Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 551 Entrust

After the news that the palace wanted to investigate Han Zhongye reached the prime minister's mansion, Zhuge Liang rubbed his temples with some headaches.

The Northern Expedition is imminent, and I am preparing to go to Hanzhong, so there are too many things to be arranged as soon as possible.

I have always believed in Ma Di in this matter in Hanzhong, but I never thought that I would provoke that kid at this juncture.

The Hanzhong Arsenal was newly established, and most of the weapons in stock were sent by Jincheng and sealed up.

The Hanzhong government asked Hanzhong Metallurgy to build weapons, but Ma Di knew what he wanted, so he planned ahead and wanted to make preparations early.

It's just that Ma Su and Jiang Bin acted too anxiously.

Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, now that kid has a different status, how can he still be the one who is willing to suffer? That's why he can lower his head slightly.

The removal of five hundred elite soldiers from Nanzhong was already a dark loss for him, and his hands and feet were bound for a period of time. Although he endured this tone, he should be upset.

This supervisor Zhuye got up by relying on Nanxiang, and this happened when he was not feeling well, it was strange that he didn't jump.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang ordered his servants, "Go, invite Jiang Canjun over here."

Jiang Wan quickly came over, "Prime Minister, you are looking for an officer, but do you have something to order?"

"Gong Yan, sit down first, I have something to tell you first."

Zhuge Liang looked a little tired, pointed to the seat, and asked Jiang Wan to sit down first.

"I don't know what the prime minister wants to say to Wan?"

After Jiang Wan sat down, he asked.

"Your family's eldest son may have offended that kid."

"What is the prime minister's meaning? I don't understand."

Jiang Wan was taken aback for a while, but didn't react for a while.

Isn't your own Dalang in Hanzhong?

Feng Junhou is the only one in the world who can make the prime minister address him as "that kid", and it's only Feng Junhou, isn't he in Yuejue?

"It's your family's eldest son who provoked Feng Mingwen." Zhuge Liang smiled wryly, "That kid once commissioned Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation to build a batch of weapons. I heard that the manufacturing process of that batch of weapons was extremely cumbersome and required a lot of manpower and material resources."

"You also know that last year I set up a new arsenal in Hanzhong to prepare for the Northern Expedition. Youchang (Ma Su) once approached Hanzhong Metallurgy, hoping to make preparations for building weapons in Hanzhong earlier."

"I reckon that Hanzhong Metallurgy delayed the kid's commission to build weapons for the sake of the arsenal. Your Dalang is probably involved in it."

Although the prime minister spoke in a somewhat cryptic manner, Jiang Wan still understood, and immediately he felt a bit of a toothache.

Feng Junhou, how should I put it, is really generous when he is generous, and he doesn't blink when all the money is gone, but when he is stingy, it is normal to retaliate, and his temper is very weird.

"What did Feng Junhou say?"

Jiang Wan asked out of luck.

"He wants to hold Hanzhong Metallurgy accountable."

I see, it seems that this is really messing with the ghost king.

In a land where evil spirits are born and demons are rampant, what does Dalang think about getting into trouble with King Feng Gui?

Jiang Wan sighed, "Can Wan ask, what is the responsibility of this big man?"

Zhuge Liang understood Jiang Wan's thoughts, and immediately said, "Don't worry, Gong Yan, this crime is actually not a big one, it's just that there are some problems with the privately ordered weapons of the Yuexie prefect's mansion."

"Furthermore, this batch of weapons was originally only made by Feng Mingwen privately entrusted to his family, and they are not military standard weapons. Really speaking, it is not a big deal."

Jiang Wan listened and nodded, "That's fine. Since it's not a serious crime, it's better to make Da Lang suffer."

"Why did Gong Yan say that?" Zhuge Liang originally wanted to persuade Jiang Wan, but he didn't expect to hear this, so he asked in surprise.

"The prime minister doesn't know. Although Dalang has been studying the scriptures for a long time, he is too upright and doesn't know how to change things. He thinks too much of himself and doesn't know how to be pragmatic. The last time Wan asked him to work in Hanzhong Metallurgy, he thought it was the inner palace. Job, not the right path."

