Farmer of Shu Han

553 Chapter 0555 Inspection

In March of the fifth year of Jianxing, Yuejuan Chief Shi Fengyong decided to inspect the three counties of Qiongdu, Suqi, and Taideng. He was accompanied by Weijufu, the capital of Yuejuan who had been transferred from Dingju, and the governor of Youguansuo.

Zhang Ni, magistrate of Qiongdu County, heard that Feng Yong was going to inspect not only the farming, but also the conscripts from all counties, so he suggested, "Now is the time when the wheat is about to ripen, if too many conscripts are called in, I'm afraid it will affect the farming. "

Feng Yong explained, "Now Qiong has a population of nearly 60,000, and there are 3,000 conscripts. For this inspection, only a part of them will be taken after the inspection. County Magistrate Zhang doesn't have to worry."

"Besides, earlier, the imperial court transferred half of the soldiers from Yuejuan, and now it is time to make up for the shortage."

The Han military system, the central guard is the strongest fighting force of the Han.

The Zhuge old demon gave Feng Yong the right to recruit soldiers in the three counties, and at the same time withdrew half of the three thousand soldiers in Yuejue in his hands. The remaining half was for the sake of the serious chaos in Yuejue.

Otherwise, according to the usual practice, the local troops are generally conscripts conscripted by the county.

Of the remaining 1,500 people, 500 were sent down to the grassroots by Feng Yong.

Now he has only a thousand people in his hands, which is barely enough to maintain the law and order of the place.

But the Northern Expedition was imminent, so Feng Yong naturally had to make preparations early.

Zhang Ni was relieved when he heard that Feng Yong had no plans to recruit conscripts on a large scale, and then went down to arrange various matters.

The cultivation of land in the three counties is most concentrated in Qiongdu. Many fields opened up last summer were filled with water, and fish were raised for a season. Not only can fish be used to eat weeds, but fish dung can also be used to fertilize the fields.

Because of the relationship with the pasture, a lot of fertilizer was accumulated at the beginning of spring this year, so I added fertilizer to the ground once.

Although it is a newly opened field, the growth of the wheat is not too bad. The ears of wheat filled with starch have begun to bend, and the breeze blows, setting off waves of green waves.

Standing on the ground and looking far away, the large wheat fields are like a green carpet, which makes people have an urge to roll.

The unique smell of crops and soil in the field is tangy, which makes people feel a burst of satisfaction from the bottom of their hearts.

"How much food can be harvested from such a piece of land?"

Feng Yong bent down, stretched out his hand and counted the grains of wheat, and asked.

If it was rice, he might be able to figure it out in his mind, but for wheat—he only knew that wheat could grind flour.

Guan Suoju and Zhang Yi all followed behind, and standing next to Feng Yong was the chief of Yisan District, wearing tight sleeves and a pair of leather boots, looking neat and fresh.

This is the unique dress of Nanxiang soldiers.

"Back to my lord, with such an acre, the most you can collect is two stones."

Those who can call Mr. Lang are basically the old people who followed Feng Yong in the first place. It seems that the seniority of this village chief is quite old.

"Although this land has been planted with grain before, it is now being reclaimed after all. It is not bad to get two stones. Don't be dissatisfied. If it is a wasteland reclamation a few years ago, it is a good land if the grain can be recovered in the first year."

Feng Yong listened and smiled.

The village chief felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, "I've been following Mr. Lang for the past few years, and I'm used to seeing three or four stones per acre, and I don't pay attention to such a harvest."

Although what the Li Chang said sounded a bit bragging, Feng Yong still felt at ease when he heard it, and pointed at the Li Chang, "What year are you from?"

"Back to Lord Lang, it's the second year of Jianxing."

Li Chang's face flushed slightly, he subconsciously raised his chest and retracted his abdomen, and stood up straight with a "beep".

"Oh, that's the first batch."

Feng Yong nodded in satisfaction, "It's not in the barracks, so there's no need for that."


From the very beginning, Feng Yong deliberately disrupted the distinction between Han and Hu in Nanxiang, only emphasizing whether he has a household registration or not.

Now in the group following Feng Yong, it is not a distinction between Hu and Han, and it is becoming popular to talk about seniority.

The oldest ones are the group of people who followed Feng Yong when he first went to Nanxiang in the second and third years of Jianxing. Many of them were prisoners of war who had obtained household registration.

The most representative one is Duanmu Zhe, who changed his surname to Han, and is now a well-known dog steward in Nanxiang.

The dog farm under his hand not only sent good dogs to the ranch workshop and mine, but even sent a batch of military dogs to Zhao Guang in Ju County a few days ago.

These dogs are much easier to use than people when they are on alert at night, and their tracking ability is also good.

Feng Yong continued to take the lead and walked forward, crossing the fields and heading towards the residential area, "How many Yi and Han people are there in this area?"

"Hui Langjun, there are 421 Yi people, and 198 Han people, a total of 619 people. Most of the Yi people here belong to the same tribe called Boshi."

It seems that the chief of the village has really put in effort in his administration, and Feng Yong is very satisfied with this attitude.

