Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 550 Confession

A few years ago, the Shaofu was an empty shelf, not to mention how many people were there, but even where the office was located, few people knew.

If it wasn't for the purpose of showing that the great man is orthodox in the world, at least in the name of the need for a complete organization, I am afraid that even the empty Shaofu might not exist.

Back then, Feng Yong became the supervisor of the Zhuye Supervisor under the name of the Shaofu. When he went to report for the first time, he was led to the door of a small house in a corner of Weiyang Palace. If he could barely understand the plaque on the door of the small house The word Shaofu was written on it, and he almost thought it was a hut.

Later, under Feng Yong's tinkering, Zhu Yejian made a plow, although the Shaofu didn't get any oil from it, but at least it got a bit of reputation.

When Shaofu became prosperous, it was when Hanzhong Metallurgical Industry Co., Ltd. began to produce output. To be precise, it was when Feng Yong paid dividends for the first time.

Today's Shaofu is no longer the hut of the past, but a large piece of land has been re-divided in Weiyang Palace, and a big house has been built again, which can be regarded as one of the most magnificent buildings in the palace.

After all, it is the face of the royal family.

Hanzhong Metallurgical, Nanxiang Workshop, Dongfeng Express, Nanzhong Metallurgical, etc., these industries related to the royal family, all need Shaofu to come forward to deal with the outside world.

The office staff of the Shaofu also swelled uncontrollably.

In particular, sending people to the ticket bank to check the accounts every month is the favorite thing for the stewards of the Shaofu.

Although you can't take oil and water openly, but the ticket company is sensible. Every time there will be transportation fees, travel expenses, etc., these are the rules set by the ticket company.

If people do work, they must be paid. This is what Feng Langjun said, and the emperor and empress agree.

I heard that many accountants in the ticket office also serve as the accountant of Dongfeng Express, and each person receives double salary.

People like myself, because they only come out once a month, have no salary, and only one carriage fee is almost enough, so they can take the money with peace of mind.

Coupled with eating and drinking, every time it can make the steward sent by the Shaofu happy physically and mentally.

Although the Shaofu is not terribly rich now, it is a pleasure to still have his own income when the Prime Minister's Mansion sends people to manage the palace.

So although most of the stewards in the Shaofu have never met the legendary Feng Langjun, they all feel that he is one of them.

Until one day, the Yuejue Prefect's Mansion handed the Shaofu an accountability document.

Why did you hand it directly to the Shaofu?

Because that batch of purple electric swords was first commissioned by Feng Yong in the name of making weapons for his own trilogy, and Hanzhong Metallurgy was commissioned to make them.

Later, it was authorized by the Prime Minister's Mansion, but it was defined as a new weapon tested by the Yuejue Prefect's Mansion, and it was not considered a formal military standard weapon.

Since it was done in private by the Yuejue prefect's mansion, then the Yuejue prefect's mansion had to argue with the young mansion by itself - the prime minister's mansion didn't care about it.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty promised to give Feng Yong a certain amount of autonomy in Yuexie, which is still very reputable. As long as the bottom line is not exceeded, he is allowed to toss about the three counties of Yueyu.

Anyway, those three counties are the places where the most barbarians are concentrated in Yueyi. As long as there is chaos in Yueyi, they will basically be concentrated in that place. If it is done well, it will be a surprise.

If it is not done well, as long as the area from Beishui County to Anshang County can be preserved, then it will not be a loss to put down the chaos this time.

Ever since the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty exchanged the five hundred soldiers from Nanxiang for the autonomy of Fengyong's three counties, Meng Yan has moved the soldiers of the five captains of Nanzhong to Beishui County one after another. Feng Yong meant to wipe his ass.

Because the imperial court can re-enter the Sunshui River Valley with Beishui as the frontier at any time.

But now Yuejue is considered to be initially peaceful, and a considerable part of the fields have even been cultivated, and some of the aristocratic families in central Shu have already entered Yuejuan.

So the risk of chaos is constantly decreasing.

The imperial court expects to get taxes and even people from there by the end of this year, so it is worth taking such a small risk.

If it were someone else, let alone whether the long history of a county has the right to self-government, even if there is, if there is no support from the prime minister's mansion, if he dares to trouble the young mansion directly under the royal family, it will be called arrogance, can he get in? The palace gate is still a problem.

But who is Feng Yong?

He is the patron of the Shaofu.

When this official accountability document was delivered, the steward of the Shaofu rubbed his eyes. He thought he hadn't woken up: When did Hanzhongye become so bold and dare to fool Feng Langjun like this?

Then he sighed again, this Feng Langjun is really generous, the money and food needed to build a weapon for the trilogy are worth a three-year ration for a small mouth!

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to neglect my hands and feet. I took the official document and ran directly to Huang Hu, the chief eunuch in the palace.

"Two of the thirty knives were broken?"

Liu Chan took the official document handed over by Huang Hu, and blinked in confusion after reading it.