"Thinking about doing this kind of thing this time, it is because I feel that the arsenal is a state matter, and the matter entrusted by Feng Junhou is a private matter, so I made a mistake."

"But he doesn't know that since the arsenal is a state affair, the prime minister has his own arrangements. Therefore, before the prime minister expressly ordered the recruitment of Hanzhong Metallurgy, Hanzhong Metallurgical was operated by its own palace. His actions really broke the rules."

"So this time, it's good to let him suffer a little bit, and remember it long enough to sharpen his temper, so as not to suffer big losses in the future."

Hearing Jiang Wan's words, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but praise, "Gong Yan's insight is truly incomparable to few people!"

After thinking about it for a while, he asked with a smile, "Isn't Gongyan afraid of that kid's cruelty?"

Jiang Wan smiled confidently, "Although Feng Junhou doesn't care about small things, he has never lost his integrity. Although Da Lang has made mistakes, it is for the sake of state affairs. Even if Feng Junhou blames him, he will not be unreasonable."

"Besides, Wan and Feng Junhou have a certain amount of friendship. For Wan's sake, Feng Junhou will at most just make Da Lang suffer a little bit, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Seeing that Jiang Wan didn't mind this matter, Zhuge Liang finally felt relieved. Otherwise, one would be his right-hand man and possible successor, and the other would be the pillar of the country he would leave to His Majesty in the future. If a conflict really arises, it would be difficult to handle. .

So he couldn't help but praised, "It's still Gongyan who is generous, unlike that kid, who can't suffer at all."

"The prime minister has praised you." Jiang Wan said modestly, and then asked hesitantly, "It's just the prime minister. If the Hanzhong arsenal does not conscript Hanzhong Metallurgy, how will the weapons be built?"

"I was negligent about this, and I didn't tell Youchang in advance. I plan to be stationed in Hanzhong, so the Jincheng side will be the prisoner, Zhuyejian, and then I will transfer most of the craftsmen to the Hanzhong Arsenal to form a weapon of my own." In the workshop, Pu Yuan is the master craftsman."

Zhuge Liang explained.

Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation is located in Nanxiang, the land of Nanxiang, it is best not to touch it lightly.

Now that there is Pu Yuan for the general supervisor, and new techniques for weapon making, why bother to recruit Hanzhong Metallurgy?

"The prime minister wants to be stationed in Hanzhong?"

Jiang Wan was taken aback.

"Yes. I am going to tell you about this these few days."

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, "I've already written the memorial, Gong Yan may as well help me to see, what else needs to be revised here?"

Jiang Wan had long known that the Prime Minister had the intention of the Northern Expedition, but he had never known when the Prime Minister would go north. Now that he heard the exact news, although he was surprised at first, apart from sighing, he was able to accept the fact very quickly.

In February of the fifth year of Jianxing, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty came to the table.

"The minister said: Feng Yong, the chief minister of Yueyue in the past, had countermeasures for the minister. There is a saying: the first emperor did not start his business halfway, but the middle road collapsed. Today, the three points are down, and Yizhou is exhausted. This is a critical autumn of life and death. The minister deeply agrees. ..."

As soon as the memorandum came out, not to mention the officials in the court, even Liu Chan was a little bit reluctant, "Father Xiang went to the barren land in the south. He traveled a long distance and was difficult. He has not settled down yet. Now he is going to go north again. I'm afraid it will be a lot of work."

"It's better to rest in Jincheng for two or three years, and at the same time let me have more time to learn how to handle government affairs."

Liu Chan doesn't like reading, and he is lazy by nature, and likes to have fun. In the past, even the affairs of the palace were under the control of the prime minister's house, and he didn't have any freedom. Naturally, he wanted to be in charge of the government and get power.

But in the past three years, the palace has made a lot of money, and the prime minister has no intention of confiscating the money. Now that the desire for fun is satisfied, the desire for pro-government has become weaker and weaker.

Anyway, even if you are in charge, as long as the prime minister is still there, the prime minister is the real caller, so what is the difference between that and not being in charge?

Now he feels that the current life is quite good, and in addition to the past few years, Xiangfu has sheltered him from the wind and rain, and he has relied on him in his heart. All of these things add up, so naturally he is not willing to change this kind of life.

