Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 548 Hurry Up

Feng Yong's neck was a little stiff, and he turned his head away with a click.

Seeing his appearance, Guan Ji gave a "puchi" smile and patted him, "I'm joking!"

Feng Yong pretended to be stupid, laughed dryly, and thought to himself, I believe you a ghost, you said just now that you are not so stingy!

"My aunt wrote a letter, saying that she has given birth to a son, and she wants my concubine to thank her husband on her behalf."

Guan Ji was obsessed with the formation of the Women's Army during this time. Taking advantage of her inconvenient health these days, she drove Feng Yong to Amei's room. various ideas.

So there are a lot of things recently, basically mentioned to Feng Yong in the morning.

Unlike before, you can communicate before going to bed.

"Oh, what's there to thank? I want to thank Fan'a and Li Dangzhi, and it has nothing to do with me."

Feng Yong waved his hand, and at the same time, a thought came to his mind: Zhuge Zhan was finally born?

This is a kid who doesn't have the talent of his father, but has the dazzling halo of his father.

When Deng Ai smuggled into Yinping and came straight to Jincheng, A Dou handed him the last foundation in his hands, and at the same time gave him the last hope, but he didn't expect that this kid was a guy with high eyesight and low hands.

The last two Northern Expeditions by Old Demon Zhuge had too few people to attack the city, but he was able to fight Cao Wei in the field like a tiger in fear of Shu, which was evaluated by Sima Yi as a "genius under the world", and his ability to march and deploy is still very powerful.

It's a pity that this Zhuge Zhan thought he had the art of war handed down from his family, so he didn't listen to Huang Chong and Li Qiu's advice, he didn't guard the narrow pass, and insisted on fighting others on the flat ground.

As a result, the last bit of A Dou's family fortune was wiped out. A Dou ignored the soldiers in front of him and vowed to guard the Jianmen Gate, and directly opened the door to surrender. There may be reasons for Zhuge Zhan's defeat and death.

Feng Yong stood there in a daze, not knowing what he thought of, and suddenly smiled strangely.

"What are you thinking? Laughing so hard!"

Guan Ji pushed him dissatisfied.

"Calculating, Zhuge Zhan and I are cousins, right?"

Feng Yong said such a sentence.

Guan Ji was taken aback for a moment, for some reason Feng Yong suddenly asked this, thought for a while, and said, "The concubine is considered to be the half-daughter of my aunt, and Da Lang should really call the concubine a sister, so you and he are cousins, right?" .”

"Ah That's good."

Feng Yong nodded.

"What's the meaning?"

Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong's increasingly weird expression in bewilderment.

"Fuck him! He is my uncle, and if he makes a mistake in the future, it's okay for me to whip him, right?"

Feng Yongli said bluntly.

"You've been thinking about it for a long time, and you're thinking about this?"

Guan Ji couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Feng Yong fiercely angrily, "He's still a child!"

Clothes are thick in winter, so beating doesn’t hurt people, Feng Yonghun said nonchalantly, “Children just want to be beaten, and filial sons will be born under the stick!”

"No matter how filial a son is, he is also my aunt's filial son. What does it have to do with you? Where did you get a filial son from?"

Guan Ji snorted.

Doesn't seem right?

Seeing Guan Ji's appearance, Feng Yong's heart was moved, and he asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, do you have something on your mind?"

"What's on my mind, concubine?"

Guan Ji said unhappily.

Hearing this, Feng Yong became more and more sure.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xi? You and I are one, what can't you tell me?"

Feng Yong asked softly.

Guan Ji glanced at him, then looked at Amei who was standing next to her, then bit her lips and said, "My aunt has a child already, my concubine and Alang have been married for so long..."

His voice lowered, and he looked a little disappointed.

Feng Yong understood as soon as he heard it, and said quickly, "Due to physical reasons, madam has only had children until now. The two of us are fine, let alone young. Don't worry, there will always be."

Remembering that Guan Ji glanced at Amei just now, Feng Yong hurriedly explained in a low voice, "Don't worry, the eldest son in the family must be born to you. Amei..."

After Amei became a witch doctor, she learned medical skills from Fan A, and she had her own way to avoid giving birth before the mistress. She still knew her position very well.

"Who told you this!"

Guan Ji blushed upon hearing Feng Yong's explanation, and pushed him out the door.

Amei pretended she didn't hear or see anything, she lowered her head and was about to follow.

"No need, you went to the racecourse with Xijun today. You haven't checked the account for a long time, so you should check it."

Feng Yong waved his hand to prevent her from following.

As an all-around talent, Ah Mei is Feng Yong's senior secretary. On weekdays, she not only has to help Feng Yong sort out various materials in advance for his review, but also helps to collect various data in the Yuejue prefect's mansion.

Feng Yong has been sleeping in her room these days, Guan Ji was stimulated by Huang Yueying today, so she should not let Ah Mei follow her.

The ancients said that self-cultivation, family governance, state governance and world peace are very reasonable.

There is no peace at home, how can I have the mood to rule the country and the world?

Between husband and wife, mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, life will be more harmonious.

After entering the prefect's mansion, Wei Rong handed over an official document.

"Chang Shi, Jincheng's reply has arrived."

"I don't read it, you just say what it said."

Feng Yong waved his hand.

This kind of official document is not vernacular, and it is a headache to read.

"The prime minister didn't agree to transfer weapons from Jincheng's arsenal, but he agreed to let Hanzhong Metallurgy build a batch of weapons specifically for Yuejuan according to Chang Shi's wishes."

Wei Rong said quickly.

"Understood." Feng Yong nodded, "Is there anything else?"

"A batch of weapons was just delivered yesterday, there are thirty of them."

