Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 552 Leave a name through the ages

After A Dou sent Xiangfu away, he turned around and ran quickly to find the queen.

If you don't decide on internal affairs, ask the queen, if you don't decide on foreign should still ask the queen, this is his consistent principle. .

The prime minister published the "List of Teachers", and the news of preparing for the Northern Expedition had already spread to the harem. Zhang Xingcai was eagerly waiting for the emperor to come back and prepared to congratulate him, but what Liu Chan brought back was the news of Li Yan's conspiracy.

Liu Chan told her the whole conversation with the prime minister, and then asked, "Queen, how credible do you think this matter is?"

Liu Chan is honest, but not a fool.

After all, Li Yan was also one of the auxiliary ministers entrusted by his father himself, and it was not too much to be careful in seeking evidence when it came to such things as treason.

After Zhang Xingcai listened, her pink face turned cold first, then her eyebrows frowned, and she actually lowered her head in thought, not caring about answering the emperor's question for a moment.

Liu Chan was not in a hurry, he poured a bowl of tea for himself and another bowl for the queen, and sat by the side patiently waiting for Zhang Xingcai's analysis.

After a long time, Zhang Xingcai raised his head, and said slowly, "The late emperor had the knowledge of people, and it has only been three and a half years since the Yong'an Palace entrusted the prime minister and Zhongduhu to assist the government. If Zhongduhu was in charge for more than a year I had the intention of treason before, and my concubine would not believe it."

Liu Chan originally tended to believe Xiangfu's words, but when he heard the Queen's words at this time, he couldn't help but be surprised, "The Queen's meaning, Xiangfu..."

Having said that, he paused, looked around, and saw that the maids in the palace had already been dismissed, leaving no one behind, so he lowered his voice, "Is Xiangfu slandering Li Yan?"

"It's not enough to slander. The father of the prime minister always flaunts fairness in doing things, and he should not be able to do such things as slandering Li Yan, who is also the auxiliary minister."

Zhang Xingcai shook his head.

Liu Chan was confused when he heard it, "The queen said that Li Yanfei had the intention of treason, and also said that the father was not slandering him, why can't I understand?"

"It's just that we have different opinions." Zhang Xingcai patiently explained, "Your Majesty, what Li Yan did, in the eyes of the prime minister, was out of order, but in the eyes of my concubine, what he did at the beginning might as well be selfish. I want to frame Xiangfu, so as to win the power in the court."

"However, the practice of cutting off the land of the five counties and serving as the governor," Zhang Xingcai's eyes showed a cold light when he said this, "even if it is not wrong, it is the same as wrong."

After she said this, she organized her thoughts slowly while organizing her words, "At the beginning, the first emperor Yong'an Palace entrusted Gu, and Xiangfu and Li Yan received the edict to assist the emperor."

"At that time, the first emperor asked Xiangfu to return to Jincheng to take charge of the government, and Li Yan was appointed as the guardian of the central government to control the internal and external military. It stands to reason that one person is in charge of the government and the other is in charge of the army. But after the Southern Expedition, Xiangfu... "

Having said this, Zhang Xingcai looked around again, and then said in a low voice, "Father Xiang not only can decide the political affairs of the court, but also has the right to lead the army. But Li Yan has been guarding Yong'an, unable to move."

"My concubine thinks that Li Yan encouraged Xiangfu to accept Jiuxi after the Southern Expedition, and became a noble and king, so he may not be kind to Xiangfu."

Liu Chan's body trembled when he heard this: This is so exciting!

It turns out that there is such an inside story between Xiangfu and Li Yan?

"After the Southern Expedition, Xiangfu's prestige in the Han Dynasty became stronger, but Li Yan did not make any contribution. Not only could he not intervene in political affairs, he even had no chance to return to Jincheng. In addition, Xiangfu gradually took over the military power. Isn't it a joke for Li Yan to rule the internal and external military affairs? ?”

"Therefore, Li Yan may not be sincere in letting Xiangfu accept the nine tins. If Xiangfu..." Zhang Xingcai's voice became even lower, "If Xiangfu really dares to agree, both inside and outside the court are loyal ministers who followed the late emperor in the early years. Who will agree?"

"That's right."

Liu Chan nodded.