"The minister was entrusted with the responsibility of the late emperor, so he never felt lazy. Now that the south is flat, there is no need to worry about internal concerns. There is plenty of food in Sichuan these years, and there is no risk of shortage of food and grass."

"The only thing to worry about is that the late emperor gathered elites from all over the world, and he is getting old day by day. If it is delayed for a while, no one will be able to take on the big responsibility. Why don't we wait for the thief and restore the Central Plains at this time?

"Your Majesty in the Palace, the eldest son of the Emperor was born the year before last. Your Majesty has been a father for more than a year, and he is no longer a child. It is time to learn how to handle government affairs."

Xiangfu is not good at this point, and he is always too strict with himself on weekdays. After hearing these words, Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "I know! If the Han Dynasty revives, there will be Lao Xiangfu."

Nowadays, political affairs are not big or small, and it is up to the prime minister. Even if there are people in the court who have objections, they can only be silent when they see that the emperor has said so.

After retiring from the court, Liu Chan returned to the harem, but before he could sit still, he only heard the report from the servant: "Your Majesty, the prime minister has a secret report on important matters."

When Liu Chan heard this, he was a little surprised, "Could it be that Xiangfu has other thoughts about the Northern Expedition?"

Immediately, someone was invited in.

Seeing the prime minister with gray temples coming in, Liu Chan hurriedly stepped forward, helped him to sit down, and said happily, "Could it be that the prime minister has changed his mind and wants to spend more time in Jincheng to recuperate?"

Zhuge Liang saw that A Dou's happy appearance didn't seem like a fake, and his heart warmed up, "Your Majesty has displeased the old minister, why should the minister sit while your majesty stands, your majesty, please sit down first."

Liu Chan said with a smile, "In the old Han Dynasty, when the prime minister had an audience with the emperor, the emperor would still stand up as a show of courtesy. What's more, Xiangfu not only has the post of prime minister now, but also Zen is entrusted by the late emperor to treat the prime minister like a father. Therefore, I Why not stand and listen to the training?"

Zhuge Liang quickly stood up, "If your majesty is standing, the old minister would not dare to sit down."

"Okay, Mr. Xiangfu, please sit down first, I will sit down now." After sitting down, Liu Chan turned his screen back to the left and right, and then asked, "I don't know what is important for Mr. Xiangfu, and I need to talk to Chan secret alone?"

"Your Majesty, I will not easily change the things set by the court. But before I leave Your Majesty, there are some things that Your Majesty must know. Before I leave, I have already made arrangements for all the ministers. Not yet mentioned."

"But the four who are leading the army outside?"

Liu Chan asked.

Zhuge Liang nodded approvingly, "Your Majesty is really smart. General Wei Yan of Zhenbei is brave and extraordinary. After I arrive in Hanzhong, I want to bring this person into the mansion to assist my minister in the Northern Expedition. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"For the matter of the Northern Expedition, I will fully pay my father, and there is no need to talk to Zen."

Liu Chan said very simply.

"Chen Dao in Yong'an and Li Hui in Nanzhong are both loyal and brave people. With the two of them, both Yong'an and Nanzhong will be safe. Only the Central Capital protects Li Yan. Your Majesty must be careful."

"Guardian of Li Zhong?" Liu Chan was taken aback, "This man is also a minister of the late emperor Tuogu, why should Chan beware of him?"

Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh, "I really dare not hide it from your Majesty. After the former minister pacified Nanzhong, all the ministers came to congratulate him, and Li Yan was among them. In his letter, besides the words of congratulations, he also expressed his praises." .”

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang hesitated for a moment, looked around again, and then said softly, "In the end, he persuaded his ministers to accept Jiuxi, become a noble and become king..."

When Liu Chan heard this, he shivered suddenly!

Receive Jiuxi, enter the rank and become the king?

The last one to do this was Cao Cao, right?

Is this intended to let Zhen learn from Duke Shanyang (Han Xiandi)?

Thinking of this, Liu Chan suddenly wanted to stand up, but his legs were trembling, and he fell down weakly after standing halfway. He could only look at Zhuge Liang in panic, and spit out two words: father……"

I saw Liu Chan's lips turned white, and his whole body was trembling slightly, but he couldn't speak a word.