"Feng Langjun entrusted Hanzhong Metallurgy to make precious knives, and two of the 30 newly sent ones were found to have problems? Does that mean there is a problem with Hanzhong Metallurgy?"

The emperor of the Han Dynasty didn't care how much a knife was worth, and he couldn't get involved in court affairs anyway.

So what he cares about is, if there is a problem with Hanzhong Metallurgy, will there be a problem with his own money?

After all, the source of the small treasury in the palace, Hanzhong Metallurgy still accounts for most of it.

It's okay to talk about other places, but in Nanxiang, if you dare to fool Feng Langjun... then why not?

As soon as Liu Chan thought of this, he finally came to his senses, quickly grabbed the official document in his hand, and went straight to the harem.

"Queen, queen, it's not good, something serious happened!"

Fatty Liu Chan approached Zhang Xingcai with a panicked expression, "Something happened to Hanzhongye."

Several warm pavilions were built in the palace last year. The construction unit was an engineering team specially invited from Nanxiang. The style is unique. The fireplace is burning vigorously, and the whole room is warm.

The queen wore only a thin woolen sweater, and was reading a book fascinated, when she saw the emperor suddenly barging in, she was startled, stood up quickly, and was about to salute.

But Liu Chan directly put the official document in her hand, and said first, "You don't need to be polite, you just take a look and give me an idea. Then Feng Mingwen came with the official document, saying that he wanted to hold Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation accountable. .”

Zhang Xingcai was slightly startled when he heard this, and quickly opened the official document to read it carefully.

After reading it, he frowned first, and then relaxed again.

In the end, she couldn't help laughing, "Ha! This concubine has been worrying about Hanzhongye these days, but I didn't expect Feng Mingwen to send such a good excuse at this time! It should be Jiang Bin's bad luck!"

When Liu Chan heard this, he quickly asked, "What happened to Hanzhongye, why is the queen laughing instead of worrying?"

Zhang Xingcai chuckled, and carefully folded the official document, "Your Majesty doesn't care much about the affairs of the Shaofu on weekdays, so it's right that you don't know the reasons for this. Let's sit down first, and wait for the concubine to explain it carefully to His Majesty."

When Liu Chan heard this, he felt a little embarrassed. The income of the young mansion was usually in the hands of the queen, and the affairs of the young mansion were also decided by the queen.

When he has needs in his daily life, he just reaches out to the queen. Anyway, the queen gives him more tickets, not less.

Zhang Xingcai helped Liu Chan take off his coat, poured him another bowl of hot tea, and then sat across from him and said, "At the beginning of last year, Feng Mingwen resigned from the post of supervisor of Hanzhong Metallurgy, and Jiang Bin, the son of Jiang Wan who joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, made up for him. I took this position, Your Majesty, do you still remember?"

Liu Chan nodded, "Of course I remember."

"Jiang Bin entered Hanzhong Metallurgy, and he was quite peaceful at first. But in June last year, Hanzhong set up a new arsenal, and the Hanzhong government asked Hanzhong Metallurgy to help build some weapons."

"Because of Jiang Bin's relationship with the prime minister's mansion and his acquaintance with the Hanzhong prefect Ma Di, he took advantage of this opportunity to mobilize many craftsmen to make weapons for the Hanzhong arsenal. Even the supervisor Huo Yi can deal with him."

Liu Chan was taken aback when he heard this, "So, wouldn't this matter have something to do with the Prime Minister's Mansion? What should I do?"

"Everyone knows that this matter is related to the Prime Minister's Mansion, but the Prime Minister's father didn't say so, so I will take it as ignorance. Besides, Hanzhongye is the Royal Hanzhongye, not the Hanzhongye of the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

Zhang Xingcai said dissatisfiedly, "It's not that concubines don't care about state affairs, but there must be rules in everything. If you want to call Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation for state affairs, as long as you tell the royal family in advance, the concubine will not say a word of dissent."

"But Jiang Bin is far away from the prime minister's mansion and close to the Hanzhong mansion. It's not a serious matter. He also used the name of state affairs to suppress Huo Yi and called the craftsmen of Hanzhong Metallurgy without authorization. When Huo Yi reported later, the craftsmen were already gone. The transfer is complete. Is there any reason for him to do things like this?"

"Today he can call craftsmen without authorization, but in the future he dares to do other things, so this matter must be investigated to the end."

Having said that, Zhang Xingcai said decisively with a cold gleam in his eyes.

It is a matter between the prime minister's mansion and the royal family that the prime minister's mansion can overwhelm the royal family, but what does it have to do with others?

If it weren't for Jiang Bin's starting point to consider national affairs, Zhang Xingcai would have wanted to make a move a long time ago.

As soon as Liu Chan heard that the Prime Minister's Mansion was involved, he already flinched, but when he heard Zhang Xingcai's words, he felt reasonable.

That's right, what if one day he transfers money and food from Hanzhong Metallurgy to the prefect's mansion?

Thinking of this, the little fat man suddenly felt courageous again, "Yes, we must investigate hard!"

Then he asked humbly, "How should we investigate this matter?"

