.

Let the man have a feeling of walking in the dark night for a long time, and the colorful morning glow suddenly appears in front of his eyes.

At that moment, he seemed to have realized something, and sighed, "This sentence alone is enough to comfort this trip."

Seeing these two sentences, he suddenly felt that his previous desire to compete with others was really not worth mentioning.

Stepping into the attic, what meets you is a black entrance made of unknown materials.

The people who came in and out all passed by from both sides of the entrance, and there were two or three people wearing swords standing in front of the entrance and muttering to themselves.

The two masters and apprentices stepped forward and fixed their eyes, only to see a poem engraved on the porch, the name of which is the name of the attic: "Xia Ke Xing Xing".

"Zhao Keman Hu Ying, Wu hook frost and snow. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a shooting star..."

As soon as the man read the beginning, he felt blood swell all over his body, and he couldn't help but yelled, "Okay!"

This sound finally aroused the dissatisfaction of others. Seeing the reproachful gazes from the people around him, the man hurriedly cupped his hands and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I just saw such a good sentence, and I was quick to speak."

The man nodded slightly, looked the man up and down, his eyes fell on the long sword on the man's waist, and realized that he was a man of the same kind, so his eyes eased, and he asked, "Is this gentleman new to Nanxiang? "


"I don't know where the fairyland is?"


The other party was shocked, "The name of Nanxiang Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng has spread to Youzhou?"

"No. I have been traveling in Guanzhong for the past two years, and I came across Lanling Xiaoxiao's masterpiece by chance."

"I see."

"How did this gentleman know that a certain person was born for Lanling Xiaoxiao?"

the man asked curiously.

The other party laughed, pointed at himself, and said, "The rangers who come here, how many of them didn't come from admiration for Lanling Xiaoxiao?"

The man nodded, "That's right."

The two smiled knowingly, and turned their heads together to appreciate the poems on the porch.

When the man saw the next sentence of "Shu Da Ru Meteor", "Kill a man in ten steps, and never stop him for a thousand miles", he suddenly and subconsciously grasped the long sword at his waist, and almost pulled it out.

The murderous look in the poem, coupled with the font with iron strokes and silver hooks, makes people tense up all of a sudden.

When he read "Three cups of vomit, the five mountains are light", he was already in a state of mind, and his body seemed to be floating in the air following the poem.

If it wasn't for the long years of life and death, he still had a sliver of reason, and he might have a sword dance on the spot.


"Despite the heroic bones of the dead, I am not ashamed of being a hero in the world. Who can write Your Excellency, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra."

At the end of the reading, the man was still muttering to himself, repeatedly reciting the two lines "Death to the heart of a hero, not ashamed to be a hero in the world", his eyes were blurred, his whole body was tense, and at the same time trembling slightly, he felt that this state, It's really what I want in my life.

The font on the black porch was as red as blood, just like the blood flowing through his body.

Looking down, the man finally let out a long sigh of relief when he saw the words "Jincheng Fengyong" written on the final signature, "I thought only Lanling Xiaoxiao knew it." The word chivalry, I never thought there would be another Feng Langjun."

"Well said, that's what I wanted to say."

The person who talked with him just now said beside him, "Every time I enter this knight's house, I have to observe it here. Feng Langjun's article really wiped away the world's bad opinion of knights. With this article alone, Feng Langjun has already been regarded as someone who is admired by people in my Taoism."

"I think so too. I, Han Long and Han Qianyong, this is my disciple Liu Hun and Liu Polu. May I ask your honorable name?"

When the man heard the other party's words, he became a confidant, and immediately wanted to make friends.

"A certain name is Gongsun Zheng, whose name is Boyan, and he is from Longxi."

Gongsun Zheng clasped his fists at Han Long and saluted Liu Hun, "I've seen this little brother."

After the three of them greeted each other, Han Long said, "Longxi is not far from Hanzhong. Since Brother Boyan is from Longxi, where can I visit Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Zheng also gave a wry smile, "To tell the truth, I also came here for the name, and now I have stayed in Nanxiang for two months. I have inquired for a long time, but I have never heard of anyone who knows this person. people."

After hearing this, Han Long couldn't believe it, "This Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is so mysterious?"

"That's right! Even here in Nanxiang, everyone only knows his name, not his person."

Gongsun Zheng sighed.

After hearing this, Han Long couldn't help being disappointed.