"Your Majesty, don't panic. After receiving this letter, I can't wait to face Li Yan directly and reprimand him for his absurd words. I just think that this person is also a person who was entrusted by the late emperor, and he has guarded the dangerous place of Yong'an for a long time. Therefore, it is for the overall situation. Therefore, I can only First write a letter to refute it, and then try to transfer him to leave Yong'an and let him go to Jiangzhou."

When Zhuge Liang saw Liu Chan's appearance, his heart softened, and he quickly comforted him.

When Liu Chan heard this, his flustered mood calmed down a little. He glanced at Zhuge Liang gratefully, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said bitterly, "Li Yan is really rebellious!"

"Your Majesty, Li Yan went to Jiangzhou and built a big city. He wanted to cut mountains and rivers and turn Jiangzhou into a land surrounded by water in all directions. He wanted to cut five counties into one state and serve as governor."

When Liu Chan heard this, he almost jumped up, "What's the difference between this and treason?"

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry. Li Yan was the one who was entrusted by the first emperor, and he was deeply respected by everyone. Although he has acted obediently now, the intention of conspiracy has not been revealed to the public. If he commits a crime without reason, I am afraid that he will be disappointed. "

"Then what should we do?" Liu Chan asked anxiously, "Since Xiangfu knows that Li Yan has unruly intentions, why should he leave me at this time?"

"Your Majesty, it is precisely because I know that Li Yan has evil intentions, that's why he used the Northern Expedition to leave Jincheng and let Li Yan think that he has achieved his ambition. Only when he makes a mistake, your Majesty will have the opportunity to punish him."

"What if...what if he takes the learn from Huang Yuan?"

Liu Chan panicked.

When the first emperor was seriously ill, Zhuge Liang left Jincheng to visit Yong'an. Liu Chan, who was still the prince at that time, stayed in Jincheng. Huang Yuan, the former prefect of Hanjia, heard about this and took the opportunity to rebel.

"Your Majesty, you have no worries. I have sent some Jiangzhou soldiers to Yong'an a few days ago, and they belonged to Chen Dao. Both Chen Dao and Li Hui are loyal and brave people. One of them is in the east and the other is in the south. Jiangzhou is sandwiched between the two. In the meantime, Li Yanding did not dare to turn back easily."

"Jincheng is guarded by the old general Zhao, and Guan Xing and Zhang Bao have the bravery of his father. General Zhao has these two as his right and left hands. Jincheng is safe. Yang Hong, the prefect of Shu County, was able to quell the chaos of Huang Yuan , if there is really a change in the elbow and armpit, His Majesty can call and ask about it."

"Feng Yong, the governor of Yuexie, is very good at changing, has the knowledge of people, and has the ability to command the army. Last year, the old minister gave him the right to conscript the three counties of Yuexie. Wang Xun, Huang Chong, Zhang Yi and Jufu are talented. If there is an urgent matter, he can be secretly summoned to lead the troops back."

"The late emperor Jian pulled out many good ministers to pass on to His Majesty, but most of them were those who followed the late emperor in the early years, and the ministers of the Shu land. Except for those who took refuge in the late emperor in the early years, the rest should not be trusted. Only this son is rare in recent years. A person who knows great festivals, I hope His Majesty will get closer to you."

Today, the big Han is different from the past, and has enough soldiers and food, which can barely afford it, so the prime minister of the big Han doesn't need to deliberately tolerate Li Yan like the original history, at least he can take precautions early.

When Liu Chan first heard about Old General Zhao, he felt relieved.

When Zhao Yun rescued him twice back then, he had an inexplicable trust in Zhao Yun, and he only felt that with Zhao Yun around, everything would be safe.

Hearing that Zhuge Liang had placed Feng Yong outside as a dark chess game, he finally settled down.

"Then Feng Mingwen, Zen will get closer. The words of Xiangfu, Zen will be in my heart! Xiangfu has to prepare for the Northern Expedition and worry about Zen. It is really hard work. Please accept Zen's worship. !"

After speaking, Liu Chan stood up and bowed deeply to Zhuge Liang.

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