At that time, Old General Zhao was General Zhendong, who was in charge of Jincheng's military affairs, and the palace had Mi Wei, Guan Xing, and Zhang Bao as guards. These were people he could rely on.

"Li Yan's move is just because he thinks that his father will be full of will when he returns from the southern expedition, so he wants to take this opportunity to trap his father in infidelity and injustice. Take ten thousand steps back and say that even if father-in-law really wants to force Jiuxi, Li Yan also has a role in persuading him, and he will not lose if he is left or right."

Zhang Xingcai continued to explain.

"So it is, so it is!"

Liu Chan said again and again, fortunately, the queen is here! Otherwise, how could I figure out the twists and turns?

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingcai sneered, "Back then, Liao Li and Feng Mingwen commented on the officials of the Han Dynasty in Fengzhuang, saying that Li Yan had scales on his belly, and he wanted to benefit his body. This statement is really true."

"He used his own body to speculate on others. He thought that this test would allow him to advance and retreat freely, but he didn't expect that Xiangfu seized power for the purpose of going all out for the Northern Expedition, not for his own benefit like him."

"The old concubine thought that Li Yan suffered a secret loss, and now that he sees that the big man has everything up to the point of his father, I am afraid that he is jealous and hateful in his heart, so he wants to cut off the land of the five counties and form a state of his own. , I want to taste the feeling of deciding everything with one word."

"In this way, Xiangfu said that Li Yan had the intention of treason from the very beginning. Didn't he deliberately make the crime more serious?"

Liu Chan asked.

"It doesn't matter whether it's serious or light, Li Yan's actions are just for the sake of power, which is of no benefit to the country. If Xiangfu wants to punish him, then let him go."

Zhang Xingcai smiled lightly, "Besides, Li Yan did such a thing in order to fight for power today, which shows that he doesn't take His Majesty seriously at all."

"Today he has no intention of rebelling, that's because he didn't gain power. When he gains power, according to this person's usual practice, who can guarantee what he can do in the future?"

"No matter what the prime minister said, at least he was still loyal to the great man. Not to mention being diligent in government affairs and working day and night, but to say that he was preparing for the Northern Expedition immediately after the Southern Expedition. In comparison, the judgment is judged."

"But Li Yan is the person entrusted by the late emperor after all, and his status is no small matter. Moreover, these things are all what Xiangfu said, so we still have to carefully consider it."

Liu Chan still hesitated.

"It's not difficult to find out the authenticity of these things. And if His Majesty can't bear it, then give him one last chance."

Zhang Xingcai knew that His Majesty was loyal, so he gave an idea, "When the prime minister vows to lead the Northern Expedition, someone can send a letter to Li Yan, asking him to lead the army north to Hanzhong, and see if he is willing."

"Prime Minister and Li Yan, both are people who were left alone by the late emperor. It would be a good story to go all out in the Northern Expedition. If he is willing, it means that he still puts the big man first in his heart. Between him and the prime minister, we If there is a chance, then help me mediate."

"If he doesn't want to, it means that his selfishness is more important than state affairs. In addition to all his past actions, this kind of person, no matter how talented he is, cannot be used."

As long as everyone is willing to put the big man first, and the prime minister competes with Li Yan, the royal family can just take advantage of it.

But when Zhang Xingcai thought about what Li Yan had done before, he didn't have much hope in his heart.

Liu Chan didn't think too much about it, and when he heard this, he nodded quickly and said, "That's very kind!"

At the same time, I thought to myself, Li Yan, Li Yan, I'm giving you the last chance to prove yourself, and what you do then depends on your own choice.

At the end of February in the fifth year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang left Jincheng and headed for Hanzhong.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty led all the officials to send him ten miles outside Jincheng.

Along the way, banners and flags cover the fields, spears and halberds are like forests, meandering along.

When he arrived at Jianshan, Zhuge Liang saw the majestic peaks and the steepness of the mountain, and he felt emotional, "In "The Difficult Road to Shu", it was said that Jianshan is towering and Cui Wei, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it. It is really appropriate. Incomparable!"

So an order was sent to Nanxiang to send a civil engineering team to dig rocks here, erect flying beams, build plank roads, and form pavilions to facilitate business travel.

