Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 560 Where is the law of heaven?

"Uncle, do you want to listen to it?"

Seeing Zhuge Liang looking over there thoughtfully, Zhang Xingyi asked in a low voice.

Zhuge Liang shook his head, "Forget it, it's getting late, let's go into the city and have a look."

Zhang Xingyi nodded, "Alright."

Going out of the gate of the ancestral hall, Zhuge Liang only saw that there were a lot more pedestrians outside than before, and a few temporary stalls were set up outside the ancestral hall.

There were toy wooden weapons on the stalls, which were deliberately made to look like those in biographical novels, which attracted many children to stare at them and refused to move.

There are more food stalls. The big pot is placed on the special stove. The stall owner picks up a few pieces of coal and puts them in the stove. After a while, the white soup in the pot starts to roll, and the sheep bones sink and float in it. .

I don't know how it tastes, but the aroma is attractive.

There was also a stack of baked pancakes on the stand.

I'm really hungry. A bowl of bone soup and a pancake will make my stomach feel comfortable.

"The shopkeeper's clothes are a bit strange."

Zhuge Liang saw that the stall owner had Bai Daqi on his chest, so he said something casually.

"That's the cook from the workshop or the ranch canteen. How can ordinary people be willing to use coal like this? It's only used in winter. And those sheep bones and pancakes are leftovers from the canteen. Taking advantage of this Time is lively, take it out and sell it."

Zhang Xingyi, who knew the tricks well, replied.

Zhuge Liang's face twitched when he heard this: profiteer!

It’s all about scolding, but the business of the stall is not bad. Many people gather around the stall, holding a big bowl in one hand and a big cake in the other. Fill your belly and save money.

After eating and drinking, take out some money and throw it away.

The helper next to the stall owner quickly rinsed the bowl with water, then soaked it in the boiling water on the side, took it out after a while, and continued to use it for the next person.

Zhuge Liang walked slowly on the artificial stone avenue in Nanxiang, watching the pedestrians coming and going, all walking proudly. Although he didn't know what self-confidence and hope for the future were, he knew that there seemed to be more people here than other places A spirit.

Because even if I don't know them, I can feel a kind of spirit from them.

Looking left and right, he always felt that there was an indescribable strangeness in this place.

Before he could figure it out, he saw a few babies laughing and jokingly running past him. One of them didn't pay attention and bumped into the guard next to him. The guard didn't feel it, but the baby was knocked over by the shock. land.

When Zhuge Liang saw it, he wanted to stretch out his hand to pull him, but he didn't expect that the baby was so skinny, he got up immediately, and immediately bowed and saluted, "I'm sorry!"

The prime minister's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself that this kid doesn't seem to be from a wealthy family, but he didn't expect him to be so courteous?

He was about to speak, but he didn't know that the baby's face didn't let him see clearly, and he just ran away.

The prime minister of the big man stretched his hands in the air, and felt a gust of wind when the baby ran away...

Fallen leaves drifting by... There is no such thing, but there is one more thing on the ground.

Zhuge Liang picked it up curiously, and found that the small square thing was folded out of paper, which was folded with care, and there were incomprehensible symbols drawn on it.

He carefully disassembled the paper cube, only to see that the paper was full of such weird symbols.

"What's this?"

Zhuge Liang's face was a bit dignified. Although he couldn't understand it, the symbols on it looked very regular. It seemed to be a kind of text?

"Oh, these are arithmetic symbols taught in the school. Only the people in the school, Nanxiang's soldiers, and Nanxiang's stewards can understand them, and some of the employees can also understand them."

Zhang Xingyi explained indifferently, "The math they learn is quite different from what ordinary people learn. They can understand other people's math, but others can't understand theirs. I heard it is a very powerful science." !"

When Zhuge Liang heard it, his expression was shocked, "Couldn't it be regarded as a secret in the army..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, and then said with a smile, "That baby just now, is it from the school?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded, "That's right."

