Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 559 Loyalty Shrine (2)

"What's going on?"

Zhang Xingyi turned his head to look at the person who rushed out, and asked the people who followed behind him who were yelling.

When those people saw Zhang Xingyi, their faces changed, and then they forced a smile, "Back to my little lady, it's nothing serious, but he's a rascal with dirty hands and feet, so they drove him away."

Zhang Xingyi nodded without doubting him, "I'm sorry for you, the ancestral hall is so clean, it's all about maintaining it."

Thanks to Zhang Xingyi, several people showed some embarrassing expressions on their faces, "What did you say, little lady? We and the others all feel the loyalty of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, and they did all these things voluntarily."

"That's right, not to mention that the government still has money and food subsidies, and you can still hear about Mr. Shu on weekdays... um... um..."

Someone next to him rushed to answer, but before he finished speaking, he was dragged away with his mouth covered.

"Don't disturb the little lady."

The person in the lead apologized again and again, and then ran away in a hurry.

Zhuge Liang next to him originally heard the "Three Brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang", and his expression changed a little, but when he remembered their identities, he felt relieved, "These rangers are a little different."

"All the same uncles." Zhang Xingyi smiled, "As long as you stay in the Loyalty Shrine, they are all the same."

Not the same, basically no way out.

In other words, their way of life is in the mine.

Zhuge Liang entered the ancestral hall, and when he saw the two statues above, his expression immediately became a little dazed.

"Uncle, add some incense powder here, it's considered worship."

Zhang Xingyi took out a packet of face powder and handed it over.

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, took the powder, looked at the row of Boshan furnaces on the stand, and added it to one at random.

He looked at the two long swords on the main seat again, and his face was even more absent-minded.

After a while, he chanted in a long voice, "The emperor is a nobleman, and the village temple is subject to hundreds of sacrifices. The Han Dynasty is orthodox, and it will eventually be unified. The first emperor and the two princes of Guan and Zhang are like father and son, and love each other like brothers. Dayi..."

After reading the article, it was used as a sacrificial table, and then I worshiped it very devoutly, and then I came out with both sadness and emotion.

At this time, the sun was slightly westward, people kept coming in from outside, there was a large open space in the vestibule, there were actually quite a few people crowded around, and many wing rooms on both sides had already been opened.

Someone was standing at the door of the wing room, shouting, "The Story of Purple Lightning and Green Frost! Today's finale, if you want to hear it, hurry up!"

Immediately, someone squeezed past and entered the room.

Some people were muttering, "I've heard it five or six times, don't go!"

"Loyalty is unparalleled..."

"White snake, white snake!"

Zhuge Liang looked at the movement in front of him with great interest, and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Storytelling. In the wing room, there is a storyteller. Every day before sunset, he will talk storytelling here for an hour."

"It turned out to be one of the four strange phenomena in Nanxiang, so it was so lively?"

Zhuge Liang became more interested when he heard it.

"It's not so lively on weekdays, but today is different. Every tenth and end of the month is the rest day for the workshop and ranch workers. Only here can they hear the latest storytelling, so we just caught up. "

"The latest storytelling?"

Zhuge Liang knew the word worker, because the weavers in Nanzheng's workshop were also called workers, but when he heard the word "latest storytelling", he couldn't help asking, "Could it be that Nanxiang has published a new book?"


Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help but cast a strange glance at Zhuge Liang. Could it be that the Prime Minister has also read Nanxiang's biographical novel? Otherwise, how do you say "again"?

It's just that the prime minister has always been majestic in front of people, so Zhang Xingyi didn't dare to think too much about it.

"Well, a new book was published a few days ago, called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which tells the story of a knight-errant named Guo during the reign of Emperor Wu of Qin. I went to Qin with my mother."

"In the end, I got the suicide note from Lord Wu'an and helped Qin attack Chu. Because I saw the cruelty of the Qin army, I returned to the State of Zhao. Later, the soldiers of Qin State came to the city of Handan, and Guo Daxia used the military tactics in the note of Lord Wu'an to help Zhao State defend Handan and defeat Qin State."

"Hero Guo?"

Zhuge Liang looked strange.

"That's right, Hero Guo. A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people. He said this sentence. Now it is engraved on the door of a guest house called Xia Ke Xing in the city, and it is deeply respected by the rangers in Nanxiang."

Zhuge Liang's face twitched after hearing this, is this okay?

That's why the ranger who roamed the countryside became such a well-behaved ghost?

Can you still be called a ranger?

This made the prime minister feel absurd, but also familiar.

Clever words...bewitching people's hearts?

Encourage the powerful to reclaim Hanzhong, encourage the children of the powerful to make a living, encourage the aristocratic families to reclaim Nanzhong, and encourage the rangers to abide by the rules...

This is exactly the same!

It really is that kid's unique taste!

Thinking about this point, Zhuge Liang couldn't laugh or cry immediately, this kid really lied to everyone before!

Why did he only learn the art of easy teeth and farming, maybe what he really learned was the art of demagoguery?

However, the two biographical novels not only match the characters in the same age, but the stories in them...

The more Zhuge Liang thought about it, the more suspicious he became. Could it be true?

In the battle of Changping between Qin and Zhao, the state of Zhao was killed by 400,000 people, and the state of Qin took advantage of the victory to force Handan to destroy the state of Zhao.

Zhao Guo joined forces with Wei and Chu, and defeated the Qin army under the city of Handan, and then South Korea joined in. The four-nation coalition attacked the Qin army together, causing nearly 300,000 casualties of the Qin army.

In the Battle of Handan, the four kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Chu and Han took back Hedong County and Anyang in Wei State, Taiyuan County, Pilao, and Wu'an in Zhao State, and Shangdang County and Runan in South Korea.

After this battle, Qin's vitality was seriously injured and he had to recuperate.

After the Battle of Changping, the State of Zhao was already in danger of destroying the country, but it was unexpected that it would defeat Qin State in the Battle of Handan. Could it be that there are some secrets that have not been recorded in the history books?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang looked around and asked in a low voice, "Si Niang, tell me, is the suicide note of Lord Wu An true?"

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Zhuge Liang inexplicably, she really didn't expect the Prime Minister to ask such a question, she hesitated for a while, and then said, "I...don't know."

"After all, after Qin unified the world, people were not allowed to collect books, and after the chaos at the end of Qin Dynasty, countless classics and scriptures were destroyed. I'm afraid that it was actually recorded in the books at that time."

Zhuge Liang glanced at Zhang Xingyi in amazement. When he was reading "Purple Dian Qingshuang", he had doubts about this level. Now that he heard the general content of this new legendary novel, his doubts intensified even more. point.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi could think of this.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes..."

At this moment, someone shouted in the distance, "Bai Xiaosheng said "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

So the crowd suddenly became noisy, scrambling to rush past.

Fortunately, there was a ranger in front of the wing to maintain order, "Slow down, slow down! Line up!"

I was still thinking about maintaining my image, but I couldn't bear it any longer, so I started yelling, "@\u0026%...×# ​​entered your mother, try squeezing it again? Believe it or not, I will kill you?"

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