Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 557 Hanzhong

"It's hard to say. After Liu Bei's defeat, the Shu bandits almost died without a fight. Even the Nanyi rebellion had to wait for two years to be quelled. It has not been two years since the pacification of Nanzhong. If the Shu bandits want to use their swords again, I'm afraid It's not easy either."

Sun Zi pondered for a while before speaking cautiously.

Before the enemy's movement is known, it will only waste the country's strength, especially when the new emperor has just ascended the throne, it will easily cause people's hearts to fluctuate, so such things have to be careful.

"What if Zhuge Liang intends to plot Guanzhong?"

Cao Rui asked worriedly.

"According to the news from Xiaozuo, Zhuge Liang's bandit soldiers were only 20,000, plus the original bandit soldiers in Hanzhong, the total was only 50,000 to 60,000. If there is any plot against Guanzhong, get rid of the bandit soldiers who want to stay in Hanzhong. He can lead 30,000 troops out of Hanzhong at most."

Sun Zi explained, "What can 30,000 rebel soldiers do? The old minister felt that Zhuge Liang might not have the guts to attack."

Cao Rui nodded and thought for a while, "You mean, he is patrolling the border?"

"It's possible. Since Liu Bei's defeat at Yiling, the hearts of the Shu bandits have been fluctuating, and now they have finally settled down. I heard that Hanzhong is now prosperous in Yishi, so it is possible for Zhuge Liang to visit Hanzhong."

"Easy City?"

As soon as Cao Rui heard this, he immediately remembered the tea that Mrs. Yu gave him just now.

"Yes, Yishi." Sun Zi sighed, "The Shu bandits have occupied the fertile land in central Sichuan, especially the Shu brocade, which is exquisite and unparalleled. The wealthy families in the Central Plains are all proud of the Shu brocade."

"Seeing this situation, the first emperor specially wrote the "Book on Shu Brocade with the Officials". The Shu brocade was demoted as a work, hoping to curb this trend, but it was in vain. The aristocratic family and Wu Shu secretly exchanged markets. Can't be banned."

After hearing this, Cao Rui felt really aggrieved.

When he first came to the throne, Sun Quan first came to invade, and later Gao Ai, a mountain man, gathered thousands of people, causing chaos in Youzhou and Jizhou.

It's fine for outsiders to cause trouble for him, and even the aristocratic family doesn't let him worry about it.

Now that he heard that Zhuge Liang was patrolling the border in Hanzhong, he thought to himself, isn't that just a demonstration for himself?

I couldn't bear it any longer, and asked through gritted teeth, "Even if he is patrolling the border, that would be an offense to my Great Wei. Sun Zhongshuling, tell me, if our Shiling army attacks Hanzhong, will it be successful?"

Sun Zi was shocked when he heard this, and quickly dissuaded him, "No, Your Majesty!"

Cao Rui was very upset and asked, "Why?"

"Your Majesty, in the past, when Emperor Wu conquered Hanzhong and flattened Zhanglu, not only did he stop at Yangping Pass for nearly two months, he was unable to make any progress, and there were also many casualties. Emperor Wu had no choice but to retreat and rest."

"Hanzhong saw that Emperor Wu withdrew his troops and lost his guard. In addition, thousands of elk rushed to scatter the army of Zhang Lu's younger brother Zhang Wei at night, so Emperor Wu took advantage of the situation and forced Zhang Lu to surrender. This battle is really a crisis before relief. "

"Emperor Empress Wu went to rescue Xiahou Yuan's army. He repeatedly said that the land of Hanzhong was really a heavenly prison, and that an inclined valley was actually a five-hundred-mile stone hole. These words have already shown the deep danger of Hanzhong."

"Emperor Wu is a man who is good at using soldiers, and he is still so afraid of the land of Hanzhong. Later, the army retreated from Hanzhong. Emperor Wu did not blame the soldiers for their crimes. He sincerely knew that the crime was not there, but the deep danger in Hanzhong."

