Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 549 Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms

Later generations like to praise the Han and Tang dynasties with the strong Han and prosperous Tang.

There are many reasons why the Han Dynasty defeated the nomads. In addition to national strength, weapons, organization and other reasons, the army equipped with a large number of horses is also one of the important reasons.

In the Tang Dynasty, on the basis of a large number of equipped horses, another big killer was added, which was the Mo knife.

There are a lot of records of Mo Dao in historical materials, but no real objects have been unearthed in later generations.

Because the Tang Dynasty had extremely strict legal regulations on the country's most important weapon, the Modao, it was not allowed to be kept privately or buried with it.

Therefore, scholars of later generations can only try to restore the Mo knife by combining various historical materials.

Although the details of the restored appearance of each party may be different, the general shape is the same.

That is, the blade is an improved version of the Zanma Dao, with a long handle added underneath.

The saber of the Han Dynasty can cut the head of a horse. If you add a long handle, use the strength of your waist to drive your arm to swing the knife, and add the leverage principle of the long knife, it is not difficult to chop the enemy "to pieces".

The key is the quality of the knife.

The longer the knife, the higher the requirement for flexibility.

Otherwise it will break easily.

While having enough flexibility, it also needs to have enough hardness, otherwise it will cut the enemy continuously and fail to meet the requirements for dealing with cavalry.

This is why Hanzhong Metallurgical has not produced a hundred precious knives in a year of production.

Just the upper half of the blade is much more demanding than the Saber Saber.

It needs to be continuously folded and hammered by skilled craftsmen to remove the impurities inside as much as possible. Moreover, the number of tempering of the blade and the back of the blade should not be the same. The blade must be hard and the back must be elastic, so this process is very complicated.

It is also for this reason that Feng Yong is so eager to restore the water drainage and want to combine it with the bellows.

Because only by further increasing the temperature and obtaining a large amount of liquid iron can the forging workload be reduced.

It's a pity that the birth of Zhuge Zhan interrupted the research progress of the country's top engineer Huang Yueying, not to mention the combination of the water discharge and the bellows, even the water discharge does not know how long it will be delayed...

So Feng Yong's statement that he wanted to draw on Zhuge Zhan was not entirely a joke.

Just when Feng Yong turned around and was about to leave Dianjiangtai, he could only hear a slight commotion from below.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Feng Yong frowned.

If there is no order in the battle formation, if you move around at will, you will harm others and yourself when you are on the battlefield. This is what Feng Yong is most taboo about.

Zhang Ni's face was a bit ugly, Nanxiang's soldiers were elite soldiers, when Feng Yong was handed over to him, it was strictly forbidden.

If in his hands, it became disobeying military discipline, wouldn't that prove his dereliction of duty?

"There is no order to make noise in the queue, what's going on?"

Zhang Ni walked to the front and cursed.

Soon someone came forward, "I'm reporting to the captain, a treasured sword has been broken!"

"Take it over and have a look."

Zhang Ni was taken aback and said hastily.

The broken sword was quickly delivered to the two of them.

Feng Yong looked carefully at the break, and found that it was broken from the junction of the blade and the handle.

Turning it over again, I saw a line of small characters engraved on the handle of the knife: Zidian Sixty-two, supervised by Jiang Bin of Hanzhong Metallurgy, made on Tuesday.

This is the sixty-second purple electric sword made by Hanzhong Metallurgy. Jiang Bin is in charge of the production, and the craftsman is in charge of making it on Tuesday. It is also the first sword to break.

Feng Yong's face darkened instantly.

Hanzhong Metallurgical was originally established to manage the 100,000 mu Huangzhuang in Hanzhong for the royal family, and at the same time was responsible for building eight ox plows and Quyuan plows for various farms in Hanzhong.

Later, because Feng Yong didn't have enough manpower, and he was the supervisor of Hanzhong Metallurgical Industry Corporation, Huangzhuang was the main supplier of forage, and the queen had a share of the pasture, so it was no good for the Hanzhong Metallurgical Supervisory Order to also manage the Hanzhong Ranch. Strange.

Later, because Nanxiang became more and more important, Feng Yong established the Nanxiang Nursing Team, so someone used his power for personal gain, dressed in the royal skin, and quietly added a weapon-making function.

Of course, it is necessary to give a lot of benefits to the prime minister of Han Dynasty.

Hanzhong, as the frontier of the Northern Expedition, must have an arsenal, and the Hanzhong Metallurgical Weapons Building can be regarded as preparations for the Northern Expedition, so the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty accepted the benefits, and agreed to it readily.

Feng Yong relied on the power of the royal family, so he was able to find a way to transfer a group of craftsmen.

Later, Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation initially produced refined iron, which can be regarded as living up to his expectations.

These days, it is impossible to streamline production, because to create a good sword, it must be crafted bit by bit by craftsmen.

However, Feng Yong still made certain improvements to Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation.

For example, the treatment of craftsmen has been improved, the responsibility system has been implemented, the reward and punishment system has been implemented, and there are also certain regulations on the process.

Especially for heavy weapons such as the Zidian Baodao, when each knife is completed, someone must personally inspect it, and only if it is qualified can it be sent over. At the same time, the names of the supervisory department, supervisor, and creator must be engraved.

