Although Gongsun Zheng is also a foreigner, he has lived in Nanxiang for more than two months and knows Nanxiang well.

And according to his own self-report, wool cloth is very popular among the Hu people, so while he came here admiringly, he also wanted to transport some wool cloth back to Longxi.

Judging from his tone, he should have a small fortune in Longxi, so he is generous in his daily life and takes good care of Han Long's master and apprentice.

Although Han Long heard from Gongsun Zheng that Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng was hard to find, he still didn't give up. He inquired about it privately, and even went to Xinhua Bookstore, but found nothing. Give up.

A few days later, Gongsun Zheng wanted to go back to Longxi with the caravan, and he strongly invited Han Long to go with him.

Han Long came from a long way, but he has not yet achieved his goal, so how could he give up so easily, so he excused himself and said that he would definitely go if he had a chance in the future.

Seeing that Han Long had made up his mind, Gongsun Zheng had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​persuasion, and at the same time whispered: "You want to find Xiaoxiaosheng in Lanling, and I know it. Just send brother Yong, Nanxiang is no better than other places."

"Now you only think that Nanxiang is a place where rangers are at ease, but you have to be careful of the many rules of Nanxiang, and don't violate them, otherwise, the minions of the Nanxiang government will directly arrest you no matter what your background is. Go to reform through labor."

"Reform through labor?" Han Long was taken aback, "What does this mean?"

"Did you say that the evil ghost came to the world only because of the black smoke?"

Gongsun Zheng looked at the thick smoke in the distance, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes, "If someone violates the rules of Nanxiang, the light one will be sent to work in the place shrouded in black smoke for a certain period of time, and the serious one will be sent to work for a certain period of time. to the mines in the mountains."

"According to the Nanxiang government, this is called labor reform. It's okay if they are sent to the place shrouded in black smoke. Although they have to work day and night and suffer a lot, most of them will always come out. "

"But if they are sent to the mine in the mountains," Gongsun Zheng lowered his voice when he said this, "I heard that no one can get out of the severe labor reform."

"So you see these rangers in Nanxiang, don't you think it's strange? When did you become so disciplined? These are all following the rules of Nanxiang, not following the rules..."

Having said that, Gongsun Zheng paused.

Han Long was startled when he heard Gongsun Zheng's words, "Thank you Boyan for reminding me."

After thinking for a while, Han Long sighed again, "Your chivalry has been despised by the world for a long time! Hou Ying and Zhu Hai mentioned in "Xia Ke Xing" are both people who serve the country and the people. And why this?"

Hou Ying and Zhu Hai were people who were hidden in the market during the Warring States period. In order to repay Lord Xinling's kindness, the other offered advice to Lord Xinling on how to save the country of Zhao. When plotting, face north and commit suicide.

One is to help Lord Xinling win the military power, and only then did the siege of Handan be resolved.

"Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng lived in seclusion here to write the biography of You Xia, and Feng Langjun wrote the article "Xia Ke Xing" especially for You Xia, and persuaded You Xia to change his bad habits. This shows the painstaking effort!"

"Although a certain person doesn't understand the righteousness, but he also has a rough understanding of things, so he will be careful, and he will not violate the rules of Nanxiang."

Gongsun Zheng was startled, he said this because he meant something else, but Han Long didn't know whether he didn't understand or deliberately didn't understand, but he said this.

As a result, he was embarrassed to continue, so he could only nod his head at the moment, "Since that's the case, then send Brother Yong to be careful."

After speaking, he left with the caravan.

"Brother Boyan, who was the one who parted with you just now? Why are you so reluctant?"

Shuangnan Avenue is a rare flat road in the world. After Gongsun Zheng got into the car, there was already a man sitting in the car. Seeing him coming up, he asked with a smile.

If Feng Yong were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Liang Si who was doing business with him in Jincheng Prison.

Gongsun Zheng shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, and sat upright, quite dignified, how can he have the appearance of a ranger?

"The man's name is Han Long. Although he is a ranger, in my opinion, he is one of the few people who are sensible. I tried to recruit this man these days, but I didn't expect him to be a man with a firm mind. It's not Xiaohui who can make his heart move."

"It's just a ranger. No matter what, he's still a ranger. What kind of person can he be? Brother Boyan thinks too much of this person."

Liang Si said indifferently.

"It makes sense."

Gongsun Zheng smiled when he heard this, and nodded, agreeing with Liang Si's statement.

"This time Boyan came back to Nanxiang for a visit, what do you think?"

"Some couldn't believe what they saw."

Bringing up this topic, Gongsun Zheng lifted the car window again, looked back, and saw that Nanxiang had gradually drifted away, with a complicated look in his eyes.

It took a long time before I sat down again, with a look of reminiscence on my face, "Although I lived in Nanzheng with my family back then, I had been to Nanxiang several times. At that time, Nanxiang was still part of Chenggu County. "

"At that time, Hanzhong was one of the rare places in the world to avoid chaos, but Nanxiang had never been so prosperous. Not to mention that the late emperor was defeated and moved all the people out of Hanzhong, turning Hanzhong into a white land."

"It is said that Zhuge Liang's political talent is rare in the world. I think that Feng Yongneng who built today's Nanxiang in Baidi is also a rare person."

When Liang Si heard this, he was a little surprised at the moment, "I didn't expect Boyan to have such praise for Feng Yong."

"During these days in Nanxiang, I have inquired a lot about his affairs, and found that he is unconventional in both literary talent and deeds. He often uses strange tricks, but they often have miraculous effects."

"Although this person is young, his behavior is beyond what ordinary people can guess. What is it that is not a rare person? Shiro, I see that Nanxiang has people using rewards to scout Wudu. You should be careful."

Gongsun Zheng looked a little dignified.

"Where is there no such thing as meticulous work between the Han and Wei Dynasties?" Liang Si sighed, "The court these years, not to mention the land of Guanlong, but we Liangzhou people, why are we being looked down upon by those Guandong families? To act like this is just to prepare for a rainy day."

Gongsun Zheng was silent after hearing this.

His lord fled from Longxi to Hanzhong Nanzheng because of the Qianghu Rebellion in Liangzhou.

Although he was born in Nanzheng, his ancestral home was actually Lintao, Longxi. Later Cao Cao moved to Hanzhong, and his family was relocated back to Longxi.

His family's experience, plus what he saw when he returned to Longxi these years, how could he not know that what Liang Si said was the truth?

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zheng asked in a low voice, "I look at the Han Kingdom, and I'm afraid I have the heart to attack Wei. If the Han Kingdom sends troops to Longxi, what will you do?"

Liang Si smiled lightly, "The struggle between the Han and Wei Dynasties is a matter between the Liu family and the Cao family. What has it to do with us? We just have to sit and see who wins."

The meaning of indifference is obvious.

Normally, he wouldn't dare to say that, but now there are only two people in the car, and he doesn't worry about the other party telling the truth.

And as the other party, even if it is said everywhere, the Liang family is not afraid.

Gongsun Zheng took a deep look at Liang Si, nodded, and said, "I understand."

Han Long sent Gongsun Zheng away, returned to his dormitory, and ordered Liu Hun to start packing.

"Master, what are we going to do?"

After packing up his things, Liu Hun couldn't help asking Han Long as he watched Han Long sitting there with his eyes closed.


Han Long didn't open his eyes, but just said something calmly.

"Kill who?"

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