Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 558 Loyalty Shrine

Regardless of Han, Wei, or Wu, most of the people in the head of Guizhou who worshiped gods or immortals in private were considered adulterers and would be arrested.

The establishment of the Loyalty Temple has established a spiritual belief for the people of Nanxiang, so there are not too few people who come here on weekdays.

Nanxiang is rich and material life has improved, and spiritual needs naturally come out. The appearance of the Loyalty Shrine meets the spiritual needs of the people in Nanxiang in a timely manner.

Therefore, Zhongyi Temple is a place of faith for you Xiaer, and it is also a place for others to find spiritual comfort.

The green smoke from the Boshan stove curled up, and the girl added some spices into it, then stood in front of the statues of the two princes and worshiped devoutly.

Then she raised her head, and her eyes fell on Zhang Fei who was holding the Zhangba Snake Spear in both hands, with a look of admiration and sadness in her eyes.

After a long time, until the maid beside me came over and reminded me in a low voice, "Lady."

Only then did the girl come to her senses, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, smiled apologetically at the people waiting behind to worship, turned around and walked out.

When the man behind saw the girl's face clearly, his expression was stunned, and he was a little dazed: it's really rare to see a woman with this kind of appearance.

Just seeing that she was dressed luxuriously and there were many servants waiting in the vestibule, he knew that she must be the lady of a big family that he could not afford to offend.

Seeing the woman walk out of the ancestral hall, the man couldn't help but walked to the vestibule, and asked the servant who cleaned the ancestral hall in a low voice, "Which family does that little lady belong to?"

The servant hadn't answered yet, only to hear someone next to him say "hmm" and said dissatisfiedly, "Who are you?"

The man followed the sound and saw a knight-errant walking over with his hand on the long sword at his waist, looking at him vigilantly.

The man panicked at first, then looked around, and then remembered that this is Nanxiang, or the Loyalty Temple, and you should not use weapons at will, and then he became more courageous, "Who do you care about me?"

You Xia sneered, "Normally, I don't care who you are, but if you dare to inquire about Miss Zhang here, I dare to care about you! What are your intentions?"

"Miss Zhang?"

You Xia'er's voice was a little louder, and many people around looked over, and a few rangers also gathered around with their weapons in their hands, "Second brother, what's going on? Could it be that some blind dog thief dared to hit a piece of paper?" Little lady's idea?"

"Zhang...Miss Zhang?"

The man was tongue-tied, seeing that he was not only a knight-errant, but even a few young Confucian scholars rolled up their sleeves, he finally panicked, and wondered to himself what kind of hero this little lady is in Nanxiang? How could he be so popular?

"Speak! Why do you secretly inquire about Miss Zhang?"

The first ranger came over and asked viciously, "If you don't tell the reason, you can't get out of this Loyalty Temple safely!"

"Someone is just curious..."

"Curious? I think you are lustful!"



Zhang Xingyi had already led people out of the gate of the ancestral hall, so she didn't know that there was a commotion inside because of her.

"Ma'am, shall we go back home or book a box?"

the maid asked softly.

"Forget it, let's go back to the mansion. Today is the end of the month, right? There will be many people coming from the ancestral hall, so let's not join in the fun."

Zhang Xingyi shook his head.

After finishing speaking, she was about to get into the car, when she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure by accident, her face changed, and when she fixed her eyes, she was really not dazzled.

Zhang Xingyi was taken aback, with a look of panic on his face, he hurried up to meet him, "Uncle, why are you here?"

Although the man called Uncle had gray temples, he had an elegant temperament, a handsome face, and a tall stature. Even though he was old, he was still a handsome old man. He was Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Beside him, accompanied by a man in his thirties, quite dignified, was Ma Di, the prefect of Hanzhong.

Neither of them wore official uniforms, only Confucian uniforms, which seemed to be private visits in modest clothes.

Behind them, followed by a few attendants, all of them had superb eyesight and looked extremely capable, with weapons hanging on their waists.

"Si Niang? Why are you here?"

When Zhuge Liang saw Zhang Xingyi, he also had some surprises in his eyes, and then he looked at the Zhongyi Temple, and then he came to his senses.

He smiled and said, "I just came from Nanzheng, and I'm worried that I don't know the way. Siniang has been in Nanxiang for more than a year, right? I must be familiar with it. Can you show me this place where demons run rampant?"

Zhang Xingyi looked around nervously, and said in a low voice, "Uncle knows that Nanxiang is run amok by demons, so why is he dressed like a white dragon fish? Isn't it dangerous?"

"Don't scare your uncle." Zhuge Liang smiled nonchalantly, "Nanxiang is run amok by demons, not by villains. I heard people say that even a knight-errant must obey the rules when he arrives in Nanxiang. Where is the danger?"

"I'm afraid there will be someone who doesn't know what's good or bad."

Zhang Xingyi still tried to persuade.

"As long as you don't know the identities of the few of us, how can you know what's good or bad?" Zhuge Liang waved his hand, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Zhang Xingyi had no choice but to turn around and look at the knight-errant who was standing far away from the gate of the ancestral hall, looking over here intentionally or unintentionally, so he nodded and said, "In that case, the uncle will follow the concubine."

"Prime Minister, someone is watching over there."

Seeing that the prime minister was going to the ancestral hall, the guard behind him reminded him.

"It's okay, those are all rangers gathered in the ancestral hall, they are protecting me."

Zhang Xingyi explained.

Zhuge Liang followed Zhang Xingyi to the ancestral hall, and upon hearing this, he asked with interest, "How can Si Niang drive these rangers?"

"How can I have such abilities?" Zhang Xingyi smiled, "This Hall of Loyalty and Justice was originally built by Rangers to worship..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi was vague, "And Uncle Guan and Your Excellency, I also contributed a little to the construction, so this is the credit."

Several people crossed the gate, and the ranger who was wandering around the gate really avoided them deliberately.

"It's a pretty big place."

Zhuge Liang looked at the vestibule, then pointed to both sides of the vestibule, "How come there are so many wing rooms in the ancestral hall?"

"Some are used for storytelling, and some are used as gathering places for visitors from other places. If there are too many people, the open space in the vestibule will be used, so the place will be bigger."

Zhang Xingyi explained, "If people come from a long way and don't have money and food for a while, they can come here to help sweep the floor or something, and they are allowed to sleep inside at night."

"Visitors from other places?"

Zhuge Liang didn't quite understand.

"Well, for example, there are Longxi, Liangzhou, Guanzhong, Jincheng, Nanzhong, and even the Kanto side. More importantly, those who want to form a group to do some business, or send news to each other, win over the feelings of the village, and so on. I'm going to have a banquet here."

"I heard that there are some people who specially reserved the wing room as a place for long-term contact. It can also be regarded as providing some money and food for the ancestral hall, so that the ancestral hall can afford to hire someone to help clean it."

When Zhuge Liang heard this, his heart moved, "Wouldn't it be possible to get a lot of news from the north and the south here?"

"Maybe, my concubine doesn't quite understand. However, a few days ago, someone spread the news here, saying that the north is going to re-issue five baht money. Many people are happy, saying that the business will be more convenient. Is it real."

Zhuge Liang and Ma Di looked at each other, and they both saw the look of horror in each other's eyes. They had just learned about this news, but they didn't expect it to spread here.

At this time, I saw a person running past several people in embarrassment, and someone shouted behind him, "Where did you get the filthy green skin? How dare you not put away your dirty thoughts when you come to a place like the Loyalty Temple? I can't beat you to death!" "

"That's right! My reputation is ruined by these people!"


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