"Only thirty?" Feng Yong rubbed his forehead in distress, "Too little."

After thinking for a while, he said, "Go and inform General Zhang to distribute these weapons."


After a while, Zhang Ni came over with a happy face, "Chang Shi, I heard that there is another batch of purple electric swords?"

"Yes, but only thirty handles."

Feng Yong said helplessly.

"Thirty swords are already a lot. This kind of precious sword is rare in the world. Its power is only seen in a certain life. Including the original ones in Qiongdu, there are seventy swords."

But Zhang Yi felt satisfied, "It's not easy to make such a precious sword, so we can only save it slowly."

How difficult is it to create?

After more than a year, only seventy of them were built. Isn't this really slow?

"I told the prime minister a few days ago that I wanted to ask Jincheng to help build a batch, but the prime minister refused, but the good news is that the prime minister agreed to let Hanzhongye help."

"That would be great!"

Zhang Ni was overjoyed.

The so-called Zidian Sword is actually Tang Mo Sword.

The blade is more than two meters long, the blade alone is nearly one meter long, and the handle is one meter two.

The Modao was developed from the Zhanmadao, so the blade is somewhat similar to the Zhanmadao, with a sharp tip that can chop, chop, pick, cut, and stab.

A long handle is connected underneath, which is good for dealing with cavalry.

The usage of Mo Dao is to advance like a wall. On the one hand, it can effectively boost the morale of the soldiers on one's own side, and on the other hand, it can also greatly deter the enemy.

Its principle, one is to fight collectively, and pay attention to teamwork; the other is to have a clear attack point, which is to deal with cavalry and make up for the weakness of insufficient horses.

The disadvantage is that the cost is extremely expensive and it is not easy to make.

At the same time, it not only requires extremely high physical fitness of soldiers, but also requires them to have good teamwork ability.

So even if it is tried successfully by Feng Yong, it is destined to only be used as the last hole card.

Knowing that Feng Yong wanted Pu Yuan to help build such a flashy thing, Zhuge Laoyao naturally refused immediately - now is the most critical moment of preparation for the Northern Expedition, how much manpower and material resources will be wasted to build such a thing?

Feng Yong had no choice but to use his own relationship to ask Hanzhong Metallurgy to help build a hundred weapons in the name of making weapons for Buqu. In this way, it took a year to fail to complete the request.

This is only a little bit that can only be forged by taking advantage of Nanxiang's advantages, coke and improved bellows.

A few days ago, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty almost drained Nanxiang's blood. Feng Yong had no way to stop him, so he had to take the opportunity to cry and get a formal authorization to let Hanzhongye help build the Yuexie prefect's mansion in a legitimate way.

If the time is not too tight, Feng Yong even wants to ask the old demon Zhuge to build a smelting workshop in Yuexie and build it himself.

"If you're not in charge, you don't know how expensive firewood is!"

Feng Yong sighed.

Fortunately, Nanxiang is rich and can advance a part of it, and Yuexie has the income from the racecourse and Yanchi as collateral, otherwise Feng Yong would not dare to do it at all.

But seeing that the Northern Expedition was imminent, Feng Yong could only grit his teeth and seize the time to try various arms.

"The treasured sword formation, how is the practice going?"

"Not bad." Zhang Yi nodded again and again, "Nanxiang's soldiers are indeed elite soldiers. They follow orders like they move their arms and fingers, and most of them are stronger than ordinary soldiers. They are the best candidates for using the Zidian Sword."

Feng Yong grinned distressedly when he heard this, most of Lao Tzu's soldiers have been released, and this is not enough, how many are left on hand now? If you do this, how much can you fill in?

"We can't use all Nanxiang soldiers. Don't we have the right to recruit soldiers in the three counties? In the name of trying every year, we have carefully selected warriors in the three counties. There are too few soldiers in Nanxiang. Let them lead as a long team. Like, lead the charge."

It's good to use it wisely!

"Xiazuo understands the meaning of Changshi. Xiazuo's plan is to let Nanxiang soldiers practice the use of this purple electric sword first, and then let them lead others to practice."

"After all, Nanxiang's soldiers are rare and elite soldiers. No matter what they do, they are much easier to use than ordinary soldiers."

Zhang Ni looked at Feng Yong in admiration.

This Feng Changshi, even though he is usually inconspicuous, but his skills are indeed unmatched by few people.

The Nanxiang soldiers brought out alone are not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

"Oh, that's good." Feng Yong nodded, got up and said, "Go, go to the barracks and see how they are doing."


Although there are less than a hundred treasured swords, they are lined up like a forest of long swords, shining brightly like a wall, which still has a great deterrent effect.

Feng Yong stood on the general platform, watching the soldiers below holding their swords and walking forward. Not far in front of them, there was a wooden stake.

There was only a shout, and the long knife was chopped down, and the stake was broken on the spot.

Stepping over the fallen wooden piles, there are straw figures similar in height to cavalry in front of you.

Pick, stab...

"General Zhang, the use of this precious sword should be different for infantry and horse troops. You need to worry about how to use it on the real battlefield."

After reading it, Feng Yong thought it was quite powerful, but it was just vegetation after all, and it was still standing still.

To deal with living people and cavalry, whether Mo Dao should chop or stab, or cut or pick, this should be constantly tried and summed up experience.

Feng Yong doesn't understand, so he can only leave it to those who know how to do it.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ni quickly said, "Go down and understand."

Stretching his neck to look at the chopped wood under the soldiers' feet, Feng Yong ordered again, "Send some of these broken wood to my yard at that time. The firewood in my yard seems to be almost used up."

Saying that, he tightened the down jacket on his body, and muttered, "It's a bit cold in this weather..."

Zhang Ni's face twitched, "I know when I go down."

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