"If your Majesty wants to send troops to fight against Liang, I believe that there must be 150,000 to 60,000 elite soldiers to defeat him, and his servants, food, weapons, etc. are innumerable. And Liang only needs to rely on dangers to resist the heavenly soldiers. If you are not careful, you may have to repeat the old events of Emperor Wu."

"At that time, the world will be in turmoil, and it will take a lot of effort. If something is lost, Soochow will definitely move. This is something your Majesty should think deeply about. If you don't order the general to occupy the key dangers, the power will be enough to shock the strong bandits and calm the battlefield. Soldiers When the tiger sleeps, the people are safe."

"In the past few years, China has become more and more prosperous, and the two captives of Wu and Shu will surely give up their power. At that time, they will sweep the world with thunderous force. It is unknown whether the two captives will decide if they don't fight."

After hearing these earnest words, Cao Rui calmed down and let out a long sigh, feeling a little helpless at the same time.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked again, "According to the Zhongshu Ling, since Emperor Wu regarded Hanzhong as a heavenly prison, wouldn't it be like going to a stone cave if Zhuge Liang wanted to leave Hanzhong?"

"Exactly. What the Shu bandits rely on is only a dangerous place in Hanzhong. If he abandons the dangerous place and dares to send troops out of Hanzhong, he will be seeking his own death."

Sun Zi said with certainty.

"Since he can't leave Hanzhong lightly, then I can rest assured."

Only then did Cao Rui breathe a sigh of relief, "According to what the Zhongshu Order said, China just needs to rest and recuperate, and the two captives will be destroyed sooner or later. It's just that you just said that the generals are in danger, so where is it?" Dangerous?"

"Your Majesty, if you want to block Hanzhong, the best thing is to guard the various roads in Hanzhong, but there are four roads from Hanzhong to Guanzhong. If you guard them one by one, it will take too much force."

"It's not like stationing troops in Chang'an, leaving only a few troops in each way to serve as sentries. As long as there are police, troops can be dispatched from Chang'an. The great Wei cavalry is the best in the world, and the land in Guanzhong is mostly flat land, which is suitable for horses. Army charge."

Sun Zi suggested.

"It is indeed a good idea. General Anxi (Xia Houmao) supervised Guanzhong. Chang'an already had troops stationed there. Since Zhuge Liang led 20,000 troops to Hanzhong, we should also send 20,000 cavalry to Chang'an."

Cao Rui remembered that Sima Yi was going to station troops in Wancheng in a few days to supervise the military in Jingzhou and Yuzhou. He could not only defend Luoyang, but also respond to Chang'an, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

With him guarding Wancheng, there is no need to worry too much.

At the beginning of the spring of the fifth year of Jianxing, a ancestral hall was built at the main intersection of Nanxiang, called the Zhongyi Temple.

The person worshiped in it is none other than the second protagonists in "Loyalty and Justice", Guan Laojunhou and Zhang Laojunhou.

It is said that the ancestral hall was built with You Xia'er's own money. I don't know who left it. Not only is the land plotted huge, but also the civil engineering team was invited to help.

A high platform was built, steps were built, and there were tall pillars on both sides of the gate, which were painted.

Looking from a distance, just because of this style, those who didn't know it would think it was a big family.

Entering the gate, there is a large open space inside, which can almost be used for horse racing. Only through this vestibule can you officially enter the ancestral hall.

At the top of the ancestral hall, one left and one right, stood two people standing.

One person squinted his eyes, held the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in one hand, and stroked his long beard on his chest with the other.

One person's eyes were wide open with anger, and he held the snake spear with both hands at an angle, as if he was going to kill it.

There was an empty space between the two of them, but there was no standing statue, just two crossed swords.

Since the completion of the Loyalty Temple, all the knight-errants who came to Nanxiang gathered here to worship, and their words were all about loyalty.

Those who have the same loyalty will kneel down in front of the two old lords on the spot and become brothers, hoping to become a good story like the three-way sworn brotherhood with Taoyuan.

Not only rangers come here, but also business travelers in the past, there are also people who come to worship and sacrifice, hoping for safety and profit.

There are even people who come here to hire Rangers, as if they feel that with the blessing of this reputation of loyalty, they can make people feel more at ease.

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