Seeing his expression, Gongsun Zheng knew what he meant, and immediately explained, "Brother Qianyong doesn't have to be like this, even if you can't find Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, but you can travel here, it is worth the trip. "

Han Long listened, nodded, and said in relief, "That's right. A certain man said outside the door just now that if he can see the words 'a great hero, serve the country and the people', this trip is worthwhile."

"To be able to see Xia Ke Xing Yiwen again now is beyond my surprise. It seems that someone is too greedy."

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not enough." A mysterious smile appeared on Gongsun Zheng's face, "Brother Qian Yong just walk in, I'm afraid there will be unexpected joy."

"Oh? Then ask Boyan to lead the way."

"Okay, please." Gongsun Zheng stretched out his hand in salute, and while guiding the two to go in, he said, "You two are new to Nanxiang, and it would be perfect for you to stay here at the Knights' Walk."

"Can I stay here?"

"Not only can you stay and stay, but also the food is rare and delicious. When it comes to storytellers in Nanxiang, Bai Xiaosheng is well-deserved number one. He has two lectures every day, one at noon and one at you, and he lives here Head, just in time to listen to his storytelling."

Gongsun Zheng introduced as he walked, "The first floor here is a place to eat. This knight's house has a backyard, which is a place to stay."

The three of them crossed the porch and walked through a not-so-long corridor, and suddenly their eyes opened up.

This is a huge space.

A long red blanket was spread on the floor, dividing the hall into two halves, with tables and chairs on one side and desks on the other. It depends on people's habits, whether they like to sit or kneel to eat.

At the end of the blanket, there is a high platform, which seems to be Bai Xiaosheng's storytelling place.

"It's not yet time for Bai Xiaosheng's storytelling, if Brother Qianyong is not hungry, you might as well go to the second floor to have a look."

"The top floor of this knight's house is the place that rangers must go. From the top, you can overlook the spectacle of the evil spirits coming to the world in the distance. If you live in the knight's house, you can enjoy two of the four wonders of Nanxiang."

Gongsun Zheng said enthusiastically.

There used to be a special waiter in the Knight's House to pick up customers, but when he saw the old regular Gongsun Zheng leading the new guest upstairs, he bowed his hands to Gongsun Zheng and expressed his gratitude.

When Han Long got to the second floor, he took a deep breath when he saw the layout inside.

It was actually full of weapons, including the most common long sword, the ring-shoudao.

There are also sticks, short spears and other objects, most of which are swarthy, and it is impossible to tell whether the material is iron or wood.

Among the many weapons, the one in the middle is a knife and a sword standing on a counter.

I saw that the knife was about seven feet long, with a blade three feet long, a handle four feet long, and an iron drill underneath.

The blade is somewhat similar to Zhanma Dao, slightly curved, extremely sharp, and shining with cold light. Thunderclouds and lightning are engraved on the body of the blade, which are skillfully made into blood grooves.

The whole knife looks noble and aloof.

"This is... the Purple Lightning Sword?"

Liu Hun recognized it at a glance, and cried out excitedly.

"Brother Polu has a good eye, this is the Purple Electric Sword."

"So that's what the Purple Electric Sword looks like?"

If there is the Zidian sword, naturally there is the Qingshuang sword.

What I saw standing crossed with the Zidian sword was a sword with a cold light.

The shape of the sword is not beyond imagination, only the guard and hilt are unique and delicate, full of nobility.

The blade of the sword is cold, and at a glance, one can tell that it is a rare sword in the world.

"Didn't it mean that these two swords have been broken?"

Liu Hun rushed to the counter, stretched his neck, and looked at it carefully.

The shopkeeper next to him was not surprised by this kind of thing for a long time, walked over immediately, and explained enthusiastically, "I will teach this gentleman to know that this is an imitation made by our chivalrous shop, and it is not the real product."

"I see, but even if it is an imitation, it looks like a rare treasure!"

Even someone as calm as Han Long gave a thumbs up.

"Naturally, they are treasures. Not to mention the two treasured swords and swords, even those long swords are also rare items. The swords used in daily life are like scrap iron in front of these swords."

Gongsun Zheng untied the long sword from his waist and handed it to Han Long, "It took me two months to buy this sword from here. Brother Qianyong can take a look."

With a sound of "clang", Han Long pulled out the blade a little bit, and the chill rushed towards him.

Han Long returned the sword to Gongsun Zheng, looked at the weapons inside again, his eyes were full of longing, "These weapons are for sale?"

Gongsun Zheng nodded, "Sell. But no money, food, gold, silver and other things are charged, only rewards are offered in exchange."

"What is a reward?"

The shopkeeper was very alert, and quickly handed over a booklet.