"It's a bit of etiquette." Zhuge Liang praised, then frowned, shaking the paper on his hand, "It's just a little too careless. If such important things are lost, wouldn't something bad happen?"

"No." Zhang Xingyi shook his head and smiled, "This paper is full of things, so it is useless to the child. The paper folded like this is simply for them to play with."

"Playing?" Zhuge Liang's eyelids twitched when he heard this, this mulberry paper is so expensive in Jincheng, you told me that the children in Nanxiang used it for playing? Really... really unreasonable!

"Nowadays, the paper produced in Nanxiang is not old or young. That..."

Zhang Xingyi wanted to say "that guy" subconsciously, but after glancing at Zhuge Liang, he changed his mind and said, "That school is very generous to the students, and the pens and papers are distributed regularly."

"If it is not enough, the students will buy it by themselves, but it is not expensive. A worker can buy three or five blank notebooks after working in the workshop for a day, and put them in the pen and ink shop outside, and even buy a copy. not on."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi remembered something, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Confucian scholars from other places, upon hearing such good things, many people want to enter the school just to buy cheap books. But the school is very expensive. Less foreign teachers are recruited, so no one can succeed."

Zhuge Liang's face twitched a few times when he heard this, he just pretended to be smiling, and didn't speak.

In his heart, he scolded a certain soil turtle, which was really too greedy: which one of the students who came out of the school has not been held in his hands by now?

Not to mention the racecourse Dongfeng Express, even Nanzheng's workshop has to ask accountants from Nanxiang to check the accounts from time to time-all the accountants are students from the school.

It's not that no one has thought of poaching someone from him, but that kid is simply a loach, not slippery at all!

As long as it is a student who enters the school, the first thing to do is to sign the contract!

According to Ma Di, this matter started from the first student in the school, and no one was given a chance at all.

So it stands to reason that the school should distribute notebooks to students, but I didn't expect that other people's parents would have to pay for it. The key is that others are still grateful...

This is okay to say, after all, paper is a precious thing at this time, and reading and literacy are even more priceless.

Thinking of this, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty couldn't help scolding again: the general prisoner of the imperial court is simply a waste!

When Nanxiang's improved papermaking technology came out, the imperial court also got a share, but a few years have passed, look at the paper produced by Nanxiang, and then look at the paper produced by the imperial court?

The students here are already able to use paper to play with. Is it reasonable to use paper sparingly when I am a dignified and powerful prime minister? Is there any reason?

The prime minister of the big man sighed involuntarily, and the previous thoughts came to his mind again: with this son's ability, if he could be born ten years earlier, the big man would have already decided to enter the Central Plains at any time.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was thinking about something in his heart, and walked forward aimlessly. The paper in his hand flew out without paying attention.

Zhang Xingyi's face changed drastically when he saw it, and he was about to go forward to pick it up, but a gust of wind blew the paper away.

It's over, it's too late.

Zhang Xingyi's heart skipped a beat.

"What are you doing? You can't litter things on the street, don't you know?"

Sure enough, an expected voice came, and then a black figure rushed to the crowd from nowhere, only a "hissing" sound was heard, and then a small note was handed to the prime minister of the big man, "Chenghui Thirty!" money."

The prime minister's guard was taken aback, and subconsciously drew his sword.

Hei Ying took two steps back vigilantly, and quickly put the whistle in his mouth.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Xingyi was about to drip out of cold sweat, and hurriedly stopped him, "I accept the punishment!"

"Punish? Punish what?"

Before Zhuge Liang could understand, the servant behind Zhang Xingyi ran up and handed over a few copper coins.

Wearing a black hat and black clothes, the black shadow nodded in satisfaction, and handed the ticket to the servant, "Take it, don't say that I fined the money at will."

Seeing the black shadow disappearing to nowhere, Zhuge Liang finally realized that this is...someone asked him for money? right? right?

Immediately, he burst into anger, "The soldiers of Nanxiang are so bold that they dare to blackmail you in broad daylight? What's the reason?"

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