Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 546: Birth

In October of the fourth year of Jianxing, Sun Quan's attack on Jiangxia was unfavorable. Soon after returning to Wuchang, news came from the north that Luoyang reinforcements had just arrived in Jiangxia.

After further inquiry, he learned that Cao Wei's so-called ambush at that time turned out to be just a thousand county soldiers gathered hastily by Xun Yu.

It was only at this time that he realized that if Wenpin couldn't hold out at that time, it might be a sign of insufficient troops. As long as he attacked fiercely, he might not be unable to attack.

Even if he was unable to attack, he could retreat slowly, but because of Xun Yu's suspicious strategy, he was so frightened that he hurriedly led his troops back. Wenpin, who was surrounded in the city, took the opportunity to lead his troops to rush out, pretending to attack all at once. It turned into a big defeat, which was really unexpected.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan added regret in addition to shame and indignation.

However, Shanyue in Danyang, Kuaiji, and Wu counties heard that Sun Quan personally led troops to attack Cao Wei.

Before Sun Quan could sit still in Wuchang, he rushed to Jianye in a hurry.

In order to facilitate the encirclement and suppression of Shanyue, Sun Quan separated all the dangerous areas of these three counties and combined them into one county, named Dong'an County.

Just when Jiangdong was doing its best to put down the chaos, there was another news from Wuchang: Han Zong, the son of Han Dang who stayed behind in Wuchang, did not observe filial piety during the mourning period, and had an affair with the servants and concubines in his house. bad.

When Sun Quan heard about this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

It is obvious that Cao Wei's hearts are floating, why is it Jiangdong who is unstable everywhere?

Han Dang is a veteran of three generations. Since Sun Jian's time, he has followed the Sun family to conquer the four directions.

It's a pity that this old minister died just when Sun Quan was about to attack Jiangxia.

Sun Quan asked his son Han Zong to take charge of his old army, and because he was in mourning, he let him stay in Wuchang, and personally led troops to attack Jiangxia. Didn't expect it to be only a few months? That Han Zong actually did such a thing.

Sun Quan was really shocked and angry, "How can there be such a beast that violates human relations in the world?"

His own defeat of Jiang Xia has already attracted people's discussion, but now that Han Zong has committed such a scandal, the common people in Wuchang are criticizing him a lot, what will the world think of Jiang Dong's monarchs and ministers?

And this mountain has repeatedly rebelled.

Many disobediences made Sun Quan extremely depressed, and the negative emotions in his heart burst out all at once.

"Come here!" Sun Quan yelled furiously, "Deprive Han Zong of his title and put him in jail. He will be convicted after a trial!"

It was only after the order was finished that the servant came to report again, "My lord, please see me, Governor Lu."

Hearing that Lu Xun came to Jianye from Wu County, Sun Quan knew that he was worried about state affairs because of so many things happened in the past few months, so he rushed to see him.

At the moment, he could only suppress his anger forcibly, and said, "Please."

When Lu Xun came in, he first met Li, and after seeing Sun Quan's lingering anger, he said that he was troubled by Jiangxia Xiangyang's defeat and the Shanyue rebellion.

Then he comforted him, "Your Majesty, Jiangxia Xiangyang King was just trying. If you have meritorious deeds, it is an unexpected joy. If you have no merits, you can lighten Cao Wei's heart. Don't worry about it, Your Majesty."

"Cao Weiding is now powerless to harm our Jiangdong, just take this opportunity to put down the chaos in the mountains, so as to avoid future troubles."

Sun Quan let out a long sigh, "Bo Yan's words are reasonable. It's just that I'm not annoyed by this, but annoyed that one person is not good at hearing. Now you come at a good time, and I just want to ask your opinion."

"Han Zong's promiscuity during the mourning period is nothing more than that, and everyone in Wuchang knows that his character is really despicable. I want to take his title and demote him to a commoner. What do you think?"

After all, Sun Quan was the lord of a country. After losing his temper, he was able to calm down forcibly and took the initiative to raise the matter.

When it comes to the degree of trust in his subordinates, Sun Quan trusts Lu Xun the most.

Now that he came from Wu County, he happened to ask for his opinion.

Lu Xun was shocked when he heard this. When he returned to Wu County, Han Dang was seriously ill. In order to make his plan go smoothly, he didn't go to pay homage to Han Dang when he died of illness.

I thought about going back to Wuchang this time to pay homage to Han Dang's tomb, but I didn't expect to hear such a thing.

"This Han Zong is so ridiculous?"

Lu Xun frowned.

"It's not just absurd, it's a person who has no regard for human relations!"

Sun Quan gritted his teeth.

"My lord, Han Zong is ridiculous, but now is not the time to deal with it."

Lu Xunjiu and Sun Quan knew that Han Zong's severe punishment was actually a blow to the wind.

"Old General Han is a veteran of the three dynasties. He has worked hard and made great achievements. Now that his bones are still cold, the king wants to take the title of his descendants. In the eyes of those who don't understand, I am afraid that the king is a cold person."