"The leader of the tribe, what's your attitude towards the transfer of conscripts?"

Trying to move the barbarians from the mountains and forests to the plains, the ultimate goal is to educate them and turn them into farming Han people.

Only in this way can they be considered to be under the management of the government and become real registered Dingkou, who can collect taxes and collect corvee.

This involves the issue of how to strengthen management without causing a backlash from the tribal leaders.

The social forms of the Yi people are different. Some tribal villages are similar to the Han people. They are similar to the villages where the clan is the bond, and the leader is equivalent to the patriarch of the clan.

This kind of staff is basically acquaintances, just like Amei's stockade, which is the easiest to manage. As long as they are allocated land, they can be made to serve corvee.

Some are still in a semi-slave state, and the leader has absolute control over the barbarians at the bottom.

Even if the land is distributed according to the head, the field is still counted under the name of the leader, but the leader organizes people to cultivate it, similar to the collective farming in the slave era.

If this kind of tribe wants to recruit conscripts, it needs to communicate with the leader in advance and ask the leader to provide a certain number of people. This is a test for the chiefs who have been delegated to the grassroots.

However, because there is a vicious ghost king on top of them, and as long as they don't over-excessively slap people, which will affect the leader's collection of food from the field, generally speaking, the leader is more sensible.

Seeing that the Northern Expedition was imminent, Feng Yong took the opportunity of touring the three counties to understand this sensitive issue.

"The villain discussed with the leader, and he agreed to draw thirty strong men."

"Thirty? So generous?"

Feng Yong was startled, this is not a small number for a tribe with only four hundred people, and they are still strong men.

The head of the village chuckled, talking quickly, "That guy is smart, after all, the ghost king..."

Having said that, he glanced at Feng Yong and saw that Feng Yong didn't mind, so he scratched his head and continued, "Who would dare not obey the ghost king's orders?"

"Besides, most of the Yi people used to rely on people to plow the land, and the harvest was poor. Unlike now, the government rents out cattle and eight ox plows. The land plowed in one day can equal the work of their tribe in ten days before, not to mention the labor in the field. The harvest is also much better than before."

"So now we don't need so many people. Naturally, he doesn't want to raise idlers for nothing. I heard that he is still planning to find a way to save some money and food, and he is going to buy an eight-ox plow and a few cows."

Feng Yong nodded after listening to Li Zhang's explanation, "This boss seems to be a discerning person."

Sure enough, the development of productivity is fundamental!

If the leader of this tribe can always be so knowledgeable, then he will have the opportunity to accumulate a lot of wealth, and then try to change his identity. His next generation will basically be regarded as a local gentry.

If the descendants are promising, can get a good background, and have political capital, then they can change their skins, and they can claim to be Han people from a poor family.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong smiled strangely: Although it is not obvious for a short time, it is obvious that this kind of semi-slave tribe may be quickly disintegrated by the impact.

After all, as long as they enter the military group of Nanxiang, the Han and Hu will be forcibly kneaded together. In addition, the food and clothing are much better than before. Whether those slaves who have been transferred to serve will return to the old days, it is almost impossible. It's guesswork.

At that time, the government will come forward to directly redeem personal freedom or what, it depends on the appetite of the tribal leader.

"Look, sir, the boss is right in front of you."

The chief suddenly pointed to the front with his finger.

I saw a group of people standing in front of me. The one in the front was a small black barbarian in a brocade robe, with a nervous expression on his face. He was holding a silverware in his hand. It looked like a container, but he didn't know what was inside.

Before Feng Yong approached, his opponent rushed over.

Feng Yong gave a brief signal to Buqu, and the leader ran to Feng Yong smoothly, then suddenly knelt down, holding the container with both hands, and stammered something.

Feng Yong could only understand the words "My lord... send...".

The chief explained in a low voice, "Abo's Chinese is not good. He was saying that he welcomes Mr. Feng... Mr. Mr. Feng."

The meaning of "adult" in Chinese and "adult" in Yi dialect are quite different, and the chief of the village also became stuttering when he translated here.

"I also sent good things to Mr. Lang. This jug is filled with good wine that their tribe found from trees in the mountains."

Feng Yong nodded, reached for the flagon, helped him up again, nodded and smiled.

A Bo looked at the Han officials in front of him, all of whom were dressed gorgeously and exquisitely. He couldn't help feeling a little inferior, and subconsciously tugged on his clothes.

Feng Yong handed the jug to Bu Qu beside him, and asked A Bo to follow him with a smile.

When I passed by the crowd who came to greet me, I realized that they were all women.

"This tribe, is it possible that women are also respected?"

Feng Yong asked a little strangely.

There was a smile on Li Chang's face that men could understand, "Back to Mr. A, this is carefully selected by A Bo, the most beautiful woman in the Boshi clan, if Mr. Lang catches the eye... Ouch!"

Before the chief could finish his sentence, he suddenly flew out, lay down on the ground, and gnawed a mouthful of mud.

Everyone subconsciously glanced at Guan Suo behind Feng Yong.

Feng Yong coughed, "Why are you walking so carelessly, why don't you get up sooner."