In the canyon pass between the cliffs of Dajian Mountain, stone was built as a gate, and Guanmen was built, and it was named Jianmenguan.

When the news reached Yuexuan, Feng Yong immediately laughed, "Feiliang Pavilion, the prime minister's action can change the sentence 'Jianshan is towering and Cui Wei' to 'Jiange is towering and Cui Wei'!"

At the same time, he happily held the "List of Teachers" and was having fun.

Unexpectedly, wow, unexpectedly, Lao Tzu actually left his name in this eternal article, even at the very beginning.

Sajia's life is worth it!

When the middle school students of later generations recite this article painfully, scratching their ears and scratching their heads, they all have to say one sentence: Shi Fengyong, the chief of Yueyu...

Wow haha!

It's so cool to think about it!

Is this a different kind of name left through the ages?

Guan Ji looked at Feng Yong smiling like an idiot from the side, and touched his forehead worriedly, "Is A Lang not sick?"

"Nonsense! Where did I get sick? I'm very, very well!"

No one can share the joy in Feng Yong's heart, and it feels really uncomfortable, "I want the Prime Minister to copy this teacher's list again, and leave it to the Feng family as a family heirloom, what do you think, Mr. Xi?"

"How can the prime minister have time to mess around with you?" Guan Ji gave Feng Yong an angry look, "Didn't you just mention Alang above? Besides, you are not the only one mentioned."

Feng Yong gave a "tsk", "What do you know, you really have long hair, knowledge..."

Forget it, men's hair is not short in this day and age.

Rolling his eyes, Feng Yong remembered that the original text of the memorial should be in the hands of A Dou, wondering if A Dou would like to make a move? The high price doesn't matter.

Thinking of the simple and honest appearance of the little fat man, Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat: the original text of this memorial, it may be possible to get it!

"What crooked idea are you thinking?"

Guan Ji said dissatisfiedly on the side.

"How can I have any crooked ideas?"

Feng Yong was startled, quickly wiped the saliva from his mouth, and flatly denied it.

"As soon as you think about it, just look like this. Don't think that I don't know." Guan Ji snorted, "But to be honest, the prime minister is stationed in Hanzhong to prepare for the Northern Expedition, so you are not in a hurry?"

"What am I in a hurry for?" Feng Yong snorted twice, "It's just preparation, it hasn't started yet."

If Feng Yong is really not sure about other things, but when it comes to the major events of the Shu Han, Feng Yong is the most clear, especially the several failures of the Shu Han, which will soon be discussed by future generations.

Zhang Sanye lost Xuzhou, Guan Erye lost Jingzhou, Uncle Liu lost Yiling, Zhuge Old Demon and Zhao Si went to the Northern Expedition.

Liu Guan Zhang Zhao Zhuge, none of them escaped.

Especially in the past few years of the Northern Expedition, it was the time when Feng Yong was most clear about the historical context. After all, if you don’t check the information, you will end up being sprayed to death if you don’t check the information.

Guan Ji looked at him strangely, and asked, "Do you know when the Prime Minister will start the Northern Expedition?"

"I don't know when the Prime Minister will start the Northern Expedition," said Feng, who opened his mouth to lie, "but as long as the Prime Minister starts the Northern Expedition, I will definitely know in advance."

Guan Ji raised her eyebrows, "A Lang looks like this, but he seems to be strategizing."

When Feng Yong heard this, he smiled and boasted to himself, "Who is Xiaowen and the one? Someone Feng!"

"People say you are Xiao Wenhe, they are scolding you!"

Guan Ji was so angry that she pushed him, "Can't you show some shame? Even my concubine is ashamed of you!"

"What's there to be ashamed of? People say that Jia Xu has no plans. Is this also a curse?"

Feng Yong pouted.

Guan Ji ate so much saliva from Feng Tubie, but she was still no match for "Feng Langjun", so she had no choice but to admit defeat, "Okay, okay! My concubine can't beat you, can Alang tell my concubine, how did he know when the prime minister will go north? "

"Isn't that simple? As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first. What's more, from Hanzhong to the north, the food road is difficult, so the food and grass are the most important thing."

"There are five or six pastures in Yuexuan today, and there are nearly ten thousand horses. If the prime minister wants to leave Hanzhong, these horses, together with Dongfeng Express, are the best and fastest way to transport grain. So as long as the prime minister takes action , will definitely be recruited in advance.”

