Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 545: Something Else (Part Two)

"Wang Da, the ranger, isn't it on the reward list? If we find this person, it would be best if we can catch him alive. If we can't catch him alive, kill him and use his head to deal with the government."

Han Long said indifferently, "I have inquired about it these days. When Wang Da first came to Nanxiang, he relied on his skills and courage to kill several people. Now he is being hunted down by the Nanxiang government with great efforts. I heard that he has Flee to Bashanli."

"Then how do we find this person?"

Liu Hun asked curiously.

Only then did Han Long open his eyes, and smiled confidently, "It's difficult for others to find him because they don't know how to be a knight-errant, but for me, it's not difficult."

A few days later, Li Qiu, the county magistrate of Nanxiang, was dealing with government affairs. Suddenly, a staff intern from the school came to report, "Report to Ming Court, that Wang Da, who has committed evil for a long time, has been executed. Someone brought his head here, please come here." See Mingting."

When Li Qiu heard this, he nodded, "Please ask the county magistrate and county magistrate to verify it. If it is true, let's close the case after handing out the reward."

The staff intern didn't take the order, but he had a strange expression on his face, "Go back to Ming Court, the man said, he doesn't want to offer a reward, he just wants to see Ming Court."

Only then did Li Qiu raise his head strangely, "Who got that Wang Da's head? It's so generous that you don't even want a reward?"

"This man's name is Han Long. According to his self-portrait, he is from Youzhou. I checked it out and found that he only arrived in Nanxiang 20 days ago. Now he lives in the Knight's House. There is another person with him named Liu Hun. It looks a bit like a barbarian. These two people had a close relationship with Gongsun Zheng at the beginning."

"Gongsun Zheng?" Li Qiu was slightly taken aback, "That Gongsun Zheng from the Liangzhou caravan?"


This time the Liangzhou caravan came, and there were several people in the lead, and one of them was Gongsun Zheng.

As one of the few people who knew that his elder brother cared about Liangzhou closely, Li Qiu would naturally be more concerned about the people from Liangzhou.

After all, he used various methods to inquire and investigate the situation in Longxi, some of which were his own hands.

Li Qiu got the exact answer, pondered for a while, and then said, "Then invite him to the front hall."

The Ranger who thought he could kill Wang Da was also a fierce character, but when he arrived at the front hall, Li Qiu saw an ordinary man standing there quietly, like an ordinary person.

Seeing Li Qiu coming in, he hurriedly saluted, "Villain Han Long, I have seen Ming Ting."

"You don't need to be too polite, it was Han Zhuangshi who killed Wang Da?"

Li Qiu motioned for Han Long to sit down and asked.

As a son of an aristocratic family, it is already considered polite to call you Xiaer as a strong man.

"It's just a fluke."

Han Long said modestly, neither humble nor overbearing.

This calmness made Li Qiu feel that he was really different.

Thinking in this way, Li Qiu couldn't help putting away his contempt, "Wang Da has been doing evil for a long time, he is cunning, and the government hunted him down for a long time, but he failed to succeed."

"How long has Han Zhuangshi been in Nanxiang? It's not a fluke to be able to get his head in one shot."

When Han Long heard this, he was slightly startled. He thought that this Nanxiang was indeed as Gongsun Boyan said. Although it seemed that there was no city wall, it was closely monitored. A dignified county magistrate even knew about me not long after I arrived in Nanxiang.

But he didn't know that Nanxiang had added a joint guarantee system on the basis of Dahan's Wushi.

When foreigners come, unless they have been living in the wild, as long as they settle down in Nanxiang, there will be countless eyes staring at him, and as long as they find something wrong, someone will secretly report it to the government.

There are even those who are bold enough to swarm up and overturn those who come, and take them to receive the reward.

The minions of the government don't act according to common sense. Special fishing nets, lime powder, long sickle hooks, improved Nanzhong poison crossbows and other things will surely let the vicious villains taste what it means to be despicable and shameless.