As he said that, without squinting, he walked directly past the group of women, and muttered at the same time, "It's so dark and small, it's so ugly, how can there be anything to catch your eyes?"

After speaking, he glanced at Guan Suo beside him, Guan Suo was expressionless.

Zhang Yi bowed his head, pretending he didn't see or hear anything, he followed closely.

Before and after Feng Yong's wedding, both of them stayed in Feng Zhuang for a long time and saw what Guan Ji looked like.

Marching from Jincheng to Yuexi, although Guan Suo did not reveal his identity, Zhang Yi and Jufu could guess a little.

The prestige of the tiger girl is not blown out, it is played out.

Even people like Mr. Erlang of the Zhao family can only shy away from Mrs. Junhou, and the two of them dare not say anything.

After Feng Yong inspected Qiongdu, he selected 1,000 strong soldiers to form a team with 500 Yuejuan soldiers, and marched towards Suqi County and Taideng County.

When he finished his tour of Taideng County, Feng Yong had gathered 2,500 people. The army continued to march toward the upper reaches of the Sunshui River Valley without stopping, with banners covering the sky.

Lang Li rode a horse, opened the way ahead himself, and sent someone to deliver a letter to the Minniu Department.

Langlu of the Minniu Department heard that Feng Langjun was leading the army to inspect the Sunshui River Valley, and quickly led all his brothers and wives to the source of the Sunshui River Valley, built a high platform, hung oxtails high, and lit a bonfire at the same time, waiting for Feng Langjun's arrival.

In April of the fifth year of Jianxing, Changshi of Yuejue and Langlu, the king of the Yanniu tribe, met in Sunshui River Valley.

Langlu expressed his willingness to help Dahan open the road, so that Qiongdu and Jincheng could reconnect with the road.

Feng Yong then went to the court and asked to reward Langlu.

Hearing this, the Son of Heaven of the Han Dynasty granted Langlu the title of Marquis of the King of Yanniu, and set aside a batch of woolen cloth from the treasury as a reward.

At this point, everything in Yuexi County was finally at peace. Feng Yong transferred a civil engineering team from Nanxiang and began to restore the road between Qiongdu and Jincheng with all his strength.

The fifth year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty was the first year of Taihe of Cao Wei.

In the first month of Taihe, Qu Ying, a wealthy family in Xiping County, Liangzhou, heard that the Wei Emperor was newly established, and took the opportunity to rebel and killed the county magistrate of Linqiang County and the county magistrate of Xidu County.

Hao Zhao, who suppressed the Quyan rebellion in Xiping County seven years ago, led his troops to Xiping County again after hearing the news.

Quying was defeated and fled westward with his cronies, entering the land of Xiqiang, but was stopped by the bald Xianbei tribe who moved westward to the land of Xiqiang two years ago. Quying was beheaded by the patriarch's son Tufa Tianli Sent to Xiping County.

Hao Zhao got the head of Qu Ying and passed it on to the frontier, which greatly deterred the foreign Hu people.

The performance of the bald Xianbei was appreciated by Hao Zhao.

Hao Zhao saw that Xiping County often rebelled, and saw that the bald Xianbei was brave and good at fighting, so he wanted to drive his troops to help him, so he allowed the bald Xianbei to enter Xiping County for trading.

In this case, the Great Wei is in the east, and the bald Xianbei is in the west. Under the attack of both sides, Xiping County will no longer have to worry about rebellion.

So far, the bald Xianbei who has been looking for pastures for many years can finally settle down.

It was already April of the first year of Taihe when the news of Xiping County reached Luoyang. Wei Emperor Cao Rui first rewarded Hao Zhao, and then felt the rebellion in Liangzhou, so he called all his ministers to discuss countermeasures.

It's just that Liangzhou has been in chaos since more than a hundred years ago, so how can it be easily governed?

What's more, most of the ministers here are from the Kanto family, and they don't care about the distant Liangzhou at all. Who would really think of a way?

Shi Henan Yin and Guannei Hou Simazhi couldn't see how the ministers were perfunctory, so they finally couldn't help but stand up and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the reason why Liangzhou often rebelled is because the local big clans are against the Qianghu and the border. The local people oppressed too much."

"Liangzhou Qianghu and the people in the border areas were not only bought and sold at will by the aristocratic families, and served as slaves and handmaidens, most of the food they cultivated were forcibly taken away."

"They worked hard all year round, but they didn't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, and even died of starvation and freezing to death. That's why they felt resentful."

"However, those big clans, for private gain, blamed the government for their mistakes, and even brought Qianghu and common people who didn't know the truth to attack the government. The reason for this situation is all because the local wealthy clans are big."

"I think that as long as the local wealthy families are restricted, the Qiang Hu is appeased, and the people are treated well, the rebellion will naturally decrease."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Everyone looked at this guy who was known for his uprightness.

Many people even showed a gloomy look in their eyes.

Cao Rui sat on it and listened for a long time, but he didn't hear a single useful suggestion. He was restless when someone suddenly appeared and his words were like thunder.

Immediately fixed his eyes on it, he couldn't help shouting, "It turns out that it is Sima Zihua, who even the empress dowager can't break his ambition!"

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