After the winter this year, many nomadic tribes who came to spend the winter in the river valley hope to stay, and want to learn from the pasture of Hualan.

After all, there is no need to drive cattle and sheep to eat and sleep outside, and there is food provided by the ghost king, no need to starve to death, no need to fight with other tribes, as long as you hand in wool, and a small amount of cattle and horses, you can live in peace.

Where can I find such a good day?

So at the beginning of spring this year, several pastures were established in Sunshuihe Valley, all of which were jointly opened by several tribes under the suggestion of the Yuejuan government.

At the same time, Feng Yong also sent someone to teach them how to grow grass. As for the grass tower, this is under the unified management of the government.

Of course, there are also tribes who are used to wandering and want to go outside.

For these tribes, Feng Yong did not deliberately make things difficult.

It's just that the price of grain trading is higher, and it's not like the settled tribes can pay on credit, buy it or not!

Have the ability to come and grab it?

"Soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass first? This saying makes sense, but where is the common saying? How come I have never heard of it?" Guan Ji asked suspiciously.

"A common saying in my teacher's school."

Feng Yongli said bluntly.

"It's great to have a teacher?" Guan Ji said angrily, "The prime minister will go north any time when he is stationed in Hanzhong. Didn't Alang think about making more preparations?"

"Of course there is, let Hanzhongye make my custom-made Zidian treasure knife earlier!" Feng Yong put his hands on his hips and cursed, "I have been held accountable for so long, and I haven't even heard of it. A bunch of guys who are eating vegetarian food! "

Guan Ji frowned, this person is really bewitched.

But think about it, being nominated in the list of teachers is a pillar of the big man, not to mention that Alang is ranked first, and the prime minister said "I deeply agree with it" as a compliment, let him be happy for a while.

Thinking of this, Guan Ji didn't care about the silly Feng, who was about to go out, but Feng Yong grabbed her, "Don't worry, Mr. Xi, I still have something to trouble Mr. Xi."

"What else is there, Aaron?"

"In another month, the wheat will be harvested, so I thought, I will go down to inspect the village, supervise the farming, and trouble the governor to notify the counties below."

It is normal for a county magistrate to go on tour in various counties, but Feng Yong's tour at this time has to make Guan Ji somewhat suspicious, "Ah Lang's operation this time, does it have a deep meaning?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from Xijun." Feng Yong admitted with a nod, "I did come here to inspect the farming in the village. After all, this is the first grain harvest after Pingping Yuejuan."

"Secondly, the conscripts in the three counties have spent a lot of money in the past half a year. It's just to see how Zishi trains them."

When Guan Ji heard this, her eyes lit up, and she knew it was not that simple.

"This is the third one," Feng Yong smiled slightly, "There is a road between Qiongdu and Jincheng, and this road has been blocked since the Yanniu tribe in the north rebelled."

"At the beginning of spring this year, the Wolf Road of the Minniu Department sent people to ask for some food support, and at the same time said that they were willing to submit to the big man, so this time I want to take people to the north to have a look."

"Ah Lang wants to use a fake You Yunmeng trick?"

Guan Ji said eagerly.

Feng Yong's expression froze, and he glanced at Guan Ji, thinking that fortunately he used his brain power, and he could barely be a military adviser, otherwise, according to Xi Jun's habit of solving problems with violence, he would have to go straight to it, and he would die if he didn't know. How much labor.

The so-called "Pseudo-You Yunmeng" refers to the fact that Emperor Gaozu traveled to Yunmeng under the pretense of traveling to the land of Yunmeng, meeting the princes in the Eastern Chu and Western Realms, and took the opportunity to capture Han Xin.

"Not necessarily. If the wolf road is sincerely surrendering, then it is naturally the best, and there will be no obstacles to reopening the road between Qiongdu and Jincheng."

"If the Yanniu Department is just talking about it, just to take advantage of it, then it's just a good time for the newly recruited soldiers from Yuexuan to practice their skills." Feng Yong smiled deeply, "How can the ghost king's food be taken for nothing?"

"I understand now, let's go and inform the three counties!"

Guan Ji was overjoyed, clasped her fists and said.

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