"In addition to the new defeat of the king, this move will also cause the suspicion of venting anger. The king, whoever achieves a big event, must have a big picture. Why did the king ruin his reputation for a moment of anger?"

After hearing this, Sun Quan endured and endured, and then sighed, "Forget it! Let's listen to Bo Yan this time. But Han Zong's matter, even if he can't be severely punished, he must reflect on it."

"I would like to ask Boyan to write a decree for Gu, and then send someone to Han's residence to reprimand Han Zong severely for Gu, and think about it in his own residence these days."

"Mountains are in chaos. Your Majesty is now going to sit in town and build a business. Jingzhou is empty. Although Cao Wei is unable to plot Jingzhou for a while, it is better to make preparations early. Please return to Jingzhou immediately. When passing by Wuchang, it is time to reprimand Han Zong for the king. Does Your Majesty think so?"

Lu Xun asked for instructions.

"It would be the best if Boyan could personally reprimand you. It's just that I asked you to come back this time to let you take care of the family affairs. I don't know how the family affairs are going now? Did my niece give birth smoothly?"

Hearing Sun Quan's question, Lu Xun couldn't help but smile, "I thank the king for your concern on behalf of Jiannei. Jiannei just gave birth to a son a month ago."

"Oh? That would be great!"

After hearing this, Sun Quan finally showed joy on his face, "I finally heard a happy event."

Lu Xun's wife, Lu Sun, is Sun Quan's niece and Sun Ce's daughter.

It was not without reason that Lu Xun returned to Wu County this time.

Because Lu Sun's family was ready to give birth at that time, Lu Xun came back to welcome the birth of his own child.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a good excuse.

Now that Sun Quan heard that the Lu Sun family had given birth to a son for Lu Xun, he understood it in his heart. This meant that the Sun family had a closer connection with the Jiangdong clan. Why didn't it make him happy?

"Have you ever named it?"

"When the dog was born, the king was leading the army to fight against Cao Wei in the north, so the minister gave the word "resistance" to the dog to express his solidarity with the king."

Lu Xun replied.

"Lu Kang?" Sun Quan thought for a while, then nodded, "Going north to fight against Wei, Lu Kang, really is a good name."

Because of Lu Kang's birth, the palace returned to calm, and even had some joy, but the Han Mansion in Wuchang was clouded.

Although he was only severely reprimanded by King Wu's decree, and there was no other punishment, Han Zong still felt scared.

Because the person who reprimanded was Lu Xun, there is almost no difference between this and King Wu coming in person.

What's more, Han Zong knew that King Wu looked respectful and courteous, but he was jealous because of his sexuality, so he killed him.

Last year, Ji Yan and Xu Biao were forced to death, and Zhang Wen was deposed. How many people were implicated?

After Shi Xie's death this year, he was capricious towards his son Shi Hui, which is enough to show his viciousness inside.

If one day, I accidentally caused Master Wu's dissatisfaction, I'm afraid I won't be able to get away as easily as today.

Han Zong, who can commit adultery with his wives and concubines during his filial piety, is certainly not a good person.

A wicked person ponders people's hearts, let alone have any good intentions. The more he thinks, the more he worries about the future, and finally the evil turns to the guts.

For a period of time after being reprimanded, Han Zong stayed out of the house at first. On the surface, he seemed to be thinking behind closed doors, but in fact he secretly ordered his confidants to pretend to be water bandits and robbers to plunder business travelers around Wuchang and loot villages and towns. .

At the very beginning, this kind of behavior was only limited to the most trusted cronies, and then gradually indulged and began to participate.

In the military system of the Three Kingdoms, in addition to the army that directly obeys the imperial court's orders, there are also many generals under it, which belong to their own private troops.

Not only is Bu Qu a private soldier, but even the personal freedom of Bu Qu's family members belongs to the general.

It's just that the three countries have different restrictions on this situation.

The Great Han had the strictest restrictions on trilogy. Not only did they strictly control the number of trilogy of generals, but they also checked the tenants of the farm under the general's name very clearly.

And Soochow is the most lenient about trilogy, almost every general has a private trilogy, and generally speaking, it is the most elite part of the army under him.

Cao Wei is quite special. Although there are restrictions on the number of generals, generals from aristocratic families can actually pull out a large number of private troops at any time by taking advantage of their privileges, occupying farms, and concealing their population.

As a veteran minister of the three dynasties, Han Dang certainly left a lot of Buqu to Han Zong, about a thousand people, plus the Buqu family, and the Buqu family attached to the Han family, there are thousands of people.

Han Zong's method of indulging the trilogy quickly made the trilogy return to his heart, and at the same time dragged the relevant officials into trouble.

Sun Quan naturally didn't know what Han Zong had done secretly.

Jiangxia already had a lot of water bandits. For example, the previous general Gan Ning was born as a water bandit. Sun Quan didn't care about these water bandits that suddenly appeared in Jiangxia, but ordered Jiangxia's prefect Han Zong to wipe them out as soon as possible.

At this moment, Lv Dai, who was far away in Jiaozhou, learned that Sun Quan had defeated Jiang Xia, and quickly wrote a memorial, saying that a phoenix appeared in Wuzhou, Jiaozhou.