Such a strict process and requirements, and he only got 70 of them, and there is still one that is not up to standard, which makes Feng Yong's face somber.

"A treasured sword can be worth three years' rations for a Dingkou," Feng Yong said solemnly, "Hanzhongye gave me such a thing? Good! Very good!"

When Feng Yong said this, he laughed angrily, "It's been less than a year since I stepped down as the supervisor of Hanzhong Metallurgy, and Hanzhongye has become like this? How does Huo Yi manage Hanzhongye?"

"Zhang Duwei, today you write an official document and hand it over to the prefect's mansion. Then I will personally ask the Shaofu about Hanzhong Metallurgical's dereliction of duty."

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and said.

Time is getting tighter and tighter, you guys are throwing me off the chain at this time, I won't be named Feng if I can't clean you up to death!

Zhang Ni's body shook suddenly, and he looked at Feng Yong in surprise, "No!"

Feng Langjun is really angry!

With the respect of Jun Hou, the position of Bian County Chief Shi, plus Feng Langjun's status in the Han Dynasty, and the relationship between Feng Langjun and the royal family in the legend, if this official document is sent to the Shaofu, Han Zhongye may have to turn it upside down. Upside down.

Time soon entered January of the fifth year of Jianxing.

Cao Wei in the north officially changed the Yuan Dynasty this year, which was the first year of Taihe. At the same time, he amnesty the world and rewarded all officials.

Cao Xiu, the general who conquered the East, was promoted to the chief minister and became the supreme commander of the Cao Wei army. He supervised Yangzhou as before and governed Shouchun.

Cao Zhenqian, the general of the Chinese army, was the general of the army and commanded all the troops in Luoyang.

Chen Qun, the general of the town army, was promoted to Sikong.

Sima Yi, the general of the Fu army, analyzed the situation in the world at the beginning of Cao Rui's ascension to the throne. At the same time, he proposed to Emperor Wei that Shu was powerless to invade and only needed to guard against Wu, and the consequences came true.

At the same time, when Wu came to commit crimes, he analyzed the situation in Jiangxia and Xiangyang to Emperor Wei, and came to the conclusion that Jiangxia is worry-free and pays attention to Xiangyang, which made Cao Rui's speech in the court hall establish his prestige.

Anticipating that Soochow would invade Xiangyang, Sima Yi rushed to Jingzhou secretly, and then defeated Zhuge Jin and made great achievements.

After this series of events, he showed outstanding strategy and excellent leadership ability, which made Cao Rui attach great importance to Sima Yi, promoted him to General Hussars, and gave him the right to manage affairs in the government.

In other words, Sima Yi finally has his own office and an army under his command, and he can justifiably cultivate his own strength.

Sima Yi once again took the initiative to propose that in order to better protect the capital of Luoyang, he asked to go out and station troops in Wancheng, so that he could better respond to Jingzhou and Guanzhong at the same time.

Because of the consolidation of the throne, Cao Rui finally agreed to Sima Yi's request this time.

At the same time, Wancheng was ordered to build the Hushi General's Mansion. After the construction was completed, Sima Yi could officially station in Wancheng.

Sima Yi's promotion marked the further consolidation of the aristocratic family's political rights in Cao Wei.

The news quickly spread to Soochow, and learned that the coach of Jingzhou had become Zhang Xi, and the governor of Jingzhou, Lu Xun, looked solemn.

He said to Hussar General Zhuge Jin, "Zhang He is one of Cao's five sons of good generals. He has many opportunities to change, he is very careful about the terrain, and he is known for his courage. He is both wise and brave. Now he guards Jingzhou and takes the danger of Xiangyang. , I am afraid that it will add a lot of difficulties when we attack Wei in the future."

Zhuge Jin was a little puzzled, "Does the governor praise him too much? In the battle between Liu Cao and Hanzhong, Zhang Yun was defeated by Zhang Fei first, and had to abandon his horse and flee up the mountain. He was defeated by Liu Bei, and finally had to withdraw from Hanzhong. "

"In the battle of Yiling, Liu Bei mobilized the power of the whole country, but he was almost captured by the governor. The governor is not even afraid of Liu Bei, why should he be afraid of Zhang Yun?"

Lu Xun shook his head, "No. In the battle of Yiling, Liu Bei was able to win a big victory. Liu Bei was angry and raised his army. I also had some luck. Liu Bei has a good understanding of people. When Xia Houyuan was killed by Huang Zhong, Liu Bei was not afraid. satisfy."

"If you want to kill Zhang He, what's the use of killing Xia Houyuan? You can see his fear of Zhang He. Now Zhang He is guarding Jingzhou, and he is a great enemy to Jiangdong. We have to be careful about him in the future."

Hearing this, Zhuge Jin also frowned a little, "Yangzhou has Cao Xiu, and Jingzhou has Zhang Yun. This Cao thief is very strict against Jiangdong."

Lu Xun nodded, looked at the direction of Xincheng in the northwest, and then at the direction of Shu Kingdom in the west, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"General Zhuge, Meng Da from Xincheng, do you have any news?"

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