Zhang Xingcai smiled confidently, "This matter is originally a matter between the Shaofu and the Yuejue prefect's mansion. When the time comes, tell Xiangfu, and the palace will directly send people to Hanzhong to monitor it."

"Isn't Feng Mingwen going to be held accountable, then let him take some account rooms from Nanxiang Academy and check the account books together."

When it comes to checking accounts, the accountants from Nanxiang Academy are definitely first-class talents.

If it weren't for the accounting problem, it would be even simpler. Just follow the words engraved on the handle to find the person in charge of building and supervising the production, and no one can escape.

As for how the prime minister's mansion should deal with it, it has to go to the Yuexie prefect's mansion, which has nothing to do with the palace.

After all, the palace wants to give Feng Langjun an explanation!

Some people may think that Feng Yong's influence on Nanxiang will be weakened after he has left Nanxiang for so long, even away from Jincheng, and went to Yuexi to take office, but Zhang Xingcai never thinks so.

Because only a few people know that the Nanxiang County Government, the Imperial Palace, and the Prime Minister's Mansion all have the same plan, which is called "Nanxiang Five-Year Livelihood Examination".

It was compiled by Feng Yong himself, and it talks about the development direction of Nanxiang in the five years from the third year of Jianxing to the seventh year of Jianxing.

At the same time, this plan will continue to add new content according to the actual situation, but the general direction remains unchanged.

So in fact, Nanxiang today is composed of the imperial palace, the prime minister's mansion, and the Nanxiang faction headed by Feng Yong. At the same time, they try their best to maintain its stability.

Regarding Nanxiang's question, if the Prime Minister's Mansion thinks there is a problem and Feng Yong thinks there is no problem, then there is no problem. If you have any doubts, you can ask Feng Yong.

If the palace thinks there is a problem and Feng Yong thinks there is no problem, then there is still no problem, if you have any questions, you can ask Feng Yong.

But if Feng Yong thinks there is a problem, no matter whether the prime minister's mansion and the palace think there is a problem, then there must be a problem.

Because Nanxiang is a place where demons are rampant, except for Feng Yong, no one knows what it will eventually develop into.

But it is not only extremely important to the imperial court, but also indispensable to the imperial palace.

Today's Nanxiang output is enough to support all the salaries of the court officials, and at the same time support the expenses of the palace, and there is even enough profit to distribute dividends to each family.

This is a very large investment.

To be honest, Zhang Xingcai would not feel sorry for losing the 100,000 fields in Hanzhong Huangzhuang if it was not for the supply of pasture for the ranch, but if the dividends from the ranch workshop were cut off, Zhang Xingcai would never agree.

What's more, there are nearly 30,000 employees and family members in the workshop, ranch and mine, and the number of people who come and go from Nanxiang for a living will double.

This is not counting the unnaturalized slave laborers.

If something goes wrong in Nanxiang, if one is not careful, tens of thousands of landless and propertyless rioters will emerge overnight, and the resulting bad consequences may not be comparable to the riots in ten Guanghan counties. It is definitely Hanzhong. nightmare.

The soldiers from Nanxiang are elite soldiers, so the rioters from Nanxiang must also be thieves and bandits - I heard that Nanxiang can even order and stop women and children.

This is not counting those parties who have an intricate relationship with Nanxiang.

So even if the prime minister had no choice but to, he didn't try to change his mind, at most, that is, to limit it a little.

For example, take out some elite soldiers.

"But will doing so make Xiangfu unhappy?"

Liu Chan asked hesitantly.

"The concubine just wants to investigate Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation, especially the matter of Feng Mingwen's accountability, and it's not for other reasons. If the palace doesn't give Feng Langjun an explanation, is it necessary to take this responsibility?"

"On this matter, even if Xiangfu has an opinion, he should go to Feng Langjun. What's the use of looking for us?"

Zhang Xingcai smiled calmly, "Besides, Feng Langjun also said in the official document that the Yuejue prefect's mansion entrusted Hanzhong Metallurgy to build weapons, not only the sword is not good, but the progress is also not good."

"According to my concubine, Feng Langjun is also very dissatisfied with the construction speed of Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation, and this is an excuse to attack. If this is the case, why don't we go along with it?"

"That's good, that's good." Liu Chan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily at the same time, "Then we really need to check it out, otherwise, once the prime minister...cough, cough, the income in the palace, then But it will be less than half."

Zhang Xingcai: ...

The queen rubbed her forehead: Your Majesty's words... Sigh!

In the end, he could only say helplessly, "Your Majesty... what you said makes sense."

The news spread back to the Shaofu, and the secretly worried people in the Shaofu finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the responsibility is not on their side.

At the same time, he thought about it quickly, and said, "This Hanzhong Metallurgy should have checked it long ago."

As soon as the words came out, everyone understood, "That's right."

Listening to the meaning of the first two in the palace, you want to send someone from the palace to Nanxiang?

So, apart from the people in Shaofu, who else is familiar with these businesses?

Therefore, there is a high probability that someone will be transferred from the Shaofu!

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