"Brother Qianyong, please take a look. Here are the rewards entrusted to the Knights. As long as you complete one of the items here, you will have a corresponding reward. As long as you have accumulated enough rewards, you can exchange your favorite weapons here."

"Escorting Maobu to Wudu Qishan..."

"There are Hu tribes in the Wolf Valley in the east of Wudu who are doing evil. Investigate their terrain and kill their leaders. If you complete one of them, you can get half a reward..."

Han Long opened the book, and saw that each page had written what he had to do and the rewards he could get after completing it. The rewards were different depending on the difficulty.

There is even a reward offered by the government: "There is an evil ranger, Wang Da, who kills several innocent people and orders them to be arrested, regardless of life or death. You can ask the knight for details, or you can go to the government office..."

After listening to Gongsun Zheng's explanation, Liu Hun saw his favorite weapon inside, couldn't help but went up to look at it for a while, and asked, "Can this horse be bought with a reward?"

"This gentleman has a good eye. Apart from the purple electric blue frost, this horse is the most precious. These three are all treasures that cannot be exchanged for rewards."


"Because these three treasures were specially placed here by Feng Langjun, and he entrusted the shop to help find someone who is destined."

"Feng Langjun?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Liu Hun, but also Han Long looked up.

When they saw the song "Xia Ke Xing" at the entrance, they knew that this place must be closely related to Feng Langjun, but they didn't expect Feng Langjun to have something here?

"How do you count as a predestined relationship?"

Liu Hun asked eagerly.

"This, the villain also doesn't know."

The shopkeeper shook his head.

"What's the point? Put it here, but don't say how to get it..."

Liu Hun was very dissatisfied.

"Feng Langjun left a message. Zidian Qingshuang and this horse are treasures in the world. If you don't have a destiny with them, they will be ten thousand taels of gold, and you won't sell them (a lie). If you have a destiny with them , don’t take a penny, and can also give it away (truth with conditions attached).”

The words are absurd, but these rangers still follow this trick.

Before they entered the door, they saw the sentence "The Great Hero, Serve the Country and the People", and read "Xia Ke Xing" as soon as they entered the door.

Usually, loyalty is the first priority. Now that I hear this, I feel that Feng Langjun is really my fellow man, and he is also the kind of hero who treats money like dung and can give all kinds of gold to those who are loyal.

If some of them have listened to the storytelling of "Loyalty and Justice", those who are enthusiastic will probably want to cut their necks and accompany them.

To cut the neck is to wipe the neck.

Don't underestimate the importance that the rangers of the Han Dynasty attached to loyalty. The saying "life and death, do not love their body" is not exaggerated.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there was a hero named Guo Xie, who was famous for a while. Those knight-errants were not only willing to kill for him and took the initiative to take responsibility, but they didn't want him to know.

When he was being chased by the government, the people who helped him hide would even commit suicide on the spot in order to prevent his traces from being leaked in the face of the government's questioning.

Now that the world has been in chaos for decades, the rangers in the world have gradually disappeared, and it is no longer the grand occasion of the Han Dynasty when rangers walked all over the world.

After all, no matter how powerful a ranger is, he can't stop the rolling wheels of history!

Now these rangers in Nanxiang, although there are not many in number, there are only a dozen or so people in Nanxiang, but they all come here with admiration.

It's just that they don't know that Feng Haoxia in their hearts is a ghost king who eats people without spit out bones.

Because the number of rangers who disappeared in the mine... is several times more than the number of rangers who stayed in Nanxiang and lived well.

The rangers who can survive in Nanxiang are all those who are willing to abide by the order of Nanxiang and have a prospect of reform. In other words, they are those who have been limped by fools, or are about to be limped by fools.

A ranger who has been fooled and lame, coupled with the habit of emphasizing loyalty, it is not a lie that someone is willing to cut his neck and accompany him.

Mr. Feng's magical skill of deception has a long history, and it is not something ordinary people can resist.

From the moment You Xia'er read the biographical novel, it was already the beginning of being fooled.

When they worked tirelessly, they came to Nanxiang and heard storytelling from storytellers, which was the threshold for beginners.

For example, the moment Han Long, the master and his apprentice, stood at the gate of "Xia Ke Xing", they were already getting better.

When they read "Xia Ke Xing", it's the beginning of the urn.

This is a marketing tactic, but also a psychological tactic.

At this time, when I heard the shopkeeper repeat Feng Langjun's words, I immediately looked solemn, "I see, it seems that this is too frivolous, polluted Feng Langjun's friendship, and was rude and disrespectful."

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