After all, no matter how good your martial arts are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives!

Using You Xia'er to capture You Xia'er is just one of many methods.

Otherwise, there are so many people coming and going from other places, how can Nanxiang be so safe and at ease?

No matter how vicious Wang Da was, wasn't he forced to flee to Bashan and hide in the end?

According to someone's words, it is to ensure a good investment environment.

Seeing Han Long finally showing surprise, Li Qiu felt a little proud. No matter how powerful people in the world are, can they compare with those in power?

Not to mention that the elder brother's casual arrangement in Nanxiang can make you Xiaer come here upon hearing the news.

"Han Zhuangshi won Wang Da's head, but he didn't want to offer a reward, but he wanted to see me. I don't know why?"

Li Qiu took the initiative in the conversation, finally picked up the bowl and took a sip of tea, and asked.

Hearing this, Han Long quickly calmed down, "Back to Mingting, it's like this, although a certain person is a person in the market, he also knows the words of loyalty, and after listening to the book "Loyalty and Justice", I feel that he has a relationship with Zhang Jieyi. "

"So I want to build an ancestral hall for the two princes of Guan and Zhang in Nanxiang, and worship them in four seasons, so as to show some respect."

Li Qiu thought that this person was looking for an opportunity to advance through the meeting, but he didn't expect to say these words, and immediately sat up straight, "What did you say? Establish a shrine?"

"Yes." Han Long nodded, "Someone is willing to use Wang Da's reward in exchange for a place to set up a shrine."

Li Qiu stared straight at Han Long, his thoughts were raging, but he couldn't speak for a while.

The elder brother made people spread the words of loyalty, and Li Qiu could naturally guess some of his intentions.

What I didn't expect was that there were actually people willing to build ancestral halls for the two princes of Guan and Zhang because of this matter.

What does it mean that the people voluntarily set up ancestral halls?

It shows that loyalty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

At least this is the case in Nanxiang.

Li Qiu tucked his hands into his wide sleeves to prevent Han Long from noticing that his fingers were trembling.

The wind starts at the end of the storm, from the small to the big, brother's method has already touched the control of public opinion, Li Qiu can't help being nervous or excited, and even a little bit of fear.

In the book "Loyalty and Justice", in addition to the two princes Guan and Zhang, there are also the first emperors.

It's just that whether the late emperor can be erected in the ancestral hall by the people is not up to Li Qiu to decide.

He couldn't even agree to Han Long on the spot to set up an ancestral hall for the two princes of Guan and Zhang.

"This matter is of great importance. I need to report it to the imperial court. You should go back and wait at ease. When there is news, I will let you know."

Li Qiu forced himself to calm down, and spoke to Han Long in a calm tone as much as possible.

"Xie Mingting."

Han Long got up to thank him.

Li Qiu thought for a while, and finally reminded, "People need public opinion to build a temple. The greater the people's will, the more important the imperial court will be."

Han Long was overjoyed when he heard this, "The villain thanked Ming Ting for his advice."

Han Long walked out of the mansion, and Li Hun, who had been waiting outside, quickly greeted him and asked, "Master, how are you?"

Han Long smiled, "How can such an important matter be settled all at once? But when I look at the magistrate of Nanxiang County, I think I agree with my proposal."

"That's great."

Liu Hun's face brightened.

The two returned to the place where they were staying and closed the door. Then Liu Hun asked in a low voice, "Master, you said that we are like this, can you really attract Lan Ling to smile?"

"Whether you can or not, you have to try."

Han Long's eyes showed concern, "This person can write about the secrets of the conflict between Chu and Han, and his predecessors can't say that it has anything to do with the events of that year. If it spreads to Youzhou and those people know about it, I'm afraid they will come to him Trouble."

"If the art of war left by Lord Wu An really exists, and let those people get clues from Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, find it, and use it to bring disaster to the world, I am afraid that my Han family will become a sinner for thousands of years. "

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