At the same time, they also sent someone to escort a caravan coming from the sea, and explained that the caravan came from Daqin (Roman Empire), thousands of miles away.

Finally, in the memorial, it is said that the two show that this is the image of the heart of the world.

Finally, a secret memorial was attached, just as Lu Xun had done before, in which he persuaded Sun Quan to ascend the throne.

Naturally, Sun Quan would not agree to ascend the throne at this time, after all, he had just lost face once before, and there was still a rebellion at the moment.

However, he made people spread the news that the phoenix appeared just after Jiaozhou was pacified.

At the same time, he also personally met Qin Lun, the leader of the Daqin caravan in Jianye, and asked about Daqin's local customs with great interest.

When he heard that Qin Lun had seen a huge island in the sea not far from Jiaozhi, his heart was moved: Qin Shihuang begged for the fairy mountains on the sea, but unfortunately in the end it was in vain.

Now my Jiangdong ship is number one in the world, I don’t know how many times stronger than the first emperor, he can’t find it, what if I can find it?

Together with this thought, it was never going to go away.

Wu Guo failed to attack Wei, and then Shanyue made chaos, so he turned back to rectify the rear.

After Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, heard the news of Wu, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Why are you sighing!"

Lying on the couch, Huang Yueying kicked him dissatisfied, got up and snatched the baby from his arms, and looked down at her son who was sleeping with his eyes closed, "I gave birth to a son for you, aren't you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Zhuge Liang knew that he was distracted, and hurriedly coaxed, "Madam, you have worked hard!"

Huang Yueying looked at her pink and tender son sleeping with eyes closed in her arms, and felt very satisfied.

For so many years, although no one dared to say it in front of her face, she also knew that there were countless people gossip behind her back.

Now that I gave birth to a fat boy in one breath, if I say I am not satisfied, it is a lie.

But as soon as Huang Yueying saw the sad face of this guy in front of her, most of her sense of accomplishment was gone, and she was annoyed, so she just lowered her head to tease her son, and didn't bother to look at the big man's prime minister.

Zhuge Liang coughed, "My lord, that kid has a message from Yuejuan, saying that if he can restore the water drain made by Dushi in the later Han Dynasty, then he can find a way to connect it to the bellows..."

As soon as Huang Yueying heard this, she casually grabbed the buckwheat pillow beside her and threw it at it, cursing, "This concubine just gave birth to a child, and it is when she is weak. You, Alang, think that my concubine rests too much?"

"That bastard is ignorant, and you are also ignorant as the prime minister of a big man? If you hold someone and use it to your death, I'm afraid it's because I think my concubine has lived too long, and I exhausted my concubine to death earlier, so you can pamper the newcomer?"

Huang Yueying's wish for many years has been fulfilled, and it is the time when she is proud and joyful. If she hadn't been able to hold her breath and changed to someone else, she would have thought about how to show off when she could show up.

Unexpectedly, the prime minister of the big man not only sighed in front of her, but was absent-minded about holding the baby, and even had business affairs with a woman in the delivery room.

talk! male! thing!

What a jerk!

It's fine if you don't praise my old lady, how dare you love that this child is not your own? !

The prime minister's wife deliberately lowered her head to look at the child just now, not looking at the ugly face of the big man prime minister, because she just didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Unexpectedly, this man really didn't wink at all, and he was still nagging in front of her. The meaning behind the words was to let her re-study those boring things earlier.


The prime minister of the big man was caught off guard, he only felt a black shadow flying in front of him, and then he was smashed with gold stars.

Huang Yueying looked at the pillow that had fallen to the ground, and her anger became even worse, "Even that bastard knows how to send this pillow here, and fill it with some medicine, so that my concubine can sleep more peacefully."

"It's good for you, Alang. The concubine handles government affairs every day when she is pregnant. It's fine if she never asks her what to do. Now that the child has been born for so long, I haven't even given a name. Zhuge Kongming, you really don't want the child anymore. ?”

Huang Yueying, who had just given birth, was a little grumpy, even a little unreasonable.

Even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty dare not beat him lightly.

Although he was caught off guard by Huang Yueying's sudden tantrum, Zhuge Liang was the prime minister after all, and he immediately remembered that this situation had been mentioned in the secret method of the master's school given by Feng Yong.

After a woman gives birth, many women will have mood swings. The most common ones are depression, depression, temper tantrums over trivial matters, and poor relationships with family members.

If it cannot be adjusted and allowed to develop, it will not only be harmful to the woman, but also harmful to the child.

Now it seems that the same is true of Xijun.

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty knew that he owed a lot to Xi Jun, so he had no choice but to swallow his breath, picked up the pillow, and coaxed, "Xi Jun, don't worry too much, this child is our first child, what should I do?" Do you want it?"

"I didn't even get a name!"

Huang Yueying sneered.

"I've thought about it a long time ago, so I'll take the word Zhan. The Zhanzhe, look at it from a height, I hope he can see things from a high perspective in the future, what do you think, Mr. Xi?"

"Zhuge Zhan?"


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